Chapter 66 : Meet Winter

In the morning ; I wake up early and I hear a voice from outside . So I go to the outside and I see a dog is singing under a tree.

She said
Far far above the clouds against the setting sun
A falcon flies alone soaring in the wind
I hear his lonely cry ; so sad he must be
Ridding the silent wind a falcon flies alone
Reaching out with his wings grasps the empty sky
Ridding the silent wind , never  can he rest

What is it within my heart
None can ever know
A hear like a falcon's is this very hard
Lonely falcon in the empty sky

I walk alone along deserted country roads
Walking with me side by side
You are always there
I feel your loneliness , lonely you must be
Crickets whispering in the grassy fields
You walk there by your side
You walk the path with me
But never say a word , never do you speak

What is it within my heart
None can ever know
Here inside this heart that walks its path alone
What is it within my heart
None can ever know
The sadness of one who always is alone

At 4 minutes ; she said : "  I hope you can hear my song . Please come back with me . I really love you ; Simba ! ' when she said that , I go to her place and I said : " Your voice is so beautiful . I also cried . I and my family and my friends Will try to find your boyfriend . And my name is Scamp .  Nice to meet you " . She said : " My name is Winter.  Nice to meet you . And thanks you ".  She said that and she licks my cheek.  I start blushing . I said : " Do you want to meet my family ? " . She said : ' Yes " . Then  we go to the inside and I introduce her to my friends and my family . Tonight ; we go to the park to find Simba - Winter's Simba . But we can't find him in there . So we come back to my house to sleep

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