Please, don't get hurted like this. I beg.

Quick skit before I go to Cambridge graduation exam today w/ my group.
(yes that exists in my school)


Also, this an AU I made for my crossover: The Mimic x Daybreak 2 AU! For book I - Under her curse, it'll feature Yasu, Leon and Hana (Biwaki) !
Yasu, Leon are survivors, while Hana's a killer :3

I have some info about them in my Quotev acc (current only have Hana's stats, but will do Yasu and Leon's soon)

Warning: Yasu × Leon (yes I ship them in both my Mimic AU and this AU) and swearing




" I'm sorry! I didn't want to do this! It's all her doing!.. "

Yasu could hear Hana's faint crying in the background, while lying on a bloody pile. Though he could barely hear it, it was painful enough to feel Hana's sorrow, especially she's only a child when she had to join this murder game.

Then mist surrounded the bloody body, causing the Japanese boy's vision to go black.

He woke up back at the centre of the survivors' cabins again. Luckily, he could still stand up, but the forehead is still visibly bloody. 

"Oh great. Now I have to walk back to my cabin to get the bandages again..." Yasu thought, then sighed. He didn't want to, really, but it was the only option.
He only got into the mist's realm for a while, and he mostly didn't knew anyone besides one of his friends; Leon, who happened to be in the same cabin.
Meaning; asking the nearest cabin for bandages would be embarassing...

No other option left, Yasu had to walk while covering his forehead with his hand to avoid anybody from noticing. Fortunetaly, the walk wasn't too long, surprisingly. 

Reaching the needed destination, he knocked on the door.

"Ah, greetings dude! You're back from another ro- " Leon welcomed him, before noticing the blood dripping down from Yasu's forehead. The sporty jock let out a loud "HOLY SHIT!" from his mouth in shock before changing his expression to worrying.

Leon began scrambling the drawers between the beds that the Mist had gave them.
"Dang it! Are you okay?! Wait, why am I asking this!? OF COURSE NOT! Did the killer finish you off too hard?! I swear to god, I'll fucking beat their asses befor- "

Before he continue to ask anymore questions, Yasu had shaken Leon's shoulders, making the jock snap back to reality.

"It was Hana. The flower crown girl that got controlled, y'know? No need to blame her.. " The one with the bloody forehead explained, making Leon sigh in relief. The Filipino (yes Leon's Filipino) was still worried though, but he, at least; calmed down.

"Still, she wooped your ass so hard, so why couldn't I not be worried for you!? Friends can't see each other getting hurted. "

Leon finally pulled out some medical items, like cottons and bandages. The two sat down, than the tanned skin of the two began trying to treat and patch up the bloodied forehead (not so professionally, 'cause he ain't arlo :D ) . 

God, this is the first time Yasu had been felt treated after years. It somehow reminded the Japanese boy of his mom; Keiko, before everything went down by her, of course...

"Yo.. you seem out of your mind. You good, Yas' ?" Leon asked, interupted Yasu's thoughts. "Sorry, just overzoned... I miss my mom, she always does this whenever I get injured back in my childhood days. "

"Damn, that's emotional.. But you're all growned up, so you gotta start dealing with these alone now, won't you?"

"Then.. why are you helping me? If you say I need to start dealing with these situations, I could do this by myself, you know?.."

Leon froze for a bit. Then let out a simple sentence.

"Because I can't stand seeing you hurt."

"What?" Yasu was in confusion. He felt a bit selfish in asking that, but he was still confused. Usually Leon wasn't the best in comforting others, but it somehow felt.. different this time.

"When I was young, I've experience these kinds of wounds before. Much more serious than this one. I swear, you're luckier  than me. Seeing these wounds makes me feel scared and worried, like I see my younger self  in you, and I don't want to you  to experience what have experienced, so please, don't get hurted like this, I beg- "

Before Leon could even realise, he was crying.
Tears were running down his eyes.

"Leon! Your tears are fucking running down! God- Come here.." Yasu opened his arms slightly, made Leon come in to form into a hug. A tight one, to be exact. Leon didn't shiver, he just tightly gave a hug.
"How surprising, the fiercest boy of our group is trembling just because of their own friend getting hurted?.." Yasu joked, later met a small chuckle from the one snuggling from below, followed by a "Oh shut up...".

"Also, how the fuck are you so warm ? "
" ... "

Well... That just simply made Yasu beet red.

Not long later, Leon fell asleep, then Hana walked in.

(I'm so sorry for hurting you.. Hope you're feeling better..)
Hana apologized with a sad experession on her, even though her appearence is a wide smile by force.

Yasu reassured his 'young' ancestor.
(It's fine. I'm okay now, at least)

Then, Hana noticed Leon sleeping on him.

(Wait wait wait-
He didn't fell asleep on you, did he!?)

That made Yasu's face redden more.

(Please just forget about that...)

Oh well, maybe being with the only ones you know isn't so bad at all.

I've been writing this since yesterday as a revision of my writing skills for today's graduation exam that I mentioned first above, so hopefully this will help me lmfao.
Also!! This is before Isamu got yanked into the Mist's realm (yes Book II to IV will also be featured in my AU) . Once I'm done with the 3 idiots' lore, I'll deploy Isamu's lore as well :3

Anyways gtg- CYA SOON!!!

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