Chapter 3: Realising What It Meant.
A year had passed since the day they both agreed on working together. This was it. It was going well until they got themselves into an argument.
"You're not supposed to go that way! I didn't tell you to do so. You could've gotten caught." The sleuth yelled at the thief.
The magician didn't care. He snapped back. "Oh yeah!? If you're so confident about that then go do these things for yourself!" Crossing his arms, he looked away. The expression on his face could show how guilty he felt, but at the same time, he cannot say he wasn't mad.
"I'm a child, Kid." Conan raised his voice a little at the other's alter ego name. He's not dealing with this!
"If you're so capable of what you're thinking then you should be the one doing the action!" Kid protested. His throat is hurting so much. He doesn't want to argue.
"Fine! Do anything you like today then. I don't care." The detective slammed the door on his way out of the bedroom. Tears were forming on the magician's eyes. No, he mustn't cry and will not let his poker face shatter. The most important things to magicians are their poker faces.
Next morning, Conan found the clothes that he lent Kid the other day already washed and folded neatly on the bed. Well the thief was generous enough. Wait a minute... Conan checked the clock. It was only 6 in the morning. How come does Kid have enough time to wash, dry, and fold it? He... Did he stay up the whole night? The sleuth questioned himself.
He exited the bedroom, making his way towards the living room to find the scientist already sitting there. Likewise, she's still sipping her tea. "Did you make him upset?" Was the first thing he heard.
"Kid. Kudou-kun, what did you say to him last night?" She repeated her question once again, lowering her teacup.
Conan sighed, he walked over to her spot and sat down to face her. "Well... I was pretty much afraid that he'd die so I just told him that he shouldn't have triggered the trap that could end up drowning him and getting himself caught. That stupid thief didn't listen and tried to argue with me!"
Ai raised an eyebrow. Seriously? "I see. Stubborn detectives and stupid thiefs can sometimes be a trouble to each other. I'll take note of that." Her voice sounded like she was mocking him. "He left early at night instead of staying like usual."
"Didn't it rain last night?" Conan looked up, face now full of surprised expression.
Ai sighed and repeated, "It rained last night. If he ends up catching a cold then you'll be the one who has to cancel his next heist."
Dang it. First, he made the thief mad and as a result of the magician leaving in the rain and might be catching a cold anytime now. Secondly, he has no idea how cancelling heist works.
Well then, I guess I have to find a way to apologise to him. The sleuth thought to himself. Later, he already found himself standing at the professor's front gate. Yeah, he'll have to talk to Kid after the heist.
Kid stole the target very easily this time. Though not a word was spoken from him during the entire heist. The task force was confused at first, Kid was never that silent. There usually is at least a sentence, or maybe a word. The atmosphere this time was just like that. No words were escaping from the thief's lips.
"Should I even be aware of the fact that you're mad at me?" The voice spoke up. Then it continued. "How stubborn are you!? I just wanted the best for you when you started to be mad. Stay there. I'm coming up, then we'll talk."
"Yeah, right. 'Then we'll talk'." The thief imitated the detective's words.
"I hate when you do this. Still, I'm glad you had the earbuds on." Kid could hear a small chuckle from the other side of the line, along with some footsteps sounds.
He started coughing, again. Moonflowers fought their way out of his throat. Piles of petals starting to form. This is getting worse by day. The more he keeps letting the disease stay, the more pain he suffers. Both through love and discomfort.
Moonflower-Dreaming of Love.
Kid panicked, trying to clean up the mess as fast as possible but to his horror, the small detective had already made his way there and slammed the door open. Conan marched towards the magician, eyeing the other's motion.
"See, I knew you were throwing flowers off the building the other day." The detective picked up a petal and said. Kid's shoulders relaxed a bit when he knew the sleuth didn't notice a problem with it.
"No, it was just an accident. I didn't mean to throw flower petals down." Lies, they were all lies. His chest is aching so bad. He just wants to spit out the truth. Though, Kid doesn't want to be a paedophile. "Besides, didn't you say my actions were too risky and that I might get caught?"
Conan rubbed the back of his head, sighing heavily. Perhaps he did say that, however it was the truth! "Well, yes I did say that. I just got a little fed up with you. I didn't want you to be hurt. It actually kinda pains me seeing you hurt." Kid's chest warmed up when he heard it. Not only that, his face might be flushing too.
"You what? Can you repeat that please?" Kid asked nicely. Conan looked up to see the thief had moved closer.
"I uh.." The sleuth opened his mouth to answer, something made him hesitate. Indigos were staring at azures, not even by sideways, it was directly. "I was afraid that you'll get hurt." Conan blurted out.
The thief started to giggle. "Are you underestimating me? I'm a Phantom Thief! I can't get injured that easily." A smirk appeared. Kid himself can't explain how much he adored this little detective. No wonder how he fell in love that easily.
"It's getting late. Ran will start searching for me if I keep wandering around. I'll see you around." After finishing the sentence, Conan turned around and left.
The silent atmosphere of the rooftop started to form again. Nevertheless, this time it wasn't just petals. It was frickin' flowers, actual ones instead of petals. He caught a glimpse of the type, but he didn't bother to clean it up. People would just think it was Kaito Kid's props anyways.
Though it seems, flowers are wilting soon enough. Is it too early? I'll give Akako a call... Kid thought as he released his hang glider, diving down and gliding away.
"Yes, I know." The female voice answered from the other line. Kaito sighed in a bit of disappointment. "Though your time is running out, I think there's still a way to solve it."
"Solve it?" He stared at the phone, face blanked out for a few seconds. "But what does it have to do with the flowers wilting faster than usual?"
"It's complicated if I try to demonstrate the original meaning. So, I'll try to explain to you the easy way. You're going to die soon if that person doesn't respond to you. The time that I'm guessing you have left is about 2 months. Once the months are over, you'll definitely be dead."
That's why... How will I do this?
Time flew fast. It literally skipped a whole entire month. Furthermore, two weeks were added as well. His heist will start within the next 7 minutes. Kaito had everything prepared. He has nothing to worry as long as the little sleuth detective is going to be the one accompanying him.
"It's showtime!~" God, how long has it been since the last time he'd said it?
The lights flickered off, the room filled with the dark shadows. Only a bit of the moonlight shining into the room. Inspector Nakamori was shouting things like "Turn on the backup lights!" He slipped past everyone while disguised as a cop. Well, that was until he accidentally triggered the alarm. Everyone was now staring at the jewellery stand. Luckily, he backed down fast enough that no one spotted him.
"You did not just trigger the alarm." Conan's voice yelled through the earbuds.
Dang, he just wants to respond but this isn't the right time for that. When the task force got distracted by the decoy spawned outside, he was left alone in the room. Pulling the cape from who knows where, the police's uniform was now replaced with the signature white clothing. Kid smirked, dragging the rim of his top hat to hide his face a bit more. He swiftly exchanged the fake crystal gem for the real one. Afterwards, the magician rushed to the rooftop. Waiting for a few moments for him to catch some breaths.
It didn't take too long until the small one arrived at the scene. Conan stood next to the thief. His lips started to move first. "Is this where you'll be checking the gem? Do it quickly."
"Impatient aren't you?~" Kid snickered. This is too cute! "Let's see then." The magician raised his hand up to the full moon. Nothing happened at first. Until then, the gem turned crystal clear, inside of it was a shimmering bloody coloured red. Both of their eyes widened, but Kid's were filled with tears.
Tears of joy.
"We did it.." The thief murmured. He then proceeded to bend his body down and hug the other. It was the first gentle hug ever. Conan couldn't help himself but return the embrace. The magician tried so hard. His effort had finally reached the goal he was looking towards.
"Yes, we did it."
"I see. Good work. Thank you for your cooperation, Kuroba-san." Ai said. Conan looked at her for a second. Did she just mention Kid's civilian persona's name?
"Kuroba?" Conan repeated, he frowned when the thief actually hummed as a response. Kaito actually shivered a little. Did he just actually answer the sleuth when he said his last name? "Your name is Kuroba?"
"Yes, that's his name. You should be grateful, Edogawa-kun. Now we just need a plan to report the organisation to the CIA and FBI. My work here is... almost finished." She glared at the detective, it sent shivers down his spine for a bit.
"Glad to hear it, ojou-san. I uh... I'll take my leave now." With a puff of smoke, Kid already disappeared.
"How long will it take to finish the antidote?" Yes, he's very impatient. Having his old body back will be such an honour. He can go back to his favourite hobby that was solving cases, ciphers, drinking coffee without Ran complaining or scolding him.
"You forgot one thing, Kudou-kun." She stopped before her desk, hand searching through the drawers. "You didn't forget what I told you, right?"
"What do you mean? A year ago you just said that the antidote was unfinished and needed Pandora to finish it. Isn't that all?" He eyed her. What was he missing anyways? Was it something... important?
Ai exhaled deeply. "Not that. You said that you'll tell him the secret. Yet, why haven't you done it? So I suggest you tell Kid what happened a few years ago."
Why should he? Does the thief want- need to know? Ai's right too. Why isn't he telling the magician? "That will be another story when I get my body back." He quickly left, slamming the door behind him.
"Says the short tempered and a promise breaker." The scientist teases even though Conan had already left. It wasn't really a tease since she stated the truth.
Yet, Conan still doesn't understand what the thief has to do with it. He cared so much for the magician as-well, but if the sleuth just blurts out the truth, how would Kid react?
"Conan-kun!" It snapped him out of his thoughts when the female voice interrupted. It was Ran. "You've been spacing out for a while. At first I thought you were just thinking about something-" Yes, I was. Conan's thought once again cut her off. "So what's the thing that's making you think so much about it?"
"I just... It's a hard thing. How do you think people would react if you tell them something that is almost ridiculously unbelievable, Ran-neechan?" He just heard the other snicker.
"Oh, at first people wouldn't believe you, which is pretty obvious. The next thing you know is that they'll be afraid of losing their trust in you. It's based on how long you've held on to your relationship." The teenage girl stopped to gather some breath, a warm smile appeared on her face. "Maybe perhaps it's because you love them and you're worried that they'll hate you. But trust me, I'm sure they won't if you make it up to them!"
Now he understands a little. Well if he needed to know something, maybe it's best if he asks another person for their opinion too. Someone who he could ask... maybe...
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