Chapter 27 - Queen Jade of Esterpine


Claire trailed behind an envoy sent to escort them into the city. He had appeared shortly after their arrival at the large gate, almost startled them all as they gazed upwards.

"The Queen bids you welcome," he'd announced, surprising them. It was unclear how long he'd stood there watching them, waiting to be noticed.

He was not at all what she had expected. His midnight blue hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck. He wore nothing but a loin cloth and a sword, displaying luminescent markings that swirled and twisted across his pale skin. These elegant tattoos arranged themselves in all sorts of patterns, some similar to what she had seen across the walls of the gated doorway. A few crept up to his face, which was angularly shaped, framing two almond-shaped eyes, one blue and one green. The same shade of green as her own.

"My queen is most eager to meet you," he'd said, looking directly at Claire instead of the others. "Come, I am to bring you to her."

She had quickly closed her mouth and quit her gawking.

"This way," he added.

Jovari, Koldis, and Reyr said nothing as they followed behind her. She merely gave them a quick backward glance to ensure that they kept up, before returning her focus to the curiosities of the forest Sprite.

As he led them, she continued to watch him. It was a trial keeping her eyes where they belonged. He was far taller than was normal for a human, and he moved with effortless grace as his feet found all the correct places to step. Not a single sound came from his motions. Her companions, on the other hand, were louder. The dead foliage beneath their feet crunched noisily.

Her eyes closed briefly and reopened, expecting to see nothing more than cornfields, but the Sprite was still there, leading the way. The forest whispered around her, sending comforting thoughts. Everything was just as real as it had been moments before.

It was difficult to fathom. Things like this simply didn't happen. It was like she'd fallen asleep reading one of her many books and woken inside it.

The span of a few weeks was too short a time to digest the incomprehensible things that had happened. When she saw Cyrus fall from the sky, she didn't believe it. Dragons? Impossible. When she witnessed the Drengr shift, she thought she had seen everything magical that could possibly exist. But this? This forest was beyond comprehension. The Sprites who lived within were merely an extension of the vast ecosystem. Nothing was clearer as she watched her guide's markings pulse and glow brighter with each tree he recognized and every flower that greeted him.

She increased the pace of her limp, ignoring the fresh wave of pain it brought, and caught up with him. Just as she did, more Sprites appeared. Each was similar to the one leading them, but subtle differences were obvious. Few had blue hair, for instance. Yet they all had markings.

"Are your tattoos real?" The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. What she really meant was, did he put them on his body, or were they something he was born with.

"My tattoos?" His voice was rich and musical.

"I mean...your markings," she said. More and more Sprites could be seen wondering the forest paths now. They all stopped to stare at the strangers moving through their midst.

"My markings are as real as the eyes I see with, or the feet I walk on." She frowned. He noticed. "They are my identity. Evidence of what I am. I am a Sprite of the forest. All Sprites bear their identities proudly."

"How do you get them to glow like that?"

"They glow of their own accord."

He seemed fond of short answers, and reluctant to give even that. So she slowed her pace and fell behind, gazing once more upon her surroundings. Only then did she notice the little houses that had materialized. These weren't normal, nor were they like the earthen cottages one might expect in a forest. They were adaptations to the world in which the Sprites lived.

The trees in this part of the woodland had grown monstrous, their ominous branches cascading up towards the roof of the forest, covered with thick layers of moss. The root systems beneath were so great, they lifted the trunks high off the ground like stilts. Glass dwellings had been built beneath them, the sheets of which were shaped to fill in the empty spaces between the roots, almost like soap bubbles. Each tree looked as though it had a glittering tree skirt at its base.

Within, she noticed many common household items like tables, chairs, and book shelves. Uncommon were the hanging decorations from the root ceilings. Gemstones and crystals the size of baseballs dangled on vines in various shapes and colors, glowing and glittering like ornaments.

Distracted, she didn't immediately notice the spiraling staircases carved into the sides of the trees. These twisted around and around until they were lost in the floating mist above. It left her to wonder, where did they go? What lay at the end of each?

As they moved along, more and more glass houses sprang into existence until the city materialized before them. She could hear her companions whispering loudly behind her. Perhaps they were as beguiled as she. Although, from the tone of their lowered voices, it sounded as if they weren't eager to be here. She, on the other hand, loved this place.

The city was full of sparkle. To act as lights, glowing orbs decorated the world around them. Some were recessed into the knots of grizzled trees, others hung from poles along the walkways like lanterns. Some even floated without assistance, defying the laws of gravity. Most were yellow, but a few took on other colors like pink, blue, purple, and green.

Sprites emerged from their glittering homes to point and whisper. How often did strangers find themselves here? Given their reactions, it was a rare occurrence.

Nearly every Sprite had the same markings but in different patterns. However, she was shocked when she saw their children. Though they were few, these younger beings had no markings at all! They looked nearly human, with the exception of their pointed faces and otherworldly beauty.

She tried not to gawk at her surroundings, but it became impossible the moment something stepped out in front of her path. She sputtered and stopped dead in her tracks. "A unicorn?!"

The majestic animal wandered freely across the narrow dirt pathway. Its silky white coat shimmered like a pearl as it caught the light. Flowing behind it, its pure white mane fluttered in the gentle breeze.

"Wow," she whispered. Perhaps it heard her, or maybe it sensed her amazement, because it stopped and turned its head to look at her. For a brief instant, their gazes locked. She felt as though she were floating on air.

Without thinking better of it, she reached a hand out to invite the unicorn over, silently begging it to come, hoping that it would. It did. It trotted right over and placed its nose against her open palm, nuzzling her gently. The velvety fuzz on its skin was softer than any horse.

The exchange was brief, merely meant as a welcome. Before she knew it, the beauty was trotting off into the mist. She watched it go, sad to see it leave. A moment later, she felt a gentle nudge from behind as Reyr reminded her that they were supposed to be following their guide.

"Just this way," the Sprite said.

Right as they rounded a bend in the path, she gasped. A giant glass castle came into view. This great hall dominated the city's center. Until now, she had been too preoccupied to give the Queen of Esterpine any thought. Now, anxious butterflies began fluttering in her stomach.

What would the queen be like? Would she know that Claire had the Dragon Stones? She regretted not asking Cyrus more about her.

They made their way up a large set of crystalline stairs. As she gained height, she looked beneath and saw all the way to the bottom. Her stomach jolted. The entire hall was that way, completely transparent. Were it not for the rainbows glistening upon the surface, she would have appeared to float mid-air. The idea was unsettling.

They were taken into the queen's great hall without ceremony. Before she could absorb her surroundings, her eyes fell upon a woman with the blackest hair she had ever seen, braided elegantly as it fell down her front. It was as though her plait had swallowed up all the light to obtain such a shade. For all that it was lacking, the rest of her radiated light in waves. Her clothing was made of a shimmery translucent cloth that did very little beyond hiding her feminine parts. Like the others, shimmering markings flowed across her skin. She possessed far more than most of her people. Perhaps they were a symbol of one's magical ability, and the queen held the most.

"Welcome to the Crystal Palace." Her voice was pure like the sound of a singing wine glass. She stood from her throne and descended the stairs of her dais. Her gaze remained fixed on Claire's. The throne room was silent. Not even the queen's feet made a sound as her bare soles struck the floor. "You are the first outsiders to stumble successfully upon our hidden kingdom. I am both shocked and impressed. Tell me, how did you manage it?" It was clear that her question was directed at Claire.

"I..." She swallowed. "I followed my heart, Your Majesty." Was that how she was supposed to address a queen? Her words felt clumsy and unconfident.

The woman smiled as if Claire's words were exactly what she wanted to hear. "It is no small feat that you have accomplished. The magic of the forest ensures that no outsider will find his or her way. To this day, no outsider ever has, nor will they ever until the end of time. Welcome Claire from Beyond, to the city of Esterpine." She opened her arms wide.

Claire's eyes widened. She quickly closed her mouth. How did the queen know her name?

"We have pressing matters to discuss." The queen turned her eyes away from Claire and descended the remaining steps, stopping before Cyrus's shrouded body, which now lay at the foot of the dais.

"I am saddened by the circumstances that bring you into my kingdom. Tell me, Lord Reyr of golden scale, what dangers have befallen Cyrus? He left us many weeks ago, very much alive. I warned him, but he did not listen, to his own demise."

Reyr may have been surprised, but he hid it well. He took a step forward. "We know little of the events leading to his downfall, Your Majesty. Poison was involved. The Vodar dealt Claire a very similar wound, but Koldis was able to address it quickly. His timeliness saved it from spreading, and saved her life."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Koldis stand a bit taller as he lifted his chin and squared his shoulders.

"And the Stones?" said the queen.

"I believe that his killer stole the Dragon Stones before we arrived." Reyr hung his head in shame.

For the first time, Claire realized that Reyr bore the brunt of the failure. Guilt began to bubble up inside of her. What defeat he must have felt, and dishonor. She wished then that she could tell him.

"So it is true? The Stones are gone?"

The others shifted on their feet but said nothing.

"Then it is as I feared." The queen's words did not accurately fit her tone. She should have sounded worried. Perhaps she did not truly believe the words she spoke.

"And what role do you have to play, Claire Evans? Why were you brought into our world?"

Her face heated. Before she could answer, Reyr stepped forward. "She plays an important role, Your Majesty. Unfortunately for us, she has made an Unbreakable Promise."

"An Unbreakable Promise," said the Queen, humming. "It is not Sprite magic."

"Aye. Asarlaí magic."

"Deceitful magic, you mean."

Reyr nodded.

"Very well. I would ask why you have chosen to enter my kingdom, but I already know the answer. I am Queen Jade, keeper of the forest, mother of the earth upon which all beings walk. I know all that transpires within Dragonwall." Her regard fell once more on Claire. Without looking away, she ordered the others out. "I wish to speak with Claire alone," she said. "Oh, and while you are here, we will see to your needs. You may stay and rest as long as you wish. Consider it a reward for discovering our city."

Claire's companions left, and she quickly found herself alone with the mysterious queen, whose dark blue eyes bored into hers as if the woman were discerning the very secrets of her soul. "Humans are very easy to read," she said at last. "But you are no human, are you?"

Claire gave a brief shake of her head in confirmation. For some reason, she felt as though lying to this woman would be impossible. In fact, the queen probably already saw the truth.

"If you were human, the poison of a Vodar blade would have killed you instantly. However, I can read you for other reasons." She hesitated, studying Claire's face. A deep, uneasy frown settled upon the queen's features. "Yes, I know you now. I have seen into your depths and come to a startling conclusion. Yours is a very difficult path ahead, Claire, full of twists and turns. Someday you will learn the truth of who you are and what you are capable of."

The queen's words frightened her. "Who..." She tried to speak, but her voice was a weak whisper. "Who am I?"

"That road of self-discovery lies within your own heart. I cannot take it from you, nor can I make it for you."

"But, I can't figure it out. I have already tried. What's happening to me?" Surely the Sprite queen would have answers.

"Many things, Claire. Many things are happening to you. You must remember, it is only through great struggle and strife that we become who we are truly meant to be. All great destinies are born that way. I believe your role in the days to come will be more important than any of ours." The queen smiled, as if making some secret realization.

Claire merely frowned, noting that the Queen's advice wasn't the least bit helpful.

"I admit, finding one's self is no easy task. The difficult roads you must face will leave you stumbling and perhaps, at times, hopeless." Her voice grew soft and comforting. "In that darkness, you will face your worst enemies, but you will also learn to recognize your true friends. If you choose correctly and do what is right, you will come to learn your strengths."

"Do what is right?" Claire repeated. "How am I supposed to know what is right?"

"When you face difficult decisions, just know this: the easy choice is rarely the correct one. You will know—if it hurts—you will know."

Claire opened her mouth but didn't know what to say, so she closed it again.

Trust her words. She is wise.

"You must promise me one thing here and now," Queen Jade said as their conversation came to a close. "Promise me that you will protect the Dragon Stones to the end of your very being."

Her eyes grew wide. She knew! Was this one of the many secrets the queen had seen within her?

"I will protect them. I have no choice. I must."

The Queen nodded, satisfied. "Come now, that wound needs tending to. My singers will heal it, but it will never be fully sound. The discomfort will depart, but you will never forget that the remnants are there. Can you accept that?"

She nodded, eager to be rid of the nagging pain shooting up her calf. Queen Jade led her from the glass palace, summoning her healers as they went. They walked for some time in silence. As they went, she tried to process all that the queen had told her, but her sleepy brain made little sense of any of it.

At last, she was brought to one of the beautiful glass houses they had passed coming into the City. "You will reside here while in Esterpine. Your Drengr companions have been given similar accommodations, and you may find them when you are well again." As if on cue, others arrived to tend to her needs and prepare her for the healing process, laying her gently upon the dwelling's feathered bed.

Already, her attendants were humming a comforting tune, allowing their soft voices to meld together in song. It was beautiful, and she thought that if she listened closely, she could just discern the meanings of the foreign words upon their tongues.

Her eyes grew heavy and her body, desperate for sleep.

"Here is where I leave you now, Claire. Just know," she added, hesitating, "you are always welcome here in Esterpine. So long as you can find it, the city will welcome you with open arms."

It was the last thing she remembered before her induced slumber took her. 


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