-My love-
SD! Dream pov:
I was planing to hug Y/n behind then the result wasn't as I expected, Kanao stopped me from hugging Y/n. She's ruined my plan.. But I'm still smiling and of course Tanjiro is stopping me too and he's pouted at me:
-"Don't you dare to scare Kouchou-san by hugging from behind! Pervert bird!" Tanjiro said.
Your pov:
-"PFfft- E hem I don't know anything don't even look at me with that faces." I said to Swad.
-"Awwww come on darling~ don't you want me~ You don't love me do you?~" Swad said.
-"Since when? I don't remember that."I said to him with angry smile face
Kanao's pov:
Should I confess my love to Tanjiro-kun? What if he declined me? Am I brave enough to do it?
-"Ne! Kanao-chan! Do you want to go out with me after dinner? If you don't want you can tell me!" Tanjiro said to me.
I blushed after Tanjiro-kun says that To be honest I always want to hang out with him but back then we were in demon slayer's corsp.
-"Kanao? Kanao-chan!" Tanjiro yelled.
-"Y-Yes?" I answered him.
-"You were Zoomed out." Tanjiro said to me.
-"Really? G-Gomen then.."I apologized to him.
-"That's okay. I really don't mind but do you want to go out with me? After dinner?"
-"Sure why not?" I answered him with smiling face.
-"Yay! I'm glad to hear that Kanao-chan!"
Your pov:
Aww looks like they both gonna go out together after dinner of course but.. I wish nee-san still here if she were here she's would be happy. But they looks like a couple am I right? I hope nee-san still happy on there. Mom.. Dad.. Nee-san.. Are you guys happy now? I hope you guys happy on there. I assumed that on there is really beautiful and peaceful. After we defeated them .... I looked with sastisfied.
SD! Dream + Night's pov:
She's looked calm. Looks like she's still not forget about that fight.. But I'm glad that we helped her.
Your pov:
I look at Swad face. . . He's like a pervert bird.
Ah.. What's is this feeling? It's so warm around him.. Am I inlove? No no Y/n you must be aware from him. While I was thinking, Swad hugged me and wrapped me with his wings. I tried to push him away but his grip is too strong.
-"Let me go!" I tried to struggling.
-"Mmmm? Why~~ darling we have to get marry and have a child~." He said to me with smirks face also flirting tone. And he's freaking just kissed my cheek!
I blushed and Kanao helped me out. Tanjiro is head-butted him.
-"ahh- hahaha served you right!"
I got out of Swad's grip. He's hold his head and groaned in pain he's bleeding I started to treat his wounds on his head.
After that Swad is doing that a g a i n. . sitting there and pouting. I comes to him and try to cheer him up.
He's hugged me again. Now this time I just let him hugging me.
-"I will make you love me.~ Tonight~." He said to me. I started to blush then knock his head.
Kanae's pov:
Looked like Y/n found her lover! I'm so proud of her. Kanao too I'm so proud of them both. Even mother and father proud of them. Fair-well
The next chapter(maybe) will be lemon. Sayonara.
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