
Fang narration:
So for no reason at a everyone wanted to have a fun party and make good food, simply wanted carrot donut and got what i asked for thnks to Quake but while the others are cooking for everyone i can hear Reverse 2 miles away

Reverse: who the hell cut the chives?!
Gopal: i did
Reverse: you make your father cry in same! Where's the damn knife
Fang: uhhhhhh dose he even know how to cook?
Yaya: hmmmm idk, i never seen Boboiboy cook before, well except when he help Gopal with the test i geuss
Reverse: for your information donut kid, the 1 trait i didnt reverse from your pal is cooking but instead of thinking its fun, i take it as a serious matter, who the hell would cut chives like this?! They look like crap up sand paper!
Gopal: hey! Don't judge me! I never use a knife before!
Yaya: hey Reverse i never really thought about it until a while ago and never really get the chance to ask but- how did BoBoiBoy got you into his agreement?
Reverse: ha? Oh that? Kid was dead stubborn on wanting me on being in the good side and help him helping you idiots, i cringed at nearly every word he said but just soon gaved in bcz well apparently hes a stubborn idiot
Gopal: how did it go?
Reverse: something like this


BoBoiBoy: right here, right now, i put the offer around, i want to chase you down, i know you see it. You run. With me, and i can cut you free,out of the mysery and walls you keep in, so try not to be cold! For something colourful, and if its crazy, living a lite crazy, you can it sensible, a king of conventional, or you can risk it all and see~~
Don't! You wanna get away! From the same! Old part we got to play cz i got what you need to come with me to the ride~! It'll take you you to the other side! So you can go and do like you do! Or you do it like me! Stay in the cage or finally taking the key? Oh! Damn! Suddenly your free to fly~ it'll take you to the other side!
Reverse: ok. My friend, you want to cut me in, so thnks but no, i think I'm good to go cz i enjoy the life you say I'm trap in, now i admire you, and that whole show you do,your up to setting really its something, i don't live among the swells and we don't pick up penut shells, I'll have to leave that up to you~ don't! You. know that I'm ok?! With this same old. Part i get to play! Cz i got what i need and i don't need to take the ride~ i don't need to see your other side, so go and do like you do, I'm going to do like me, ain't in a cage so i don't need to take the key! Oh damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine~? I don't need to see the other side-
BoBoiBoy: is this really how you like to spend your days cursing in misery with darkness at play?
Reverse: if i get mix up with you, I'll be the talk of the town, disgrace, disown another 1 of the clowns!
BoBoiBoy: but you will finally live a little, finally laugh a little, just let me give you the freedom to dreams and it'll wake you up, cure your aching, take your walls and start em breaking! Now thats a deal! That seems worth taking!.... But i geuss I'll leave that up to you~
Reverse: well its intriguing but to go would cost me greatly so what percentage of the show would i be taking?
BoBoiBoy: well fair enough if you a piece of all the action, I'll give you 7 and we can shake to make it happend
Reverse: i wasn't born this morning 18 would be just fine
BoBoiBoy: why not just ask a nickel on a some?
Reverse: 15
BoBoiBoy: i do 8
Reverse: 12
BoBoiBoy: maybe 9?
Reverse: 10.


Reverse: and so on and so fourth
Gopal: wiat so he convince you by a musical number???
Reverse: a stupid way to get convince i know but he also pester me with puppy dog eyes, so i see this as some dumb agreement contract

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