WIND - Pham Viet Long - 6

During the winter, the biting cold wind can be quite harsh and often leads people to scurry about. He advised the children to always dress warmly to maintain good health and use an electric blanket to stay cozy while sleeping, thus preventing the infiltration of the chilling wind. Nowadays, there are electric blankets available that are lightweight yet provide ample warmth across the entire body.

As Bi Bi lay down, she wriggled and exclaimed, "Oh, it's so hot!" "Let me turn off your electric blanket." This is a German electric blanket, divided into two sections with distinct heating functions. To stay warm on a specific side, simply activate that side, or turn on both sides for even warmth.

For some reason, Bi Bi continued to feel uncomfortably warm. Consequently, she discarded the thick blanket, opting for a thinner one to sleep with. In the middle of the night, the cold awakened her, and she was startled by the hissing of the bitter wind seeping through the ventilation fan, sweeping down onto her bed and blowing cold air over her body. Bi Bi promptly snuggled closer. Oh, it was so warm. However, after some time, she fidgeted and moved away. In a daze, Bi Bi rolled towards the wall and grabbed a thin blanket to cover herself. Without delay, the chilly wind swooped over to Bi Bi's location. It deftly entered the corner of her blanket and eventually crept around her neck and throughout her body. Noting that Bi Bi's body had grown cold, yet she was still sleeping soundly, a group of the bitter winds entered her body, while the remaining winds rushed through the vent hole and disappeared into the sky.

Upon waking in the morning, Bi Bi coughed. By noon, she had developed a runny nose and was coughing even more. Her grandmother remarked, "If this continues, your child will become seriously ill; you need to address it." Immediately, her grandfather prepared remedies to dispel the wind from Bi Bi - silver coins, crushed ginger, and wine. He poured a small amount of wine into a bowl, warmed it, and then dipped the ginger bundle and the silver coin wrapped in cloth into the ginger-infused liquid before blowing it toward Bi Bi. He targeted her forehead, the nape of her neck, her neck, shoulders, and back. It was a battle of ginger, wine, and the malicious wind. When he reached her left shoulder, the malicious wind crossed over to her right shoulder. Nevertheless, they weakened, leaving red marks on Bi Bi's shoulder. The most stubborn bitter winds congregated around Bi Bi's chest, and her grandfather directed his efforts there. The battle seemed intense, as Bi Bi cried out in pain. Encouraging her to endure, her grandfather pressed on and eventually conquered the last holdouts. The chest area also turned red, adorned with tiny red beads. The malevolent winds had been vanquished. Bi Bi was advised to rest and later enjoy a bowl of warm porridge cooked by her grandmother to speed her recovery.

Bi Bi peacefully drifted back to sleep. Suddenly, she spotted a malevolent wind circling outside the window, glaring at her with sinister eyes. Bi Bi threatened, "From now on, I won't uncover the blanket; I'll always stay warm to prevent the wind from getting in..." At that moment, a voice called out, "Wake up, my child; I'll bring you some porridge."

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