(Eng) 1 sentence challenge
Ngày viết: 15/2/2021
1 sentence challenge là một thử thách viết fanfic khá phổ biến trong cộng đồng. Người viết sẽ chọn 1 bảng gồm 50 từ khóa, với mỗi từ khóa sẽ chỉ được viết một câu duy nhất xoay quanh nó. Trong link này https(:)//1sentenceorder.livejournal.com/1531.html có các bảng từ khóa từ Alpha đến Epsilon. Ở đây mình chọn bảng Alpha.
Mình viết cho ShuAda nhân ngày lễ tình nhân (muộn). Đại thần không đẻ hàng thì mình đành tự đẻ thui (ಥ ͜ʖಥ). Bối cảnh là sau khi Adachi ra tù và hai người về một nhà. Ở đây mình sẽ gọi Adachi là Tooru bởi vì... 👌
Mình sử dụng tiếng Anh bởi vì ̶m̶̶ì̶̶̶n̶̶h̶ ̶d̶̶ố̶̶t̶ ̶t̶̶i̶̶ế̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶V̶̶i̶̶ệ̶̶t̶ có những đoạn phải chơi chữ. Có dịch ra tiếng Việt hay không còn tùy vào độ lười của mình, với lại mình cũng xài gần hết pin điện thoại trong một buổi sáng chỉ vì cái thứ của nợ này rồi nên là...
#1 - Comfort
Whenever Tooru has nightmares about his tragic experiences in the past and bursts into tears at midnight, Yuu, who sleeps beside him and is waken up by his crying sound, comforts him by burying the older man's face in his chest, or slightly cups his cheek and kisses the tears away.
#2 - Kiss
Kissing Yuu without announcing, startling the silverette and making him blush has become one of Tooru's hobbies, however the younger one never complains about that, even finding it pretty cute.
#3 - Soft
Tooru has been so used to those nosy idiots chattering about how a criminal like him never deserves a soft man like Yuu that he doesn't want to deal with them anymore, their "soft man" Yuu accepts him no matter what kind of person he is, and that's already enough for him.
#4 - Pain
Yuu knows Tooru is much more mature now than he used to be - even if they couldn't be together anymore, the older man could still overcome the pain of losing the one he loves the most and continue to live on.
#5 - Potatoes
Couch potatoes could never survive in prison, that's why when he was released, Tooru seemed to be noticeably more hard-working than before - he wasn't the couch potato he used to be anymore.
#6 - Rain
Tooru hates rain as it somehow reminds him of the old days, Yuu tells him to think of it as how they met each other instead.
#7 - Chocolate
Every year, a few days before Valentine's day, Tooru always searches for the chocolate recipe and makes one by himself, which leads to tons of ingredients being burnt and the final result being not much better, Yuu, however, just laughs it off and still accepts that present, much to his lover's embarrassment (and happiness).
#8 - Happiness
Although Tooru finds it happiest when being by Yuu's side, Yuu always denies him being the one who brings all the happiness to his lover, saying that it's Tooru who has looked for happiness by himself, by atoning for his crimes and trying to change himself.
#9 - Telephone
At first, whenever he couldn't be near Tooru, Yuu always tried to talk to him on the telephone whenever he could, so that Tooru could feel someone caring about him, Tooru jokingly said that if the silverette kept doing so, he would end up spending all of his salary on telephone.
#10 - Ears
Tooru feels oddly satisfied when Yuu tickles his ears, but he's too embarrassed to ask for more, thinking that he may develop a weird fetish related to ear.
#11 - Name
Yuu says that the name "Tooru" sounds really cute and singing "Tooru, Tooru, Tooru..." when there's nothing to say has probably become his habit, Tooru sometimes wonders when exactly this silverette started calling him by his name and why he has never complained about that.
#12 - Sensual
Tooru's collarbones look pretty sensual in Yuu's eyes, he can hardly concentrate on anything else while thinking about them, Tooru knows that and often intentionally wears the kind of shirt that reveals a bit too much of his collarbones to tease his lover.
#13 - Death
Yuu often jokingly says that if Death existed, he would probably kill the god if he didn't take him along when he came for Tooru.
#14 - Sex
At first, because of the younger one's lack of experience, Tooru was always the one to take the lead during sex ; now, however, without announcing, he probably cannot predict what his lover is going to do next anymore.
#15 - Touch
Because of his low body temperature, Tooru loves the way Yuu touches and caresses his hands, covering them with his warmth, especially on cold days.
#16 - Weakness
At the very first time Tooru smiled at him, Yuu realized that he had a weakness for this man's smile!!
#17 - Tears
Yuu says that if he ever makes Tooru shed any more tears, those will definitely be the tears of happiness.
#18 - Speed
Speed of light cannot exceed the speed at which Yuu and Tooru run towards the other after a long time without each other!!
#19 - Wind
Tooru loves the way the wind blows Yuu's bangs, because that's when he can see the silverette's face much more clearly - he says that his lover looks much more beautiful when facing the wind direction.
#20 - Freedom
In fact, Tooru never needs anything like "listening" nor "understanding" in the first place - what he really needs is a savior - someone who can give him the freedom from all of his sufferings, and only when being by Yuu's side can Tooru actually feel that "freedom".
#21 - Life
Yuu was not the one who taught Tooru the meaning of life - he inspired him to find it.
#22 - Jealousy
On Valentine's day, Tooru is always eaten up with jealousy when seeing Yuu coming home with tons of chocolates, Yuu jokingly considers eating that not-so-delicious chocolate from his lover to be the punishment for receiving presents from others.
#23 - Hands
At first, when Yuu couldn't even summon up the courage to touch Tooru's hand, Tooru always took the lead and clasped their hands together, making Yuu so embarrassed that he could feel his face getting hotter and hotter, and his heart nearly jumping out of his chest.
#24 - Taste
Knowing that Tooru is Yuu's lover, some people start chattering about him being such a great man with such a terrible taste, Yuu, however, has been used to it and knows how to shut them up.
#25 - Devotion
At first glance, it always seems that Yuu is the one to devote more to their relationship, in fact, however, Yuu and Tooru's devotion is on the same level, it's just that their ways of expressing it are different.
#26 - Forever
Before Yuu appeared in his life, Tooru thought that he'd better not bond with anyone since nothing would last forever, however, after Yuu appeared in his life, he realized that he must treasure all the bonds he had since nothing would last forever.
#27 - Blood
Whenever Yuu cuts his hand while there's no bandage around, Tooru holds his lover's bleeding hand and licks the blood away, thinking that's the best way to hold blood for the time being.
#28 - Sickness
Whenever being asked about how they met each other, Tooru glares at Yuu, implying that he would definitely kill him if the silverette dared to say that the first time he saw Tooru was when he was suffering from "sickness".
#29 - Melody
Despite not having the same taste in music, Yuu and Tooru always remember each other's favorite song's melody, even humming along (often before realizing) when one of them hear the other singing.
#30 - Star
Yuu once told Tooru to count the stars on the sky to know how much he loved him in the middle of the day, and Tooru jokingly pointed a gun at his lover's forehead with a sardonic smile, asking the younger one if he wanted to "see stars" right then.
#31 - Home
Someone saying "I'm home" seemed happily strange to Tooru when they started living together.
#32 - Confusion
When Yuu confessed to Tooru, the older man looked at him in complete confusion even though he had already been aware of Yuu's love for him a long time ago - Yuu was the first one to make Tooru question someone else's common sense.
#33 - Fear
Because of what happened in his past, Tooru's greatest fear is being abandoned, at first he was always afraid that Yuu would abandon him once the younger one found someone else more interesting, however now their bond is already strong enough for him to overcome that fear.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Tooru hates rain, and he finds thunder annoying in the same way, knowing that, Yuu often slightly bites his lover's ears and whispers something, making the older man so embarrassed that he completely forgets about the thunder noise.
#35 - Bonds
Yuu once said that maybe it was not that Tooru didn't believe in bonds, he had still always believed in it, even during that disastrous year, it was just that Tooru couldn't bring himself to accept it - the younger man couldn't change anyone's mind, after all.
#36 - Market
Tooru realizes he has become an old man now that he cannot stand the music in shopping malls anymore (it gives him headache), and prefers markets as places to buy things.
#37 - Technology
Having been in prison for too long, Tooru cannot update himself on the advancement of technology, and has to call for Yuu's help whenever he has to deal with an "unidentified object".
#38 - Gift
Whenever they both feel guilty but don't have enough courage to apologize, these two fools come up with the same idea of trying to make up with each other by buying surprise gifts for the other.
#39 - Smile
Yuu loves it when Tooru smiles from the bottom of his heart, and always tries to make his lover smile like that for as long as possible.
#40 - Innocence
At first, Tooru often teased Yuu for his unbelievable innocence and lack of experience in love-related stuff, however he loved how innocent Yuu's love for him was.
#41 - Completion
Yuu and Tooru are opposite to each other - they complete each other in so many aspects that sometimes they think their life could never reach completion without the other.
#42 - Clouds
Tooru doesn't like the sky with too many clouds as it makes him feel suffocating (as he used to be), Yuu thinks maybe it's also because that weather looks like it's about to rain, which Tooru really hates.
#43 - Sky
Since childhood, looking at the midnight sky has been Tooru's way of looking for an escape from his sufferings, he still keeps this habit even when he doesn't have to suffer anymore.
#44 - Heaven
Considering Yuu's unbelievable kindness, Tooru said that if heaven ever existed, that would be the place the younger one goes to after death, Yuu replied that a "heaven" without Tooru cannot be called "heaven".
#45 - Hell
Considering his criminal record, Tooru said that if hell ever existed, that would be the place he goes to after death, Yuu replied that if that really happened, he would do anything possible to follow the older one to hell.
#46 - Sun
In Tooru's eyes, Yuu is the embodiment of the sun.
#47 - Moon
Yuu said that if he is the sun, then his lover will be the moon - despite being opposite, the sun and the moon always fill in for each other and the world cannot keep its brightness without one of them.
#48 - Waves
Yuu suggested that they move to somewhere near the sea after retiring, so that every morning they could wake up to the sound of waves, not the annoying man-made noises.
#49 - Hair
Yuu loves ruffling Tooru's fluffy hair, saying that it feels like cotton, Tooru, on the other hand, says that looking at Yuu's bangs always makes him feel so suffocating and tries to slick them back with his hand whenever he can.
#50 - Supernova
In Yuu's eyes, Tooru is like a supernova, which still remains bright for a really long time after having exploded.
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