s i x
Happy late Halloween
y o o n g i
The day At the cafe was slowly ending. Jin and Namjoon were caught in their own conversation, while Hoseok rambled on to me. It wasn't that I didn't care what he had to say, I was just confused. Very fucking confused.
"Yoongi! Head out of the clouds!" Hoseok said.
"If anybody has their head in the clouds it's you."
"Lies." Hoseok said in a weird voice.
I laughed quietly, before saying, "Why would I lie about my wonderful best friend?"
His eyes lit up, "We're best friends?!?"
"Yoongi! That's great news! Now, that we are I can finally~"
"Shit!" I yell standing up in a hurry. People stared at me in disgust at my choice of profanity in this small cafe.
"What the hell, what's wrong?" Jin asked.
"I gotta run. Work."
"Ah, bye Yoon Yoon!"
I flipped them all off before rushing to the cold, cold grocery store.
n o p o v
The afternoon air was a bliss, and slowly yet surely, it was beginning to dwindle down. People were getting off work, going to work, or doing whatever they needed to do. It was slowly becoming colder, making all people cuddle up in scarfs and coats to savor their own warmness. The night streets were dimly lit up, giving a faint glow to city life. Everything kind of twinkled.
The twinkling city always made Min Yoongi wonder. He wondered why things were the way they were. Or how a person can just be happy, because really and truly, that's all he wanted.
But he could not seek it, for the people along the years had drilled into his head that he does not deserve it. That happiness only comes with those who are good, and who listen and believe. They put into his head that life does not care about people like him, and that he was nothing special.
But the biggest person who told him all this, was his self. The self hatred he possessed grows everyday, leaving Yoongi in an empty hole full of hopeless emotions.
But the only way Min Yoongi would ever be happy, is if he accepted hisself, for who he was. Yoongi though did not do that. He hated everything about him.
Taehyung walked quickly down the slick streets. He breathed out, then in, watching puffs of heat fill the air. His eyes shined brightly, giving them a beautiful aura of joyful things and homely thoughts. He looked up to the sky, watching as the stars twinkled rapidly. He thought of the short gothic looking boy from the little store, and the way his eyes did not twinkle. It was a contradicting thought and it rather confused Taehyung.
As Tae turned the corner, he noticed a certain tiny grocery store. It's lights were barely present, providing an eerie vibe. Taehyung smiled, and thought to himself,
Grape soda.
y o o n g i
I sighed loudly, knowing nobody could hear me. The store was lonesome, and I was really, really bored. I had already cleaned everything, making the store rather polished. I still had about a hour left, which was frustrating considering I was tired and hella hungry.
Food seems really good right now.
I would really go for some vanilla~
D i n g
Great. People.
I slowly whipped my head around to see a certain perky boy with soft brown hair and plump lips. A crystal white smile was placed upon his face. All of this felt too familiar as he walked towards the soda bin grabbing a grape soda.
A fucking grape soda.
It was that happy kid.
He bounced over to the counter, gently setting down the soda.
"Hello!" He greeted happily.
That voice...
Is this that kid that sung and the coffee shop? I stared a bit more, realizing, his eyes sparkled in the same way. The brown hair, the soft lips, and the deep voice...
It was that Taehyung kid.
Guys guess what? I'm tired af
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