s i x t e e n .

"Are you scared of me?" Minho was staring intently at Jisung.

Jisung suddenly got a boost of confidence and looked directly in Minho's eyes,

"I don't know, should I?"

Minho opened his mouth to answer but the sound of a whistle rang through their ears, indicating that it was time to go back and meet up with the rest.

Jisung snapped back into reality and quickly stood up and walked back, his face heating up from the scenario that just happened. The walk was silent as neither of them talked since Jisung was five feet ahead of Minho.

When they arrived at the back of the camp, Jisung saw two people standing with the teacher. He guessed that those were the two people who found all their items first.

"Students be quiet. These two are the ones that found all their items the quickest. Say your names." The teacher gave the mic to the first dude.

"Uh Jaemin." He passed the mic to his friend, "Jeno." His friend said.

"Congrats guys. Your prize is that you two can get some king sized candy." The two boys looked really excited.

"Okay students, we have another activity set up but I think we should do it after lunch. Lunch is going to be served really soon so just hang out until the horn is blown."

Jisung walked towards where Felix and Seungmin were standing while Minho walked towards where Changbin and Hyunjin were standing.

"What happened with you and Minho?" Felix asked as soon as Jisung walked to them.

"He definitely hates me." Jisung concluded.

"What do you mean?"

"He seemed like he was really irritated and he didn't really talk to me at all." Jisung shrugged.

"What else happened?" Seungmin anticipated more information.

"That's all. Nothing else happened." Jisung lied. He didn't want to tell them what happened at the lake because he was too embarrassed.

"Lame." Seungmin said with disappointment .

"What did you do for him to hate you so much?" Felix wondered out loud.

"I literally didn't do anything. I tried to make conversation but every time I opened my mouth he seemed like he wanted to duct tape it shut."

Seungmin and Felix chuckled. "This is helpless. You're helpless."

"How about you Seungmin. How was Hyunjin?" Jisung quickly changed the subject.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "He tried to flirt with me multiple times. He was being nice but I'm pretty sure it was a sort of flirting technique. Some of his pick up lines were ridiculous but he's actually kind of funny."

Felix and Jisung looked at each other, "Oh boy, don't tell me that you're falling for his flirting attempts too!" Felix gasped dramatically.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and smacked Felix's shoulder, "As if. I'm saying that he's not a bad person to hang around. That doesn't mean I like him. He's a player, I would never fall for him."

"Hm you never know. Maybe you'll change him." Jisung said.

"Yeah right, this isn't some cliché teenage romance movie." Seungmin scoffed. "I'm not even interested in him."

The horn started blowing before Felix or Jisung could comment on what Seungmin said. They walked towards the food building to eat lunch. After everyone ate, they were dismissed to go back to what they were doing before. The six boys walked back to the back of the camp. Jisung unwillingly stood next to Minho since they were partners.

"Alright students, first I want you to distinguish who's going to be partner A and who's going to be partner B." The teacher said.

Jisung turned to Minho, "Uh you can be partner A and I'll be partner B. Unless you want to be B."

"I'll just be partner A." Minho said as if he didn't want to talk to the other male any longer.

"Okay cool." Jisung said awkwardly.

"I want partner A to come up here and grab a blindfold from these boxes." The teacher said.

Minho walked up and of course all the students split apart, making way for Minho so he didn't have to wait to grab a blindfold.

After they got the blindfolds, the teacher spoke again, "I want partner A to put the blindfolds on."

Everyone was confused as to where this going but nonetheless partner A put the blindfolds on.

"Partner B this is where you come in. I want you to guide your blindfolded partner to and through the obstacle course with just your words. You cannot touch them and lead them through it. You have to use your words to guide them. This is not a competition, it is just to test your teamwork and your trust for each other. When you're done with the obstacle, return the blindfolds and you're allowed to do whatever you want until dinner. You may now start."

"Oh god." Jisung said once the teacher blew the whistle.

"Might as well just kill me now." Minho mumbled.

"Don't worry, just trust me." Jisung said which was kind of ironic. The gang member scoffed.

Jisung was confident that he would be able to get Minho to the obstacle course safely since it wasn't very far. He just hoped he would be able to guide Minho through the course safely too.

"Okay turn around and walk." Jisung instructed. Minho hesitated at first, but he eventually followed each instruction Jisung gave. Safely the two made it towards the obstacle course.

When Jisung saw the obstacle course he wanted to jump. "What the fuck." Jisung said in disbelief.

"What?" Minho asked, not knowing if he actually wanted to know.

"Uh, so the obstacle course I have to lead you through is um, elevated." Jisung revealed.

Minho tensed up. "Oh fuck no. I'm not doing this bullshit. Especially when you're guiding."

The last sentence hurt Jisung a little but he couldn't blame Minho for saying that. "It's ok, the obstacles aren't hard. There's also padding on the floor if you do fall, but don't worry, I'll make sure you won't fall." Jisung reassured.

Minho didn't move. He didn't want to. He didn't know if he trusted Jisung enough to walk through an elevated obstacle course while blindfolded and it didn't help that he also had the worst fear of heights. You wouldn't expect a gang member to be afraid of anything but surprise, one of the very few fears Minho has, is heights.

"Minho you have to trust me. I promise I'll get you through this safely." Jisung tried to convince him.

Minho sighed, "Fine, but I swear to god, if I fall I'm going to make you regret it."

Jisung was taken aback. He didn't actually expect Minho to agree. He thought that he would have to try to convince him for at least a few more minutes. Of course he was extra nervous now that Minho threatened him.

"Uh we're at the ladder. You just need to climb up. Wait let me go first." Jisung quickly climbed up the ladder. "Okay climb."

Minho slowly climbed up the ladder and stood next to Jisung, waiting for his next set of instruction. The brown haired male quickly walked through the first obstacle and turned around to guide Minho through it.

"Minho the first obstacle are these wood planks that are a step away from each other. You just gotta walk straight across it." Jisung yelled to Minho.

Minho hesitantly stuck his leg out feeling for the first plank. When he found it he slowly walked on top of it.

"Good now the next one is right in front of it." Jisung guided.

Minho used the same technique as before. Sticking his leg out, feeling for the next plank and walking on top of it once he finds it. This continued for the next three planks before he finally made it to the end where Jisung was.

"See? It wasn't that bad." Jisung said, trying to calm him down.

Minho let out a big breath he was holding in. "Speak for yourself bitch." Even though Minho was blindfolded, Jisung could feel his cold glare.

The latter rolled his eyes, glad that Minho couldn't see. "There's two more obstacles."

Minho groaned, "Oh my fucking god."

Jisung quietly laughed as he walked through the next obstacle. "Ok Minho the next one is a long ass log. There's a rope that you can hold onto while you walk across the log."

"You've got to be kidding me." Minho mumbled to himself. He reached out for the rope and cautiously walked onto the log.

"Now you have to walk across the log carefully." Jisung instructed.

'No shit.' Minho rolled his eyes as he slowly walked across the log, taking a break every once in a while to take a breathe and rethink his life decisions. In the end he safely made it to where Jisung was standing.

Minho exhaled, "I never want to do this again. I wish I never agreed to being partner A."

Jisung chuckled at what he said. "I'm doing a great job at guiding you though. You haven't fallen."

"We'll see about that." Minho mumbled.

Jisung ignored his comment and walked through the last obstacle. "This is definitely the most challenging one."

"Oh, just what I wanted." Minho sarcastically said.

"Um it's basically one of those unsupported and loose bridge things. There's a thin rope that you can hold onto on each side."

Minho mentally cursed. He grabbed the thin rope in both hands as he put his foot on the first wood plank.

"You're doing good. The next wood plank is a step away." Minho put his other leg on top of the second wood plank. He continued to go in a slow manner.

Everything was going well until he was in the middle of the bridge. The gust of wind passed and swayed the bridge, freaking Minho out in the process. He was terrified that the bridge was going to flip and he would fall to his death.

"Oh god." Minho quickly halted.

"Come on Minho, you're half way there. You can do it. You're not going to fall." Jisung tried to encourage.

Minho didn't answer back. He couldn't move any further. His breathing increased and his chest pumped in and out at a fast pace. He was too scared and Jisung didn't know what to do. He's never seen Minho so scared and vulnerable. He didn't know that Minho could be afraid of anything but he definitely didn't expect him to be afraid of heights.

"Minho move to the next step." Jisung nicely urged on.

The gang member didn't move. He couldn't. "I can't."

He was about to pull his blindfold off to continue through the rest of the bridge without his blindfold when he felt someone's hands gently touch both of his wrists.

"Stop, don't give up Minho. Don't be scared, you're fine. I'm here and I would never let you fall." Jisung said softly to Minho.

Jisung's soothing voice and warm his touch somehow calmed Minho down. He felt his breathing slowly go back to normal.

"Just focus on my voice and trust me." Jisung softly said again.

Minho took a deep breath and nodded his head, telling Jisung to continue. "Okay, I trust you."

Jisung smiled and slowly removed his hands from Minho but Jisung didn't go back to the end platform. He was right in front of Minho, slowly going through the rest for the bridge with him, making sure to reassure Minho every few seconds.

When they finally got on the end platform, Minho immediately reached to his head to pull off his blindfold, but Jisung was quick to stop him.

"Wait! Don't take it off yet. Wait until you get down."

"What why?" Minho questioned, he just wanted to rip that thing off his eyes.

"Just don't."

"Okay... Fine." Minho's took his hands off the blindfold.

Jisung slowly led him down the ladder. "Okay now you can take it off."

Minho immediately took off his blindfold. He squinted at the suddenly brightness. "I'm never doing that again." Jisung laughed.

"Why'd you want me to take my blindfold off when we got down?" Minho questioned.

"I just didn't want you to see how far up we were and then freak out again." Jisung said embarrassed.

Minho smiled. "Thanks for not killing me."

Jisung was shocked. 'Was Minho really thanking me? That's unheard of.'

Jisung smiled back, "Of course. I don't want all your fans to kill me."

Minho scoffed. "Come on, let's return the blindfold."

They returned the blindfold and walked around the camp site for the remainder of the time.

"How are you?" Minho asked out of nowhere.

The question made Jisung confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how are your ribs and stomach?"

Jisung stayed confused until he realized that Minho was talking about the incident. "I had a broken rib that was puncturing my lungs which made it hard for me to breath, but I'm fine now. My stomach was bruised really badly. I had to be on meds for some time but I just got off of them." Jisung explained.

"What about your arms?" Minho looked at the other's forearm but the skin was covered by the fabric of Jisung's shirt.

"My arms?" Jisung looked down at his arms, confused.

"They were bleeding when I saved you."

"Oh! The two guys holding me dug their nails into my skin, but the doctor took care of it and now it's healed. There's a very faint scar but it'll go away." Jisung pulled his sleeves and showed Minho the fading scars.

"Well at least you're ok." Minho said.

Something didn't sit right with Jisung about this whole situation. When he thanked Minho, the gang member lashed out at him, but now he's asking if the brown haired boy is ok? Sure Minho's been rude to Jisung during this trip but he hasn't lashed out at him yet and Minho said with his own mouth that he trusted Jisung? That didn't make any sense. What caused the sudden change of heart and why wasn't Minho acting like the usual heartless guy he's known to be?

"How come you're being so nice?" Jisung asked before he could stop himself.

Minho wasn't expecting Jisung to ask him that. "What do you mean?" He looked at the other.

Jisung scoffed. "You know exactly what I mean Minho. At school, you throw a punch at someone for bumping into you. You're the most intimidating and terrifying person, so why are you so nice to me right now? The day I thanked you last week for saving me, you completely blew up but now you're asking me if I'm ok? This morning you barely even talked to me and when you did, you gave me short answers and acted like you dreaded being with me the entire time. Why the sudden change of heart? I'm seeing a whole new side of you and I don't know which is fake or not."

Minho stayed quiet, he was thinking about what he was going to say next. He too didn't know why he was acting like this. "How I'm acting right now is real, but the way I act at school isn't fake either. Confusing right? There's a reason for everything I do and I don't expect you to understand it. I try not get close with anyone other than my gang and usually, I don't give people any type of chance to talk to me or to come near me so that they won't have hope that they can get close to me. But after the whole obstacle course, I noticed there's just something about you that makes me trust you."

Jisung looked down, taking a second to comprehend the information. It just made him more confused. "You know, I thought you hated me. I always avoided you because I thought I was gonna do something wrong and set off a trigger in your brain that would cause you to hurt me or something."

"I'm not going to hurt you Jisung. I don't hurt people I trust." Minho reassured.

"If you trust me then why'd you act like such a dick to me before."

Minho sighed, "Like I said before, I act like that so that people don't have a chance to get near me but after our circumstances and the fact that you're such a stubborn person, it was almost inevitable."

Jisung took a few moments to register everything Minho had told him. There were still some unanswered questions he had. 'Why doesn't he want anyone to get close to him? It definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he's in a gang because the rest of Stray Kids don't act like that, so why does he keep this front when he's actually a decent guy?'

"No." Minho said out of nowhere which brought Jisung from his deep thoughts.

Jisung looked at Minho with confused eyes. "No what?"

"No you shouldn't be scared of me." Minho replied.

Jisung stayed confused for a second before he remembered the scene at the lake.  "Why shouldn't I?" Jisung questioned.

"Cause I actually trust you." Minho looked at Jisung.

Jisung felt his face heat up and he quickly looked down. 'Why does he make me feel this way? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why is it fluttering? Why does he give me butterflies in my stomach?'

The horn blew.

Jisung quietly thanked god for saving him from this moment because he knew he would've embarrassed himself if the moment lasted seconds longer. They quickly made their way to the food building and Jisung saw that the other two pairs were already sitting at the table talking with each other.

"Finally, took you guys long enough." Hyunjin said when the Jisung and Minho sat at the table.

"Shut up, we didn't even take that long." Minho jokingly rolled his eyes, causing Hyunjin and Changbin to laugh. Felix and Seungmin on the other hand, stared intently at Jisung but the latter acted like he didn't feel their stare.

They started talking about random stuff when the server brought their food. Minho declined again and of course Jisung noticed.

"You aren't eating again?" Jisung asked.

Minho shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I was hoping you would share your plate with me."

Jisung choked on his spit and he started coughing, catching everyone's attention.

"Drink some water dumbass." Seungmin said and Jisung reached for his cup.

"Jisung, you good?" Felix asked the red boy.

"Yep." Jisung peeped out. Both his friends gave him a weird stare before they went back to eating their food. Minho was secretly laughing.

"You're lucky I don't eat a lot." Jisung mumbled as he pushed his plate towards Minho. The latter smiled.

Felix and Seungmin smirked at each other when they saw what was going on.

After dinner was over, it was time for the campfire. There was two different fires since there were so many students and not everyone would be able to fit around one.

The six of them sat at one log and the other students tried to sit near them or at least sit at the same campfire they were sitting at. A bunch of angry students were forced to sit at the other campfire since the one Stray Kids was sitting at got full. From right to left sat Minho, Jisung, Felix, Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin.

They sat a bit far from the fire because they didn't want to get overheated but that also caused Jisung to start to shiver a little. Minho noticed and took off his hoodie to give to Jisung.

"I'm okay Minho. You can wear it." Jisung rejected.

Minho scoffed, "Bullshit, I can see you shivering. I'm fine Jisung, just wear the damn hoodie."

Jisung sighed and gave in because he gettin really cold. He put on the jacket and instantly felt the warm fabric hug his skin. "Thank you." Minho nodded.

Jisung yawned, the sudden warmth made him really tired. He subconsciously leaned his head on Minho's shoulder and closed his eyes. Minho was surprised by the action but he didn't mind. He looked down at Jisung and saw him peacefully sleeping on his shoulder. Minho smiled at the sight. He took this time to observe and appreciate the features on Jisung's face. The way his eyelashes rested on his cheeks. The way his lips pouted when he was sleeping.

'What are you doing to me Han Jisung?' Minho thought to himself.

»»————- 🍯 ————-««

in the next chapter:
- ah shit here we go again pt 2
- he admits it

tell me what do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter :)

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