
It is now June 16th.

In the past 24 hours, I had my dream of a Gündogan-comeback completely crushed. Was greeted instead with a full-blown Mats Hummels rumors. And reading the flux of articles, they seemed to act as a "survey" rather than just rumors. They did this to us with the Götze affair too. Overwhelming amount of articles pointing to a return, to gauge the fans' reaction, to prepare us for the inevitable. Then the director came out with a "I dont wanna talk about the rumors" statement, which essentially just confirmed their legitimacy as he is usually really straight forward with these types of thing, not to mention rarely talks during the transfer windown. Soon enough you'll see Schmelzer and Kehl and the likes coming out with manipulative statements themselves to convince us fans how this is a transfer deserving of celebration.

Not like those local/german supporters need convincing. Saw enough tweets saying how a Hunmels comeback would be an upgrade and how it would make sense. Not like I am against this particular argument, it's the only one acceptable anyway. That is, if you remove any thought about what would happen to our younger players, all with such high potential, potential that requires playing time to blossom. Playing time that woudn't come their way if this deal went through. Why did we spend 15 million euros on Balerdi, and make such a big deal about integrating him into the first team, I wonder?

Absolutely dumbfounded at those so convinced that Hummels would surely be a reinforcement too. A "Führungspieler", the guy that fits the profile because of his "Mentalität". Shoot me in the head, since when a captain that failed to unite his team, blamed his teammates for lost points, threw shades at his then coach and drowned himself in chocolate bars over the summer a Führungspieler? How is the guy so afraid of confronting the Südtribune his vice captain had to do it for him, the guy getting subbed out of a FINAL after a mediocre performance, the guy crying to the press after his coach told him he could've played a bit better, the one you guys trust to bring "Mentalität"?

Did you all not remember his spectacular "own goal" when he was clearing the ball, and only the ref's stupidity denied that own goal and saved us from an embarassing loss? Did you all not remember the 10 points we'd lost over the course of 15/16 directly involving him? That game against Liverpool? How would he fix our problem of individual mistakes when he himself is individual mistakes personified?

Read a tweet saying Hummels had never done us wrong, too. Starting with the classic "I dont know why everyone's so pissed", no less. A captain leaving the team for the biggest competitor at the first sight of turbulence, after years of singing eternal love for us (and shades to the very team he went to), and it's "never done us wrong" because he never said anything particularly insulting. Swear I've never seen a fanbase like ours.

I gave no shit he was originally Bayern. He only got to where he is now because he went to us. His career, his fame, the championship, the CL final, the World Cup. Not a single fiber of grass was due to Bayern. Everything he has, he owns it to us. He doesnt even appreciate Bayern, he spent all those years shading them for giving up on him. What was that with the "One title with Dortmund is worth 6 with other clubs" and the "There are no sportive reasons to leave Dortmund for Bayern" you spouted each season before leaving ? You slammed Götze and Lewandowski hard for backstabbing us, only to did what exactly, you hypocrite?

One week, exactly one week before leaving he called a soap opera press and said how he would love to go abroad, to find new challenges. Can't help but snort everytime I get reminded of it now. Leaving us for Bayern is a new challenge, sure. Nonetheless, your chance to go abroad is available again now, how about kindly take it and fuck off?

I remember getting called an unconsiderate asshole when I called him and his girlfriend out back then. There was this huge supporting coming from the press, the touching narrative that he wanted to move because he couldn't stand having to drive 6 hours (?!???) each weekend to see his family any longer. Did you not suffer homesick when you were at the top with us or when you continuously talked shit about Bayern back then? Is your homesickness cured now that you're older and finding it harder to have a main role there? Tragic your homesickness only emerged when the door to Bayern 1st team had opened.

I can go on and on. So many lies have been said over the years. Point is: You are a hyprocrite and a coward. You've only ever want the easy route, and whenever you go you live with that insecurity.

How I wish Hummels is the only hyprocite I have to tolerate in this mess. Watzke has issues, he clearly does. If you're so obsessed with that championship winning team why did you let Bender and Kuba go in the first place? Why did you LISTEN TO HUMMELS AND LET KLOPP GO IN THE FIRST PLACE?!? Why were you so adamant that Mikhitaryan would never have a 2nd chance with us? He'd never done anything remotely as insulting as Hummels and Götze? Is an allegedly thrown chair much worse than being openly treated like a safety option now?

Icing on the cake is those (mostly german) fans using this to make excuses for Götze and vice versa. Like, ?!!?! Are you all masochist? Deadass saw a tweet saying Götze "is different" and "is one of our best player since joining" ?!!?! Maybe it's because I'm an inter fan, I seriously can't grasp what was going through their head. Guerreiro and Mikhitaryan all had amazing season(s) between average ones, and you all are so fine with giving up on them. Yet this one, with 6 months of performing after 2,5 years of being absolutely useless, while being the 2nd highest earner, is "one of our best", and you all are outraged he hasnt signed a new contract yet. You all went backward and go absolute distance for those jerks, it's insane.

It's like no one knows no shame. Did I also mention we are going to have a friendly with a club tightly tied with NAZIS? After acting like such leading figure in the Nazisraus campaign?!?!?

Sometimes I should've just stuck with memeing and fawning over hot men and such. Sometimes I want nothing to do with this club. Cant even express my frustation in my native language without risking the whole post being full of vulgar words.

That's how much this club sometimes sucks.

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