Chapter I: new world new life
Author of original book:
+ Lout/Trash of the count's family by Yoo Ryeo Han
+ Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint by Sing-Shong
Author of Fates got Meddled: Maria Atlan Alice (me)
Status: 01/?? (Incomplete)
Genre(s): fanfiction, supernatural, adventure, action, mature, romantic (slow-burn)
Additional tag: Lee Soo Hyuk-centric, Lee Soo Hyuk is the best hyung, Cale is a Constellation, GoD here both funny and focus, Lee Soo Hyuk is love itself (in my bias eyes), Lee Soo Hyuk will take Kim Dokja as his dongseang, this time Dokja won't have to die much because of Lee Soo Hyuk, but of course, you have to expect him being the same, it was all because of his attribute as a revived person, and because we know him as Cale's mentor, no beta we die like Lee Soo Hyuk, the Ancient Oldest Dream will definitely know Lee Soo Hyuk at some point of the timeline, Lee Soo Hyuk would pull his death over and over again to protect certain self-sacrifice bastard, but Kim Dokja will still die at some point like the rat he is.
The time Lee Soo Hyuk disappear, looking at Kim Rok Soo- no, Cale for the last time before he got reincarnated to Cale's world.
But of course, nothing gone smooth like butter at all
Lee Soo Hyuk somehow got revived back to life with his body de-age to a sixteen years old
It was something out of plan of the fate
This time, fates can't control two human
One was the red head commander of fantasy world
One was the mentor of the said commander
This is bad....
Lee Soo Hyuk doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at the moment
Isn't this like Déjà vu or something?
He was talking with his new dongseang, who remind him so much of his little Rok Soo, at the train then suddenly, apocalypse hit again
He wasn't that surprise since he knows this can't be a normal case
But what make him surprise is that there's a system called 'Star stream' appear in his new life
It wasn't supposed to happen
But then again, why would God of Death give him a dimensional bag if it was a normal apocalypse?
So now, he is an incarnation in the Constellations hand
But of course, he won't just go to the way they expect him to go
He wasn't Kim Rok Soo's mentor for nothing.
⚠ Warning ⚠
This chapter have spoiler for chapter 423. If you didn't read it then go there before getting spoiled.
⚠ End Warning ⚠
Chapter I
New world new life
“Oh, how did you know? I'm a petty person.”
Lee Soo Hyuk reached his hand out for Cale to grab it. The moment the two of them shook hands....
Lee Soo Hyuk can feel it. It was time for him, he thought. As he looked at his dongseang, his dongseang still keep that stoic expression and he look like he's looking forward it.
The office in Kim Rok Soo, who is now know as Cale Henituse, started to break down. His body was slowly turning to dust as well.
“Are you leaving?”
Cale calmly asked.
“Yes. I have to go.”
He calmly responded. However, Lee Soo Hyuk's body was quickly breaking down in contrast to his relaxed demeanor.
“Kim Rok Soo.”
His little dongseang looked toward him as he was squeezing Cale's hand.
“There are times when gods make mistakes. Maybe it is because he’s a nutjob.”
Soo Hyuk's calm voice continued.
“I didn't die in your place.”
He can see Cale's shoulders slightly flinched. Even so, his eyes we're focused on Lee Soo Hyuk, who was slowly disappear right in front of him.
“I died while I was running wild. Got it?”
Saying that he died while running wild instead of having died in Cale's place. He knows that Cale know his intentions behind his statement. He knows that he was trying to lower his dongseang's guilt about his and Jung Soo's death.
“No. That’s not it.”
Of course, his little troublemaker definitely have no intention on responding the way he actually wanted.
“It wasn’t my fault nor the team leader's fault.”
“...You're right. That is the correct answer.”
Cale then formed a fist with the hand that was in the handshake.
His hand, which was shaking Cale's hand disappeared as well. His smile started to appear on his face, a genuine smile from the bottom of his heart.
“Kim Rok Soo, stay alive. Being alive is the best.”
The little troublemaker looked into Lee Soo Hyuk's eyes and nodded his head.
“Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy.”
The whole area was destroyed, and the only things left were his eyes. His dongseang pay attention to his words.
“And Jung Soo and I are happy as well.”
That was Lee Soo Hyuk's final comment as his sight welcome the darkness. The world broke apart
Lee Soo Hyuk was waiting at the station, waiting for his turn to go.
(1) The station of the afterlife.
The people around him have a cold feeling whenever he gone through them. Their face only surround by darkness with a light that's their eyes moving. They gave him a feeling like it was a horror movie
The afterlife really different than he thought it would be
Maybe he thought it was like in the old time and have a lady give tears to drink so we can forget our past life
Maybe he shouldn't trust the legend that much
{The next moving to earth 1773}
A loud robotic voice ring around the station as the shadow of the people moving in the train.
He doesn't know how long have he been here. The atmosphere were so dull that there isn't even a laugh or a joke, the whispers surrounding him won't stop. It was something he learn to get used to ever since he stop here.
He wonders that if Jung Soo alright, since he work for the God of Death. He must be having fun running out there while he is sitting here doing nothing.
The troublemaker he is, he will definitely meet Rok Soo again. Those duo will create more destruction than anyone without him.
Oh how he wish he could join.
But what can he do now? He got stuck here without knowing how long, the time here could even run different direction than the one on earth.
Lee Soo Hyuk just decided to wait
And wait
To the point that he can't really feel the chill behind his back like he did the first time step in here.
His patience really started to run thin because the longer he is staying here, the longer he is itching for human's comfort.
The first time he got here, he feel the chill out his back as the whispers like telling right beside his ears
It was creepy, but that's afterlife for him, he guess
There's so little light in the station, and most of it was red. The people weren't even that clear, they were only a ghost hanging around here
He can only silently sit in a place nearby the train and wait for his turn like the other shadow
After a very long time, his sanity was at the edge here.
Must the train be so long?
Well, his afterlife still long, so why not just wait? It wasn't like the train could be faster since it bring the black soul to their original stop
He can wait, he have to be patient...
{The train of - - - - - - - is here, the next stop is -_@&}
The voice of that of a lifeless robot static at some part as he flinch from it. But it seems that only him noticed the sight. That was weird
He just snapped out of his state of staring in the ceiling like some lifeless doll. It was unlike his personality, but what can he do when all he do is sitting in a dull atmosphere?
He look around the place only to see the train that looks transparent.
The shadow just past by it like it was only the air. It was really old, like the train that he saw in the black and white picture from 1960s.
It was unexpected, and he doesn't know if he want to go there.
There are many wrong thing would happen if he go into an unknown train
The feeling of curiosity then started to make him scum to it, he really having a hard choice at this moment
But of course, it was human nature to get their curiosity get the best of them.
Lee Soo Hyuk slowly stand up and walking toward the transparent old train as he trace through it. He can touch the old mental in the train as his eyes wide in surprise.
Didn't the early shadows walking through it like it was air? How was it possible for him to touch it?
He somehow feeling warm from the transparent train, unlike the normal afterlife train running through. Wasn't this a familiar feeling that he missed so much? A warm temperature?
The next thing he knows, there's a rope warping around his waist. They pulled him into the train as his eyes wide.
Alright, that's really suspicious. What type of horror movie was he in now?
The door of the train just closed as he look at the place once last time until it closed completely. He can feel the softness that he haven't experienced in years at the time when he was still in the afterlife. The light shine so bright that it hurts his eyes a bit. He started to get adjusted after awhile. Then he finally feel something is wrong here
Everything he just touch in the train, it was actually solid
The place inside wasn't actually that bad. Looks pretty good for an old train
It truly like an old style of the past. All the things in here resemble so much of the old time
That, he didn't mind that much. The only things that bother him in this train is the emptiness of the train. There's nobody here except for him.
How was he the only one here?
As Lee Soo Hyuk look around the train, he can say that the equipment was....victorian style? That's his only way to describe it. Since it looks like they just straight out of of the old time. There's very little of equipment of the modern time here, as he notice.
The window of the train show him the outside. That almost took his breath away, it was the most beautiful sight he have ever seen
Is he in space?
He look outside to see the star running through the train with its bright light surrounding the train
So ethereal, it was like he is in a movie itself.
He would stare at it for all eternity until there's a robotic voice echo in the train
{The train is about to stop in two hours, please sir Lee Soo Hyuk, ability user 1 of earth 1 prepare to leave}
That is.....oddly specific for him who is the only in the train. Creepy but after everything he have been through, it wasn't that abnormal anymore
He didn't have anything on him anyway so he's just gonna wait for his stop
Huh.....he actually enjoy this after his time in the afterlife
His vision started to get blurry, the darkness started to surround him as soon as he sit down on the train
He doesn't know how can he be this sleepy. That shouldn't be possible consider that he didn't sleep for so long at the station
He is a ghost, so he can't be this sleepy right?
Maybe....he started to develop a body....
His mind shut down after that
He can feel a warm bed surround him as he start to get up.
He rub his eyes, trying to open his heavy eyes. His hair spread in his shoulder that was not that messy. He can feel himself wearing a shirt with pants like how he always wear in apocalypse time.
Oh, truly memorable memories of the time where he is still the team leader. To make him feel like missing something so simple, that's how desperate he is for the touch of reality
.....he kinda want to fall asleep again but then he realized
Isn't he in the train just minutes ago? How's he here now? And since when his clothes that comfortable?
That's when he start to notice how the hell was he wearing his work clothes? This is definitely his signature clothes everytime he go to work
He didn't actually wear his death clothes, how nice...
He check his surrounding and it looks like he was in an apartment of a college student. Feel like back in his time as an average person before apocalypse come
He stand down on the ground, he definitely miss this feeling very much.
He go into the nearest door, looking at the mirror in the bathroom. As he look into the mirror, he can fully see himself right now and he must say, not that bad, he guess.
Lee Soo Hyuk definitely younger than he originally is, as he look like a sixteen years old. His hair somehow still keep it length despite the time when he was younger, he never have a long hair. His long hair at the time when he was still alive was because he being a busy leader so he can't really cut that much.
(Liar, he let his hair growth so Rok Soo can brush his hair)
There's so many wrong thing of his body that scream "Unidentified body"
How is the scar of his body before dying in this sixteen years old body? And why does he have a white streak in his hair?
He just have a crisis before noticed that there's a note in his bed that he didn't notice before. How fun~
He took the note as he read it out loud
The next universe to hit apocalypse, monster will roam around the place as human will develop skill to survive
There's someone will look for you in the future. Please stay calm and enjoy the life for fourteen years.
You will begin to survive, as an incarnation]
Oh, he can definitely hear the voice of that lifeless robot ringing around his head as he read it. This is definitely their note
Now, it shouldn't be this hard to live his life before apocalypse, right? He will just make another company before he work as hard as he is in his past life and then have enough money to create a farm
Ah yes, and also collect at least a dongseang too while he at it
Should be simple, right?
As he thought of his so called plan. He closed his eyes again thinking some plan for his life and make it like in his past life, without the dying part
This is bad, this is definitely bad
Lee Soo Hyuk's soul somehow disappear when he arrives at the station
The god of death was panicking, how is he supposed to bring Lee Soo Hyuk to Cale's world?
Oh, his child will be so angry
He should look for other place to. He have to find him
No matter the cost
Or the one who will face Cale's warp will be him
[End of Chapter 1]
(1) the train of the afterlife were inspired by someone idea in dream smp.
+ The picture in the beginning of the chapter was made by me
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