Abdomen examination, autopsy procedure, 662–663
Abdominal cavity, 668
Accidental death, See also Equivocal death investigation
checklist, 61
staging, 23–25, See also Staged crime scene
Acid phosphatase, 579, 581
ADAPT, 45, 113
Adenine, 536
Adipocere, 245–246, 247
Administrative interference, 17–18, 70, 909–910,
Adoption-related murder case, 815
Aerial photography, 144, 167–168
Age progression, 294
AIDS, 227, 500
Airborne pathogens and biohazards, 223–228
Airline crash victims, 268
Alarms, fugitive, 72, 913
Alcoholic deceased, 634
Alternate light sources (ALS), 192–193, 581, 582, 617
Amber Alert, 679
Ambulance personnel, 39, 51 checklist, 111 interview of, 74–75, 913
American Society of Crime Laboratory
Directors/Laboratory Accreditation
Board (ASCLD/LAB), 561
Amido black, 615
Amylase, 579
Anal rape and/or sodomy, 505–509, See also Homosexual-related homicides or assaults; Rape-associated murders; Sex-
related homicide
Anal swab, 580, 654
Anatomy terminology, 664–672, See also Human anatomy terminology Anger excitation type rapist, 467
Anger retaliatory type rapist, 467
Animal bones, 288
Animal cruelty, 796
Animal feeding, 251–252, 406
Anterior, 665
Anthropophagy crime scene photographs, 452, 453 Dahmer case, 519
"Vampire Killer" case history, 775–780
Antimony, 218
Antiputrefaction masks, 223
Antisocial personality disorder, 456, 784–785, 789, 790, 796, 847
Apprehension of fugitive, See Fugitive apprehension
Archaeological applications, See Buried-body cases
Arresting officer, See also First officer's duties homicide department supervision of, 70 interviewing, 90
Arrival at crime scene, 65–67, 912 checklist, 66, 108 first officer's duties, 35–50 photography, 66–67 supervisor's duties, 71–72
Arson, 350–353, See also Fire-associated death childhood fire setting, 796 determination of, 122 investigative checklist, 120–122 staged crime scene, 8, 23
Artingstall, Kathryn, 722
Asphyxia, 339–348, See also Sexual asphyxia apparent "natural" death, 634 autopsy examination for, 662 drowning, 344–345 hanging, 341–344, See also Hanging deaths poison gases, 345, 347 strangulation, 340, 341, See also Strangulation suffocation, 347–348
suicide or accidents, 347, 420, See also Final Exit associated suicides
swallowed toy, 642
Assassinations, 888
Autoerotic fatalities, 358–375 atypical deaths, 363–365 case histories, 370–373 checklist, 380
equivocal death investigation, 366–367, 375–378 fantasy drawings, 368–369 female victims, 358, 360, 373–378 investigative checklist, 120 investigative considerations, 378–379 notifying surviving family, 378 pathology, 365–366 preliminary investigation at the scene, 363 psychosexual aspects, 367–370 similar presentation as sex-related homicide, 373 suicide misdiagnosis, 361–362, 375 victim profile, 378 videotape case history, 366–367
Autolysis, 243
Automated fingerprint identification systems
(AFISs), 609
Autopsy abdomen examination, 662–663 anatomy terminology, 664–672, See also Human anatomy terminology
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