Ray Blackwell _ Part 2

Part 2

(Ray's nothing like I thought.)

(You're so aloof. I can't read you.)

He always seems to be teasing me--

Let me give you a piece of advice.


Chapter 1

Ray let go of my chin at last, even as I tried to wonder what he might mean by having 'high hopes' for me.

Ray: Still, if you need my help for anything, just call.

Ray: In a loud voice, if you can.

Kiera: A loud voice? What, do you want me to scream at the top of my lungs?

Ray: Well, if I can't hear you, I can't help you.

Ray gave me a surprisingly winning grin before turning to walk away.

(You are SO not what I thought you were.)

I could still remember the warmth of his arms when he'd caught me falling out of the sky.

And when I'd found out he was the king, and he'd offered to make a deal with me, I'd thought he was kind and reliable.

(But you're more aloof than I expected, and I can't read you at all.)

(And you seem like a bit of a troublemaker. Although-- I'm not sure if you're teasing me, or if maybe you just don't like me.)


Ray turned away from Kiera and stepped out into the corridor.

Fenrir: Heya, Ray.

Fenrir was leaning against the wall near the door, his eyes dancing with amusement.

Fenrir: You're so underhanded, my friend.

Ray: What are you talking about?

Fenrir: I'm talking about the deal you made with Kiera.

Ray: Hmph.

Fenrir: What was it you said? 'Your ability to deflect magic is just what we need'? Yeah, that was it.

Fenrir: Why'd you even say that? You know it's not like that at all.

Ray: What is it you really want to say?

Fenrir held up one finger, waving it at Ray.

Fenrir: Reason number one for why you said it was just a 'deal'.

Fenrir: You wanted to protect Kiera from those annoying-as-heck red guys.

Fenrir: And then, reason number two.

Fenrir held up a second finger, his bright eyes never leaving Ray's.

Fenrir: You wanted to create an excuse for Kiera to come stay with us, without feeling like she was imposing.

Fenrir: Well, this is all just me making some educated guesses, o' course.

Ray: Do me a favor, then-- stop making guesses.

Fenrir: Ooer, you're so scary, Your Majesty.

Fenrir gave an exaggerated shrug as he turned and walked calmly away.

Fenrir: Oh hey, wait.

Fenrir: I forgot to say one more thing.

Ray: Hmm?


Chapter 2

Ray: Hmm?

Fenrir: Our king is plenty strong enough without Kiera's abilities.

Fenrir: And that ain't a guess-- that's the truth.

Fenrir grinned over his shoulder, and at last Ray grinned back at him.

Ray: I'll accept that last one. But only that.

Fenrir: Gotcha.

Fenrir's voice was cheerful as he turned away, one hand raised in a casual wave.

Ray glanced over at the window, where the shy was still bright blue.

Ray: Until the next full moon, huh?

Ray: We're only together for thirty days. That's all.


The sun slowly began to set over Cradle, and the first few stars appeared in the sky.

(How did this happen?!)

Ray and Fenrir had come to tell me it was time for the celebration party.

But apparently just attending the party wasn't enough-- they'd insisted on putting a blindfold on me.

Now everything was dark, and I was forced to rely on them to lead me to the party.

Kiera: C'mon, you two! Why'd you have to blindfold me?

Fenrir: 'Cause it's way more fun to yell 'one, two, three!' and let you see everything all at once! Right?

Fenrir: But you'd better be careful, Kiera.

Kiera: About what?

Fenrir: Cradle is a treasure trove of weird and wonderful food.

Kiera: For real?

Ray: For real.

Ray: Don't go passing out in complete shock when we take the blindfold off.

Ray: After all, women are strong when they make up their minds, right?

Fenrir: What are you even babbling about?

Ray: It's a secret.

With my eyes covered, I had to rely on my hearing even more, and I could clearly hear the teasing tone in Ray's voice.

(I was wrong. You're not just a bit of a troublemaker.)

(You're a REAL troublemaker.)

I opened my mouth, all ready to give him a piece of my mind, when suddenly--

I heard the sound of a door opening, and the aroma that wafted out was so tantalizing it distracted me completely.

Ray: Well, then.

Ray: Let's see what you think.


Chapter 3

Ray casually pulled the blindfold away from my eyes.

Kiera: Wow!

My gaze was immediately caught by the huge dining table, covered in an array of delicious-looking dishes.

Kiera: This is amazing! Where did you get roast beef like that?! And fish and chips? And that potato salad-- I can hardly believe this!

Seth: Teehee! That's because we have our own little chef, and he's very skilled.

Kiera: You have a chef? In the army?

Seth: Indeed! His name is Luka Clemence.

Luka: You didn't have to call me 'little'.

Kiera: Wait-- Luka, you made all of this?

Luka: I just-- like to cook.

Luka: Besides, everyone helped.

Sirius: Our soldiers generally tend to eat what they like, when they like.

Sirius: But we usually end up relying on Luka here.

Luka: I'm already making my own share, so--

In spite of Luka's gruff words, a faint, somewhat shy smile played around his lips.

Kiera: Thank you.

Luka: Eat. It'll get cold.

Kiera: Okay!

Seth: That's our cue! Everyone, dig in!

Fenrir: Oh man, this is SO good!

Fenrir: And you really did serve beef, just like I asked! Luka, you're the BEST!

Luka: Shut up and eat, Fenrir.

Luka: Also, that's Sirius's beef you're eating.

Fenrir: I am? Whoops! Sorry!

Sirius: Hmph.

(Hang on--)

I noticed suddenly that Seth was holding his fork in the air, his eyes shut.

I frowned a little, wondering what was wrong, and leaned over to say something when--

Seth: Ahh, it's so important to have a fresh face like yours around!

Kiera: I'm sorry?

Seth: Look how good our food is! Look how cheerful everyone is! This just goes to show how amazing you are, Alice!

Seth: And look at all this wine and ale! I'm gonna drink myself into a stupor tonight.

Fenrir: I'm not carrying you back to your room, Seth.

Fenrir: It's pathetic, having to carry some poor, drunken oaf around while he sings off-key and drools on my shirt.

Seth: Osf? I'm a perfect gentleman, thank-you-very-much! And I can carry a tune just fine! And--

Fenrir: I still ain't carrying a perfect gentleman anywhere.

Seth: Fenrir!

Kiera: Seth, Fenrir! Please--

Ray: Leave it. They're always like that.

Ray: You've got more important things to worry about.

Ray: C'mon, look this way for a sec.


Chapter 4

Ray: C'mon, look this way for a sec.

Kiera: Huh? What for?

Ray: Because-- ahh, forget it.

Ray was studying me, his chin resting on his hand, and I frowned at him in confusion.

A moment later he reached out, gently touching the corner of my lips, and I jumped.

Ray: You had sauce smeared on you.

I stared at him as he licked the sauce from his finger, his expression brightening.

Ray: That's really good. Which sauce was it?

Kiera: Um-- oh right, that one there.

Ray: Thanks.

He turned away to serve himself more food, and I breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't noticed my sudden blush.

(I wasn't expecting that. What was that all about? And why am I blushing about it?)

Sirius: Kiera, are you eating enough? Wait--

Seth: What's wrong, Sirius? You look like you've just seen a ghost.

Seth followed Sirius's gaze to my plate, and I heard him catch his breath.

Seth: Alice, when did you finish all your food?

Kiera: Just then.

Kiera: I love eating. Especially when it's good food!

Fenrir: Hey, nice one!

Fenrir: There's something really comforting about seeing someone eating properly!

Luka: We also have cupcakes for dessert.


I love cupcakes!


Kiera: Seriously? I love cupcakes!

Fenrir: Geez, Luka, you could've told us that earlier.

Sirius: You're like a bottomless pit.

Ray: Fenrir, you might have some competition in the eating department.

Fenrir: You're not wrong!

Several hours later--

Fenrir: Ahhh, I can't eat another bite.

Ray: Geez, you really wolfed all that down. But it's about time we finished.

Ray stood up, and his gaze moved to meet mine.

Ray: What's with that dazed look?

Ray: I doubt you remember where anything is yet. I'll show you to your room.

(This is amazing!)

Ray opened the door, and I stared in disbelief at the room that was apparently mine.

Kiera: Wow! This is so beautiful! And so nicely decorated!

Ray: Man, those guys got way too excited about this. When did they even buy all this stuff?

Kiera: Wait-- are you saying they went out and bought it?

Ray: This room was empty before. There wasn't a thing in it.

(I don't believe it! Now I feel kind of bad.)

Kiera: I'm so sorry-- I didn't expect them to go that far for me.

Kiera: Let me at least pay you for--

I stopped mid-sentence as I reached into the pocket of my dress.

Kiera: Oh drat! I left my wallet behind when I left the store! It's still in London!

Ray: Hmph. In that case--

Ray: Let me give you a piece of advice.


Chapter 5

Ray: Let me give you a piece of advice.

Ray folded his arms, leaning back against the doorframe, and I tensed.

Ray: Why not just say 'thank you'?

Kiera: Are you serious?

I stared at Ray in disbelief, confused not only by his words but by how nice his smile was.

Ray: I know those guys-- a few words of thanks will make them happier than all the money in your world.

Kiera: Really?

Kiera: Then I'll make sure to tell them. Thank you, Ray.

Ray: Why are you thanking me?

Kiera: Well--

Ray: Weirdo.

Ray gave me that smile again, before turning away.

Kiera: Ray-- goodnight!

Ray: Yeah, goodnight.

He closed the door behind him, and suddenly the room seemed too quiet.

(They call him their king, and they clearly all idolize him.)

(But I just can't make heads or tails of him.)

(It's like there's so much more going on inside that head of his than he's ever prepared to show. And-- I'd like to know what it is.)

I stepped slowly over to the window, pushing open the pale blue curtains.

The sky overhead looked slightly different from the one I was used to in my own world-- and the stars weren't all the same, either.

(And it's not just Ray that I don't understand.)

(This world is so confusing to me.)

There were so many new things to learn that I felt sure I'd return home before I'd figured out even an eighth of it.

But nothing was more important to me in that moment than returning safely to London as soon as possible.

(I want to survive these thirty days safely and go home.)

I sent up a silent wish to the unfamiliar stars before closing the curtains again.


That evening--

Kiera: Nnnnn--

A loud clatter from somewhere downstairs woke me from a strange dream.

(Did something happen? Was it the Red Army? Surely they wouldn't attack here.)

I hastily pulled on the robe I'd been given and hurried out into the corridor.

I spotted two soldiers standing near the stairs, whispering urgently to each other.

Black Soldier 1: I can't believe they'd attack us in the middle of the night like that!

Black Soldier 2: I know! How are the gate guards?

Black Soldier 1: I heard they were taken to the Central Hospital. It must be serious.

(There's been an attack? And someone's in hospital?!)

The words were far too ominous, but as I stepped forward, I heard a familiar voice from nearby.

(Wait, is that--)

I pushed open the door nearest to me, and found another dark stairwell, leading downward.

The familiar voice sounded louder, almost like an invitation, and I quickly followed the stairs down.

But I caught my breath in shock at what I found at the bottom.

Ray: There's no escape for you now.

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