17-11-22. Left-handedness becomes ambidexterity
Left-handedness becomes ambidexterity
I was born left-handed but grew up to be ambidextrous. To cut the long story short: When I started schooling, I was made to write with right hand. They thought it could improve my performance since I constantly mirrored my writing, was slower than my friends in reading and it took me a lot more time to learn new concepts (it turned out later that I'm naturally not an academically-bright student).
During my identity crisis, in which I was too afraid of losing myself, I tried to do anything possible to stay who I am, including switching back to left-handedness.
I don't know whether it is coming back to my nature that took effect, or it is just the time my crisis went over. But ever since, everything has become better. I am more comfortable in my own skin, stop blaming myself or forcing myself to become someone else. And most importantly, I think I've figured out who I am.
Anyway, my identity crisis ended, whose consequence was that I became ambidextrous. It is worthwhile to note that the ambidextrous are more likely to have schizophrenia, ADHD symptoms, fluctuating emotions and may score slightly lower than others. In case you are wondering, I don't draw or play sports or musical instruments, but I am going to do them soon (or at least I hope so).
After all, I'm thankful that I'm a minor, which makes it easier for me to believe that I am special.
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