GogoDeku | Enter the wrong door

GogoDeku | Enter the wrong door

38 4 1

Another heroic world but not the place of Gougou Katsuki. But if he went through that door, he also had to experience with his new friends. His personality is the complete opposite of that Bakugou. It's just the wrong way, he's just the wrong way. Cp: Gougou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku…

KatsuDeku | I was waiting for death

KatsuDeku | I was waiting for death

10,492 1,084 16

Vẫn là bộ Gakuran ngày ấy, xa xa trông thấy được mắt với dáng người nhỏ nhắn như vậy, nhưng đôi khi điều đó lại làm người khác cảm thấy khó hiểu.(c) Manga official…

ShiraGoshi | Koi no yokan

ShiraGoshi | Koi no yokan

333 31 1

"love at first sight" is Hitomebore (一目ぼれ). But Koi no Yokan (恋の予感) is different. It doesn't mean "love at first sight", but rather "love at second sight".How can he fall in love with someone he just met for the first time, never talked to, met or knew about the other person? (c) https://mobile.twitter.com/betarobo/status/1250934231468892161…