Chapter 2
After having a nice dinner with Lesley, Harley came back to his room and take some book to read. He passing some pages cause they're bored to him then he suddenly think about what Lesley told him. He start thinking about it more.
"Is she sure she saw a real person...? Or because the rain was to heavy that make her saw it wrong...? No wait!" - he suddenly remember something. "Sister has an amazing eyes sight so there's no way what she saw is wrong!"
He feel the chills on his spine when imagine the sence his sister saw that day. He doesn't understand why, if Harith really did that whenever there's a heavy rain, doesn't it mean he had to got fever? Wait what on earth is he thinking again???? Why did he even care for that annoying Leonin! He's cold, he's weird, he's rude, he's... handsome... "OH MY GOD NOT AGAIN!!!" - Harley start slam his head on his pillow again while start blushing a bit again.
"I'M NOT EVEN GAYYY!!" - he screaming inside.
Then he remembered something, he will hangout with his friends tomorrow, which mean he won't think about that damn annoying cat again. He put the book away and decide to sleep since it 11p.m now.
Next day, he wake up with the tired eyes. He had a weird dream last night. It was about that damn Leonin again,but this time it was... different.
In his dream he saw Harith standing in front of his village which is got destroyed by the fire, then he turn back and Harley can see his eyes full with tears, and bruises on his face and arms. And most important thing is, the eyes he saw in the dream wasn't even emtpy at all. Instead, it full of life, but also with pain, cause behind the Leonin, his village got destroyed by the fire and there's nothing he couldn't do to save it. He just look at Harley with the teary eyes. Then he whispered something...
Harley suddenly woke up at 5a.m cause that dream and he tried to sleep again but he couldn't sleep again, so he end up stay awake til it's morning. Now his eyes are full with tiredness from that dream, he slowly get up and goes doing some stuff to clean himself.
After that, Harley go to the kitchen, his sister is not there. Then he saw a note.
"Hey Harley, sorry but I need to go early, i'll go back and prepare dinner for you ok? I make food for you, stay safe!
Your sister,
He slowly finish his meal and and goes out to take a walk.
"This is boring.." - He thinks. Then he think about Harith again. He wonder how the Leonin is now, is he ok? Or is he go somewhere to make him feel better?
"Damn why did I care about him again?? This is weird!"- He think and keep walking. Then he hear someone yelling his name behind.
He turn around and see Nana and Lylia, going with them is Chang'e and Cylops. They quickly run to him.
"Damn was u thinking again? I called you like hundred time!" - Chang'e said with a cute angry face.
"I mean, she's right. I wonder what you're thinking about earlier" - Nana said while holding Lylia's hands. It's so clear that Nana and Lylia are dating. They've been dating for 6 months he thinks.
He was about to tell them about the dream and Harith, then something stop him from talk it out so he decide to mock the lovebirds a bit.
"Oh just thinking about how can Lylia taking care of a tsundere like you" - he smirked.
"God damn it Harley you really have to do it????" - Nana start blushing a lot and look away making tsundere noise. Lylia patting her gf's head to calm her down while smiling.
"Anyway where are U going?" - Cyclops ask him.
The mage actually didn't know where to go, he just randomly walking to find something interestimg for him.
"Actually I dont know where I wanna go, I just, you know walk to find something interesting I guess." - he smiled awarkdly while scratch the back of his neck.
"Oh I thought you go to find your future husband~" - Nana smirk while her eyebrows going up and down.
"T-the heck Nana???" - the mage start blushing and look away. Everyome now surprise. Did he have a crush on someone??? Oh my god it'll be wonderful!
Last time when Nana said that to tease Harley, he just acting normal, even being mean to her a bit. Now he's blushing? That's new to them.
"Oohh so you have a crush?" - Lylia said wth surprise tone while look at him blushing looking away.
"I dont have a crush on anyone so shush you all!! - He glare at them.
"Alright alright, anyway how's your fight yesterday Harley? I heard you guys were meeting a new person" - suddenly Cyclops mention make him remember about that damn Leonin and his handsome "half of his face", again. He just sighed and said "It was good".
"Who is the person you guys fight along with?" - Chang'e ask him with curious voice. Which make him even remember more about that Leonin's cold voice and handsome face more clearly. Of course, he also remember the... broken...and pain inside it.
"H-huh??" - The mage was spacing out again and got back to earth thanks to Lylia.
"Dude your spacing out again" - said Cyclops.
"S-sorry, I was just thinking of something randomly" - he smile and scratch his head.
"So Harley who is the new person you guys fight along with?" - Chang'e ask the same question.
Harley doesn't know if he should tell the truth or just lie. But he think, maybe they don't know about Harith? So it's ok if he tell the truth he guess.
"It was Harith" - the mage said. Then he see all of his friends are shock.
"So they know about him huh? Damn that guy is so popular" - he think.
"Did that guy tried to hurt you?? Did he threaten you??? Did he left you alone on the fight??? - all 4 of them start asking the mage those kind of question which make him even more confuse. What did the Leonin boy do that make them scare?
"Chill out you all, no he didn't do any of them. He even saved me from getting killed istg that was a close one. Then I save him once as well and he gave me a confusion look, feel like he never get saved ny anyone before I think" - Harley explain everything to them and then all 4 friends sigh in relief.
"Uhm I dont know if it's ok to ask, but, did he do something bad? - when the mage ask then the 4 them give him a nervous look and then they look at each other whicb make him more confuse. Is this Harith really that bad?
"Well... he killed a lot of people... like... a lot" - Cyclops said with shaking voice.
"He... killed...?" - The mage was shock even more. Why did he even kill people? Cause they being toxic and mean to him? That's stupid! Harley doesn't want to ask more, because it will make them scare. So he thinking what to do to make them feel better.
"Hey guys, you wanna go to our favorite cafe to hang out?" - asked the mage.
Everyone look at him with their sparkling eyes and the smiles on their faces.
"Really??" - they all ask the mage.
"Well yes, since we're all here so why not?" - Harley said while smiled.
Then all of them quickly take him to their favorite cafe. Chang'e quickly see their favorite cafe then she suddenly stop, and just stand there. Seem like she saw something. They see she kinda shaking a bit, a sweat drop on her face. Then Harley decide to go check if she's ok.
"Chang'e what's wrong? Don't tell me you see a mice again" - the mage chuckled while going to her.
Then she slowly point at the cafe, everyone look at where she point then all of them were shock.
Where Chang'e is pointing, they all can see the Leonin - Harith, sitting on the chair with a table next to him, and he's reading a book, he doesnt wear his mask today so they can see all his face. Then a waiter bring a cup of drink for him, the Leonin nods as a thank you and the waiter nod back as "you're welcome" then goes back to the cafe, and let Harith continue reading.
Somehow the mage want to talk to him, he want to know if he really is what everyone talk about. When he turn back to his friends to ask them something he see all his friends are now a distance from him. Harley want to hit them so bad but he just hold it.
"What the heck is wrong with you all?? He didn't even look at us!" - he yell at them.
"H-he will soon Harley, and w-we're still too young to die you know that right?" - Nana said with a scaredy voice.
"Such cowards..." - the mage think. Then he try to calm all of them down by saying that he will go to the Leonin and talk to him. All of them are shocked cause what he said.
"Are you crazy or something??" - Chang'e said with a high tone. "He might threaten you, or worse, he might hurt you.." - Then she start shaking again.
"Oh please you all just over-reacting, he isn't that bad! I'll show you all!" - Then the mage turn around and goes straight to the Leonin and ignore his friends's telling him not to.
With the Leonin, he is reading one of the book he got from the library. Then he notice someone is coming toward to him, he look up and see the mage is now standing in front of him.
"Uh, hey" - said the mage with nervous voice.
Harith just look at him, without saying anything, that make Harley a bit uncomfortable.
"Hello... the Genius Mage... didn't expect seeing you here..." - Harith suddenly said with his usual cold voice.
"Oh so you know me?" - asked the mage with surprise tone.
"Of course... I've heard a lot from you... sir..." - Harith said while goes back reading.
At this moment, the mage want to slap him so bad but once again, he calm himself down.
"Anyway, is this seat taken yet?" - Harley point at the chair opposite with Harith.
Once again the Leonin give him that cold look from his eyes again, that give the mage somehow feel strange. Did he said something wrong? If not then why he gave him that look?
"Yes... that seat is taken..." - Harith said while reading again.
"By the air..." - the Leonin chuckles gently.
"Why you... you.... you damn Leonin!!!" - Harley shout while his face turn red a bit cause anger when Harith just chuckles.
"If you want to sit there just sit... I dont mind..." - the Leonin said without looking at the mage this time.
"You don't?" - Harley look at him with his eyes widened.
Harith just nods slowly mean yes. That make Harley really surprise and somehow, happy. He quickly sit in front of him and turn his head to his friends who got surprised as well.
"See I told you!!! Now get over here and enjoy the hang out!!" - the mage shout at them.
Quickly they goes to the cafe and sit far away from Harith and Harley, the mage still can see the fear on their face.
"Let me guess... they scare me... right...?" - the Leonin suddenly ask while still looking at the book.
"H-huh? Well yeh, cause they heard a lot of bad things from you..." - then the mage told him what peple talk about him.
"Well... half of them are true..." - the Leonin slowly said.
"Wait, half?" - the mage look at him. "I thought they're just rumors?"
"Well... it's true that I kill... I ignore the toxic team... and other things... but threaten... hurt and put spell on the others... are not... in fact... I never did any of them... I just look at them... that's all..." - the Leonin said while still reading the book.
The mage just stay quiet and look at him reading the book. This Leonin somehow... soft and nice... he didnt yell or shout, or even curse at all, he just... explain it gently, with a cold voice that Harley know, and somehow like that voice of his, and he still somehow Harith is familiar to him, again.
"You're not even bad like they said, Harith"
The Leonin look at him with surprise on his face, the mage confuse why he look at him like that until he realize he accidently spoke his thought out. His face start turn red.
"W-wait that's not what I mean!! I-i mean you're still bad b-but not that bad ok??? S-so don't think that I like you you weird cat!! Ugh!!" - he look away while face still red.
What is wrong with him? Why did he suddenly say that out loud? He cant believe he did that. When Harley look at his friends are sitting on another table, he see them look at him like want him to leave that seat.
"You should go with your friends... instead of sitting here... aren't you and them hanging out...?" - the Leonin speak again and close his book.
"Well i-..."
"I'll leave so you guys can have fun..." - then, he stand up and pat Harley's shoulder. "See you next time.... the Genius Mage..." - then just like that, he walk away and before Harley can say "wait!", he dissapear in the crowd.
The mage keep looking at the noisy crowd, where the Leonin went. He feel a bit... dissapoint... and sad for not able to stop Harith. He wish he could do it sooner so maybe they can talk again, or even better, is being friends.
"Harley?" - a voice call his name make him turn back, it was his friends, they're now sitting next to him.
"Harley did he say something bad to you?" - Lylia ask with nervous in her voice.
"Yeh we saw you seem, distract after he left" - said Nana.
The mage realize that they were watching him and the Leonin the whole time, and he showed some weird act he never make before to his friends, or maybe, to him.
"Its ok guys, I just thinking of something that's all, it's not important anymore" - Harley try to make a smile to make them believe that he tell the truth.
"Alright then, since Harith is gone now what you guys want to eat?" - Chang'e ask with some happiness in her voice. Then everyone start choosing the food they want to eat, Harley also choose one too.
But then he look at the cup of drink the Leonin has left before he leave, seem like Harith didn't even touch the cup cause it still full. He suddenly take the cup and see what kind of drink the Leonin order, it was a cappucino cup with some cookie crumbs in it make it look more delicious.
Now thinking again, the mage want to know more about that Leonin, because he feel like the Leonin will be someone... special to him...
End chapter 2.
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