Chapter 15 - Preparing to Depart
Fort Squall
Claire slid from Talon's scaly back, dismounting with the grace of a queen. She stepped forward to give him space. Around her, the courtyard lay in ruins. Walls pulverized, patches of char, even the central fountain was smashed. She blinked back tears at the destruction Kane's dragons had wrought. Purposeful destruction; they had enjoyed sending a message.
These were the same dragons she'd hoped would change their ways. The same dragons she'd given a choice. The same dragons who had chosen to continue down their ruthless, bloodthirsty path.
Her limbs grew heavy. In the end, they'd been irredeemable. That brought a profound sense of sadness. Even a sense of failure, despite it being silly to feel that way. She hadn't exactly failed, per se; it had been their choice. Yet, as a ruler, she felt as though it was her responsibility to fix things, people, circumstances...
"You will be able to fix it, won't you?" she asked, looking over at Tamara. Tamara stood silently, also regarding the space with a line etched between her brows.
"Yes, in time. The good news is, they were not able to fit into the smaller spaces of the fort. Only these large spaces were damaged. The fort leader's chambers remain in tact."
"Good," Talon said, his deep voice drawing near. "Let's see it, shall we?" He came up behind them. A hand landed at the base of Claire's spine. The heavy weight of it, the heat of his palm, seeped through her meager layer of fabric. A dragon's fire. She loved the way his height and bulk made her feel dainty and delicate as he crowded in behind her.
Last night had been the first they'd spent together in nearly a week. Too exhausted to do much, they lay together in their chamber within Lord Rhal's keep, limbs entwined, simply looking at each other. In the depths of his silver gaze, she'd seen her entire future. They'd kissed, then stared at one another, then kissed some more. He'd whispered things that made her blush, even now. Like the way he counted the days. His eagerness to make love to her. To claim her. What he intended when that night came.
She thought of those things as they moved through Fort Squall, letting it distract her from the obvious destruction on display. Dragons weren't made for small spaces—couldn't transform into humans like the Drengr. It's why they'd camped around the lake. But their message was clear enough. If we can't have it, no one can.
They stopped before a large door, elegantly carved. Tamara hesitated, then opened it. They stepped across the threshold and found Byron in discussion with several wing leaders and wing seconds. The new fort leader quickly dismissed them, turning to Talon. "It's not as bad as we initially thought. Much of the structural damage is confined to larger spaces, as Tam already told you. But the majority of smaller rooms are intact and untouched, thank the gods."
Claire looked around. "This is the fort leaders' chambers?"
"Aye." Pain flashed across his face. She regretted the question almost immediately. This had been Davi and Emmy's rooms. Now they belonged to Byron and Tamara. The cost of this war was on display everywhere, it seemed.
Byron gave them a tour and brought them into the study, inviting them to take seats around the giant desk piled with papers—papers that had probably been left behind by Davi. Another pang of sadness constricted her chest. She'd never met him, but she'd heard enough about him from Reyr. They were twins, and she could picture him, a replica of Reyr, sitting right there where Byron now sat, holding a quill in hand, scribbling on sheets of parchment.
She cleared the image away, swallowing against the building ache in her throat. How precious life was. Davi and Emmy had died together. It's how Reyr wished he'd gone, when his mate died. No doubt Cyrus felt the same.
I did. For a very, very long time, Cyrus said.
What changed? she asked, overcome with curiosity.
You. Discovering my purpose in this grand scheme. And...time.
She filled her mind with gratefulness, glad that he'd seen something in her, chosen her to harbor his soul, his selfless sacrifice. Then she turned her focus to the task at hand. Talon and Byron discussed the events of the past couple days, ensuring their knowledge aligned. They talked about the work Byron and Tamara had planned, the efforts to restore the fort to former glory, logistics, and what would be required to repair the damage in Squall's End, to see that its people were taken care of. It was a long meeting that stretched from one hour, to two. She was tempted to let her mind wander; fatigue made it all too enticing. The gods only knew how tired she was. Her exhaustion ran bone-deep. But she forced her attention to remain fixed on the present.
With each passing day, she tried harder and harder to be what she needed to be. To be what was expected. A week ago, she might have allowed herself the luxury. Determination kept her mind sharp and her gaze alert. She offered a few words here and there, if only to feel useful, but allowed Byron and Talon to occupy the majority of the conversation.
She couldn't put into words how relieved she was, when their discussion wrapped up. "Is there anything else you need from us before we go?" Talon asked.
"We are set for now. I'll be in touch if anything new arises. I appreciate you granting Uncle Reyr leave to stay. His help will be invaluable."
"Good. We'll miss him—I will miss him—but two weeks will pass quickly." Talon stood. The rest of them were fast to follow.
Her exhale was more of a wistful sigh. She wished Reyr was coming home with them, but that was selfish. She'd had his company in Esterpine and would have to be content with that, for now. Gods! These days, it felt as if they'd been separated more than they'd been together, and it hurt.
Byron and Tamara walked them through the fort, and again, she tried not to look too long at the damage, pictured what it would be once it was restored. All too soon, she was hugging Tamara and staving off tears, saying goodbye. Her voice came out choked as they made plans to see each other in the future. It would be difficult for a while, with all the new duties Tamara inherited. "I promise to attend your bonding ceremony, though" Tamara assured her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"I would love to have you there," she said, holding Tamara at arm's length. "But don't stress if you can't make it. I know you've got a lot on your plate."
"No. I will be there. We will be there." Tamara's eyes darted to Byron, who nodded. "Byron and I will need some time away, anyway. Things will...difficult, so I shall be desperate for an escape."
Byron's low chuckle filled the air. The way he looked at Tamara, his gaze so full of fire and love, made every moment in their company feel like a trespass. Did everyone feel that way around mated pairs? What about around her and Talon?
She cleared her throat. "Well, in that case, I cannot wait for you to return to Kastali Dun. I'm still sad that I missed you."
"Me too."
They gave each other another long hug. She squeezed Tamara tightly, closing her eyes, relishing in this moment. A hot rush of sentimental emotion rushed through her. "I'm glad to have met you, Tam," she whispered.
"And I, you," Tamara said, offering a slow, shy smile as Claire stepped away.
"Ready, love?" Talon asked, standing by to watch the exchange. As usual, his expression was unreadable, but his eyes held warmth.
"Ready," she said.
He held out his hand. "Good, then let's go."
The camp was a flurry of activity when they returned. People swarmed as tents and cooking fires were dismantled, packed onto carts that would travel the short distance to the coast. Whatever hadn't yet been loaded was stacked in piles.
Claire dismounted and Talon fell into step beside her. They found Bedeth, Jovari, Koldis, and Reyr at the heart of the activity. Talon greeted them warmly, grasping forearms and clapping each of them on the back.
"Koldis," he said, eying his green Shield. "Everything all right with your mate?"
A burst of warmth filled Claire's chest. That Talon thought to ask after Taylynn was sweet. She had to agree with the others: matehood looked good on him. There had been changes in him, each subtle on its own, but as a whole, more noticeable. He didn't seem as broody or temperamental. Certainly nothing like he'd been when they first met.
"Everything is well, Your Grace," Koldis answered, face glowing. It was the happiest she'd ever seen him. But there was something more to his expression. Contentment. "We went flying yesterday after the battle, she...stayed with me in my tent last night." At this, he rubbed the back of his neck.
An involuntary choking sound clawed up Claire's throat, surprise more than anything. She momentarily leaned against her quarterstaff, squeezing it for support. Koldis shot her a wicked grin. "Never fear, my queen, nothing happened."
Her mouth fell open. "Why would I...I wouldn't care if...I mean, I care if something happens. I just mean that you guys aren''re not children! You can do whatever you want. I-just-you..."
"What my queen means to say," Talon said, amusement riding his voice, "is that she is happy for you, and wasn't expecting you to share something so private. And while it's none of my business, I am rather surprised to hear you didn't seal your bond."
"We're waiting—I'm waiting," Koldis said, crossing his arms.
"For the charter?" Talon lifted a brow.
"Correct. Your blessing is one thing, breaking the law is another."
Bedelth grunted, clear approval in the sound. Koldis shrugged and offered him a sly grin. "We're Shields. If we're not honorable, our example will be tarnished."
Talon nodded slowly, his gaze heavy with approval. "We could have kept things quiet, out of the public eye, as we discussed. But...I understand." He clapped a hand on Koldis's shoulder, a rare smile stretching across his lips. "And just think, you and I can suffer through this drought together."
Her eyes bulged and she made another choking sound. "Okay, I'm standing right here! Take elsewhere, please." Truthfully, she didn't really mean it. It was cute to witness this bonding moment between them.
Verath strode up and cleared his throat. "Looks like I missed...whatever it is going on here." Talon turned towards Verath, greeting him warmly. "Ships are at the coast. Soon as we get the rest of the supplies loaded, they can depart. I sent the first group of pairs back to the capital. They left a few hours ago. The rest will depart as soon as the ships are loaded."
Her Queen's Guard appeared, filing through the mass of swarming bodies just as Talon and his Shields broke into discussions on traveling logistics. She turned to face them and smiled. They fanned around her and gave their customary salute before standing at attention. Taylynn appeared a moment later. In the background of noise, she heard Koldis's speech falter before continuing.
"Ayas Drollaya," Taylynn greeted, bowing deeply.
"You know I hate it when you do that, right? We're cousins." She stepped forward to gather the princess in a tight, one-armed hug. "You won't be going home with us, will you?"
A heavy sigh fell from Taylynn's chest. "No. Your wily Shield, the green one over there, has already tried multiple times to persuade me, and my answer is still the same. There is much work to be done."
She snorted. "By green one, you mean your mate?"
Taylynn's eyes danced. "Yes, I suppose everyone was going to find out one way or another."
She slapped her hand over her mouth and glanced over Taylynn's shoulder, looking at her Queen's Guard. A couple appeared unsurprised, including Jeanine and Feowen, who already knew. But a couple had wide-eyed expressions. Not all of them had known, well, now they did.
"Shit," she hissed, guilt flooding in. That wasn't something a queen would have done, reveal a big secret with little disregard for those in the vicinity. She'd gotten used to disregarding the presence of her guards because they were always close at hand. How the hell did Talon keep everything guarded so well?
"Think nothing of it, Ayas Drollaya," Taylynn said, taking her by the shoulders. A forgiving smile stretched across her shapely lips. She must have sensed Claire's immediate regret. "As I said, Koldis and I have decided to accept the bond, and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the world knows it."
A smile made Claire's cheeks ache. Maybe it was the hopeless romantic in her, but she loved a good, happy ending. If she could see all her friends properly fixed up with someone they loved as much as she was growing to love Talon, would be even better. But that was a selfish thought, and not everyone wanted what she did. There were others who didn't crave intimacy with another, and there wasn't anything wrong that.
"Now, I have come to say goodbye, but before that, you and I must speak," Taylynn said, breaking into her thoughts. "Fright and I will escort the remaining pregnant female dragon to the caves. The other mothers should arrive any day now. It's only a matter time before they lay."
Claire's pulse increased. Hatchlings! She swallowed back her excitement. "Will I, do you think I'll be able to visit the eggs? I want to see the baby dragons," she managed, her voice breathless. Just the thought had her body vibrating. Taylynn's eyes softened. Behind Taylynn, came a soft snort. She threw a glare in Feowen's direction and heard him mutter something about soft hearts of women.
"You are the Spriten queen, Your Majesty," Taylynn said. As if she needed the reminder. "You may do as you wish." Then after a brief hesitation, she added, "But I should dearly love to see them too. Perhaps we will witness the moment together. In the mean time, there are things that must be considered." Taylynn took her hand and pulled her away from prying ears, lacing their fingers together in a firm hold. "Come, walk with me."
Sprites often held hands; it was part of their culture. She was finding the custom had already worn off on her, too. It felt nice to walk with Taylynn in this way, hands joined. She kept her staff in the other, using it as she walked. Her guards made to follow.
"Ni, thank you." The princess stopped them. "Our queen will be quite safe in my company."
When they were out of earshot, Taylynn said, "Have you given any thought to reclaiming Kane's three Dragon Stones?"
She grimaced, biting at her lower lip. "I admit, I haven't had much time to dwell on it."
"As I suspected. That's all right. But surely you know how important it is to find them?"
"I've had dreams about them," she admitted. "When I first came here, I dreamt of Kane a lot—more than I do now."
"Did you dream of him while you were in the forest?"
"" Her brows drew together.
"That is good," Taylynn said. "I wouldn't expect it, and would have been surprised. The barrier, remember?"
"Oh, that's right." Claire took a deep, calming breath. "I think my last serious dream was before the attack on Fort Squall," she explained. Taylynn made a humming sound. "Long before that, he haunted my dreams more frequently. I saw him hiding each stone. Saw the places he hid them—but how could I ever know where, exactly, they are? It's not like I'm familiar with the terrain. I can guess at it. I can describe them to you. I still remember."
Taylynn made another thoughtful, humming noise. "The Stones must be found. Now that this business with the fort is over, it's time to shift our attention. There are two tasks at hand, finding the Stones, and defeating Kane."
"And since Kane is entirely my responsibility," Claire mused, "then you'll help with the Stones?"
"If I can, yes. But I have other matters, too, other responsibilities."
"What about the Tree? Does it know where they are?"
"Unfortunately, no."
"Damn," she muttered, scowling.
"I will assist with the dragon hatchlings. But after that, I plan to visit Kastali Dun. You and I will spend some time pouring over maps, seeing if we can't determine the locations of each. Whatever work you can do beforehand, would speed us along."
"That...actually, I'd like that. I'd love for you to visit the capital. Have you ever been?"
Something mischievous sparked in Taylynn's gaze. "Once or twice." But that was all she said.
All too soon, their short walk brought them full circle, back to the others. "Now then," Taylynn said, "We will see each other again soon. I...I suppose I ought to say goodbye to my mate? That's something mates do, ni?"
"I think so," Claire said, fighting a smile. For all her wisdom, Taylynn was in over her head where mates were concerned.
The sprite princess took her shoulders and squeezed. "Neem, nua sasian, sladaeah, Ayas Drollaya." Yes, well then, fairwell, Your Majesty.
They hugged again, and Taylynn made her way over to Koldis, whose face instantly brightened. If she wasn't mistaken, Koldis had discreetly tracked their entire walk as they'd been talking. Perhaps Talon had done the same. The Drengr were a possessive bunch, and didn't like letting their mates out of sight.
That thought brought a soft smile to her lips.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur as the last vestiges of camp disappeared. Supplies were loaded onto ships in a flurry of activity, overseen by Talon and his Shields. All too soon, she was standing on the beach of Stormy Bay, saying goodbye to her friends. They wouldn't be parted for long, but she was growing tired of saying it so often. She longed for the day when she was surrounded by the people she loved, without coming and going, without having to separate so frequently.
Behind her, her handmaidens and Queen's Guard stood a safe distance away, giving them privacy. She was aware of Talon and his Shields, speaking with a few of the ship captains. Verath was set to travel with the girls, even though they could take care of themselves.
"We'll see each other soon," she said to Desaree, Jocelyn, and Saffra. "I'll have everything at the keep ready for your return." Her eyes lingered over each in turn, snagging on Saffra. The prophetess chewed on her lower lip, as if this goodbye was grating her just as deeply.
Desaree was the first to rush forward and throw her arms around Claire. "Your handmaidens will take good care of you in my absence. I've already given them plenty of instructions for your journey," Des explained.
Claire snorted. "I'm sure you did!"
She'd be returning to the capital with her handmaidens and Queen's Guard by unicorn, the same way they'd come. Talon, his Shields—with the exception of Reyr and Verath—and the force of Drengr pairs from Fort Kastali, would accompany them by sky. The unicorns would travel faster, but she didn't intend to arrive before the king. So they'd make camp together in the evenings, stopping early to allow the Drengr to catch up. She was already trembling with nervous energy.
Jocelyn stepped forward next, glancing between her and Saffra. Claire frowned, noticing the strange current in the air between them. She and Jocelyn hugged. "Take care of them, Joce. I know you're the wise one of the bunch these days. Don't let Des do anything reckless."
Des made a scoffing sound that left Claire smiling.
"Actually, Your Majesty..." Jocelyn's words died and she stepped back, throwing another glance at Saffra.
Claire frowned. "All right you two," she said, "what is going on?" She looked at the prophetess, whose throat bobbed. "You're both being weird, and I want to know why."
Desaree also frowned with confusion, pinning Saffra with a question in her gaze.
"You had better just tell them," Joce said to Saffra, lifting a brow. Saffra gave a curt nod and stepped forward. Her mouth opened and closed several times.
When the words finally came out, Claire's eyes went round, lips parting in surprise. The ground surged beneath her. She blinked, then blinked again, then again, gaping at Saffra. It was the last thing she'd expected to hear—the absolute last. A moment passed, then another, and then...she burst into hysterical laugher.
Happy Friday Bookdragons!
I hope you've been having a great week! I finished my writing sprint for February last Saturday, so I've had a bit more time to relax, and it's wonderful! I can now turn my attention back to Dragonwall, drafting one chapter per week until my next sprint.
Next week's chapter picks up right where this one leaves off, except from Saffra's POV as she tells her friends her secret about the mate bond. I purposefully cut it off here because I wanted it to be from Saffra's POV. Yay! And what's more? We will get to see Saffra fly with Bedelth. Yayyyy!!!!
See you next Friday!
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