BI BI FEELS NAUSEATED - Pham Viet Long - 42
That day, after Bi Bi had eaten her fill, she and her sisters ran up to the third-floor room. The three of them jumped around, laughing and chatting happily. Grandpa said:
Hey kids, after eating, you should sit quietly, don't jump around like that, you might upset your stomach. Bi Bi asked:What does "upset the stomach" mean?It means the things in your stomach might get thrown up and cause stomachache. The three kids listened to Grandpa and sat still. Later, they felt itchy all over their bodies, so they started jumping on the mattress – it was a thick mattress with springs, so jumping on it felt strangely comfortable, and they jumped even higher, quite enjoyable. While jumping, Bi Bi suddenly let out a burp and quickly covered her mouth, running to the bathroom. As soon as she opened her mouth, she began to vomit uncontrollably. Grandpa hurried to help Bi Bi. He said:See, running and jumping after eating leads to vomiting.Grandpa, then why don't Chi Bong Bong and Chi Trang Trang feel sick?Because they are healthier than you and jump less. If they jumped more, they might also vomit. So, would you like to eat something to ease your hunger?Yes, I want to eat porridge.Alright, let Grandma cook some light porridge for you to settle your stomach. Do you want to jump again now? Bi Bi smiled sheepishly:I want to keep it a secret. Seeing her sisters jumping again, Bi Bi said:Sisters, please don't jump anymore. Let's sit quietly and play with the clay instead. Then the sisters stopped, and Grandpa had to leave for a meeting, leaving Bi Bi alone watching a captivating fruit robot movie. She was so engrossed that she didn't realize it was late, and she hadn't gone to bed yet. When it came to the part where Little Dieu flew into the sky to call the robot warrior, her eyes couldn't take it anymore, tears streaming down her face. She felt dizzy, with the images swirling around her. Her throat cried out:I feel nauseated again. Eyes, please tell Sister Bi Bi to stop watching. At this point, the movie reached an exciting climax, so Bi Bi just sat quietly and watched. Her eyes couldn't take it anymore. Her throat couldn't take it anymore. Then, she vomited into the toy box next to her bed. Bi Bi hurried to the bathroom to rinse her mouth and face before lying down on the bed, falling asleep without turning off the TV. Bi Bi saw a deity approaching and said:What's your name?I'm Bi Bi, sir.I don't want to call your name because you have too many flaws... Your eyes, your throat keep yelling, but you don't care. They informed me, so now I have to punish you...Sir, what are you?I'm the Regulation Deity. I regulate human activities, so I don't want anyone to overdo it. You don't follow the rules, jumping around too much and watching too many movies. You've made your eyes, throat, and stomach suffer.I know my flaws. Sir, may I ask what you are?I'm the Regulation Deity. I regulate human activities, so I don't want anyone to overdo it. You don't follow the rules, jumping around too much and watching too many movies. You've made your eyes, throat, and stomach suffer.Sir, is it true that jumping around can upset the stomach?Yes, it is. Who told you that?My Grandpa told me, sir.Then your Grandpa is as wise as a deity. You must listen to him. Did he have any other advice for you?Yes, sir, my Grandpa gave me a lot of advice.If you can remember them, I won't punish you anymore. Try to remember. Encouraged by the Regulation Deity, Bi Bi tried to recall and said:My Grandpa told me not to jump around after eating. Not to watch too much TV. To eat vegetables and fruits. To eat on time, to finish my meal...Well done! Then I don't need to stay here anymore. Just remember to listen to your Grandpa: eat moderately, have a balanced diet, watch TV moderately, and live a moderate lifestyle, and you'll be happy and healthy. The words of the deity echoed like a lullaby, guiding Bi Bi into a peaceful sleep.
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