Chapter 18 : Lilly's parents still live

In the midnight ; I wake up because I feel something is coming from outside . So I go to outside and I see Lilly and Garth are talking to a shadow puppy . Garth said : " Who are you ? " . She said : " I am Ace - Buster's daughter . And I come here to tell Lilly that her parents still live " . Lilly said : " Really ? " . Ace said : " Yes . I saved them ". She said : " So where are they ? " . Ace said : " They are in my den ". I said : " Why do you want to help us ? " . She said : " Because I don't want to become evil just like my dad . And I just wanted to become a hero just like you . I just upset because my dad was killed by a dog . If you know ; my dad was killed since I was born . My mom told me that " . She said that and she starts crying. When she said that I started remembering about the battle between me and Buster . But I think I have to tell her the true that I killed her dad but I can't . She said : " Even though my dad is so evil but I don't want to her die " . I said : " Don't be crying . You can live with my family if you want " . She said : " Really ? " . I said : " Yes " . I said : " Ok . Now we have to find your den to meet Lilly's parents " . She said : " Ok . Please follow me " . At 30 minutes ; finally we come to Ace's den . When we are going to there ; 2 wolves are coming and they said : " Lilly ! Is that you ? " . She said : " Yes . It's me ! Lilly " . When she said that ; 2 wolves howl and they said : " Lilly ! We missed you so much" . Lilly said : " Me too " . They said : " They thought we died and we thought we couldn't see you anymore " . But Luckily ; when a big car was coming ; we was saved by Ace . She said : " Thanks for saving my parents" . She said : " No problem " . Lilly said : " Oh I just forgot . Here is my friend . He helped me a lot ". She said that and she introduce me . One wolf said : " Thanks for helping my daughter . I am Eve - Lilly' mom and here is my husband. He name is Wisten " . After that ; 2 wolves and 3 puppies are coming . They said : " Lilly ! Mom ! Dad ! Finally we found you ". She said : " Kate ! " . They said : " We was worrying about you " . She said : " Me too " . She said : " Here is Ace . She saved me and your dad " . Kate said : " Really ? " . Ace said : " Yeah " . She said : " Thanks for helping my parents " . Ace said : " No problem" . Lilly said : " Kate ! Here is my friend . He name is Scamp . Kate said : " I'm Kate . Here is my husband - Humphrey . And here is my son and daughter . Their name are Stinky ; Runt ; Claudette. " . I said : " Ok . I had a wife . She name is Angel. Hey ; all of you can visit my family if you want . I make sure they are very friendly " . Lilly said : " That's right " . Eve said : " Ok . Let's go ". I said : " Please follow me " . At 45 minutes ; we come back to my house and I introduce my friends and my family . After that ; I said : " You can live in here if you want because this month is hunting season . Eve said : " Really ? ". I said : " Yep . That's why you and your family can't come back to the forest . And if you come back to the forest ; yot Will be caught by hunters " . She said : " Ok . I and my family agreed live in here till the hunting season finish " . I said : " Ok. At 45 minutes ; everyone falls asleep

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