f i f t e e n

Hey look, it's me the author. I just wanted to say hi : ) ) )
I spent so long on the photo above (only like five mins)

n o  p o v

Ah yes, another bright morning on the city. Not a cloud in sight. Weather is so funny. Especially to Hoseok, who's just so happy that the sun is out. He has planned a double date with Namjoon and Jin, but he would go with Yoongi.

Of course, he would not go with Yoongi as a date, but as a friend, he saved him for Taehyung.

And what would their ship name be?

Yoohyung? He thought but regretting it afterwards on how stupid it sounds.


Yep, that's right. He smiled proudly, thinking he was some type of genius.

Sure, he was smart, but no genius.

y o o n g i

  Sun. Was the first thing I thought when I looked out my window. Too bright, where are my clouds?

It was cold in our apartment, so I snuggled into the nice warm blanket I had, tucking my hand in between my knees.

So cozy.

But then my phone rang, from no other than Hoseok.

I realized my phone was almost dead from the hours I spent talking to Taehyung last night.

Hours beyond hours. It was...


So I picked up the phone, pressing the speaker button not wanting to hold it to my ear.

"Hey Yoongi," he says.

"Mm," I hum.

"Sooooo what are you doing? Just chilling?" He asks.

"Dying, Hobi," I sat rolling around in my bed, facing the singular window in my room.

He laughs, "Please don't, I don't hav money for a funeral."

"You better host a hella good funeral for me."

"Oh I will, it'll be romantic."

"Romantic? Are you high?"

Hosoek chuckles, "Well yeah! It's a word of description, not just something describing the feelings one has for another, kind of like you and Tae~"

"Hoseok, no."

"Yoongi, yes."

"I'm going to beat you."

He hums, "Do it."

I could just feel him smirking, and I shake my head, "You kinky piece of shit."

He laughs, "Eat lunch with me?"

I groan, "Ugh, where?"

"I dunno, where ever you feel like it."


"But wait, Namjoon and Jin will be there so don't be too pissy," he says.

I groan internally and externally, "Love birds."

"I feel the same way," Hoseok mumbles.

I laugh, "See you then Hobi, I'm going to go catch a couple more minutes of sleep."

"Alright, bye Yoongi!"

And I hang up sighing loudly. What fun, me going out to eat. I mean, it's not that I don't like food, or that I don't like the other guys, I just feel highly unmotivated right now. I'm just tired, oh so tired from the talks I spent with Taehyung.

Huh, he's such a cutie.

But a damn sexy cutie.

His smile lights my world, his voice ruffles my heart, his everything makes me feel so, so oblivious.

He just makes me feel so content.

So I sat in my bed, letting my thoughts run wild, before looking at my buzzing phone.

Strawberry, it read.

So I picked up, and got ready for lunch while I listened to the one and only Strawberry talk endlessly about his day.

n o p o v

Taehyung had called Yoongi, and as the narrator I'm quite proud. He had debated, pacing his room for about thirty minutes before saying "Screw it," calling the older. And well, neither was disappointed.

Little did both know they were both getting ready. Kind of odd, yet with their aligned schedule they would make perfect boyfriends.

Everybody thought so.

Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, even Jimin and Jungkook, who know almost nothing about Yoongi.

Once Yoongi was all dressed (he wore a light gray sweater and black skinny jeans plus white Vans) he headed out to meet Hoseok, but not before ending his call with Taehyung.

He was sad when it ended but couldn't help but smile when he thought of everything.

Taehyung was amazing.

Flip that around, and you get what Taehyung believes.

He thought Yoongi was amazing.

But unfortunately, they couldn't talk forever. Maybe though, just maybe, they'll last for a forever.

Hoseok smiled brightly, waiting for a certain small boy. Namjoon and Jin sat, engaged in their own conversation, while they all waited for Yoongi.

And once they saw him, in sync they yelled, "Yoongs!"

And Yoongs groaned loudly, making people around them look at him weirdly. The groan was not child friendly.

"Shut up you dweebs," he scolded.

"Well hyung, I don't think so," Hoseok said bouncing on his heels.

"I'm starving, what's for lunch?" Yoongi asked.

"Mmm my special!" Jin said enthusiastically.

"What the hell is your special?" The raven haired male asked.

"A picnic," Namjoon muttered sourly.

Hoseoks face lit with joy, "That's so cool!"

Jin nodded, "Super duper cool. Just some people don't think so."

Namjoon shook his head, "I hate picnics. They always get ruined."

"Yeah because of you," Yoongi said, not knowing what they were talking about.

Hoseok chuckled quietly, while Namjoon scowled, "Someone's on their time of the month."

Again, Hoseok chuckled along with Jin. "Actually, I'm quite happy today. I feel... alive."

Hoseok smiled knowingly, as Jin and Namjoon shared a confused glance.

"Alive?" Namjoon asked baffled.

Yoongi huffed, "Need me to repeat myself. I said, I feel A-L-I~" he got cut off by Hoseok pulling him away.

Hoseok smiled brightly while dragging his older friend away. Being one of his best friends, Hoseok knew Yoongi was more than just "alive." He was alive. And Jung Hoseok couldn't be more happy for his successes feeling better, especially after everything that has happened.

Maybe he'd finally get over heart break.

"Hobi, no need to pull me away so fast," Yoongi complained.

Hoseok bounced, looking at the latter, "So, you and Taehyung hmm?"

The older blushed, "Its nothing like that."

"Yeah and the suns cold."

The raven haired male playfully hit Hoseok, "Hobiiiiii me and him are just friends."

"Mhm I don't think it's just friends. I thinks it's friends who deeply care for each other."

"How the fuck do you know?"

"Best friends intuition. Now, details," Hoseok said excitingly.

So, the two boys shared details about Yoongis "small" crush. The older blushed crazily, while the younger was full of joy.

Everything was so bright.

But not for Taehyung.


Hey look at that ending. I bet you're shook.

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