chapter 3 ( Remake )
Author notes: this is what happen when bryan leave and the animatronics starts talking bad about him ( p.s : just fixing some mistake )
Jon P.O.V :
I didn't know that his animatronics was this mean. Sure they just the copy Versions of them but not this bad. How could they hurts bryan feelings. They will pay
Molten P.O.V
Ummm okay this is kinda an unexpented....i thought they should be the same like the old one but i guess i was wrong. Hum~ this is going to get very dirty Well i surppost you can say that i will make somethings happen
Rs.freddy P.O.V :
Welp this is getting worst than i thought it will be, i only mad at senpaii~ ( AKA: bryan ) for putting him self in danger but they don't have a reason to talk mean things about him
Derpy~chan P.O.V :
Okay i think this is getting out of hand cause this getting worse....Oh no what will do t- * see bryan * Oh no this is bad real bad.... Calm down derpy everythings is gonna be just fin-Oh god what if bryan start to suicidal Oh God * internal screamming *
Lefty P.O.V :
They don't know what he been through so why don't they stop making fun about him. Oh bryan i hope you okay and plz be okay
Baby P.O.V :
Why they have to by so mean about bryan sure we just the copy version about the real one welp except lefty,helpy and molten but doesn't mean they have to be mean. I thought mom won't make fun of him but no i was wrong she laugh with the other i that make sad
" Okay i gonna admit they are kinda mean to him, although their words might bring bryan to suicidal so....yeah..." i heard hotel baby and scrap baby said that and that make kinda worry about bryan
* Still baby p.o.v *
After they make fun of him they decide to prank bryan today...I hope bryan will be okay after the prank they gonna do so yeah
Then i notice the other animatronics was gone but i hear them talking again about the prank
" We should take his credit card and spent all his money"
" then we broke in to his room and stealing some of his stuff "
" then we will paint him from head to toes with pink color "
" that a good idea funtime chica "
" Um guys i think that is ways too far you know "
I hear rs.bonnie say that and that make my very happy that he don't want to do that to bryan
Wait i have to tell the other.
After finding them and tell the whole converstation that she heard from the animatronics. Let's just say jon, molten and rs.freddy were mad i mean they can kill everyone right now and lefty, derpy were very worry for bryan then we saw rs.bonnie were running towards us..." Guys i want to said sorry that i didn't trust what you guys said and now i do so plz forgive and i will go apology to bryan right now " rs.bonnie said
Rs.bonnie P.O.V :
Now i know why the animatronics were mean to bryan cause when we on our ways to bryan hotel room and i were shock that they change pretty hard and that animatronics were two-faces
When we come to bryan room we saw lolbit were comforting bryan and it did calm him down then i came to sorry and i was surprizes that he says that he forgive me. Then i run ro hugs him and he hugs me back
Author p.o.v:
Then aly have a idea she will come to work with and she will be bryan assistant. Things have start getting better but the animatronics start to talk behind aly back too. But their word start getting worse to aly and bryan and this make them start losing their emotions
Mean while jon,derpy and molten were having business so they not here for NOW. Baby, rs.freddy, rs.bonnie, lolbit and lefty not online yet but all of them meet aly already
When jon, derpy and molten come back same with baby, rs.freddy, rs.bonnie and lefty online
Jon P.O.V :
When we got back then i have bad feeling that happen to bryan and aly so i start running to find those two. When we found those two their eyes were emotionless like they are lifeless
This is getting bad we need to bring their emotion back before is too late then we saw they walking to the roof....Wait a minute!?!? This call sucidal. Oh god what do we do?!?!? we can't just start talking to make them sucidal more
* start playing the songs *
We know you guys got the best attetions
Just try to find a right words to say
We promise we already learn our lesson
But right now we don't want to be okay
So tired sit here waiting
If we hear one more " just be paitent "
Is all gonna be the same
So let us give up
So let us let go
If this isn't good for us then we don't want to know
Let's us stop trying
Let's us stop fighting
Then they hug us and tell us is gonna be all okay but we know is not gonna be okay but we gonna stay with them so they can calm down and be fine then we saw some people peeking at the door then we saw helpy and rs.foxy then they start running toward us and start crying and then a lot of sorry and plz forgive them then bryan saw aly eyes then he say yes then hug them more. Then the next day they were having a meeting this time it have jon, molten, ft.chica, helpy, el.chip, rs.foxy, neddbear, lefty, derpy, bryan and aly. Then aly and bryan heard ft.chica, el.chip and neddbear say something worse than last time and this make aly and bryan run a out of the room and to the roof top. Then rs.foxy, rs.freddy, rs.bonnie, baby, lefty, lolbit, jon, derpy, molten were running after them cause when the other animatronics turn on they saw the other chasing aly and bryan to stop what they about to do.
We don't want your good advices
The reason why we alright
You don't know what is like
You don't know whay is like
Can't stop these feets from sinking
And start to show on us
You staring while we blicking
But just don't tell us what you see
So over all this bad luck
Hearing " keep your head up "
Is it ever gonna change
So let's us give up
So let's us let go
If this isn't good for us than us don't want to know
Let us stop trying
Let us stop fighting
We don't want your good advices
The reason why we alright
You don't know what is like
( yeah )You don't know what is like
Don't look us like that
Just like you guys understand
Don't try to pull us back
Let us just give up
Let us let go
If this don't good for us then we don't want to know
Let us stop trying
Let us stop fighting
You don't know what is like
Yeah! You don't what is like
You don't know
You don't know
You don't know what is like~
You don't know~
You don't know~
You don't know~
You don't know what is like~
You don't know~
You don't know is like~
Yeah! You don't know is like~
You don't know~
You don't know~
You don't know~
You don't know~
You don't know~
And then rhey jump off the roof all of them were crying and-
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