When Brian brought Jisung inside, he placed him on the couch.
"Are you okay?" Brian asked worried.
"Hyung I swear I'm fine." Jisung reassured.
"No you're not. That guy who brought you here said that you can't even walk." Brian argued.
"I can walk. Minho was just lying." Jisung argued.
Brian raised an eyebrow. He stood up and crossed his arms, "Stand up. Now."
Jisung rolled his eyes and tried to lift his upper half of the body off of the couch but again, the pain shot through this stomach and ribs. He shut his eyes in pain and fell back down on the couch.
Brian's eyes softened, "Jisung, what the fuck happened." He asked again.
This was when Jihyo came in. She rushed over to her little brother. "Jisung oh my god I was worried sick. I was about to call the cops. Are you okay? The guy who brought you here said it was a gang. I knew I should've driven you to the store." Jihyo rambled.
"A gang?!" Brian stared intensely at his younger brother.
Jisung opened his mouth to say something but Brian beat him to it.
"If you say you're fine one more time I'm going to punch every part of your body just to see how 'fine' you are."
Jisung quickly closed his mouth and thought of his next few words carefully. He decided that telling them the truth was the best choice.
"I was walking to the convenience store and decided to the the short cut through that dark street because I knew how worried Jihyo noona was so I tried to be as fast as I can. I heard a girl crying because she was lost but she was actually just luring me for her brother to kill me. He's in a gang. He punched me and these two other guys kicked my stomach and ribs. Then Minho came in and helped me out." Jisung looked down, playing with his fingers.
"We need to get you to a hospital right now." Brian got up quickly from his seated position.
"No!" Jisung immediately replied. "Please don't take me to a hospital."
"Jisung you can't even stand up without crying in pain. One of your ribs is probably broken. We are going to the hospital whether you want to or not." Brian went to go grab a coat from his room upstairs.
Jisung quickly averted his vision to Jihyo, looking desperate, "Noona please don't take me to the hospital. I promise I'm fine. I'll be okay by tomorrow. Please."
The older sighed, "Fine. But if by the morning you still can't stand up, then we're taking you to the hospital asap." She ruffled Jisung's hair and stood up. She walked upstairs probably to tell Brian the plan.
Jisung sighed out of relief. Jisung never liked the hospital. He doesn't really know why. The whole vibe of hospitals gives him anxiety. X-rays, mri's, etc. weren't really his thing. He always tried to avoid getting hurt so he wouldn't have to go to the emergency room.
So far in his seventeen years of living, he has never had to go to the hospital because he was hurt. Sure he's gone for shots and check ups but never because he was injured. The thought of him probably having to get an x-ray to check his ribs was terrifying for him.
Brian came back to pick Jisung up and take him to his bed. "You're lucky Jihyo is good with her words or else we would be driving to the hospital right now." Brian stated and Jisung laughed.
The older entered Jisung's room and gently placed Jisung down on the bed. "Go to sleep. You need some rest." The brother grabbed Jisung's comforter and tucked him in. Giving himself deja vu from when he would tuck Jisung in every night when they were younger.
"Good night." The taller said before walking out the room, closing the door.
Five minutes later the door opened again. Jihyo popped her head in, "Get some rest cause I have a feeling you're going to go to the hospital in the morning." She winked and Jisung whined.
She walked over to his and kissed his forehead, "Good night." And then she left the room.
Jisung looked up at the ceiling recalling what happened today. It was the first day of school, he was forced to sit next to Minho, he was in detention with Minho, he almost got kidnapped by his friends, he almost died, Minho saved him and took him home. This was the most eventful day of his life.
Jisung started to think about the hospital and tried to calm his nerves, convincing himself it wasn't going to be as bad as he thinks. He still secretly begged God to magically heal him overnight so he wouldn't have to go as he slowly drifted off to dreamland.
Jisung woke up in agony. Everything hurt. Not just his stomach ribs and face, his whole body was sore. His wrists hurt from the tight grip of the two men and the cuts from their nails.
The injured boy heard footsteps coming to his room. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.
When the door opened, he heard his sister say, "Oh he's still asleep."
"Let's come back later, when he's awake." This time it was his brother speaking.
'Idiots. I'm gonna drag this out for as long as I can. I will not go to the hospital.'
When Jisung heard the door close again, he sighed. He rubbed his eyes and opened them only to meet two pairs of eyes staring back at him.
"AHH!" Jisung screamed before groaning again from the pain.
"Do you really think we're that stupid?" Brian scoffed with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Do you have to scare me like that?!" Jisung put his hand over his heart, breathing heavily.
"How do you feel?" Jihyo walked over to the side of Jisung's bed looking at the noticeable bruise on his cheek.
"I feel fine actually. No pain at all. I don't need to go to the hospital." Jisung giving his most convincing smile.
Brian raised an eyebrow "Oh really? Stand up."
Jisung tried to think of an excuse quick "Uhh.. I can't because.. I'm really comfortable. Yeah, I'm so comfortable right now I don't want to stand up just yet. I want to enjoy this."
Jihyo gave a bored look at Brian.
The oldest sibling walked over to Jisung's bedside "If you really are fine then I guess you won't care if sit on your ribs."
He turned around and stuck his butt out, about to sit on Jisung. The younger panicked and swatted Brian's butt away which only resulted in more pain for him. Brian faced his younger brother with his hands crossed and raised his eyebrows at the him.
"Jisung tell us the truth. We know you're not okay." Jihyo sighed.
Jisung avoided eye contact, sighing in defeat, "Fine. It does hurt. I'm in so much pain right now. Doing any movement hurts. Even trying to breath hurts really bad."
Brian and Jihyo became 10x more worried. "Jisung oh my god I didn't think it was this bad. Why didn't you tell us. We would've taken you to the hospital yesterday." Brian said.
"That's exactly why I didn't tell you yesterday." Jisung mumbled.
"Jisung you have to think about your health first. Not your fear of hospitals." Brian left the room to get a jacket.
"You can't avoid the hospital forever Jisung. You know that we have to take you there. There could be serious broken bones or fractures. Your lungs could be punctured. We have to get it checked out." She ran her fingers through his hair. "Sorry bud."
Jisung pouted. He knew that they were going to take him no matter what so he gave up trying to stop them.
Brian came back into the room holding a hoodie. He walked over to the bed and tossed the hoodie at Jihyo.
"Thanks." Jihyo put on the sweatshirt. The older nodded.
Brian bent over and placed his hands in between Jisung and the bed. One hand wrapped around his knees and the other gripped his shoulder. The older straightened his back as he scooped the smaller up and pulled him to his stomach.
All three got out of the house and walked to Brian's car. He unlocked it and Jihyo opened the back door and climbed in. Brian gently laid Jisung into the back seat so that his head was placed on Jihyo's lap. He closed the door and climbed into drivers seat, driving to the hospital.
Jisung was scared as hell. That drive to the hospital was the slowest drive in his whole life. His heart was pounding against his chest.
When they arrived to the hospital, Brian opened the back door and carefully carried Jisung to emergency room. Jihyo followed closely behind. The oldest talked to the desk people explaining what happened. The nurses laid Jisung in a stretcher and quickly took him away to get checked.
Jihyo and Brian had to wait nervously in his hospital room while they checked what's wrong with Jisung.
After an hour or so the nurses wheeled Jisung back into his room with the doctor following close behind. Brian and Jihyo stood up from their seated position rushing beside Jisung. The latter looked up at his siblings and gave a weak smile.
"We ran many x-rays on Jisung to see why he was in so much pain." The doctor continued "We saw a broken rib that was puncturing one of his lungs which is why he was having trouble breathing. There's nothing wrong with his stomach, it's just bruised badly."
"Does he need surgery for his broken rib?" Jihyo asked worried.
The doctor shook his head "No he doesn't. But he's going to have to stay in the hospital for at least three days so we can closely monitor and help his broken rib. We gave Jisung some pain killers and other medicine to help the ribs. We also gave some ointment for his wrists and bandages them up. His lungs are fine so he should be fine to go home Monday night."
"Thank you so much." Brian said to the doctor and nurses.
"No problem. We'll leave you guys now. We're gonna check up on Jisung every hour." With that, the doctor and nurses left the room.
"How are you feeling?" Brian asked his little brother.
"I feel a lot better. Not as much pain and I can finally breathe properly. I'm just really sore now." Jisung replied.
"You're an idiot." Brian said which resulted in Jihyo slapping his arm. "You could have died yesterday Jisung. Were you even using your brain?" He continued.
Jisung looked down, "I'm fine now. I didn't die. Stop worrying."
"How am I supposed to stop worrying when you make these dumb decisions that could get you killed."
"Brian stop. It's my fault, I shouldn't have let him go out that late at night." Jihyo said.
Jisung looked at his sister "Noona stop. It's not your fault. It's my fault for taking that shortcut anyways. stop blaming yourself. Anyways I learned my lesson and I'm not gonna make such stupid decisions anymore."
Brian sighed, "Even though I'm still mad at you, I'm just glad you're okay Jisung. Thank god that Minho kid was there to save you. What a nice fellow." Jisung scoffed at that.
"How do you even know him?" Jihyo asked.
"He's in my class. He sits next to me." Jisung debated whether or not to tell them about getting into detention but he didn't want to expose himself.
"Hm he seems really nice. Are you guys friends or what?"
Jisung laughed out loud, "Nah, we aren't friends. Just classmates."
Brian and Jihyo has confused looks on their faces.
Jisung ignored their facial expression. "Oh my god speaking of school, I have to stay in here for three days. I'm going to miss school on Monday. It's the second day of school and I'm already missing it."
Brian chuckled "You'll be fine. Just ask Felix to bring you your homework. or Wonpil's brother, Seungmin."
Jisung slapped his forehead, "I didn't even tell them what happened to me. They're gonna flip when they find out I wasn't at school because I was in the hospital."
As if on cue, Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin busted into the room with concern written all over their face. Jisung snapped his neck towards the door and stared at his friends with big eyes and his mouth wide open.
"Oh my god hyung are you okay?!" Jeongin asked the boy laying in the hospital bed.
"Wha-what what the hell are you guys doing here? How'd you know I was here? What the fuck?" Jisung asked shocked.
"We called them while you were getting checked. I thought you would've liked to see your friends after all that's happened." Brian explained while Jisung's friends walked next to his side.
Jisung smiled a genuine smile "Thanks hyung. I appreciate it."
Brian nodded "Anyways me and Jihyo are gonna go back home to get some clothes and stuff so we'll be right back." Jihyo and Brian exited the room leaving Jisung with his friends.
"Are you okay Jisung?" Seungmin's asked looking at his bandaged arms and the bruise on his face.
"I'm fine. Seriously, the doctors gave me some pain killers so I'm chilling right now." Jisung assured.
"Okay then what the hell happened??" Felix asked.
Jisung explained what had happened to him for the third time. By the time he was done, his friends looked at him with complete shock.
"Jisung I thought you were smarter than that. Who voluntarily goes into a sketchy street at night? I'm just glad you're all right." Seungmin said.
"I know I know." Jisung looked down.
"Okay but wait, Lee Minho, the guy who won't hesitate to swing his fist if you accidentally bump into him, saved you from a gang attack AND carried you back home? That doesn't seem right." Felix commented and Jeongin nodded in agreement.
"Trust me, I know. I don't believe it either. I never got to thank him though. I'm just confused as to why he saved me." Jisung furrowed his eyebrows.
"Maybe he's not as bad as we think he is." Jeongin suggested.
Jisung, Seungmin and Felix looked at Jeongin. "Are you hearing what's coming out of your mouth right now?" Seungmin asked. "This one kind act doesn't make up for all the bad ones he's done."
Jeongin sighed. "Yeah yeah you're right."
They stayed quiet for a moment. It wasn't an awkward, they were just appreciating everyone's presence.
"...Did you get to see Minho's wrists though?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows at Jisung. Seungmin and Jeongin let out a laugh.
Jisung glared, "Felix, I was dying. I didn't have time to think about his wrists, I was too focused on surviving."
Felix held his hands up as if he was surrendering. "Hey, it was a harmless question. I'm not the one who has the wrist fetish."
"If I didn't have to keep my movements to a minimal for my ribs to heal, then I would've slapped you with this pillow." Felix chuckled.
"I'll help you Jisung." Seungmin punched Felix's shoulder.
"Ow! That was rude." Felix rubbed his shoulder. Jisung shook his head laughing.
The four of them kept talking until Brian and Jihyo came back. When his friends left, Jisung was exhausted. He felt bad for his siblings since they had to sleep in a chair. Jisung tried to convince them to go home and sleep, but they insisted that they wouldn't leave Jisung alone.
The latter looked up at the ceiling, 'These next two days are gonna be boring as hell. I'm glad I'm not going to school Monday though. I don't think I would be able to face Minho. What's gonna happen now?'
Slowly Jisung drifted off to sleep.
»»————- 🍯 ————-««
i also have never been to the emergency room so i have no idea how it works or what happens there.
in the next chapter:
- thank you ???
- a project ???
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