Chapter 5: A Band in Union

The band - Reverie, as lively and chaotic as ever, descended upon Sana's apartment like a storm. Their boisterous energy filled the cosy sanctuary, acting as a shield against the harsh realities that had been plaguing them for the past few days. Together, they turned the sombre silence into a whirl of noise and life.

Mingyu, the band's effervescent drummer and resident comic relief, was the first one through the door. With a trademark grin plastered on his face, he made a beeline for Sana. However, the concern etched on his features couldn't be missed. He nearly knocked her over in his rush to envelope her in a bear hug, his drumsticks protruding awkwardly from his back pocket.

"Sana! Are you okay? You should've seen my face when I heard the news!" he exclaimed, pulling away and holding her at arm's length. His eyes bore into hers with a worry that was both heartwarming and a tad comical.

"And when I find out who leaked this...," he began, clenching his fist and raising it in the air, only to deflate when Sana let out a soft giggle. He sighed dramatically, his frown replaced by a playful grin as he dropped his fist, the tension in the room visibly lessening at his antics.

As Mingyu was in full protective-older-brother mode, promising a lesson to anyone who dared hurt Sana, Eunwoo detached himself from the bustling scene. The keyboardist found solace in a quiet corner, his lean frame resting against the cool wall. With his phone in hand, he scrolled through the onslaught of posts, comments, and speculations filling their social media channels. His expression was calm, but his gaze was sharp, a clear indication of the strategising storm brewing within him.

"Mingyu," Eunwoo spoke, without shifting his gaze from the screen, his voice carrying a hint of amusement, "please don't give us more trouble with your violence tendencies."

His quip, however, did nothing to extinguish Mingyu's fiery protective instincts. If anything, the drummer's stance only stiffened at Eunwoo's words, a determined look replacing his previous worry.

Surveying the scene was Jaehyun, the band's stoic bassist and de facto peacekeeper. His thoughtful gaze moved from Mingyu's fierce protectiveness to Eunwoo's calculated planning and finally settled on Jungkook's silent concern. Amidst the swirl of emotions, Jaehyun was a soothing anchor, his presence providing a sense of stability. His concern for Sana was evident in the softness of his smile, but his steady demeanour radiated reassurance.

Jaehyun, choosing his moment, gently broke his silence. His tone was light, almost playful, as he floated a speculative theory into the room. "That ex-boyfriend of yours, Sana..." He began, a teasing note in his voice, "...who knows, maybe he's the one who went public with this." He paused, letting his words simmer in the air before adding, 

"As a grand gesture to win you back."

Jaehyun's speculation hung in the air, a balloon of intrigue. The air within the room seemed to flutter as they digested this new theory, each contemplating it from their own perspectives.

Mingyu, quick to react, gasped, "Shit, that could be true. If that's the case, Sana, promise me you won't ever consider going back to him!"

His fervent reaction spurred a small chuckle from Sana. Despite the situation, she couldn't help but find their exaggerated speculations amusing. "Alright, guys, let's not let our imaginations run too wild."

Jungkook, until now mostly a silent observer, crossed his arms, an uncharacteristic hint of irritation flitting across his face. The mere thought of Taehyung manipulating things behind the scenes to win Sana back sat poorly with him. He kept his tone even as he said, "Well, we can't rule anything out. And if that's the case, we'll handle it."

His words, while concise, carried a strong underlying resolve that reflected his protectiveness over Sana and his determination to not let any harm come to the band or its members. His voice, usually soothing and light, had an edge to it now, the seriousness of the situation clearly weighing on him.

The theory debate fell to a hush when Eunwoo, the band's calming presence, decided to voice the question that had been looming in their minds. "So, how did the meeting go, Sana?" His voice, steady and soothing, brought their focus back to the matter at hand. 

Sana, finding courage in the supportive atmosphere, finally voiced out the decision she had reached with her manager. "After discussing with the manager, we've decided that it would be best to stay silent about the news for now. We are hoping that, without any public photos or concrete proof, the rumour mill might calm down." Her voice, though steady, betrayed the strain of the situation.

Mingyu, ever the optimist, nodded in agreement. "It's a good thing that our fans haven't been reacting negatively, they've been rather understanding." He offered her a comforting grin.

Eunwoo, ever the thinker, added on, an unmistakable note of pride seeping into his voice. "That's one of the blessings of being in an indie band like Reverie, isn't it? Our fans appreciate us for our music, not some idealised images. " 

 "Our fans truly are the best. They respect our personal lives and allow us space to live true to ourselves." Jaehyun interjected, his statement brimming with heartfelt agreement.

The thoughtful silence that followed was broken by Jungkook. His usual playful demeanour was replaced by one of concern as he addressed Sana, "We don't have any more shows scheduled for this month anyway, Sana. You should use this time to rest."

Sana sighed, a small smile creeping onto her face at his words. "Yeah, I really should. Honestly, I've been thinking about getting away for a bit... somewhere quiet." Her eyes seemed distant as she imagined a calm escape from the noise that had engulfed her life recently.

Jaehyun, his brow furrowed thoughtfully, decided to engage her idea. "That sounds like a good idea. Do you have a specific place in mind?"

She was quick to respond, "Somewhere in Japan would be nice. But not Osaka. Too many memories there." Her voice faltered a little at the end, with bitter reminiscences hidden in her words.

Eunwoo, his eyes lighting up at the mention of Japan, made a suggestion. "What about Kyoto? It's a peaceful place, known for its tranquillity. Plus, it's brimming with music inspiration."

Sana's eyes sparkled at the idea, a sense of excitement replacing the weariness that had consumed her. "Kyoto... I haven't been there in forever. Not a bad suggestion at all, Eunwoo." She paused for a moment before looking at each of her band members, an inviting look in her eyes, "Do you guys want to come?"

Mingyu was about to enthusiastically voice his interest in accompanying Sana to Kyoto when Jaehyun subtly motioned for him to halt. He caught Mingyu's eyes and discreetly gestured towards Jungkook. It wasn't a secret that Jungkook held deep feelings for Sana; it was a fact that went unspoken among the members but was understood by all. Their normally spirited guitarist had a soft spot for their lead singer. However, Jungkook didn't want their meddling, often preferring to navigate his feelings independently. The band also held an unspoken fear about the potential for romance within their ranks, mindful of the chance it could disrupt their close-knit dynamics. But now that Jungkook had confessed his feelings to Sana, they couldn't help but want to give their two friends a nudge in the right direction.

Conspiring to create a window of opportunity for Jungkook, Jaehyun smoothly fabricated a reason for his unavailability. "I'd love to accompany you, Sana, but my parents need me to handle some stuff for them back home," he said, his expression perfectly playing along with his excuse.

Eunwoo chimed in, adding to their coordinated deception, "Too bad, I have some fashion show commitments to attend to. Sorry, Sana, I will make it up to you next time."

Mingyu, caught off guard by the sudden need to come up with an excuse, stuttered a hasty response, "Erm... my dog needs me?" He scratched the back of his neck, looking somewhat sheepish as Jaehyun and Eunwoo shot him a round of glares. His excuse was flimsy, but hopefully, it would suffice.

Despite their efforts, their intent was blatantly obvious to Jungkook, who quietly shook his head at their collective antics. However, he was also lost in his own world of thoughts. He had been thinking a lot about him and Sana since his impromptu confession, which, while ill-timed, felt like a weight lifted off his chest. Now that his feelings were out in the open and Sana was single, he was more determined than ever to win her heart. Plus, considering that her ex, Taehyung, was still making attempts to reconcile with Sana, Jungkook felt a pressing need to make his move.

Summoning his courage, Jungkook turned towards Sana, attempting to sound as casual as possible, "I can go with you, Sana." 

A flicker of surprise passed over Sana's features. The thought of embarking on a trip with Jungkook, just the two of them, particularly right after his recent heartfelt confession, left her in a sea of uncertainty, her emotions mingling between intrigue and a whisper of awkwardness.

Reading her hesitance, Eunwoo was quick to interject. "You two should definitely go together," he stated confidently, shifting the mood to a more practical tone. "Given the circumstances, it's better you're not alone right now, even if you go to another country."

Jaehyun was quick to follow up Eunwoo's sentiment with his own lighthearted quip, "Absolutely. Plus, you two might even come back with some fresh inspiration for new songs. Imagine, a 'Reverie in Kyoto' album. That'd be something!"

Mingyu, never one to miss out on an opportunity to inject his jovial personality into the conversation, chipped in with a mischievous grin. "Don't forget to bring back loads of Japanese snacks, guys!" Eunwoo and Jaehyun cast him annoyed looks, but he shrugged nonchalantly, grinning ear to ear.

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Sana looked at Jungkook. His earnest gaze met hers, and in it, she found the comfort and trust she needed. He was indeed the best source of comfort she could ask for, especially in times like this. He was patient, kind, and his company always filled her with warmth. They laughed together, they cried together, and they shared the ups and downs of life. And most importantly, she trusted him, unequivocally.

Resolving her thoughts, Sana broke into a small smile, her eyes meeting Jungkook's. "Let's go together then, Kookie." 

A rush of elation swept over Jungkook, his heart fluttering with the joy of her acceptance. He knew, though, that beyond the elation, the most important thing was to be there for Sana, to be her pillar of support during this tumultuous time. But a trip, just the two of them, away from the glaring eyes of the world – it was more than he had dared to hope for.

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