s e v e n t e e n
n o p o v
Life is funny. People are funny. It's funny how one, tiny little thing could cause the most hugest domino effect. It's funny that once you think something, negative or positive, that it can pollute. Control you.
It's a funny thing. Misconceptions, thinking things that are not, and always thinking negative.
The negativity though is what really is funny. That negativity is what brings you down, what ruins you and makes you break. That negativity is a breaking point. You break over and over again, only to piece your heart back with cheap Scotch tape, when really you need to just let it heal.
It's all a breaking point, and things just keep breaking.
And in this little grocery store, with the fluorescent lighting and a broken heater, there sits a raven haired boy. He was a very moody boy, thinking of all things unfair. But there was one thing important on his mind...
And though the usually bright, peppy boy was on his mind, Yoongi was not on his. The younger was in the deepest of despairs. And as he walked into the familiar little store, everything felt all too casual.
It felt normal.
So when he turned his head to look at the raven haired boy, he saw nothing but beauty. He momentarily forgot about everything. He forgot about Jimin, about his dreams, and he forgot about Hoseok and Yoongi and their love for each other.
But of course, every thought comes back. Pain etched onto his face, realizing that all good things have ended. The one thing he thought was special was really just an illusion. The one boy that he thought would understand him was all just a misunderstanding.
And in this very moment, everything slowed down. Time stopped ticking, nobody blinked, breathed, or moved.
Everything, everybody, stopped.
Taehyungs face was red and splotchy from tears beyond tears. Yoongis face was dry. And well, beautiful as always. Both boys were honestly beautiful.
Yoongis heart had shattered at the sight, and as he opened his mouth to say things, nothing came out but hot air. It's like he lost his voice in this timeless moment.
Taehyung on the other hand, glared unintentionally. He's stared at the older in disgust, thinking you're the reason why my life sucked today, and probably for the rest of my worthless life.
Taehyung, let out a big sigh, walking over to the tiny ole soda bin. He was almost strutting, and as he got there, he ran his hand along the side of the cold thing. Frost cling to sides and he rubbed it off watching chunks of ice hit the floor.
Huh, that should be me, he thought.
And as he opened it up, getting hit by the chilly air, he reached in and grabbed the grape soda.
To think, this all started because of grape soda.
Maybe grape soda is the one who ruined me, he thought.
Yoongi watched in silence. The boy who had lost his brightness looked almost helpless as he walked slowly over the counter. His tear streaked face glistened so brightly, almost making him seem untouchable. He forcefully set the soda down, making the other jump in surprise.
"T-Taehy~" his voice was semi shaky.
"Why?" Taehyung had interrupted.
"What? Why what?" The other said
"Oh Yoongi, do you not understand?" The broken boy said. His voice wavered dramatically, and his eyes glistened, tears threatening to come out.
"Taehyung, quite frankly I don't understand. Are you okay? Your about to cry."
"Oh my gosh! You don't know do you?!" Taehyung had yelled shaking his head violently.
"No?" Yoongi replied, utterly confused.
Taehyung let out a low chuckle, "It's all your fault Min Yoongi. It's your damn fault any of this happened! You've ruined me! Why couldn't you just let me down like a normal person, instead of leading me on? Huh? What's that? You're a fucking player who doesn't care and you just want to mess with my emotions! Is that true Yoongi? It's best that you tell me now, my day couldn't get any worse."
Yoongi was baffled. He had no idea what the younger meant, he was shaking violently and he began to tear up his self.
It's all my fault?
I ruined him?
Am I that terrible?
Thoughts swarmed Yoongis head. He couldn't let them get to him now, maybe later though.
"Taehyung, I have no idea what you mean. I-I I'm sorry your day has been shit but, please tell me why it was my fault."
"Oh Yoongi, your so delusional to think that'd I'd ever fall for your tricks again. I'm not giving in to this helpless puppy dog act, so stop, and just tell me why."
"Helpless puppy dog? Is that all you fucking see me as? Taehyung I literally have no idea what you mean! Your the one who just prances into my store and some ungodly hour, balling your eyes out and yelling at me that it's my fault! Damnit Taehyung what's my fault!?!" Yoongi was breathless. He was overly confused and all he wanted was for the young boy to tell him why.
"Tell me why and I promise I'll leave you alone," Taehyung said, sounding more exhausted than before. He was the one who looked like a lost puppy. His fist were clenched and place upon the counter, the grape soda sat in between. The lightning of the store bouncing off it, creating a shining bottle. Oh how beautiful it looked compared to the ugly fight the two were having.
"What am I suppose to tell you? I-I I don't know. Why what? Am I suppose to admit my faults? O-or am I suppose to say sorry? I don't know, please tell me Taheyung," Yoongi pleaded.
The younger let out a sigh of frustration. He shook his head, "Goddamnit! Why won't you just tell me!" He screamed out. Yoongi took a step away from the counter hugging his self.
"Taehyung p-please ca~"
"You don't get to speak!" Taehyung yelled, crying his eyes out. Tears hit the counter as he yelled on. "You led me on Yoongi! You made me believe that I was special! You made me think that you actually liked my useless rambling! You made me think that you actually cared for my dreams! Fuck, you made me believe that you actually like me, and cared to stay around for me. I thought that you understood me, and would help me! And look where we are now," he said, anger dripping from each word. Yoongi was sobbing, not knowing how to handle this. He tried to stop trembling, but he was scared.
Plus he felt terrible.
His mind was clouded with thoughts he hadn't had in a very long time.
He was actually beginning to believe this was his fault.
"Taehyung, I do care for you."
"N-no. I actually r-really do. You are the best that has happened to me in a while, p-please tell me what I did wrong."
"Bull-shit!" Taehyung yelled.
"Taehyung I~"
"Stop it!" The younger boy yelled, grabbing the grape soda and throwing it across the store. It hit the shelf full of off brand potato chips, making a loud crunch, causing half of them to fall off.
"Taehyung!" Yoongi had yelled, but he did not hear so.
Taehyung grabbed his head, falling to the ground, letting out sobs. He choked on his own tears, sitting on his knees while regretting.
It was the only thing that had filled his mind in the moment.
He regretted ever taking that job and the cafe.
He regretted talking to Jimin, then living with him.
He regretted meeting Yoongi.
He regretted believing.
Yoongi watched as the boy sobbed on the floor, swaying back and forth. He was not one in the comfort department, but he went to the youngers side, and crouched down, holding him close.
He cried with him, unknowingly. Taehyung was lying into the raven haired boys side, with his face shoved into his hands, letting out weak sobs. While Yoongi has his frail arms wrapped around him, allowing him to cry.
In this little store, right on the corner of the street, under the fluorescent lighting, there was a misunderstanding. Both boys have yet to figure that out though.
And then, just maybe,
They'd be happy.
Phew. What a wreck.
So I finally updated after ten days.
It has been the end of the semester and I've been swamped with projects and exams, and it's done so now I can live again.
Also thank you guys for voting. I really do appreciate it :3
Okay. Continue on.
Also rip that one grape soda bottle. He didn't deserve to be thrown :(
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