s e v e n

n o p o v

Min Yoongi was... confused. And quite a lot.

The little raven haired boy sat there, staring at the beautiful perky Taehyung, wondering,

'Why does life want me to see this guy so often?'

Yoongi always thought life hated him. But he didn't think it hated him that much.

Taehyung, on the other hand adored the gothic boy. He knew he looked familiar... he just couldn't remember his name. The pale boy sat staring at him, not saying anything.

They stared at each other for what seemed like an eon, getting lost in each other's gazes. One gaze was light, fluffy, and full of admiration and love, though if you looked close enough, there was sadness and confusion. While the other gaze was cold, intense, and anything but lovely.

For what seemed like forever, they stared.

But there is no such thing as forever.

It'll all end some day, even what we say is forever.

Because forever is just a word, and it is useless.

( ha it took forever to get to some dialogue )

So Taehyung raised an eyebrow, and cleared his throat, indicating that he was still there.

Min Yoongis heart did not feel right. He shook off the feeling dismissively, before mumbling a "sorry."

Taehyung laughed, "It's all good! Also, you look so familiar, do you perhaps have a name?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, slowly grabbing the grape soda, "I do have a name."

"Well, what is it?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Well of course it does! I mean, we all~"

"$2.09." Yoongi interrupted.

Taehyung blushed, and he didn't know why, but his face turned all red. The feeling was odd, seeing as this pale guy has basically just insulted him, yet he loved it.

"Right... yes."

Yoongi chuckled, "You look more like a strawberry instead of a grape."

Taehyung blushed harder.

"I, um, yeah." He said handing over a five.

Yoongi grabbed it giving him back his change, making sure he touched Taehyungs hand, making the younger more flustered than he already was.

He quickly grabbed his grape soda, rushing to get out of the store, but not before hearing Yoongi say,

"You're quite cute for a strawberry."

Taehyungs heart definitely didn't feel right.

t a e h y u n g

I've always loved grapes. But to be honest, strawberries are gross. I mean, they're all weirdly shaped and hard to bite into.

But I feel like they're my favorite fruit now.

Not because they taste good, but because they are cute. And cute things always get more attention.

For example, Jungkook. He's a little bunny. A sweet little kookie. He's, how do I say this... adorable.

I smiled to myself, walking slowly in the cool air. You could still feel a warm tint on my cheeks, though I like to say it was the cold weather. Though deep down, I know that's not true.

The little pale boy who was so cold, was warming my heart.

I slowly opened my drink, sipping the grape soda, thinking to myself,

This is expired.

*inhales* it's an update kids

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