Got tag by this lovely friend of mine AriKyumi who you should really check out she is a nice persona also very funny to talk with.

Welp here we go, i bet you that only a few person read this 

1. I wear glasses. 

2. I'm not a interesting guy to talk with.

3. The kind of guy who having trouble in start conversation with other.

4. Always lazy when come to study but still study hard anyway.

5. Start drawing when i'm 7 but only when 14 that i took interest in drawing manga.

6. I put many effort in creating my OC's/Stories.

7. I'm Vietnamese and live in Viet Nam.

8. I hate being useless to everyone.

9. I hate myself sometime.

10. I live follow these quotes:

" According to my master, when you're a kid, just being a fast runner makes you popular. In middle school, it's holding your own in a fight. After that, brains make you popular. Her point seemed to be, "Run fast, hit hard, and read books." - Kazami Yuuji in Grisaia series

  "It's too soon to give up. We aren't in Hell yet. This world is still worth surviving for." - Kazami Kazuki in Grisaia series

"No matter what you're doing, the most essential thing is to not give up. Fail as many times as it takes. Keep trying persistantly untill you can call yourself 'avarage'. If you can collect a nice group of avarage-level skills, that's already above-avarage. You've created your own sort of 'talent'."- Kazami Yuuji

"In this world, when you face forward, that's the future. When you look back, it's a memory. And if you clip a part of it out, that becomes a story." -Kazami Yuuji

"I was feeling down, but you distracted me by subjecting me to your selfish whims. There are times when selfishness can save a person." - Kazami Yuuji

11. I'm a Chuunibyou.

12. I lost my motivation very quick.

13. I don't like the way i talk and interact with everyone around me.

Finish! Even though i'm pretty sure none will read this update.











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