Chapter 28 - A Rooftop Party

Kastali Dun

Claire whirled around at the sound of muffled curses. Moments later, she saw why. Talon was balancing, arms lifted, hand full of flowers, at risk of toppling off the step stool and onto the table of refreshments beside him. He secured the final garland into place, grumbling and growling, before jumping backwards off the stool. He staggered back several steps, whipped his hands on his pants, as if to rid himself from this whole trying experience, then rounded on her. She pressed her lips into a firm line to keep from smiling at his display.

"Remind me again, my queen, why people from your world choose to subject themselves to this sort of thing?"

Her hands covered her mouth to suppress a giggle. "It's a bachelorette party, Talon, it's meant to be fun."

"I am speaking of your insistence against magic," he growled, stalking towards her. A huff left her chest. The sight of a massive Drengr stalking its prey was frightening; the sight of Talon doing it left her heart pounding. She found herself scampering backwards, away from him until her hips collided with the battlement surrounding the rooftop garden. The tallest garden in all of Kastali Dun. The most beautiful place she could think of to host a party like this. And what a party it would be!

The sight of it stole her breath, seeing the finished product. The garden was already magical. Paired with massive garlands erected on trellises, hanging lanterns, shimmering golden tassels, an archway, and a whole area with giant silken pillows around a low table, the place looked like something from a dream.

They'd done it entirely themselves. She'd wanted it to be a surprise for their friends, but she couldn't have done it without Talon's help. Together they'd schemed for days, sneaking in everything they'd need. The only other person who knew about it was Tess. She'd recruited the head woman early on, to ensure they'd have enough food.

It wasn't the party Talon complained about, but the manner in which she'd insisted on preparing for it.

"Magic makes this up too easy, Talon," she reminded him. When she'd told him this earlier, he'd hemmed and hawed then, too. "I want our friends to know how much they means to us—how much effort we put into this for them. Besides, it's all part of the whole experience." She innocently tilted her head, filling her expression with mock hesitance, going so far as to make her chin quiver as she added, "Are you not enjoying my company?

"Impossible woman," he huffed, bracing his hands on the battlement behind her, caging her in. The heat of his body, the closeness, the familiarity between them, quickened her heart. He dropped his head level with hers. "You know I enjoy every moment with you."

He brought his lips to hers. It was a claiming kiss, pressing their bodies together. Heat seared everywhere he aligned to her. She felt a little groan rise up in her chest before he swallowed it with his mouth.

He pulled back, almost too quickly, to regard her. "You know," he said, "had you allowed magic, we could have finished in half the time, leaving the rest of the afternoon for...other pursuits." He bucked his hips against hers, letting her feel exactly what pursuits he meant.

A little gasp fell from her lips, uncontrolled, as tingles raced up her spine.

It had been punishing, the days leading up to their bonding ceremony. Each harder than the last. Not just for how busy they were, for the stolen kisses they were forced to share between moments, but because when they did come together, it took everything to keep from plunging past the point of no return.

Talon had always been adamant that they seal their bond as part of the ceremony. It felt rather old fashioned to her, reminiscent of medieval consummation of marriages. But the Drengr tradition was revered, and she respected that. There would be a ceremony in the throne room, a large celebration to follow, and then Talon would whisk her away from the public, to the privacy of their bed.

For him, any other way felt cheap, and she respected his wishes.

Still, they had tempted fate several times, especially in the past week. In those late hours before falling asleep, they explored each other, touched each other, kissed and licked. There were many things lovers could do with their hands and mouths, many explorations to chart, that kept them within the bounds of the bonding rules. More often than not, it had become a punishing game.

"Well, we've got a few minutes now," she whispered against his lips. "Suddenly, I find myself very interested to know these pursuits you speak of."

Heat licked her core, even as she spoke of it.

Talon's grumbling chuckle vibrated against her chest. He pushed harder against her, pinning her. His strength felt delicious, especially when a muscled thigh pressed between hers. He lifted his hands to cup her jaws, thumbs stroking her cheekbones. Their gazes held for several beats, sparks crackling between them, before he dipped his head. He licked along the seam of her lips and she melted beneath his touch.

They kissed for long minutes, beneath the brilliant spring sky, soaking in the afternoon sunshine. The sun was sinking towards the horizon, casting the queen's garden in a golden glow. It looked alive with magic.

She wanted to stay like this forever, trapped in this moment, in Talon's arms. Dragonwall lay stretched beneath them, but up here, suspended in the sky, on the highest point of the keep, she felt removed. Like everything happening in the world didn't exist. It was just the two of them, breaths mingled, tongues warm and curious.

She sighed, pulling her mouth away to nuzzle against him. His arms came around her, wrapping her up, shielding her. This was what true contentment felt like.

Everything she hoped...and more.

Hours later, as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, they gathered their closest friends, their inner circle, around them. Instead of dining in the hall, Tess had arranged everything they would need, and it was already waiting on the low table in the garden. The refreshments table held a display of desserts and wines they'd indulge in afterward.

"Are you going to tell us what this is about?" Reyr grumbled as she led the charge, ushering everyone from the main room and up the stairs. "I for one, am highly aware we are missing the evening meal."

"Never come between a Drengr and his meal," she heard one of her Queen's Guard mutter. Probably Feowen or Jeanine.

"Oh, quit your grumbling," she teased, throwing Reyr a look over her shoulder.

The others appeared just as curious, even mildly suspicious. She and Talon had gathered all of his Shields, all of her Queen's Guard, as well as her Spriten handmaidens, Desaree, Jocelyn, and Saffra. She was the first to emerge from the stairs, catching sight of the garden meeting the sky.

A little gasp fell from her lips.

Despite having seen it only hours earlier, in the darkness, it looked even more magical. All the lanterns glowed with life, hanging on poles, suspended from trellises. Several massive versions sat on the table, with colored glass casting rainbows about the entire space. She stepped aside so the others could gather behind her. Talon took up the rear, before he moved around to stand beside her.

Gasps echoed as everyone beheld the efforts she and Talon had gone to. "What is...?" Reyr's eyes darted in her direction. "Did you do this?"

She didn't answer, waited for everyone to take it in, before speaking to the entire group. "Talon and I wanted to do something special for all of you," she explained. "In my world, as part of my culture, the night before a wedding the bride and groom usually host bachelor and bachelorette parties. I've had to abandon so much, that I wanted to try and hold on to a piece of that. Normally, these would be separate, and I'll spare you some of the more scandalous details."

Talon chuckled, because she'd already told him about the popular employment of strippers and exotic dancers at these parties.

"We wanted to remind you of how special you are to us, so we've secretly been planning this party for over a week."

"She wouldn't even let us use magic to hang the damn flowers," Talon grumbled.

"Aww. Poor, powerful male," she cooed, giving him a face. "Did I work you too hard?" His eyes darkened. She only grinned before turning back to the others.

"You did all this for us?" Verath asked. He stood beside Desaree, and she was satisfied to see them holding hands. It was the first time he'd shown any kind of physical affection towards her in public. It left a warm, satisfied feeling pounding in her chest.

She also noticed that Saffra stood quite close to Bedelth. They weren't touching, but considering how much Saffra had tried to avoid the Drengr before, she could only wonder.

"We did," she said, answering Verath. "As Talon said, we didn't use magic for any of this. We did it all by hand, because we wanted you to understand what your loyalty and friendship means to us." She felt Talon's eyes on her, almost like a physical touch. "Nothing about our situation has been normal, but we know that we can count on you—all of you."

"Always," Koldis rasped. The others echoed the same sentiment.

"For the first time since Isabella and Eymar's reign, Dragonwall has come back together—Drengr, Dwargs, and Sprites. But unlike the last time, I have no intention of letting that end. This time, I want it to stick—a kingdom united. For too long, the Sprites and Drengr have been at odds, separated. For two long, the Dwargs have hidden away, content to keep to themselves. When we defeat Kane, because we will—I will—things will be different."

She glanced at Talon, who was gazing not at their closest friends, but entirely on her, lips parted, a look of wonder on his face. She gave him a brief smile. His eyes sparked.

"It is for that reason," she continued, "that we will usher Dragonwall into its fourth age. An age of peace and prosperity. An age where Drengr, Dwargs, Sprites, and perhaps even Gobelins, will work together and thrive."

Her words were met with silence—utter, shocked silence.

"A fourth age," Reyr whispered at last, glancing between them. "Truly?"

"We thought it was time," Talon said, confirming. "Every age in Dragonwall's history has been marked by a monumental change. From the time of the Awakening, to the rule of the Drengr monarchy. Claire's coming back to our world is no coincidence. What she brings with her, her knowledge, her modern practices, we can all stand to learn a little something from her." He squeezed her hands, casting her a look of such love her heart felt like it would burst.

She could only gape at him as the others broke into speech.

"We are interested to hear your thoughts," Talon added. "As all of you—yes, even you—" he said to her Spriten guards, "—we consider our closest companions and friends. But, I think—we think—it is the right thing to do."

"It is the best idea I've heard in a long time," said a voice, ringing out into the garden.

Everyone froze. Claire gasped. She knew that voice— From behind the the group, Princess Taylynn emerged. Her eyes went wide, and she almost choked at the sight of the princess.

"!" she gasped, as everyone moved to get a better look at her. The Sprites immediately bowed. While Claire might have been their queen, Taylynn was the princess they had followed for thousands of years.

"I only just arrived. Imagine my shock to see you all having a party and no one thought to invite me?" Her whimsical voice held a hint of amusement.

Claire glanced at Koldis to find him struck dumb, watching his mate from the other side of the group. She almost wanted to laugh at the look on his face. He gave his head a subtle shake, recovering himself to drawl, "Had we known you'd feel snubbed, mate, I would have hand delivered the invitation myself."

Claire's hands covered her mouth, to hold in a snicker.

Taylynn turned, ever so slowly, to face her mate. Something told Claire that Taylynn had been very aware of Koldis standing there the entire time and had purposefully ignored him. Their relationship was a curious one. It only went to show how well suited they were.

"It's no matter, darling brute," she sweetly said, a wicked smile spreading across her lips. Koldis's gaze raked over her expression, lips twitching. It's like everyone had disappeared around them, as they watched each other.

"Oh, for the love of the gods, will the two of you just kiss already so we can get on with it," Reyr growled. His words broke the stillness of the moment. Koldis leapt forward, and in front of everyone, snatched Taylynn by the waist, dragging her against him, then captured her mouth. Taylynn gave a surprised little gasp, then melted into him.

Claire felt her own pulse speed up at the display. Talon's hand tightened in hers. He wasn't unaffected either. Gods, romance was rubbing off on all of them. When she caught Desaree's dreamy expression, and Saffra's darting eyes, she couldn't help but smile.

"Well, now that that's settled," Talon said, clearing his throat, "shall we sit down to eat? I, for one, intend to enjoy our evening."

"Oh, I very much plan to enjoy my evening," Koldis grumbled, as if Talon was keeping him from what he really wanted. He kept his forehead pressed to Taylynn's. The princess's eyes were clouded over with lust. Even an ancient being as old and wise as the Spriten princess was not immune to Koldis's charm, nor the mate bond that tied them together, even if Koldis hadn't sealed it yet.

Claire should have known that Taylynn would come back for the ceremony.

Everyone began moving about the garden, taking in the decorations, looking over the refreshment table. She caught sight of Reyr's hand as it darted out out to grab a little dainty dessert. He plopped it into his mouth. They shared a silent, daring look before she did the same. One by one, they gathered around the table, taking up cushions, settling in with sighs of delight. The food was already set out, covered with silver platter covers.

Drinks were poured and they served themselves. The sound of conversation filled the air as they talked and laughed. Taylynn gave them a brief update on her activities, seeing the dragon mothers settled in their hatching grounds. One had already laid eggs, which were now hardening in the sand. Claire's heart gave a little tug at that.

Quietly, she said to Talon, "Maybe we can stop there on our honeymoon," because she'd forever regret it if she didn't get to see baby dragons at least once in her life.

"If you wish it," was Talon's response.

The others knew of the honeymoon they planned. Another of her customs she wished to carry over. She'd already explained to everyone how newlyweds would often go off on their own for a few days or even a few weeks. In her case, they were planning to treat it as an opportunity to hunt the Dragon Stones. She'd worked with the others to pinpoint a few promising locations. At the end of their journey, she would visit Esterpine again, and transfer her crown to Taylynn.

This trip was something she and Talon would do alone.

The others hadn't been happy to hear of it, that they'd be left behind. But it was her chance to have some time away, to enjoy Talon alone, as she so rarely got to do. They'd keep to the skies, flying by day, camping by night. It'd be safe enough, especially given how much her magic had grown.

The thought visiting the dragon hatching grounds only increased her anticipation.

The evening passed in a blur of excited conversation and speculation. Spirits were high, and only soared higher the more wine they consumed. They ate, and laughed, and sometimes even cried when the laugher was heavy enough.

Claire couldn't help but look around at this group of people, and feel the choking emotion that rose up in her throat. This was her family now, one she'd chosen. She loved them, couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with them. It hurt, knowing the sacrifices she'd made to be here, the world she'd left behind to do it. But in moments like these, it made everything worth it.

She was just looking around, smiling as she watched their obvious merriment, when a loud cry from Bedelth's lips silenced everyone. She saw why a second later. Saffra had collapsed into his arms. And just like that, a knife was wedged into her stomach, destroying the happy evening she'd worked so hard to create.

A burst of anger rose up, hot and piercing, but she quickly stifled it. It wasn't directed towards Saffra, not really. The seer couldn't help when visions took her. It was just that, for once, she would have liked something to go right.

Everyone stared as the seer, limp in her mate's arms. Claire's gaze met Taylynn's. Something in Taylynn's expression, a knowing, made her hiss. "What is it?" she whispered. "What is she seeing?"

"I..." Taylynn's brow furrowed. "I cannot be certain. In truth, it has been hidden from me."

"What has been hidden?" Talon's voice carried a sharp edge. Despite Taylynn being Koldis's mate, Talon still harbored a deep mistrust of her.

Taylynn steeled her spine. "Something is coming, Your Majesty. I can feel it like a storm on the horizon. Only, I do not know what."

"But the Tree does?" Claire challenged.

Taylynn shook her head. "Not...entirely. A threat. A force. But that is all."

Saffra gasped, her eyes fluttering open. For a moment, she looked dazed, then her eyes darted to Bedelth, her forehead furrowed, and she tried to sit up. He helped her, looking almost reluctant about it, as if he wanted to keep her in his arms a few minutes longer.

Everyone was quiet, giving her the time she needed.

Claire felt Talon's tension radiating in waves. He knew better than most, that when Saffra had a vision, it wasn't a good sign. Her visions had only brought devastation, and while it wasn't Saffra's fault, it was easy to resent those visions, nonetheless.

Saffra's throat bobbed. When she looked up, it was to Claire, and not Talon, as if she was too afraid to meet her king's eyes. "What did you see?" Claire whispered, softly, gently.

"We're going to be attacked." There came a collective gasp. "Soon. I can't say when, exactly. But it felt soon. But..." Saffra's brows drew together. "It was the bats. Swarms of them."

"Bats?" several voices echoed.

"She's been seeing bats in her dreams," Jocelyn offered, not exactly helpfully. Saffra's handmaiden only realized it when Talon's expression hardened.

"You didn't think to tell us sooner?" he harshly demanded.

"Easy, love," Claire silently said to him. She placed her hand on Talon's thigh, to calm him, to settle him. The moment she squeezed, his muscles relaxed and he seem to shake off his budding anger. Anger, which she knew, emanated from worry. He had a kingdom to protect, and that wasn't easy.

"They were just dreams," Saffra murmured, as if dazed. "Vague and almost impossible to sort. But I started doing some research and came across a few alarming things about large bats—who knew such a thing existed?—from the north. Still, I hoped it was just...I didn't want to worry anyone, especially with the ceremony being tomorrow."

"We're not postponing the ceremony," Talon said, adamant.

"I don't think the attack will be so soon," Saffra assured him, refusing to meet his eyes, but looking completely apologetic.

"No one blames you," Claire urged, hoping to reassure her. Saffra merely bit her lip. Bedelth's arm snaked around her waist, unconsciously done, by the look of it. An instinct to calm his mate.

"What did you see, exactly?" Talon asked, his voice gentler this time. He was trying to hide his agitation. Claire stroked her hand up and down his leg, noticing the way several gazes tracked the movement. She and Talon didn't often display their affection in front of others. A kiss here and there. So when they did, everyone noticed.

"They swarmed Kastali Dun in droves. Clusters, moving in formations birds often do. It was organized. And...we were there to meet them, our Drengr. But, fire would not touch them. Almost like with dragons. I do not could they be immune to fire?"

"How many were there?" Verath asked, already calculating.

"Too many to count. Far more than our own force of Drengr."

Reyr swore. "We need to prepare. Your visions are meant as warnings. We would do well to heed this one. I know we have the ceremony. But we must do everything we can despite that, to be ready for an attack like this, at any moment."

Talon's Shields weren't just guards. They weren't mere warriors. They were skilled tacticians. If anyone could prepare the city for an attack like this, it would be them. Still, it didn't stop the feelings of unease from squirming like worms in Claire's stomach.

A loud sigh broke the tension. Talon said, "There will be time enough to worry. Let us enjoy the remainder of our evening and focus on tomorrow. My mate has put a great deal of effort into this gathering, for us to enjoy. After that, we will do whatever is necessary. Reyr, when you leave here tonight, ensure we have extra patrols set, and call additional city guards to their posts."

"It will be done, Your Grace."

She exhaled with relief. She'd half expected Talon to call an early end to things. To escape into his study to brood—which was what he did best. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her closer. "I wish to enjoy my mate's company before all hell breaks loose," he added, giving her a small smile. It looked forced, but at least he was trying.

Despite feeling the acute reminder of what it was to be a ruler, she pushed it away.

They did what he asked, basking in the magical setting of the rooftop garden, surrounded by glowing, twinkling light. They pushed the dread of a potential attack out of mind. They lived in the moment, soaking in each other's company, enjoying it for as long as they could. Who knew better than they, how quickly a moment could be destroyed, how quickly they could be ripped apart and taken from one another.

Tomorrow, everything would change. She would bond her mate in an age old ceremony, seal that bond, and effectively unite them in ways that were almost too wondrous to imagine. Tonight was her final night alone, but she'd never felt less alone in all her life. Surrounded and loved. These were the moments that allowed her to feel stronger than ever, melting her worries and fortifying her determination. She would fight for a world that allowed more times like this, with the people who meant everything to her. It wouldn't be easy—never had been—but she had every intention of winning the fight, no matter what she had to do to ensure it. 


Happy Friday, Bookdragons!

I can't believe we've reached these pivotal moments in Claire's story. When the series first started, those first chapters where Claire was learning about Dragonwall, these moments felt out of reach. But now, so much has changed. I guess next week we will witness Claire and Talon's ceremony?? I haven't written the chapter yet, and I'm soooo nervous about it. 

It's one of those chapters I dread because I'm so scared that I won't get it right. After picturing it in my head for the last 10 years, the creation won't live up to my vision. Especially knowing what events come afterward. BATSSSSS.

I hope you are all having a great week!


p.s. I met with Wattpad yesterday, and they assured me that despite my Arcane Artifacts series (The Sleeper's Harp/The Blood Ruby) going up on YONDER in June, the story will also stay on Wattpad behind a paywall, which means that the second book (The Blood Ruby) will also be available on Wattpad (behind a paywall). Those of you interested in supporting me financially will be able to do so without having to download YONDER. Yay! As always, I do my best to keep my Dragonwall series free, even if that means having to charge $$ for my other books.

Currently, only the Dragonwall Series and Storm of Shadows is offered freely on Wattpad. The rest are available through Kindle/ Kindle unlimited or for physical purchases on Amazon and other outlets. 

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