Dragonwall Appendix
Averaen and Evelyn: Leaders of Fort Edge. Lord Averaen was a King's Shield for King Tallek. However, when Tallek died, Averaen retired and took over leadership of Fort Edge. His love story was considered an anomaly, because he found his mate later than anyone believed possible. Many secretly believed he lied, and that Evelyn was simply a lover. But when she bore him a son, Dallin, none could deny the truth of it.
Bedelth: One of the six King's Shields. Bedelth's scales are shades of orange like a sunset. Bedelth is far more mysterious than the other Shields. We do not see a lot of him in the first couple of books.
Bennett: Ship captain of the Lady Faith. Bennett is charged with transporting Ice Metal from Port Ice to the ports of Kastali Dun. During his voyage, he encounters pirates, makes a pit stop in Squall's End, and eventually reaches Kastali Dun. Bennett was born in Oshea, but grew up in the Pauper's District of Kastali Dun. He has a particularly annoying but cute macaw named Beaky, who he found during an adventure in the Scattered Islands.
Berbik: The Dwarg discovered in the cell across from Mikkin's in Shadowkeep. Berbik is from Notroic, on the eastern side of the Northern Barrier Range.
Byron: Son of Davi and Emmy. Next in line to take over Fort Squall. He is the realized mate of Tamara Redwynn. He is also a wing-second in one of Fort Squall's Drengr-Rider fighting wings.
Caterina: A mage-in-training and lady of the court. She is the daughter of the traitor Stefan Rosen, who was executed by the king. Caterina has a vendetta against Claire. She is also suspected to be partly responsible for the stealing of Desaree Kindall's titles. She is currently scheduled to stand trial for her crimes.
Cyrus: One of the six King's Shields. Cyrus's scales are pearlescent white. Cyrus was sent on a secret mission to retrieve the remaining Dragon Stones from the Gable Forest when they were believed to be in danger. Cyrus fought Kane and bested him with his Mind Bender abilities. In so doing, he conquered Kane's mind. Even still, Cyrus barely escaped with his life. He traveled through the Kengr Gate and met Claire Evans. Cyrus once had a Rider before he became a Shield. Her name was Leeana, and she died during the great Ice Battle of Vestur. His soul and magic now rests with Claire, for he gave her the Gift by imprinting himself upon her being.
Dallin: New potential King's Shield. Dallin's scales are shades of violet and purple. He is from Fort Edge. His father is Lord Averaen.
Davi and Emmy: Leaders at Fort Squall. Davi is Reyr's twin brother, though Reyr is considered the older as he was born first. Davi's and Emmy's son Byron is their pride and joy. Like Reyr, Davi's line can be traced back to the Iron Clan, as we see in Talon the Black.
Daxton: A noteworthy commander for the king's army. Daxton was also Lady Saffra's fiancé. Daxton met Saffra at a younger age before he went off to the Gobelin Wars. Daxton was also Saffra's archery tutor. The two fell in love after he returned from the Gobelin Wars. He lost his memory during an attack from the Vodar.
Desaree: Once a servant of the keep, Desaree is now Claire's handmaiden. She and Verath are in a relationship. Once born a noble, Verath has been helping her reclaim her stolen title from Caterina.
Dubrael: The Dwarg lord of Safuil. He receives Mikkin's party when they visit his city, and pledges his support to the Drengr cause.
Eagle Knight: Trained assassin from the Eagle Lake region. He is hired by Kane to kidnap Claire and bring her north. His mission goes successful at first, then ends in failure when his men are killed, and he is captured and tortured. He remains alive in the dungeons of the Great Keep.
Jamie: Son of Tynen and Mary. Part of the family who found Mikkin when he fled the ruin of Belnesse. Jamie joins Mikkin on his journey to find the dragon hideout in the Northern Barrier Range.
Jeanine and Jahl: Jeanine and Jahl are from the eastern village of Kaljah. When Gobelins attack their home, they do what they can to get the villagers to safety. They, along with the other refugees from Kaljah, are currently living in Esterpine with the Sprites.
Jovari: One of the six King's Shields. Jovari's scales are deep blue in color. Jovari is the youngest of the six Shields. He's also the biggest ladies' man and loves to schmooze. He's very charismatic.
Kane: The only known living Asarlaí who is intent on regaining the lands his people once ruled, and wishes to finish their master plans, which included sending all those of non-magic through the gates into a world of no magic.
Kendra: Verath's mate. The woman he knew about but never allowed himself to meet, such that he would not forsake his life-long oath.
King Eymar: The first Drengr to be made. King Eymar was born a dragon and blessed with humanity. His birth name is Vigilance, because all the wild dragons named their hatchlings for characteristic traits that they wished for the dragon to possess. These names were magic and dictated who the dragon would become. King Eymar belonged to the Iron Clan.
King Tallek and Queen Ahlessa: The mother and father of King Talon. Both died during the Great Ice Battle of Vestur.
Claire: Our leading main character and heroine. Claire discovers Dragonwall through Cyrus and is charged with safely ferrying the remaining Dragon Stones to King Talon. She later becomes wrapped up in Dragonwall's fate.
Koldis: One of the six King's Shields. Koldis's scales are emerald green in color. Koldis tends to be the moodiest of the king's bunch. He's also the toughest to win over.
Mikkin: Former resident of the city of Belnesse. When his family (Mardra, Devden, and Thomas) and his city were burned to the ground, he fled and made vengeance his life's mission.
Princess Taylynn and Prince Feowen: Siblings, children of Queen Jade. Currently living in Esterpine. Princess Taylynn is the oldest.
Queen Isabella: The great Sprite queen who created the Drengr. She is also credited with building the Great Keep and founding Kastali Dun, alongside her mate, King Eymar.
Queen Jade: The current queen of the Sprites.
Rage: The leader of the Ice Clan at the dawn of the Third Age. He ruled during the time the Drengr were made and was defeated by Vigilance, who later became King Eymar.
Reyr: One of the six King's Shields. Reyr's scales are golden in color. He becomes a favorite of Claire's. He is also Claire's biggest champion at the onset of Talon the Black. He tends to have a more open acceptance of people. Reyr once had a Rider before he became a Shield. Her name was Gemma. Gemma died during the war with the Kalds. Reyr is one of the rare few who can trace his lineage back to his clan. Reyr descended from the Iron Clan.
Saffra: The king's prophetess. Saffra is one of the Magoi with an ability to see the past, present, and future as either visions or dreams. She is what is called a Seer. Saffra grew up a peasant in a humble farming family. When her parents became worried by her increasing number of dreams and visions, they took her to the Magoi, who recognized her talents and brought her directly to the king.
Talon: The first black Drengr to rule Dragonwall. Cursed with his color, which lends to his madness, Talon struggles to put his humanity first, and is often easy to anger. He struggled in his younger years to find a mate and at last, once his parents died, gave up on finding one. He now rules without a mate, leaving the kingdom without an heir.
Tamara Redwynn: The only daughter of the great Redwynn family. Tamara sneaks away from Redport and her family to chase her dream of becoming a Rider. She finds herself at Fort Squall where she discovers her mate, Byron.
Tess: Head woman of the castle. Tess is like the mother hen of all her little chicks. She keeps everyone in line and takes good care of her charges. Tess is famous for carrying around a wooden spoon and can most often be found within the cookery.
Unka: The Gobelin patrol leader who orders the capture of Mikkin and Jamie. This Gobelin eventually guides Mikkin and Jamie to the wild dragon lair in exchange for his freedom.
Verath: One of the six King's Shields. Verath's scales are dark red in color. He is the oldest Shield, older even than King Talon. Verath is the only Shield to have served two kings. When King Tallek died, he swore himself to Tallek's son. Because he has the most experience, the Shields often go to him for advice, as does the king.
Wrath: The current leader of the Ice Clan. His scales are blood red. The Ice Clan is the only remaining wild dragon clan of the thirteen clans that once lived.
Ashvale: Minor city located in The Gable Forest. Jeanine and Jahl travel through on their way to Esterpine.
Brezen: Town on the northern part of Celenore. Location where camp is made after Fort Squall retreats south.
Eagle Lake: A region of great economic growth. Eagle lake is connected to Stormy bay by rivers that allow commerce to flourish. The largest export from this region is wood from the Vallahurst Forest. Eagle lake has a marshy region on its southern shores. It is here that the city of Mistport is nestled, famous for its nighttime mists.
Irelia Island: Island off the coast of Kastali Dun. This island is considered sacred. No one may settle or live. It is the old site of a Sea Clan home. Talon takes Claire here to visit.
Kaljah: A small village on the eastern border of Esterpine. Kaljah, along with many other eastern villages, is attacked by Gobelins. Its surviving villagers are seeking refuge in Esterpine. Also home of Jeanine and Jahl.
Kastali Dun: Kastali Dun is the capital of Dragonwall. When the Drengr monarchy was formed, King Eymar and Queen Isabella retreated to the south for milder weather. There they founded the city and built its great citadel upon the top of the hill overlooking the sea. There are approximately two hundred thousand people living in the city of Kastali Dun. More live in the countryside surrounding it.
Lincastle: Lincastle is one of four fort-cities. It is home to Fort Lin. This is where Talon travels to assist with the organization of troops during the Gobelin raids.
Lormont, Osbourne, and Swinston: Three villages in the Dragondom of Celenore, which are being attacked each night by Vodar wraiths. It was Kane who ordered these attacks to get under King Talon's skin.
The Gable Forest: This is a world hidden within a world. The Gable Forest is a dangerous place for outsiders, who often become lost and wander forever within its midst. There are several secret cities within the forest, the largest of which is Esterpine. Esterpine is home to the Crystal Palace, where Queen Jade rules.
The Ice Mines: This mysterious place is located in the mountains. It is where Ice Metal is mined. The Drengr purchase their Ice Metal from the Dwarves who forge it into weapons. The most famous of these weapons are Sveraks, which are great swords wielded by the Drengr.
Redport: Redport is a famous port city. It is the home of the Redwynn family, headed by Lord Aaron Redwynn, who acts as Lord Governor of Redport and all its surrounding lands in the Dragondom of Warsile.
Safuil: Dwarg city that Mikkin and his party stumble upon after escaping Shadowkeep. Safuil is overseen by Lord Dubrael. It is one of many cities along the Great Stone Road.
Shadowkeep: The ominous fortress where the infamous Asarlaí named Kane conducts most of his diabolical plans. This fortress was once a dwelling place for the Ice Clan during the early days when they sought to rule Dragonwall.
Squall's End: Squall's End is a large port city on the shores of Stormy Bay. It is the home of Fort Squall, which sits just to the side of the large city.
Undirfold: The underworld where bad souls go. This is also where the Vodar come from. It is said to be full of monsters and fiends.
Vallahurst Forest: Said to be mostly haunted, Vallahurst Forest is a popular logging site, but only along its borders. Most souls are not brave enough to venture into is midst.
Aldinn Malasarlaí: the old language, or the language of magic. It is the language used by the Magoi to perform incants, also known as spells, and command the world around them. It can be used as a language or as magic.
Asarlaí: The Asarlaí were once great sorcerers in Dragonwall responsible for inventing the old language. It is they, specifically the Five, who brought the dragons to life. These dragons were responsible for driving any remaining Asarlaí from Dragonwall. The Asarlaí have not been seen in Dragonwall for a long time. Currently, Kane is the only known living Asarlaí.
Dragon Stones: There are five Dragon Stones. These were carved from the first dragons before they were brought to life. Magical in nature, these stones have the power to destroy the entire draconic race, dragons and Drengr alike. If brought together, this end would be inevitable. Three Dragon Stones are in Kane's possession. The other two are possessed by the Drengr Monarchy. Their colors are black, blue, gold, green, and red.
Drengr: The word Drengr means dragon warrior in the old language. The Drengr are shape shifters who can transform from dragons to humans. Once wild dragons themselves, they became this way when Queen Isabella blessed the dragons with humanity. The commonly known purpose for doing this was to bridge the gap between the wild dragons and inhabitants of Dragonwall, specifically humans, in hopes of defeating the evil ruler named Rage. The real reason was to bring about the dragons' eventual extinction.
Drengr Fairtheoir, King's Shields, or Shields: The words Drengr Fairtheoir mean noble dragon warrior in the old language. After the creation of their rank, commoners often referred to the Drengr Fairtheoir as Shields of the king or King's Shields. Their purpose is to shield the king, to protect him, and to give their lives for him if necessary. Because the king's mate is an extension of himself, the Shields likewise protect the queen with the same ferocity; however, the name 'King's Shield' stuck. These six also make up what is called the Higher Council because they act as advisors. Their position is for life, and an oath is sworn when they begin. Sadly, they take no mates; they must be entirely devoted to their king.
Gobelin: A Gobelin is a small creature, whose skin is of a greenish hue, with pointed teeth, evil appearances, and greedy personalities. The Gobelins occupy the lands of Pavv. They have been known to raid eastern villages along the range.
Great Stone Raod: A road running beneath the Northern Barrier Range that connects many Dwargish cities together.
Ice Metal: Ice Metal is a unique substance found in the mines beneath the Northern Barrier Range. Its properties make it strong enough to pierce dragon scales, making it dangerous. It is mined and sold by the Dwargs, who are an independent people.
Magoi: The plural for Mage. Common conjugation for plurals in the Aldinn Málasarlai requires the use of an 'i' following the word. Mage would be the singular version of Magoi referring to one person and not a group. A Mage is someone who possesses magical abilities and is trained using the old language to perform magic. While the Drengr can also perform magic, having been made by magic, they are not considered part of the Magoi.
Nask: Someone who is controlled by an evil force, to do the bidding of another. Both Stefan Rosen and Euen Doyle are two known Nasks, manipulated to do Kane's bidding. They are no longer alive.
Sprite: The Sprites were once Spirit Singers. They were wanderers who found a home with the King Tree. There they erected the forest by singing it into existence. The Sprites are an independent people, with their own ruling government, currently overseen by Queen Jade. Their forest is considered separate land, and does not fall under the Drengr monarchy's rule.
Sverak: The Sverak is a special long sword used by the Drengr. It is much larger than a traditional sword. It is also heavier than a traditional sword because it is formed with Ice Metal and steel. Ice Metal is rare and expensive because it can only be obtained from the dwarves in the Ice Mountain Mines. Generally, a Drengr receives his Sverak from his father when he fledges. The sheath is decorated based on the Drengr's color. An empty space called a pommel ring is left on the pommel for a single stone called a pommel stone, which is gifted to the Drengr by his Rider at the bonding ceremony. The stone type and color is to be based on the Drengr's scale color. At the bonding ceremony, it is melded into the pommel ring using magic.
The Kalds: The Kalds are ice giants from the lands of Kalderland beyond the Northern Barrier Range. Kald translates to cold giant in the old language. These ice giants are made of Black Rock Ice and can only be melted by dragon fire. They freeze anything they touch, and their origins lie in dark magic.
The King's Wing: This wing of Drengr Fairtheoir form a V-shaped flight pattern when doing any aerial flying. The king flies at the point, with three Shields in formation on his left, and three on his right.
Vodar: The Vodar, which means wraith in the old language, are warden spirits of Undirfold who feed off of evil and malice. In Undirfold, they are the ferriers of souls. They can only enter the world if summoned by powerful magic. These demons are said to be faceless and covered in blackness, a blackness which consists of dark magic and smoke. This gives them the appearance of cloaked beings. They are skilled swordsmen. They also carry their signature weapon, a long knife blade that is often called a short sword, which is infused with poison. If stabbed by such a blade, a large degree of magic is necessary to suck the venomous toxins from the wound, else one will surely die. For humans, this death happens in a minute. For those of magical abilities, it is a much more agonizing process, stretched out over days as the skin around the wound blackens and that blackness eventually consumes the entire being.
Cave Clan
Desert Clan
Fire Clan
Forest Clan
Grassland Clan
Ice Clan
Iron Clan
Lake Clan
Marsh Clan
Mountain Clan
Sea Clan
Stone Clan
Storm Clan
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