chapter 1 : where it all begin
-20/5/XXX-1/8/XXX a war started , yashiko lead her army and attack the place at castle where her father and brother is-
Yasu : huh
Yasuko : father what should we do?
Yasu : i dont have no choice , you should stay here and protect the other for me
Yasuko : father where sre you going its dangerous
Yasu : yasuko , after this must became a leader to replace me
Yasuko : !?
-yasu entered the war and he defeat yashiko army and he sarcrificed untill 1/8 yashiko rematch yasuko
Untill now
Aruna: * wake up/panting* its was just a dream....
She cross her hand eachother
Aruna : master yasuko where are you rn....
She went outside , people start to stay away from her because they think aruna is the one who kill yasuko and she became big threat
Aruna : why am i even here....
??? : hey dont say that
Aruna : who are you? Sorry i cant see your face
??? : its alright , i will be your friend
Aruna : oh ok so whats your name?
??? : my name is sana , i wre about to be shinobi
Aruna: shinobi?
Sana: yes shinobi , do you want to enjoy?
Aruna : sure i guess
At the shinobi school
President : are you sure if you can enjoy the class? I wad afraid about your eye
Aruna : its ok sensei , i will be fine as long i can be stronger and find master yasuko
President : * sigh* alright if you say so i dont have nothing to say to stop you ,you can enjoy now
After many years passed i made friend with sana and do mission together , but something is bothering me....someone is calling in my mind....master yasuko say i have to keep seacret from everyone about my real identity......
-6 years ago-
Yasuko : aruna , come here
Aruna: whats it master
Yasuko : i have something to tell you , you must not tell everyone about this.....
Aruna : i wont tell
Yasuko : good , this is important , you are child of yashiko...
Aruna :....are you joking right? I cant be her child *shock fly color*
Yasuko : its true , when you were a baby she leave you at the abadoned ruins and i saw you in there , took you here and name you aruna amaterasu and take care of you
-end of flashback-
Aruna: *gulp *
Sana : aruna you ok?
Aruna : yeah...
Sana : its there something just tell me ok
Aruna : ok
To be continue
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