bryan x jon

This ship was comment by IrishPanda14 and Nightmares_Reality so yeah guys enjoys

   And also this is after jon built his office in the theme parku and bryan is short and adorable bean.
( play the song ●︿● )
Bryan p.o.v:
Another day at freddy land, then i saw my animatronics in baby's tent
Then i greet them but what surprize me that jon was here. My crush was here !?!?!?! Yes i like him for a long time and i know he don't love me and if i tell him me feeling then our friendship will ruin because of me. So i didn't tell my feeling to him and continue me daily rounten ( like paper works, checking the theme park,...)
Jon p.o.v :
I came to theme park so i can check on bryan. Then he come and he say hi to everone and he was shock i guess cause i didn't tell him am coming today. Then i see him going to his office then doing what i tell him to do let just say i was shocked he actually do work all day. This make me sad cause our distance start getting cold like we don't talk but only when it came to busissness or me telling him when he do something wrong cause i have falling for him for a long time i guess welp let just i love him form the day i meet him( A.K.A : in college) but i want him to be safe so i have to cold to him oh cause i knew he wouldn't like me ofcourse from what i have done to him in the past in till now.
* at night jon stay at his office and bryan in his hotel room *
Bryan p.o.v :
I was start crying cause i knew jon won't like me back so i start to sing this song
(* bryan is the girl vocal and jon is the male vocal  and all so wait for the song to start again *)
Jon p.o.v :
I was sad that i can't tell him my feeling so i went to check bryan. When i came to his room then i heard him singing then i start to sing with him that make him shock when he heard me singing with him. Let's say his voice just like a angel to me.
But i think this song isn't about me so i was sad.
Bryan p.o.v :
I was shocked that jon was singing with me his voiced was so smooth and calm.
* After the songs  but don't stop the music *
Bryan p.o.v :
I see jon was sad so i ask him why were he sad then he mumble something but i heard it, it was i love you but i knew won't like me back so is fine you don..n't like me back.
Then i sit in his lap and tell him jon i love you too
Jon p.o.v :
I was shocked and happy in same times cause me crush like me back then i kiss him and he kiss back his lip werw so soft and smell like sugar to me then i ask him to be my boyfriend then he say yes i heard him yawn. He must be sleepy so i carry him to the bed then i lay down with him and we were cuddling eachother and fall asleep.
But the the lover didn't knew that the animetronics were there the whole time.
Animatronics p.o.v : that was cute/ awwww~/ finally they get together. We even record everything then what shock us that they can singing and it was amazing but where did the music came from ???
That all guys bye bye (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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