BI BI LEARNS MUSIC - Pham Viet Long - 46
On the first day of music class, Bi Bi was astonished. The other students had already attended several sessions, which made Bi Bi feel even more bewildered. When Grandpa brought Bi Bi into the classroom, Bi Bi's eyes widened in surprise: Oh, there were already so many students in the class! Grandpa just placed Bi Bi at the very last seat. Bi Bi's eyes started to well up.
Grandpa, you're sitting with me today, right?Well, okay! I'll sit with you like this! So Grandpa sat next to Bi Bi. Like a student, he also sat quietly listening to the teacher. Bi Bi stopped tearing up, looking attentively at the board listening to the teacher's explanation.Let's start, what note is this? Do.Now, let's read: Do Re Mi... Oh! Why are you all speaking so softly? That student over there isn't speaking? Where did your mouth go? - The teacher pointed at a male student sitting in the corner of the class. So he crawled under the desk to search. He whispered:Oh my, where did my mouth go, I'm scared! Everyone giggled. After a while, he touched his mouth...A... A... Ah... here's my mouth!Then you should "do re mi".DO RE MI - he spoke very loudly for fear of losing his mouth. A while later, the teacher said:Let's continue! Now let's sing the song HELLO FRIENDS! Hello friends... let's sing. 1... 2... 3 - Hello friends... The boy in the blue shirt, stand up and try singing hello friends - The teacher called a male student in the class:Stand up and greet your friends!.. Oh... did your mouth go missing again?Hello friends... Now let's sing the song hello friends / let's go play. Hello friends / let's learn to sing... Now sing... Oh... where did this friend's mouth go?Oh oh oh where's my mouth... where's my mouth teacher? Oh where's my mouth teacher?There, your mouth is talking right now. The talking mouth is still there, only the singing mouth has disappeared! Now sing for me to see!.... Hel...lo.... frie...nds... hu hu hu hu hu!Is he crying? Bi Bi asked Grandpa:Yes, he's crying, he can't sing, he's embarrassed, he's crying. The teacher said:Oh my, why are the tears flowing! Alright, don't be scared. You're just singing, there's nothing to be scared of. So let's all sing with me! Hello friends... Two... three...Hello friends! The whole class confidently sang along with the teacher. Bi Bi also sang quite loudly. Not because Bi Bi was afraid of losing the singing mouth, but because by nature, Bi Bi practiced speaking loudly. It's just that usually, Bi Bi tends to mumble. So that night, Bi Bi learned the three musical notes DO, RE, MI. Bi Bi also learned that the speaking mouth and the singing mouth, although both his, are different. Grandpa asked:Do you find singing difficult?I find it difficult, Grandpa, it's harder than learning to speak, right?Yes, it's harder than learning to speak. But when you were very little, you were slow to speak.Really, Grandpa?Yes, your mother had to take you to the market to cure the stutter, and only then could you speak. But now you speak very fluently. It's the same with learning to sing, just be confident, gradually you will be able to sing. That night, Bi Bi had a good sleep. In his dream, Bi Bi sang "Hello friends" out loud, startling Grandpa awake...
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