Jisung drifted off to sleep with Minho's beautiful laugh replaying in his mind while he was thinking 'What is wrong with me?"
Jisung was woken up from Seungmin's loud ass.
"Jisung get up! It's time for breakfast." Seungmin yelled in Jisung's ear.
The half awake boy flinched and covered his ears. He groaned and rolled around in his bunk. "Why do you have to yell?"
"Because then I'll know for sure that you're awake." Seungmin laughed, climbing back down from Jisung's bunk. "Hurry up. Everyone else already went to eat breakfast." He clapped his hands.
Jisung shot up from his bed when he heard that, glaring at the other male. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
"I tried but you seemed to be in a really deep sleep so you didn't wake up. Also you don't even eat breakfast so I told the others to go ahead and that I'll stay behind to let you sleep in a little more." Seungmin rolled his eyes. "You're welcome."
"But aren't you gonna eat breakfast?"
"Yeah so hurry up before it's too late."
Jisung hurried and got ready before he grabbed Seungmin's hand and dragged them to the building.
"Look who finally decided to wake up." Felix commented when Jisung and Seungmin got to the table causing everyone to look up at the two. Seungmin looked wide awake but Jisung, on the other hand, still looked exhausted.
Jisung rolled his eyes as he slumped in the seat next to Minho, resting his head in his arms that were crossed on the table. "Shut up Felix." He mumbled out which made Felix snicker.
Everyone got their meal and Jisung of course didn't eat anything since he doesn't eat breakfast. During the entire time, Minho didn't even spare a glance at Jisung. It was almost as if the boy wasn't even there. Even when Jisung would participate in the conversation, Minho didn't take the time to look at him. Of course this was typical Minho behavior but Jisung would've thought he would at least acknowledge his existence. Especially after they shared dinner last night, but obviously Minho didn't care and wasn't going to all of a sudden change his attitude.
At the end of breakfast the teacher started talking through the speakers. "Okay everyone, today's the day that we will start doing all the activities. Today, half of the students here will start off with partner activities while the other half of the students will do something from the choices given. Tomorrow you will switch and the students who did partner activities today, will do choices tomorrow and vice versa. If your cabin number is in the first half then you're doing partner activities first. For partner activities you will obviously need a partner and it has to be someone from your cabin." When everyone heard the last sentence they all groaned.
"I wanted to be partners with Hyunjin."
"Why can't Minho be my partner."
"This isn't fair."
"I want to be with Stray Kids."
Everyone's complaining confused Jisung because even if the students were able to choose their partners, what made them think that Stray kids would want to be partners with them? If anything they would be partners with each other, not with some annoying and obsessed leech. Jisung also didn't understand why they would even want to be partners with them in the first place. Stray Kids were intimidating as fuck he couldn't think of a reason why the students would do that to themselves.
The teacher ignored the complaints and continued, "You can be with your cabin group but you will complete the activity with your partner. Go to the back of the camp to get instructions on your first activity. If your cabin number is the last half then you get to choose from the options given. There are papers everywhere that has all the options you can choose from. When the horns are blown, that indicates that it is time for lunch and after we eat you will go back to where you left off until you are told that you can go to free time. When the horn blows again then it's time for dinner and after dinner we'll have a campfire. Any questions?"
No one raised their hands or spoke which was definitely the quietest it has ever been in the lunch building. Usually it was as louder than a concert in here and people would have to basically shout over each other to be heard by their friends.
"Great now go." The teacher dismissed the students.
Jisung, Seungmin and Felix gathered together while Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin gathered together.
"I'm guessing you're gonna be with Changbin." Seungmin looked at Felix.
Felix turned a light shade of pink as he nodded, "Yeah. He asked me to be his partner while the teacher was talking."
"Great, so me and Seungmin can be partners." Jisung concluded, thinking there was going to be no room for discussion,
Seungmin raised his eyebrows at Jisung, "I was actually thinking that you could be partners with Minho."
"Why the hell were you thinking that?" Jisung glared.
Felix thought for a second and nodded his head, "I think Seungmin's got a great idea."
Jisung was speechless. He looked back and forth, between his two friends to see if they were messing with him. When neither of them said anything back to him and just stared, Jisung realized they were being dead serious. "Woah woah woah woah, what? I thought you weren't gonna talk to any of the gang members during this camp trip?" He said to Seungmin.
"I wasn't but I'm sacrificing my original plan for you because this is your chance to prove to him that his first impressions of you are wrong." Seungmin said.
"Or this is a chance for him to hate me even more?! It's ok, I don't want you to sacrifice your original plan for me."
"No, but you need it."
The boy narrowed his eyes. "Says who?"
"Us" Both his friends said to him simultaneously.
"You guys can't be serious? You're joking, right?" Jisung raised his eyebrows at his friends, hoping that they would just stop playing this prank on him.
"You wish we were joking, but I've never been more serious in my life." Seungmin stared at Jisung and Felix nodded along.
"Why do you guys even care if he hates me or not? I'm perfectly fine with him hating me. I don't care about him, so you shouldn't either." Jisung scoffed, crossing his arms.
Felix and Seungmin looked at each other and scoffed, "We care because you obviously care about him so we need you to prove to him that he should care about you too." Felix explained.
Jisung gave a confused look, "What're you guys talking about? I don't care about him at all."
"Yeah right. We saw you share your dinner plate with him yesterday."
"I was just being nice." Jisung brushed off.
"Being nice is offering to share your dinner once, but you just kept in insisting that he should eat some of your food and you didn't stop insisting until he gave in. I saw how you smiled when he finally agreed to eat some food. That's called caring for someone. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even hate you because if he did then he wouldn't have eaten from the same plate as you and shared the same bunk as you." Seungmin pointed out.
Jisung knew what he was doing when he did it, but hearing someone say it out loud made his cheeks flush. He honestly didn't think anyone would notice what he did. "What makes you even think that he would be ok with being partners with me. He doesn't trust anyone other than his gang. Why would he want to be partners with me when he could be partners with Hyunjin?" Jisung made a good argument. There was no way that Minho would voluntarily be partners with him.
As if on que, Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin walked towards them. Hyunjin walked up next to Seungmin and casually said "Let's be partners Seungmin."
Jisung was shocked to say the least. It seemed like the universe was playing a joke on him. Or maybe he was jinxing himself. Seungmin looked at Jisung who had a look of fear in his eyes because he knew exactly what kind of power his friend had and what he was most likely going to say. Jisung shook his head, mouthing 'Don't you dare' to Seungmin. He gave the taller the best pleading eyes he could to help convince him to say no.
Seungmin thought for a moment and then smiled at Jisung before turning his head to Hyunjin, "Sure why not."
Jisung's jaw dropped as he glared at Seungmin which resulted in the latter laughing. 'You are seriously dead to me.' Jisung mouthed to his friend. Seungmin just stuck his tongue out at Jisung, causing Felix to laugh at his childish friends.
"I guess that makes us partners." Jisung awkwardly said to Minho who had his arms crossed. He looked really annoyed for some reason, probably because he has to hang out with Jisung for the rest of the day.
Minho barely even glanced at Jisung. "Yeah whatever." He walked ahead to the back of the camp.
This was the first time he spoke to Jisung at all today and it was eleven in the morning. Minho is already being a bitch to him and it's only going to get worse. This just further proved his point of Minho absolutely hating his guts and Jisung wanted to dig a hole and jump in it. He turned to Seungmin and Felix, who had smiles of encouragement on their face, and glared at them both before he walked to keep up with Minho.
The six of them started to walk towards the back of the camp like they were supposed to do. When they arrived it was crowded with a lot of students as usual. Jisung thought it would be less crowded since only half of the camp students were there but there was still a lot of people and it was overwhelming.
The teacher who was in charge of this activity talked into the mic at the front. "For our first activity/game, is a scavenger hunt. You and your partner will get a paper with a list of items you need to find. Whoever finds all the items the fastest will win a prize. When I blow the whistle I want everyone to meet back here. You can start once you get a piece of paper."
Someone handed Jisung a stack of papers. He looked closer at it and realized it was the list of items. He handed a piece of paper to Minho, who obviously didn't want it, and passed the rest of the stack to Felix.
"This is the dumbest thing ever." Minho grumbled as he started walking. "Do you care if we are the winners of this?"
Jisung shook his head and softly said, "No not really."
"Good cause I wasn't gonna try to look for these items." Minho replied causing Jisung to secretly roll his eyes.
'Why'd you even ask me if you weren't going to do it in the first place?'
Jisung and Minho were walking around the camp site quietly for a few minutes. Jisung was too scared to talk to the other so they walked in silence for the majority of it. Somehow they ended up at the lake that Jisung and Seungmin walked around from the day before when Felix was talking with Changbin.
"How come you aren't partners with Hyunjin?" Jisung finally built up the courage to say, hoping it wasn't a question that would earn him a punch. The crack of a stick breaking filled the air as Jisung stepped on it.
"Hyunjin wanted to be partners with Seungmin so he can flirt with him. I had no choice but to be partners with you." Minho said as if he was irritated.
Jisung ignored how harsh the last part sounded, "Good luck to Hyunjin because Seungmin's not very fond of him so he's not gonna fall for his tricks."
Minho scoffed, "Trust me, he will. That's what everyone says at first but once they see Hyunjin wink at them, their knees get weak and they squeal, falling in love."
Jisung shook his head as he stopped at the end of the dock, "Seungmin's stubborn. From the many years I've known him, I don't think he's ever actually liked anyone in his life. Hyunjin's definitely not gonna change that."
"Why are you so sure? Is Seungmin scared of Hyunjin? Is that it?" Minho appeared next to him.
Jisung laughed out loud, "Seungmin? Being scared? That's a sentence I've never heard anyone say in my entire life. Seungmin is scared of absolutely nothing." He said as he sat down on the edge of the dock. His shoes didn't touch the water and Jisung was really grateful for that. Now he could swing his legs without having to worry about splashing the water.
"What about you?" Minho sat down next to Jisung.
That question caught Jisung off guard. "What about me?"
"Are you scared of me?" Minho's voice got deep and serious. Jisung felt shivers run down his spine and he didn't know if it was from Minho's voice or the cold breeze. The boy looked at Minho and saw that he was staring intently at him, waiting for the answer.
Jisung looked away and thought about the question. Of course he was scared of Minho, but he didn't want to seem that vulnerable to the other male. Jisung suddenly got a boost of confidence and looked directly in Minho's eyes, shrugging.
"I don't know, should I?"
»»————- 🍯 ————-««
in the next chapter:
- minho makes the worst decision of his life
using my next chapter hints, tell me what do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter bc i'm really curious :)
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