Ray - Normal Story 10

Ray reached calmly for the sword strapped to his waist.

He slid it deftly from its sheath and in one smooth motion pointed the tip at Lancelot's throat.

Ray: And depending on your answer-- I may not show you any mercy.

(I didn't think this could get any worse, but it just did!)

In spite of the sword pointed at his throat, Lancelot didn't seem in the slightest bit scared.

He stared directly at Ray, as if trying to figure something out about him.

My voice sounded dry and strangled, but I managed to speak all the same.

Kiera: You've got it all wrong, Ray!

Kiera: This man-- King Lancelot-- he rescued me!

Ray: Hmm?

The tense silence continued for a moment, but at last Ray lowered his sword.

The tip of it hovered barely an inch above the ground, still ready to be used.

(I'm still so confused, but I need to sort this out before someone gets killed.)

In my head I could hear Sirius's voice telling me how a single misunderstanding could start a war.

Kiera: I got lost and ended up in the Forbidden Forest.

Kiera: And then I found myself near the Magic Tower, and these creepy guys with hoods starting approaching us--

Ray: Men from the Magic Tower?

Before I could answer, I felt a cold hand on my neck.

Kiera: Gah!

Lancelot: It's wiser not to speak too much, Alice.

Lancelot: If you don't want this pretty little neck of yours to end up broken, that is.

I caught my breath as I met his icy cold gaze, but then his hand was pushed away.

Ray: Don't lay another hand on her.

Lancelot's eyes moved slowly from me to Ray, but he said nothing.

Ray: Lancelot.

Ray: I don't know what you're playing at, but-- if you ever enter Black Territory again, or lay even a finger on her again--

Ray: I won't forgive you.

The air was so thick with tension I could barely breathe.

Lancelot: I could agree to that.

Lancelot: But only if you say you'll allow your army to be absorbed into mine.

Ray's expression went hard immediately, his eyes glittering.

Lancelot: Foolish young king. I want you to remember this.

Lancelot: The decisions you make sow the seeds of chaos-- seeds that will grow to bring about your ruin.

Lancelot: Knowing that, I want you to decide what is right for the Black Army.

His voice was deep and resonant, and his words seemed to echo in my ears.

His eyes moved toward mine, just briefly, and I saw the red in them even as the wind whipped around us.

Ray: Hey--

Lancelot disappeared right in front of our eyes, as if he'd simply melted away into nothing.

Black Soldier: He vanished?!

Black Soldier: Never mind! Are you all right, Kiera?!

Kiera: Yes, Im fine.

Black Soldier: Thank goodness! We were so worried!

I gave the soldiers a quick reassuring smile as I turned to look at Ray.

He was staring at the spot where Lancelot had vanished, his expression still hard.

He looked completely unapproachable, and I chewed my lip, not sure if I should even say anything.

As I tried to find the right words, his gaze moved at last, meeting mine.

Ray: I'll see you back to your room.

(Fair enough-- I don't think I'll be seeing Blanc today after all.)

I nodded slowly, and fell into step beside him.

By the time we reached the Black Army's headquarters, it was almost dark.

Ray saw me all the way to my room, and then stood in the open doorway, avoiding my gaze.

Ray: You should get some rest.

He started to turn away, and suddenly I couldn't stand to let him go without saying something.

Kiera: Ray!

Ray: Hmm?

Kiera: I'm sorry-- sorry for worrying you.

Ray: You don't need to apologize.

Ray hesitated, and then turned to face me directly.

Ray: I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me.

His words were like a heavy weight on my shoulders-- the weight of realization.

(This is who you really are, Ray.)

(You're always thinking about protecting other people, and you feel the weight of that responsibility more keenly than anyone.)

And this time, the pain and regret he was feeling was because of me.

(I want to tell you that it's not your fault, but-- words like that are meaningless to you.)

As I tried desperately to think of something to say, a memory flashed through my mind.

Ray: Still, if you need my help for anything, just call.

Ray: In a loud voice, if you can.

Kiera: A loud voice? What, do you want me to scream at the top of my lungs?

Ray: Well, if I can't hear you, I can't help you.

Kiera: Next time, I promise I'll call for you, in a really loud voice.

Ray: Huh?

Kiera: You said that to me, remember?

Kiera: That if I needed your help for anything, I should just call, in a loud voice if possible.

Kiera: I didn't call for you this time. So I promise I will, next time.

I could see that I'd caught him off guard with my words, and after a moment he smiled at last.

Ray: Got it.

He was finally looking me directly in the eye again, and the pain in his gaze seemed lighter.

Ray: Why don't you practice? Call for me now.

Kiera: Um-- Ray!

Ray: Hmm.

Something was burning bright in his deep emerald eyes-- something that made me never want to look away.

Ray: Next time I'll hear you. I promise.

His soft words were so sure and true that they settled deep in my heart, like a magic charm to protect me.

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Tags: #game