Chapter 9 : Power of Electric

I am trying to wake up to help people but I can't . At 5 minutes ; I see one electric dog is coming. He said : " Let me help you ". I said : " Thanks ". When I said that ; he helps me to wake up . I said : " Who are you ? Why do you help me ? " . He said : " My name is Lucky - son of Pongo and Perdita . My parents need to help " . When he said that ; Trouble wakes up and he said : " What ? Your family needs to help. " . Lucky said : " My family are fighting a shadow dragon . I don't know why he attacks my family " . He said : " Oh no . If you are son of Pongo and Pereira . That's mean you are Penny's brother ; right ? " Lucky said : " Right . But why do you know ? " . He said : " Because I am Penny's boyfriend ". Lucky said : " Ok" . But we have to go right now . Please follow me " . When he said that ; my family are trying to wake up . They said : " Ok " . So me and my family follow him . At 5 minutes ; finally we come there and we see Penny and her family is fighting with Buster in the sky . I said : " Power of the sun ! Transform ! Sun dragon " . Angel said : " Power of the water ! Transform ! Water dragon ". Tramp said : " Power of fire ! Transform ! Fire dragon " . Danielle said : " Power of moonlight ! Transform . Moon dragon " . At 15 minutes ; we transform finish and we are fighting Buster in the sky. At 30 minutes ; He said : " No one can destroy me " . When he said that ; he becomes a biggest shadow dragon . He said : " Take it . Shadow ball " . He said that and he solds out darkness ball . But when when darkness ball is coming ; I see 4 dragon is coming . They said : " We know  weakness of him . And we will help you ". I said : " Thanks " . When I said that ; 4 dragon attack him . They said : " Super dragon ! Transform ! ". When they said that ; they unite and they become a  big dragon " . And they sold out 4 balls : Fire ball ; snow ball ; earth ball ; light ball ; electric ball " . So Buster gets hurt and he has to fly away . At 5 minutes , they separate and they become a normal dogs . One dogs said : " Hi . My name is Fidget . I have power of fire . And here is my brothers ; Cadpig -- power of snow ; Wizzer - power of the sun and ; Domino - power of earth . And this is my sister . She name is Oddball - power of  electric  " . After he said that ; they said : " Nice to meet you " . I said : " Nice to meet you. I am Scamp - power of the sun and here is my family . This is Angel . She is my wife and she has power of water . And here is my children . Their name are Trouble - power of sun and Strom - power of storm ; Rosa -power of  Danielle - power of moon , Annette - power of water ; Collette - power of wind . Finally here is Tramp - power of fire and Lady - power of the wind "
Pongo said : " And here's my family . Perdita is my wife . She has power of  water . And here is my son . Their  name are Pepper - power of electric ; Patch - power of fire ; Lucky - power of electric ; Two - Tone - power of snow  ; Rolly - power of  snow ; too . Freckles - power of  electric ; Dipstick- power of earth ; Jewel - power of the wind ; Tripod - power of snow . And here's my daughter . She name is Penny " . When he said that , Trouble is running to Penny  and he said : " Penny ! " . She said : " Trouble ! ".  So she runs to Trouble and she kisses him . She said : "  I miss you so much" . He said : " Me too.  Can I ask you something ? Do you want to marry me ? ".  She said : " A thousand times says Yes ".  He kisses her and he said : "  Ok.  We will have a wedding in the park tomorrow " . She said : " I agree" . I said : " How do you feel ? Pongo " .  He smiles at me and he said : " I agree ; too ".  After that ; everyone agreed that Trouble and Penny will have a wedding tomorrow .  I said : " Ok " . At 5 minutes  we are going to the restaurant and we eat something . Then we come back to my house and sleep  . Because Pango's was destroyed by Buster

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