Chap 13 - Gift, lift and conversation

Luiza's POV

I checked all of her commitments and nothing, Valentina would stay at the company all day. Could my bad luck be bigger? Last night was somewhat troubled, when in my plans I would only dine beside Austin. After the eventual almost kiss between me and Valentina, I left that place rather distracted. 

- Is everything okay, Luiza? - I heard the boy's voice beside me. 

- Yes, of course. I just have a bit of a headache, can you take me home?

I received an annoyed look, I know he expected more of that night, but with Valentina a few meters away from me, it was practically impossible to think about Austin, right?! I shrugged and grabbed my purse.

- Sure, let's go. I'll take you home. 

I looked one last time to the table where Valentina was before, but no sign of her, did she left already or went out with some girl? Veronica Iglesias was no longer there, surely they weren't there anymore.

The way back was made in pure silence, one would notice kilometers away how much that night had been a failure, well, not really, Dinah's and Ally's night had been successful, Troy and Alfredo proved to be great dates, while Austin got annoyed and complained since the moment that he put his eyes on Valentina, who was by my side. Did he felt something different between the two of us? No, don't think about it.

- We arrived. - He said stopping the car in front of my building. 

- Thank you for tonight, I liked it. - I lied, or not, seeing Valentina was wonderful.

- Did you really? I think it was somewhat annoying, but you can understand me, right? Something in me doesn't like that woman. 

- Valentina? I don't get it, she's a nice person.

- With you, right? Which to me seems really weird, she's just a futile and arrogant woman.

- No, because we don't even know her. Besides, you shouldn't talk about her like this. 

- No, because we don't even know her. Besides, you shouldn't talk about her like this. 

- Austin, honestly, I'm dying of headache, and I don't want to talk about work now. - I spoke annoyed.

- I'm sorry, I was an idiot. I know this night wasn't one of the best, but we can make it better. 

I looked in his eyes, that by the way were pretty, but it wasn't those eyes that I wanted to be looking at. I lowered my head, thinking of the politest way to tell him that for today it had been too much. However I noticed that he had gotten closer to me, touching my chin lightly, making me look at him again. 

- You are a beautiful woman, Luiza.

- Thank you, but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. - I got out of the car without saying anything else. 

- I want you in my office in 2 minutes. - I heard Valentina's raspy voice, making my whole body shiver. 

I looked up and saw Valentina entering her office, I was praying to God for her not to remember anything from last night. I grabbed my notebook, adjusted the glasses on my face and walked slowly into her office.

- Miss Albuquerque. 

She turned the chair around facing me, staring at me with her pair of bright emeralds, I felt weak every time that I faced her. I noticed her look travel down the extension of my body, making me swallow dryly. I saw her tense expression, Valentina closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head.

- Tell me my commitments for today, Miss Campos. - She spoke taking a deep breath.

I blinked more times than I should, flipping through my notebook to tell her all of today's commitments. The day was more than peaceful, Valentina spent practically hours stuck in her office, I think the hangover from last night was affecting her. Even always beautiful, today I could see the tiredness of a sleepless night under her eyes, the dark circles were evident. Every 5 minutes her fingers made a light massages on her aching temples.

- If you want I could get you some medicine for your headache. - I spoke calmly.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, staring at me patiently. 

- I would love that, Miss Campos. 

I smiled calmly, going to my bag and grabbing a small pack of pills, handing it to her with a glass of water.

- Now take this. - I handed her a small bottle of medicine and she looked at me, making a face.

- What's this for?

- I imagine that you are feeling nauseated and with a terrible burning.

Valentina shrugged.

- I hate medicine, Campos, I rather stay with these symptoms, I believe that that potion there is terrible.

I smiled at her silliness somewhat childish for a 25 years old woman.

- I am not a sorceress, ok? It's not a potion, it's a very good medicine for this kind of thing.

- Do you usually drink a lot and then have to take this thing the next day? 

She smiled charmingly. 

- No, but since you don't want it, I'll take it back. - I spoke grabbing the small bottle on the table. 

- Okay! - She spoke making me stop midway - I'll take it.

I smiled, grabbing a small spoon and dropping the necessary drops for Valentina, who ingested the liquid right away, making a face of who swallowed gall.

- Jesus Christ, I need water, please!

I let out a laugh because of her desperation, making Valentina stare at me mad.

- I can fire you if you keep laughing at me, you know?

I put a hand over my mouth, getting her a glass of water, which she quickly drank until the last drop. Valentina opened her eyes and stared at me, giving me a gorgeous smile. 

- Thank you. 

- No need to thank me, it's my duty to take care of you. 

Valentina stared at me somewhat suggestively. 

  - Aren't you feeling tired or something? The night yesterday was long. 

- No, ma'am, I didn't drink a lot. 

- Well, I did, I can barely remember what happened. 

Should I be happy or sad with this? Valentina and I had almost kissed, which would be dangerous and tempting. 

- You exaggerated a little bit. - I said shyly. 

- Yes, I needed to have some fun, where is Miss Jane? Alfredo was very delighted with her. 

- She's in her office, I guarantee that she also was. 

- We'll have a new couple here. 

- New? Do we have one already? - I asked. 

- I believe so, you tell me, Miss Campos, since you left with Mr. Mahone, right?! 

I swallowed dryly, Valentina had noticed exactly the time that I had left. 

- Yes, he took me home. 

- Yes, I know. - Those were her last words to me that day.


I had to have a lot of bad luck. I was late for rehearsal and on top of that it was raining torrentially in Miami. The storm swept the city and the thunders were scary, but also fascinating. I straightened the coat in my body, grabbing the newspaper to cover my head, I walked to the facade, making a brief sign to the taxi driver who quickly stopped for me.

- Is everything okay, ma'am? - The man with grey hair asked politely. 

- Yes, thank you. - I said passing my hand over the drops of water that were on my clothes -Take me to St. nº 34, please.

The man just nodded and drove there. To make everything worse the traffic was a chaos, making me look at the watch for the tenth time in less than 8 minutes. I leaned my head against the seat, trying to relax. Candece hated delays, and precisely today that I needed to ask her for a favor, I was arriving late. Whose fault? Valentina, that's right. 

Today she didn't even touch the subject of our possible kiss, which rendered me a very frustrated day, did she really not remember or did she just simply made a point to forget it? And why would I really care about it? Dinah was right, Valentina Albuquerque was a tornado that if I didn't control would leave my life upside down, like she already did. 

Was it possible to think about one person for the entire time while being awake, and when going to sleep dream about her? Fuck! This could only be some kind of spell that her green eyes casted on me.

"Miss Campos..." - I could hear her raspy voice calling me.

I closed my eyes for brief seconds, being awakened by the taxi driver who was calling me. 

- Here we are, ma'am, we arrived. - The man spoke with curious eyes on me.

I nodded taking out some dollars from my pocket, handing it to the man that smiled sincerely. I opened the cab's door, getting out quickly due to the rain that was still falling. I entered through the back door that lead straight to the dressing rooms, even on rehearsal days, some men went to the club to drink.

- Finally! You arrived! It was about goddamn time. - I heard the annoying sound of Kellen's voice.

I didn't even pay attention to her, I looked at Candece who stared at me serious.

- I asked for you to be punctual, Karla, you know that the next performance will be in group. - I heard her voice, serious. 

- I know, Candece, I ask a thousand apologies. But the rain and the traffic messed up everything. 

The woman looked out the window calmly, seeing the strong rain outside, she looked back at me. 

- Go change, the girls are already ready for the rehearsal, Karla.

A kind of relief passed through me, I just smiled joyfully at the blonde who stared at me and I murmured a "thank you". I could hear the indignant whispers for getting off the hook so easily with my delay, but some knew that I wasn't a person that arrived late and let alone miss my commitments, others just liked to think that I was Candece's favorite. I really didn't care with what they thought, being the main star of that club had its privileges.

I entered my dressing room, I was dressing light clothes for the rehearsal when I heard Normani enter the room.

- Girl, there's a huge whisper going through these corridors. 

- About? 

- You, Lulu, Kellen is spreading around her poison like a snake. 

- I didn't do anything to that girl for her to hate me so much, you know that right, Mani? 

The brunette only nodded, smiling calmly. 

- She's just jealous, you know that she was Candece's favorite before you showed up. 

- That is not my fault, she had her chance. 

- Just ignore her, now it's your turn. - Normani spoke while helping me set everything up. - And you are seizing your chance.

 - I have to seize it, right? - I spoke putting on my mask - But movin' on, let's go? 

- Let's go!

I got to the stage beside Normani, some smiled and others just turned their face away, I decided not to care. Wesley, our choreographer, organized us in the right positions to start the rehearsal, even though it was a group performance I would still have a solo, which brought a new annoyance among the other girls, but that honestly didn't affect me at all. The music started playing, bringing the spotlight over each of us, Normani as always did her dance perfectly, she always put together our choreographies and helped me with mine. Outside "Imperium" she was just a teacher in a dance school, which explained very well her body sculpted by the gods.

I couldn't deny that Kellen was a great dancer and that she did her choreography perfectly well, but I would do it better. One thing that I learned all these years in "Imperium" is that you would have to be the best you could, or someone could steal your spot.

The feeling of dancing for people that wanted you was powerful, it inflated your ego. It made you ruthless and evil, without pity, without fear. That was Karla, dominant, prepotent and imposing. I did my solo in a sensual and unique way while the others accompanied me in the background, until the end of the song.

- My congratulations, girls! - Wesley spoke applauding us cheerfully - You were simply perfect. Karla, my love, you were magnificent. 

- Thank you, Wes, I gave my best. 

- As always! Let's rehearse some more times so there are no mistakes, okay? 

Everyone nodded, training the steps in a synchronized way, we stayed there for some more minutes, when I heard my name: 

- Delivery for Miss Karla Estrabao. - I heard Wes's voice. 

I turned to him and he was holding a black box. 

- What? 

- Come here, someone just left this here and it has your name. - He said smiling. 

Everyone, without exception, looked curiously at the little package, and I was one of them. I took it from Wes's hands who stared at me curious, my stomach flipped with the possibility of it being from who I imagined. I grabbed the little black envelope that came with the box, taking out the smaller paper from inside.

"I couldn't help it, as soon as I saw it I thought of you and on how beautiful you would look with it, I hope you like it, and that you wear it for me. 

V. Albuquerque" 

When I saw those initials I felt a smile rip my face from how big it was. It was her, Valentina Albuquerque. A chorus of mischievousness was heard behind me, making me laugh. 

- Aren't you going to tell who the lucky guy is? - Wes asked.

I shook my head, smiling to the beautiful golden mask inside the box, I approached Wes and whispered:

- Wes, I need you to help me, I want to learn new steps. 

- For what, honey? 

- Something more personal. - I said shyly. 

I saw is mischievous look on me, making my face take on a reddish tone. 

- Continue the rehearsal, girls, I'll be right back. - He spoke clapping his hands - Kordei, take over, please. 

Mani smiled lively and took over his position as choreographer. 

- So, tell me what you want to do.

I explained my whole idea to the man, who nodded excited, he always helped us with our whimsical plans of seduction, which for him wasn't difficult. Wesley was an expert in men, since he liked them. But on this case, it wasn't for a man that I needed help with, but for a woman, a dazzling woman.

- I didn't know about this side of yours, Karla, I'm shocked. 

I laughed amused at the shocked expression he was making. 

- I can't hold this back, Wes, she's divine. 

- If that's the case, it's my pleasure to help you, but I want to meet her. 

I nodded and we moved onto another room where we began the second rehearsal, that lasted let's say a few hours.

- For today it's great! You are good in everything you do, my dear, your lover will love it. 

- Wes! She's not my lover, she's just a woman that I like. 

- I'm dying to see if she really is all that. - He said laughing. 


I put on my coat again, saying goodbye to some dancers with whom I was talking to, the mask, that was a gift from Valentina , made their mood change, like the sun that starts to shine in a cloudy day. With all of this I ended up forgetting the huge favor I had to ask Candece, but I would have other opportunities.

To my great luck, the rain had stopped, only the thin drizzle fell, leaving my hair slightly wet. I decided to walk a bit, it wasn't that late, I would take the subway to arrive home faster. 

My thoughts wandered through the gorgeous details of the mask that Valentina gifted me, knowing that I was important to her to the point that she had me in her thoughts was wonderful. I started walking in hurried steps because the raindrops were getting thicker.

"Why didn't you take a cab, Luiza?" - I grumbled to myself, I looked at the street and no sign of a cab.

I saw a black car with tinted windows and somewhat elegant, it moved slowly, accompanying my hurried steps. Maybe walking wasn't such a smart idea, I looked ahead feeling a nervousness take over my body, there was no way in hell that I was going to be abused. I was practically running in hurried steps. The car's headlight got even closer, until I looked to the side and saw that it was already beside me.

My heart was beating faster than normal, why the hell was I afraid? Why? Maybe because I was in a dark place, a practically empty street and a car that was following me. Yeah, that's a good reason to be afraid. 

"Calm down, Luiza, breathe" 

I repeated that mantra to myself in need of calming down and not faint right there. I looked to the side again and the car's window slowly lowered, revealing that surely my nervousness would increase.

- Get in the car. - I heard her raspy voice. 

- What? - I asked confused. 

- Get in, Luiza! - The car stopped.

I took a deep breath and approached the car door, where I could see Valentina staring at me confused.

- There's no need, I'll take the subway. - I spoke quickly. 

- I am ordering you to get in. - She spoke with authority. 

I stared into her eyes that were firm on me, intimidating me to open the car door and stay again in a very small space with her. The heater must've been on, or my body warmed faster under her piercing gaze. 

- You know, you shouldn't walk around alone, in dark streets. - Her voice tone was low, raspy, causing a shiver all over my spine. 

I looked at her, taking in every detail of her face, and thinking about the idea that her face was sculpted by the gods or demons of how beautiful it was.

- I thought about walking, I didn't imagine that it would start raining again. 

- Where were you? 

It was comical, but in just a simple question I could feel her dominant and obsessive tone. 

- At a friend's house. - I lied. 

- Friend? 

- Yes, I promised that... I would pass by her house. - I stuttered, letting her notice my nervousness.

I lowered my head, staring at the car's floor, I wanted to avoid looking in her eyes that completely took me off orbit. Damn you Valentina. The entire way was made in an agonizing silence for me, for her everything seemed peaceful, when we finally stopped in front of my building.

- Were you afraid? - She asked turning off the car. 

- What? 

Valentina smiled devilishly. 

- Were you afraid of whom it could be in this car? 

I swallowed dryly, nodding my head. 

- Yes, let's say that I was already starting to freak out. - I smiled weakly. 

- I'm sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to be sure it was you. Let's say that I don't usually give lifts to women that walk around alone. - She smiled making me smile too.

- No need to apologize, everything is fine, ma'am. 

- Valentina, Luiza. We are outside of the company, you can call me Valentina. Unless you want me to call you Miss Campos the entire time.

I smiled.

How could she be like this? With Valentina you would experience different emotions, she was someone tough, firm and sexy, but some other times she was just simple and charming. 

- You can call me Luiza, its better. 

- Great, I like your name, Luiza Campos.

- Your name is very nice too, Miss Albuquer... I mean, Valentina. - I corrected myself - I would invite you in if I knew that my apartment would be organized.

She let out a beautiful laugh.

- Do you live in a mess, Campos? 

- No, but I can't say the same about Dinah. 

- Don't worry, it wouldn't look good if I entered your apartment at this hour. 

- You're right... 

We stood in silence for a few seconds. 

- Are you feeling better? 

Valentina stared at me confused. 

- Because of your symptoms from earlier today. 

- Oh! Yes, your potion made me feel better. - She said smiling. 

- Medicine, Valentina, I'm not a sorceress. 

- I doubt that, you know? 

Valentina let out a laugh, making me laugh too. We exchanged an intense gaze, more intense than it should have been, leaving us in silence again. 

- Well, I'm going now, thank... 

- Wait, stay a little longer. - She held my arm, causing a shock all over my body. 

- About yesterday, I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your night with that boy.

My heart raced, she remembered last night, just like me. I controlled myself in that instant and smiled at her calmly, if only she knew that the only good thing about my night had been her.

- Don't worry, everything was okay.

- Are you sure? I know he doesn't like me, and honestly I couldn't care less. - She spoke making me laugh.

- I imagine that you don't care much about that.

- I don't like him, and I believe that you deserve someone better, Luiza. - She spoke firm, looking into my eyes. 

I swallowed dryly, I didn't imagine that she would say that, not now.

- I know, I shouldn't meddle in your life or anything like that. It's just an opinion in case you want it, I... 

- I don't have anything with him, Valentina, it was just a date.

 She nodded. 

- Great. - She said serious, assuming again her tough and unyielding pose. 

We stood in silence again. 

- I'm going in now, okay? - I asked insecure. 

She nodded still looking ahead. 

- Thank you for the lift, Miss Albuquerque. 

She stared at me, practically swallowing my eyes with hers. 

- No need to thank, Miss Campos. 

I looked at her one last time before leaving the car, Valentina stood still looking at me. 

- Luiza... 

I looked at her. 

- Good Night. 

- Good Night, Miss Albuquerque, I'll see you tomorrow.

I quickly walked into my apartment trying to calm down my heart that was beating rampantly in my chest. What the hell did that woman do to me? I closed my eyes letting out a shaky breath, letting my bag fall on the ground, making more noise than I should. I lowered myself to collect everything that had fallen out of the bag and when I looked up I was faced with Ally's and Dinah's curious eyes on me. 

- Why are you looking at me like that? - I asked, getting up hurriedly.

- The car that was parked in front of the building, the one from where you got out, does it belong to who I think it does? 

- I don't know of who you're thinking about.

I looked at both of them and walked towards my bedroom, inwardly asking God for them not to make any more questions, I was already too shaken up with the simple lift from Valentina. I entered my room and took off the wet coat, throwing it somewhere on the floor, letting the water droplets scatter on the wooden floor of my room. 

- Yes you do, Luiza, were you with Valentina? - Ally asked leaning against my bedroom's doorframe, with her arms crossed.

- Did you two go out together? I thought that today you would have rehearsal at "Imperium".

- And it was there that I went! 

- Then how do you explain Valentina dropping you off at home? Don't tell me that she...

Just thinking about that possibility made my stomach flip. Valentina could never know that I was Karla, I wanted a lot from that woman, but I would only gain her hate if that happened.

- No! Don't even say something like that, Dinah, she only gave me a lift. 

They looked at me confused, trying to believe my words. 

- Really? You don't have a better excuse to give us? 

Dinah laughed. 

- I'm not lying, I was leaving "Imperium" and decided to walk but Saint Peter decided to punish me with a lovely rain, and well, Valentina saw me on the street alone and gave me a lift here. 

Dinah and Ally exchanged an accomplice look. 

- Right! Let's say that we believe your story of Saint Peter and the rain. - Allyson spoke smiling - But when you arrived you stayed a long time in the car.

- Exactly, what were you doing, Campos? - Dinah asked practically accusing me.

- Were you spying on me? - I asked going in the direction of the bathroom, trying to escape their interrogation.

- Yes. - They both said without a hint of shame - Now, what were you doing huh? 

- Talking, we talked about some things.

They remained still waiting for me to continue.

- What else do you want to know? How many times we breathed too? - I asked annoyed. 

Ally and Dinah let out an amused laugh, which annoyed me profoundly. 

- I told you she would get agonized. 

- Luiza doesn't know how to hide something when she's nervous. 

Were they really laughing at my desperation? I inwardly counted from 1 to 10 to calm down the will of punching them right there. I entered the bathroom and slammed the door. 

- Leave me alone! - I shouted. 

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