f o r t y .
(from now on, when i say "the gang" in stray kids' context, i'm referring to chan woojin minho changbin hyunjin AND yedam, no yedam's not in the gang but it's just annoying saying "the gang and yedam" all the time)
Jisung quickly went to the phone pad, and called the only number he remembered by heart, praying that the person would answer the unknown phone number.
After a few rings, the person answered the phone. "Hello?" The voice asked confused.
Jisung sobbed from relief when he heard his voice. "Minho please help me."
The boy cried, hearing Minho's voice after so long was nice to hear, "Minho help me."
"Jisung where are you?" His voice was frantic.
"I don't know. Some kind of basement? Moonjin and his gang are here. Minho I'm scared." Jisung's voice wavered.
"I know baby. I'm gonna get you out of there as soon as possible, hold on." Minho tried to soothe Jisung's fear.
"Please hurry I don't want to be here any longer, I'm scared Moonjin's gonna kill me."
"He's not gonna kill you, I'll find you and kill him and the rest of the gang before he does."
Jisung remembered what Yeonjun said. "Wait don't kill the gang."
"What? Ji-"
"Minho please just trust me, they're innocent, don't kill them. Capture them if you want, but don't kill them."
"Okay okay we won't, I promise... Please tell me you're not hurt."
"I'm okay, just scared." Jisung lied a little. What Minho didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"Can you describe what's around you? Is there a window you can look out of and describe what you see outside?"
"Um, there's a window, but all I see is-"
Jisung was interrupted from the sound of the basement door opening and footsteps stomping down the stairs.
"What the hell are you doing?" Moonjin's voice yelled.
"Jisung!? Jisung speak to me!" The boy heard Minho yell through the phone, but he couldn't say anything back, his voice didn't work. Jisung shook in fear, he couldn't move. His body was glued in this position.
"Oh you found a phone? Who the hell are you talking to?" Moonjin reached out for the phone but Jisung flinched and protected the phone. "You bitch give me the goddamn phone." Moonjin slapped Jisung's already sore cheek, causing the boy to wince at the pain and drop the phone.
Moonjin reached down and picked up the phone. "If you would've just gave up the phone like a good kid, then I wouldn't have had to slap you. That's your fault." He growled at Jisung who had tears running down his face.
"Who is this?" Moonjin asked into the phone. Jisung couldn't hear Minho's response. Only Moonjins.
"Oh Minho! Nice to talk to you buddy. Good luck trying to find me. You know, Jisung's actually really attractive, I see why you love him so much. I'm guessing he must be great in bed too."
Jisung eyes widened at what was said about him. He wanted to roll up and hide from his uncomfortableness, but there was no where to hide.
Moonjin continued "Let's see how beautiful Jisung is without any of those clothes covering him up, shall we? Tie him up so he won't move." Moonjin directed the last sentence to the guard that came down with him.
Jisung saw the guard walk towards him which spiked his fear level, he wanted to run but he couldn't, he was weak and couldn't even fight back when the guard reach out and grabbed his arm. He dragged Jisung towards the middle column.
"Ow! Stop please! You're hurting me! Stop it!" Jisung yelled. The guard was gripping so hard on his arm, it was cutting the blood circulation.
The guard threw Jisung against the column, causing him to cry out in pain. "Shut up." The guard said annoyed.
"...a little fun with your Jisung." The injured boy heard Moonjin say before he hung up the phone and walked over to him.
The guard grabbed both of Jisung's wrists and tied them together with rope before he pulled his hands above his head. The other end of the rope was tied to one of the wood planks on the ceiling. Jisung tried to yank his hand down, but instead he was met with the hot burn of the rope rubbing against his skin.
The guard tied Jisung's ankles together and around the giant cement column, making it impossible for the boy to move his feet. The guard continued to gag Jisung's mouth with a bandana. The boy felt the fabric on his tongue, he really hoped it was clean but that was highly unlikely.
Moonjin leaned close to Jisung. The boy thought that the gang leader was going to kiss him, but was relieved when Moonjin leaned to his ear, "Minho's never gonna find you. You're gonna stay with me forever, being my little punching bag and my little slut. You're not going to complain about it or else I'll hurt you." He whispered.
Jisung started crying, he had to hold onto that hope that Minho would find him, but it was hard. Moonjin handed the guard the phone that Jisung found.
"Take a video of what I'm about to do to Jisung and I want you to send it to Minho." Moonjin ordered.
"Yes sir." The guard replied.
(the next scene is the continuation after moonjin answered jisung's phone and then smashed it, ending the call)
Minho still sitting on the floor with his head in his hand when he heard the elevator open. He looked up and saw his eight friends walking towards him with concern in their eyes.
"Did you text Jisung? What happened?" Hyunjin asked.
Minho groaned him frustration, "Moonjin took him. He fucking took Jisung and I have no idea where he is."
Everyone took a sharp inhale, "What do you mean? Aren't they at Moonjin's house?" Felix spoke first.
Minho shook his head, "The address that Moonjin sent Jisung wasn't his home, it was a trap so he could take Jisung." Minho's voice gave out at the end.
"Minho what happened when you texted Jisung. I want to know every detail." Chan demanded.
Minho closed his eyes and felt tears roll down his face. He explained what had happened from when he texted Jisung, till the phone call with Moonjin.
Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin started crying, they were absolutely terrified that their friend wouldn't come back or that they would never find him. At this point they didn't even know if Jisung was still alive.
"Go to bed Minho, the rest of us will take care of it and try to track Jisung." Chan ordered.
Minho stood up abruptly, "What? You want me to sleep?"
"Minho I know you want to help us but you need rest, when we do find him, you can't go into mission with no sleep, you're not gonna do well. You'll be risking your life and Jisung's." Chan said. Minho knew his leader was right so he dragged himself back into his room.
The next day Minho was pacing back and forth in his room when he felt his phone start going off. He checked the ID and it was someone he didn't know. He debated whether or not to answer, but ultimately decided to accept the call.
"Hello?" He asked
"Minho help me." The person's voice sounded like they were crying for hours.
Minho froze, he could tell that voice from anywhere and he felt his heart jump, "Jisung?!" He said in disbelief.
Minho heard the boy let out a cry, "Minho please help me."
"Jisung where are you?"
"I don't know. Some kind of basement? Moonjin and his gang are here. Minho I'm scared." Jisung's voice was shaking and it made Minho feel useless. He was supposed to make Jisung feel safe, but he failed and now the boy was trapped in a basement terrified for his life.
"I know baby. I'm gonna get you out of there as soon as possible, hold on." Minho tried to soothe Jisung's fear.
"Please hurry I don't want to be here any longer, I'm scared Moonjin's gonna kill me."
Minho inhaled sharply, "He's not gonna kill you, I'll find you and kill him and the rest of the gang before he does."
"Wait don't kill the gang."
Minho furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What? Ji-"
"Minho please just trust me, they're innocent, don't kill them. Capture them if you want, but don't kill them." Jisung's voice was desperate.
"Okay okay we won't, I promise... Please tell me you're not hurt."
"I'm okay, just scared." Minho knew Jisung wasn't okay, the absolute fear in his voice begged to differ.
"Can you describe what's around you? Is there a window you can look out of and describe what you see outside?"
"Um, there's a window, but all I see is-"
His voice was interrupted by Moonjin's, "What the hell are you doing?"
"Jisung?! Jisung speak to me!" Minho started freaking out. The boy wasn't answering him and he was scared.
"Oh you found a phone? Who the hell are you talking to? ... You bitch give me the phone." Minho heard Moonjin speak soon followed by a very loud noise that sounded like a slap. He heard Jisung wince and then loud noises that indicated that the phone landed on the floor.
Minho was fuming, he wanted to pounce and kill Moonjin for laying a finger on Jisung, but he couldn't and he's never felt so useless.
"If you would've just gave up the phone like a good kid, then I wouldn't have had to slap you. That's your fault." Moonjin growled and Minho heard Jisung whimpering in the back. The sound made Minho punch the wall in his bedroom.
"Who is this?" Moonjin asked into the phone.
"Once I find you, you're fucking dead." Minho said through clenched teeth.
"Oh Minho! Nice to talk to you buddy. Good luck trying to find me. You know, Jisung's actually really attractive, I see why you love him so much. I'm guessing he must be great in bed too."
"Don't you fucking dare talk about him like that!" Minho yelled into the phone.
Moonjin continued "Let's see how beautiful Jisung is without any of those clothes covering him up, shall we? Tie him up so he won't move." Minho was gripping his hands so tightly that his nails were cutting into his palm.
He heard Jisung screaming in the back about how he was in pain, and Minho's heart broke into pieces. He punched the wall again trying to let his anger out, but it wasn't helping.
"If you touch him Moonjin I swear I'll-"
"You'll what? You don't even know where I am. You can't do anything and I'm gonna take advantage of that. I'm gonna have a little fun with your Jisung." The call ended before Minho would say anything. He heard the mocking tone in Moonjin's voice which made Minho yell out at the top of his lungs. He knew what Moonjin was about to do, but he couldn't do anything about it which made him feel like a failure.
Minho couldn't think straight, his mind was utter chaos and he didn't even now where to start. It was almost like he wasn't able to think of any rational actions at all.
Suddenly his phone buzzed, bringing him back to stability, Minho checked his phone. It was from an unknown number with a video attached.
Minho confusedly clicked on the message and the video. When the video started, Minho saw Jisung, tied up against something, with a bandana in his mouth. He was crying and you can see the deep purple and blue bruises and cuts all over his face and arms. Minho felt the anger in his stomach bubble.
Moonjin appeared in the video he walked up to Jisung and punched his face before pulling down the bandana down from his mouth. Jisung looked up at him in fear before the leader started roughly kissing the tied up boy. He moved his head to the side to avoid Moonjin's lips, but he forcefully grabbed Jisung's jaw, making the boy wince in pain, and kissed him again. Jisung never kissed back, he was squirming as much as he could but it wasn't enough to get Moonjin off of him.
Moonjin then moved his other hand under Jisung's shirt, touching all over the boy's chest and stomach. This made Jisung squirm even more and try to scream but he couldn't.
That's where the video ended.
Minho stood there in shock for a few moment before his shock was overtaken by him feeling absolutely sick to his stomach, he imagined all the things that couldn't happened after the video ended and it made him want to pass out. Soon that sickness turned to absolute anger.
Minho threw his phone across the room and started yelling. He punched the walls, imagining it was Moonjin's face. Tears rolled down his face of pure frustration and soon he dropped to the floor and wept. He had never felt so useless, so weak, so vain. He couldn't even keep the one person he loved with his while life, protected like he had promised.
Minho's door barged open and he met eyes with his gang. They've all been trying really hard to find out where Jisung was, but it was difficult since they had no trace and nothing to work off of. The other three friends were sleeping in their boyfriend's room.
"What happened?" Chan asked. Minho stayed quiet, he couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.
Changbin noticed Minho's phone on the floor. He walked over and picked it up. Surprisingly his phone wasn't shattered. He played the video that Minho was watching and quickly gasped, pausing it. He looked at his crying friend with wide eyes, "Oh my god Minho who sent that to you?"
"Who do you think?"
The whole gang rest of the gang walked over to Changbin, confused on what he was looking at. He clicked play on the video and everyone had the same reaction as him. They gasped and all looked away. They didn't know what they were expecting Jisung to look like, but they didn't think he was going to be beat up and bruised that badly. Everyone stayed quiet for a second, not knowing what to say.
"Wait this is great!" Hyunjin said all of a sudden, "I-I mean, not the actual video... but the fact that they contacted you. Now we can track the phone and find out where they're holding Jisung hostage."
Everyone looked at Hyunjin with hopeful eyes, "How long will that take?" Minho asked.
"Uh, maybe an hour or so?"
"Make it half an hour." Chan ordered Hyunjin and the boy widened his eyes, but nonetheless nodded. He ran off with Minho's phone and everyone followed behind him.
"We'll get him out of there today Minho." Woojin walked over to the boy and sat next to him.
"I'm just scared that Moonjin will do the same thing he did to me, to Jisung. I don't think I'll ever face Jisung again. I'm going to feel so guilty because it's all my fault."
"It's not your fault. You tried your best and sometimes there are moments when you can't do anything. Jisung's not going to blame you for it so you don't need to." Woojin said.
"His voice, god you should've heard his voice, it was filled with pure fear and desperation. I've never felt so useless and like such a coward."
"Stop it, you're not useless, you're helping us all try and find Jisung. You're trying your best."
"I talked to him in the phone. He called me. He could've called anyone, the cops, but he called me begging me to come help him." Minho whispered. "How can he call me and tell me to save him when he's in this mess because of me."
"None of this is your fault. It's not your fault that Moonjin grew up as a messed up kid. You can't blame yourself for things that you can't control. Jisung knows that isn't your fault and that's why he called you, he trusts that you'll save him. I don't want to hear you blame yourself ever again."
Minho sighed and placed his head in his hands.
Jisung was squirming for his life. He felt the rope burn against his skin but he didn't care. All he wanted was to get Moonjins lips off of his. He tried to scream but it became muffled in Moonjin's mouth. His hands invaded his chest, stomach and basically everywhere in his upper body. Jisung felt tears stream down his face. He didn't feel the fireworks or electricity or the butterflies he did when Minho kissed and roamed his hands all over his body. Instead Jisung felt dirty and infected.
Moonjin finally stopped kissing Jisung and he's never felt happier. The happiness soon twisted into his stomach and was replaced with fear.
"You're lips are nice and soft, no wonder Minho's dating you. But now let's see how good your body feels." Moonjin smirked.
Before Jisung could process what Moonjin said, the male slightly pulled down Jisung's pants. Enough to where he was fully exposed, the sudden coldness made Jisung shiver. He tried to bring his knees up, but of course they were stopped by the ropes.
Moonjin started touching Jisung and the boy started squirming and sobbing.
"Stop it! Stop it! Please don't do this!" Jisung screamed through his tears.
"Oh shut up, I know you're enjoying this." Moonjin smirked.
His hand traveled further down and stopped at his destination. Jisung sucked in his breath and cried silently.
"P-please don't. I'm begging you, I-I'll do anything." Jisung whispered in defeat.
Jisung nodded his head.
Moonjin smirked and shook his head, before proceeding. Jisung screamed out in pain and sobbed his eyes out. He'd much rather have Moonjin kiss him and touch his chest, than what he was doing right now. The sharp pain Jisung felt in his lower back was indescribable. Moonjin stopped after like thirty seconds, but to Jisung it felt like thirty decades.
The boss kissed Jisung one last time, "Next time, it won't be my finger." He whispered into Jisung's ear before he walked away to the door. Once he left the basement, the guard untied Jisung and walked to the basement door, locking it after he closed it.
Jisung immediately pulled his pants up and curled up in a ball. He cried hysterically, he's never felt so violated, so disgusting. He wished Minho was there with him.
"I found him! I found him!" Hyunjin yelled as he came running in Minho's room. Minho abruptly stood up. "Come on Minho we have to go!"
The boy ran with Hyunjin to the from of the house. There was an suv in the front. Minho and Hyunjin hopped inside and Woojin stepped on the gas pedal. Minho looked around and saw the gang.
His eyes widened, "Yedam?"
"I want to get revenge for what they did to Jisung." He explained and Minho nodded.
The drive was about ten minutes and the moment Woojin pulled into the destination, the car doors were flying open as the members were jumping out. Changbin gave Minho all his equipment. Everyone else was all geared up. They stood in front of an old house that looked like no one had been inside in years.
"I have the rest of Stray Kids going to the WPQO headquarters, just in case there's people there. If there are then they're gonna kill them and-"
"No." Minho interrupted.
"Sorry?" Chan said.
"Don't kill anyone. Jisung specifically said to not kill the gang and I promised him I wouldn't. He knows something we don't, he said that they were innocent. Don't kill them, just capture them." Minho said, leaving no room for discussion.
"Okay, well I guess we can tranquilize them and tie them up. All of us will go in first and attack the guards or the other members in this house while Minho you go find the basement and get Jisung out. Whatever you do, don't kill Moonjin." Chan continued and everyone nodded except for Minho.
Chan sent a quick message to the rest of his gang to tell them not to kill anyone. Everyone lined up in front of Minho, Chan in the front, he kicked down the door and started shooting darts at the people in his way. Soon the rest of Stray Kids started pushing inside, trying to keep the enemy distracted while Minho ran inside and searched for the basement. He walked everywhere but he never found the door to the basement.
Where the hell is it?
Minho reached the end of the hallway and still saw no door. He looked around himself, bamboozled at the lack of a basement door. Were they in the right place? He looked closer at the wall at the end. There was something about the wallpaper that was a little off, he started to roam his hands around the wall, trying to feel for a door not or something. Then he finally found it, he pulled the door opened and it led to stairs.
Minho quickly ran down the stairs, he looked around and met eyes with the person he loved for the first time in weeks.
»»————- 🍯 ————-««
in the next chapter:
tell me what you think is gonna happen in the next chapter :)
i'm debating if i should update on tuesday or friday, we'll see
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