13. State requirements about dimension of the engine room for indepen
13. State requirements about dimension of the engine room for independent working ability of the ship
Almost machinery is installed in the engine room. So, the dimension of the engine room has to suit to all of the machinery and the equipment installed in to it. Besides, it must be convenient for maintaining, repairing and safe for operating the machinery of the propulsion plant. To satisfy these requirements, the engine room is as large as possible. In the other hand, if the engine room is too large, cargo holds space is reduced and it reduces the cargo transportation ability of the ship. Therefore, the dimension of the engine room should be calculated to satisfy the both requirements. To perform the requirement about dimension of the engine room, the definitions "saturated coefficient" are used:
- Area saturated coefficient of the engine room: The number of horsepower (hp) of the propulsion plant on unit of the engine room area.
Ks =∑Ne/S (hp/m2).
- Volume saturated coefficient of the engine room: The number of horsepower of the propulsion plant in unit of the engine room space.
Kv =∑ Ne /V (hp/m3).
Where: - åNe: Total power of the propulsion plant. (hp).
- S: Total area of the engine room floors. (m2).
- V: Total volume of the engine room space. (m3).
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