Chap 20 - Returning to the harsh reality
Valentina's POV
In the exact moment I sealed my lips on hers, a kind of frenzy took over my body, it was a feeling I couldn't explain, the fleshy and at the same time delicate lips of that woman moved slowly on mine, taking me out of orbit. I swore, I swore to myself that I knew that kiss like no one, but I knew that claiming that would be crazy because that mouth I had never kissed.
I brought one of my hands through her dark strands of hair, squeezing lightly, while my other hand held her thin waist firmly. It didn't take long for her to give my tongue passage, letting me taste her divinely delicious tongue. Our kiss was calm, serene, but still very intense, as if the world had stopped in that moment, we kissed with so much affection that it kind of scared me. Once we were both out of air, I slowly let go of the woman's body that backed away.
I opened my eyes and as a flash Karla's eyes were in front of me, to then disappear and see Luiza's. I was losing my mind.
- I'm so sorry, Luiza, I... - I spoke backing away, quickly blinking to dissolve the image of my stripper.
She was just as embarrassed as I was, Luiza looked at the ground, probably looking for a place to hide.
- It's okay... Don't worry.
I stared at her confused eyes and I confess feeling the urge to kiss her again. But I shook away those thoughts that insisted on showing up, it must be the alcohol's effect, or not.
- It was an impulse, I didn't want to cause this situation.
- You didn't cause anything, let's stay calm, ok?
- I don't want you to think badly of me, Miss Campos.
An awkward silence took over the atmosphere.
- Let's continue like before. This won't change anything.
- You swear? - I asked fearful.
-I swear.
I only nodded. I didn't know what to say or what to do, the sudden urge of kissing her surprised me just as much as it surprised her.
- I think I better go to sleep. Tomorrow we'll wake up early, right?
- Yes we are, back to real life, Miss Campos.
She smiled beautifully.
- Back to real life.
Luiza helped me with the wine glasses, which we took to the kitchen. She complained of being dizzy, the alcohol surely had been too much for both of us. We laughed like two idiots while she washed the glasses after much insistence.
- It doesn't hurt to do this, Meredith deserves a break.
- You should go to your room and rest.
- Stop grumbling and help me. Grab that cloth to dry.
- Me?
- Yes, or Miss Albuquerque can't?
- We give a hand and they want the whole body. - I said causing a delightful laugh in Luiza.
- Come on.
The brunette said while lathering the thin glasses. No one could deny that Luiza was a very humble person, but it wasn't to her moral qualities that I was paying much attention now, but to her wonderful voluminous ass.
"Oh God, Valentina, you are going to burn in hellfire."
I thought to myself as I admired all of that in front of me. I averted my attention away from her, grabbing the glasses and putting them in the right place.
- Is this good, Miss?
- Perfect. You can go now.
She spoke smugly.
- Has this changed now? You are the boss? - I asked getting closer to her.
Red sign. My instincts were being guided by the alcohol content that was in my body.
- Who knows, maybe one day it can change.
She didn't back away. I smiled at her, taking a step back.
- We have to sleep.
I spoke, fearing what step I would take if I continued there. We went up the stairs together, going our separate ways only when we went to our rooms.
- Good Night, Valentina.
- Good Night, Lu.
I walked fast into my bedroom, cussing my mischievous thoughts with that woman. What the hell was happening? I kissed her...
I took a hot shower, trying to make my whole body relax. This weekend had been too intense for someone who lived in a smooth sea regarding emotional issues. The closeness with Luiza was turning my world upside down, her attractive and spontaneous way was making me enter in a conflict for which I wasn't prepared.
I couldn't...
No, not with her.
I closed my eyes letting the warm water fall over my body, and the exact feelings of when I kissed Luiza returned. She seemed so familiar, like I had already kissed her before. Her so well drawn lips reminded me of none other than Karla. It was like both of them were just one in that instant. Opening my eyes and seeing Karla's brown eyes in Luiza's left me stunned.
That was madness, I was in war with my feelings, between a hot and sexy stripper, and a loving and attractive woman.
- You are lost, Valentina, literally lost.
Luiza's POV
What does liking someone does to you? It makes you totally silly? It leaves you with a broad smile on the face for just remembering a special moment, it makes you think about the conversations, jokes and even the smile of that person. On the other hand it fills you with fear of it not working out, of the person not feeling the same, of her even rejecting you. Dammit! I felt like an immature teenager with her first love.
Valentina Albuquerque.
Just by hearing that name I felt something different. And after this weekend everything had gotten more intense. Now I was divided between three personalities of the same woman.
First: The woman whose power was above me inside Albuquerque's Industry.
Second: The one that made me get lost in a colossal desire inside "Imperium".
Third: And the one that just saw me as someone special. The woman that I had just kissed.
Was she thinking about the kiss now? Did she think about me or about Karla? I shook my head, accommodating myself in the soft bed of that room, it was impossible not to think about her. She had kissed me. And it had been completely different, as if it was our first kiss.
The kiss with Karla had never been so intense, so calm. It was always full of desire, arousal and lust. Not that I thought it was bad, I loved that way, but today had been different, it wasn't for the desire that she was there. So, what did she want?
I didn't have that answer...
I put the last clothes inside my suitcase which by the way was too full. Everything was almost ready, in half an hour we would return to Miami, straight to Albuquerque's Industry, where important businessman were waiting for Valentina. Breakfast had been tranquil. Mike and Clara were a bit sad, I understood how hard it was for them to stay away from their daughter. But after everything, I believed that Valentina was starting to learn how to deal with her father's disease. It wouldn't be easy but she could do it.
The couple was nicer than I thought, they covered me with hugs and made me swear that I would return before the end of the year, accompanied by Valentina or not.
- Do you need help? - I heard Taylor's voice.
- Yes, I really need it.
The girl smiled, and entered the room quickly, helping me close the suitcase.
- I loved meeting you, Lulu.
She spoke calmly, Taylor was a strong-willed girl however very sweet and helpful. Without a doubt she was a Albuquerque, always very determined and above all, very beautiful.
- I also loved meeting you, Tay.
- I hope you come back again with Valentina.
- If I don't come, you can visit me when you go see your sister.
- I know you'll come, Luiza.
Taylor spoke mischievously.
- Why are you saying this? - I asked sitting down next to her.
- I saw you two yesterday in the garden.
I widened my eyes, probably blushing violently.
- Awww! C'mon Lulu, it was beautiful! You kissed!
- Please tell me that only you saw it.
Taylor laughed, leaving me even more nervous.
- Relax, it was only me. My parents were in the bedroom at that hour.
A certain relief came over me, Valentina's parents were sweethearts. But I didn't know if that would continue if they found out about what happened.
- I don't know why you get nervous, Lulu, I bet my parents would love if you two were girlfriends. I would particularly find it amazing, Valentina looks so good at your side. I know that if you weren't here, this weekend would have been a tragedy like the one from last time.
I lowered my head, feeling really happy to know that. Valentina was calm, unlike the first day when we arrived, and to know that I contributed for that made me happy.
- I'm really glad, Taylor, but me and your sister are too different. You can't understand.
- Luiza, don't start with that. Valentina is beginning to like you, I feel it. She has never been like this with anyone. In fact, she never brought a girl here, only Iglesias and Lucy, but they don't count.
I smiled, and hugged the girl next to me.
- I want you as my sister-in-law.
We laughed instantly until Valentina entered the room.
- What are you two doing there talking? We have to go, Miss Campos.
- Bossy Valentina is back! - Taylor grumbled getting up.
- That's right, the magic is over.
I smiled, grabbing my suitcase to leave.
Valentina said goodbye to her family for the last time, to then enter with me in the helicopter that was waiting for us in her garden. Surely the Albuquerque family knew how to spend money when they wanted.
- We could've bought plane tickets, don't you think?
Valentina smiled.
- Why if we have my helicopter to take us to where we need to go more quickly?
- Very humble, Miss Albuquerque.
I let out jokingly, making her laugh.
We were on our way to Albuquerque's Industry. Valentina didn't want to waste time by going home first, so she decided that we would land straight there. I didn't find it such a good idea, I knew that people would comment when they saw me with her, but the woman didn't seem to care at all.
- Is everything alright, Miss Campos?
I just nodded.
- If you are feeling sick tell me, ok?
- I will, don't worry.
- Sit next to me, why are you so far away?
I sat next to her calmly. It was all so weird, I didn't know very well how to act. After these days Valentina and I had grown closer, that I had no idea if it could continue after that. I stared at the woman who was focused on some paperwork in her hands.
Valentina or Miss Albuquerque?
How should it be from now on?
The flight was peaceful, we were already over the Miami area. From afar it was already noticeable the huge building with the initials "A.I". Surely that building was one of the biggest in all Miami, symbol of power and money, which characterized very well that woman beside me.
- Valentina?
She stared at me.
- This weekend was really good. - I said smiling.
She smiled serenely.
- It was wonderful, Luiza.
We exchanged a glance that lasted longer than it should. She stared at me so intensely that Icould lose myself in the green of her eyes for hours without even noticing.
- Ladies, keep the belts buckled, we are beginning the process of landing.
The pilot informed, making us look away from each other.
- I hate when they land! - I said, causing a delightful laugh in Valentina.
Within minutes the helicopter landed on the rooftop of Albuquerque's Industry. Through the window I could see some people outside, and among them, Alexa Ferrer. They were all probably waiting for Valentina, who surely wouldn't give any attention.
- We return to our life, Miss Campos.
She spoke serious, until one of the security guards opened the door for her to get out. The tall dark man helped Valentina get down delicately, and then helped me. As soon as Alexa laid her eyes on me her expression changed. The woman left the place stomping, causing me a certain fear.
- Let's go?
I nodded.
Valentina and I walked to the elevator without anyone else.
- Don't worry about what people will say, ok? Just keep yourself above them all, Luiza. That's the secret.
Those were her words before the elevator doors opened. When we got out we were greeted by curious looks, whispers and rumbles everywhere. Valentina didn't even look around, she assumed her imposing posture as always. It was like walking on a runway and everyone around would judge you. Never in all my time working here had I received so many curious looks like now. I took a deep breath and walked alongside Valentina without looking sideways. "Just keep yourself above them all" I repeated that to myself.
- Were they together?
- Did you see? Luiza got out of the helicopter with Valentina.
I pretended not to hear, and that's what I would do during the whole week. I kneweverything there, reactions, talks and rumors. What could they say about the idea of the secretary arriving in the same helicopter as the owner of the company after a weekend in LA? Certainly nothing good.
- Miss Albuquerque, your wife is waiting for you in your office.
Valentina stopped, staring at the red-haired boy in a confused way.
- My wife?
- Yes ma'am, that's how the lady designated herself to me.
The boy spoke with a certain fear. In some that was the feeling that Valentina caused.
- What's her name?
- Alexa Ferrer, Ma'am.
Valentina assumed a serious feature.
- Ok, you can go. Come with me, Miss Campos.
- I don't know if that's a good idea.
Valentina seemed to think.
- You are right, stay at your desk. I'll handle this.
I followed Valentina who entered her office, I knew that listening to other people's conversation was impolite, but I needed to hear this one. Between the slit of the shutters I could see her enter, and as expected, her ex-fiancé was waiting for her, boldly sitting where only Valentina could, on the presidential chair.
- Is this a nightmare?
- Always very kind, right Valentina?
The woman spoke getting up and walking to Valentina.
- Romantic weekend? - She said ironically.
- I could very well answer your question but it's none of your business, Alexa. - Valentinaspoke angrily - What the hell do you want?
- I missed you, honey!
- Well I didn't, now get out. I have a lot of work to do.
Alexa let out a sarcastic laugh that cut through the atmosphere.
- Like what? Fuck your secretary on top of this desk? - She spoke palming her hands on the dark wooden desk, which made Valentina stare at her with so much fury in her eyes.
- If that is the work or not, it's none of your business. - She said harshly.
If it were Richard or any other boss that I had had, that answer would leave me mad. But c'mon, it was Valentina! She was different. The idea of her possessing me over her desk seemed much more pleasant than it should.
- Are you fucking her? - Alexa asked in anger.
- No, Alexa, I'm not fucking her.
- I don't believe you, Valentina! Why the hell did you took her to your family's house?
Valentina squinted her eyes.
- How do you know that she was in my family's house?
- It doesn't matter! Answer me.
- You answer me!
I loved Valentina's bossy way, maybe it was because of it that she had so many women falling at her feet.
- Your little brother told me.
Valentina closed her hands into fists over the table, probably controlling the urge to punch something.
- He also told me that you and she are very close and in a romantic mood. Don't be stupid, a girl like that just wants your money! How are you going to date someone like that?!
- You are going crazy! I don't owe you explanations about my life. What I do or don't with Miss Campos is none of your business!
- I don't want any woman with you!
- You don't have to want anything! Now leave! And don't show up in front of me because I won't answer for me anymore. - Valentina practically shouted while walking to the door of her office.
- Get out! - She growled with the door opened.
Alexa stood a few instants staring at her, and soon after walked to the exit. I quickly returned to my desk before any of them noticed.
As soon as Alexa set foot out of the office, Valentina slammed the door harshly that the windows even trembled. The woman walked up to me with a colossal hatred in her eyes.
- Listen here, stay away from Valentina, ok? You have no idea what I'm capable of.
- I have no idea what you are talking about, ma'am.
She leaned over my desk.
- Don't be naïve. I know what you want from her. I know very well how sly girls like yourself act.
I stood up, staring at the woman face to face.
- Accept that for you there is nothing more.
I winked at the woman, grabbing my notebook and going to Valentina's office, leaving the woman alone.
When I entered Valentina's office I saw her standing, looking at all the view that her office provided her with. She didn't move a muscle nor uttered a word.
- Miss Albuquerque, the businessmen are waiting for you.
- Cancel everything. I don't want to see anyone.
She spoke with a dark mood.
- I'm sorry, Valentina, but...
- It's Miss Albuquerque to you. Don't think that something has changed here. And I told you to cancel everything! So do what I'm ordering, Miss Campos.
I stared at the woman who seemed unrecognizable. From where had appeared that Valentina so arrogant? I swallowed hard, feeling her words cut me inside. I took a deep breath.
- As you wish, Miss Albuquerque. Anything else?
- No, you can leave. And only enter my office when I call you.
She said rudely. I got out of her office.
What was she thinking? That she could be kind and loving during the weekend to then get here and treat me like trash? She was very wrong, whatever the reason for her sudden outrage, this wouldn't stay like this. Despite the huge urge I felt of crying, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't be weak and much less fragile. On the outside I would be Luiza, but on the inside who would take control would be Karla, and with her things worked very differently.
- Luiza?
I heard Dinah's voice and when she saw me, she didn't make a very nice face.
- What happened? - She asked worriedly.
- Nothing, Dinah.
- Luiza, you know you can tell me anything. The weekend wasn't good?
I looked at her, knowing that she wouldn't leave without answers.
- It was wonderful, better than I imagined.
- And why that face?
- Because Valentina is an asshole!
- You two barely started and are already ending?
- Don't speak nonsense! We didn't start anything, she's an arrogant bitch, bad-mannered.
- Explain me why you are cussing her like this.
- She treated me like the most special person in the world this weekend, you know? She took me to meet her family, who are wonderful people. And we even kissed.
- OMG! You met her family and you two kissed? Luiza are you dating Valentina Albuquerque? - Dinah spoke too loud
- Sssshhh! No, she and I don't have anything, absolutely anything.
- Then what explains all of this?
- I don't know, Jane. After everything, today she treated me like trash. After her fight with her ex, Valentina was rude and arrogant to me.
- Maybe it's stress from the fight, Lulu.
- It doesn't matter, she resumed me to nothing.
- Don't you think it's time for you to move on from her?
- I don't have how to move on anymore, Dinah, this already consumed me completely.
- Good luck with that, Lulu, and please, be careful.
Dinah said before kissing my forehead and leaving
Why did this always happened? When everything is going too well you have to be suspicious, nothing comes too easy. And for me that was obvious. Where was I with my head to think that she would want something with me? Even after years my naïve side was still very present in my interior. That was the only explanation.
I looked at Valentina who remained focused on her computer. Bitch. A thousand times bitch. I closed my eyes holding back the tears that formed when I remembered the whole weekend we had together.
- Miss Campos?
I heard a familiar voice, and quickly wiped some tears that insisted on falling.
- Yes, Miss Iglesias? - I asked facing the woman who approached me when she saw me.
- Did something happen, Luiza? Are you feeling okay?
I took a deep breath, looking at the woman who really seemed worried.
- Problems only. Don't worry about it.
- Do you need help?
- I don't think you can help me, I'm sorry.
- It depends on what it is. If you want we can have lunch together, and you tell me what happened. I promise not to hit on you. - She said making me smile.
Having someone to distract me during the day would be great, and Veronica wasn't a bad company.
- That would be great. We can have lunch at the bistro here in the front.
- Perfect! I'm going to talk to Valentina, and then we set everything better, ok?
I nodded.
- Do you want me to announce your arrival?
- No, I don't need that, Lulu!
The woman said walking into Valentina's office.
Valentina's POV
I scrolled by the twentieth time through the pictures from Mike's birthday party on my computer screen, not failing to notice that in each Luiza and I were too close. One in particular had caught my attention, in it Luiza smiled in the most typical way, with her tongue between her teeth making her nose wrinkle slightly, and in it I stared at her in a lost way, without direction or reason. I just stared at her because I liked what I saw, because I felt too good to see her like that.
"No, Valentina... You can't."
I closed my eyes lowering the computer screen quickly as soon as I saw Vero walking in.
- Hello, bitch!
I didn't answer, that morning after Alexa's visit my mood was the worst.
- Mercy, is everyone with their mood down here today? - She asked putting her bag on the armchair and sitting on the other.
- I'm not in a good day, Iglesias.
- Apparently neither Luiza.
- What?
- Neither Luiza, or you didn't notice how she is today? I just passed by her and she was crying I think.
I was mute. She was crying, and it would probably be my fault. Dammit Valentina, you are such an idiot.
- Did you ask why she was crying? - I asked curiously.
- I did but she said it were problems. You honestly should know, the woman works for you.
- I don't have to know about the life of those who work for me, Veronica.
- Ok Miss grumpy pants! I just wanted to know how it went at your dad's house.
I leaned back again in my chair, closing my eyes trying to make my body relax.
- It was great, for the first time I was able to be in peace in that house.
- That's wonderful, Valentina. Can I know the reason for the change?
I looked at Vero, and through the large window I saw Luiza in the back at her desk, writing something down. There was the answer to that question, she had been the reason.
- I don't know. - This was what I said.
- Whatever, at least you enjoyed it. How's uncle Mike?
- He's good. I had a very serious talk with him, you know? He said he was proud of me, Vero.
- I bet he is, Valen. You are taking care of everything that he fought to build.
- Yeah, but this requires a lot from me. Sometimes I feel that I won't make it.
- Don't speak nonsense, Valentina. You are the dominator of all of this! For someone who has been elected one of the best businesswomen of the United States, you shouldn't be afraid.
I didn't speak, just stood up and grabbed a glass of Whiskey.
- Are you served?
- No, thank you. Drinking Whiskey at this hour of the morning is not my thing.
- Luiza told you anything else?
- No, but she seemed really sad. You don't know anything?
I shook my head, taking a big gulp of the alcoholic beverage. I talked with Vero for nearly an hour, until she left. But I didn't tell absolutely anything of what happened between Luiza and I. Maybe that should be saved and buried. It wasn't right to be with her, I didn't even know what I was feeling. Maybe the loneliness made me give in to the affection of such beautiful woman. I knew that I had hurt her, and I couldn't do anything about it. Or I could.
It was lunchtime, maybe it was a good idea to ask her out to lunch and apologize for the stupid way that I had treated her. Yes, that would be the best thing to do. I swallowed the last remnants of Whiskey in my glass and went after her.
I left the office noticing that she was no longer in her desk. I decided to go to the floor where Dinah and Ally worked. As best friends they would probably be together. I exited the elevator noticing in the back Dinah talking animatedly with Alfredo.
- Hey, what is your majesty doing among the plebs? - Alfredo asked smiling.
Dinah stared at me with a face of few friends, probably knowing already what happened.
- I'm looking for Miss Campos. Do you know where she is?
- She left with Miss Iglesias to have lunch. Can I help you with anything else? - Dinah asked serious.
- They left together?
- Yes ma'am, Iglesias invited Luiza to have lunch, and she accepted. Maybe she needs to be with a good company in a bad day.
She was practically throwing in my face that I wasn't a good company. And I had to agree. I nodded at both of them and got out of there.
She couldn't stay with Vero, no.
I repeated to myself entering the elevator again. I returned to my office thinking about everything that could happen from now on. I didn't know why the hell the idea of both of them disturbed me so much.
I didn't like Luiza.
That, I didn't like her.
I repeated that while I walked from one side to the other.
Don't worry about it Valentina, you have absolutely nothing with her. If she wants to go out with Vero, let her. - I said looking at my reflection in the mirror.
After two hours I saw Luiza arrive. I quickly called her on the intercom.
- Come to my office, Miss Campos.
The woman didn't say absolutely anything, just entered the office and stopped in front of me. Waiting for an order. I stared at the woman who had no expression, not a smile nor a gentle look.
- What do I have for tomorrow?
- At 9AM a meeting with NY financial. At 11AM lunch with Mr. Flores. And after that your schedule is free, ma'am. - She said mechanically.
- You had lunch with Vero? - I asked impulsively.
- I don't see why I need to answer that question, Miss Albuquerque. Do you need anything else?
- I need you to answer the question I asked you.
She stared at me serious, clenching her jaw in anger. I understood her anger. But what the hell was she doing with Veronica? NOTHING. I felt irritated just thinking about it.
- Yes, I had lunch with her.
- Have you forgotten about what I told you this weekend?
- I forgot all about this weekend. Excuse me.
She said before leaving my office. 1x0 for her. And like that the afternoon dragged.
I lay down on the soft couch that was in my office. Everyone had already left to their homes, and I was still here, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the shitty life I had. I was a millionaire, I had a sick father, a crazy ex fiancé, a secretary that made me lose my mind. A weekend and Luiza already made me lose my mind. Amazing, Albuquerque, amazing!
- I like when you smile.
I spoke without thinking, making her stare at me.
- Why?
- You have a beautiful smile, Luiza, and not only the smile.
- I don't, Valentina...
- Yes, you do. This weekend has only reinforced everything that I thought about you.
I stared into her brown eyes that froze on me. We stopped dancing, just standing still before one another, in the same position.
- You are amazing, Lu.
I slowly got closer.
- Valentina... - Luiza spoke as soon as she felt me too close.
- Don't say anything... just let me do this..
You are an asshole, Valentina, a tremendous asshole! I repeated that to myself about ten times. But now it didn't matter anymore. The choice had already been made, I wasn't the best choice for her.
It was already 11PM. And I was still in that company. What was happening to me? I wouldn't care, Luiza was just a secretary, and like this it would continue. I grabbed my coat from my desk and headed to the only place where I knew that I could forget everything.
I entered the club that was crowded as usual. The atmosphere inside was too hot, I looked both ways to see if there was no one I knew around there. Green light, everything was tranquil. I walked towards the bar and ordered a shot of Whiskey and went to one of the tables near the stage where my stripper would dance. Only she could make me forget about this hellish day.
Perhaps they were preparing some bachelor party. A group of guys was drinking and chatting excitedly in the table beside me, each said how much they wanted to have Karla that night. Poor guys, they barely knew that they could never even go near her.
The lights went out, you could only hear the whispers about the entrance of my stripper. The spotlight moved from one side to the other until a manly voice sounded through the speakers.
- Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to "Imperium", now we present you your majesty, Karla!
The man finished speaking as soon as the spotlights stopped on the sculptural body of my stripper. In that instant people went crazy, men and women shouted words of greed and desire. And I just stared at her, I was already longing to feel lost in that body again.
Karla was wonderful. Today she was wearing a black mask, without any details. Lingerie of the same color, stocking and garter belt on her legs. The fabric was completely laced, leaving a good part of her body showing. That day she was dressed to kill. The men on the table beside me threw dollars and dollars at the woman who smiled devilishly as always. Until she laid her eyes on me, she stared at me and turned around to start dancing in sync with the music that had a totally hot rhythm.
She started her performance on the pole, moving her body in the most sensual way she could. That woman was to madden any human being. How could she be so delicious? I felt hot just watching her dance. Karla intertwined her legs on the pole and let go of her body, staying with her head upside down. Leaving her body fully extended at the mercy of anyone who wanted to look.
- You are so hot! I'll give you everything you want to spend this night with me!
The taller boy shouted, making Karla smile devilishly. Which provoked me a sudden burst of anger. What the hell was she doing?
The woman got out of the pole and started wiggling in a hot way. She looked at me with a superior air and winked at me. I shook my head with the anger that consumed me. Karla knelt on the floor, passing her hands through her wavy hair, sliding them down her body where everyone craved to put their hands on in that moment. She made purely sexual movements that were making everyone go mad.
Dollars and more dollars fell on her, who smiled in a naughty way. She pointed to the boy beside me and called him. That could only be a joke.
The boy very happily approached the stage where she pulled him by the tie, making his friends shout like assholes celebrating that act, which filled me with hate. The boy stood still and she started wiggling for him, going down to the floor in front of him in the most sensual way she could. She circled his body, and wiggled staring directly at me, as if she was making it on purpose to provoke me, she stared at me and turned to the boy who held her waist that moved accordingly to the music.
She got out of his hands, and got closer to him to the point where her lips were almost touching his. The boy smiled slyly and put a wad of dollars in the tiny panties she wore.
She winked and told him to sit. To then walk in my direction and stare at me, declaring a war that I didn't imagine the motive. The music came to and end and Karla lost herself in the middle of the darkness, being loudly applauded by all there. I gripped the glass of Whiskey harder than I should, making it crack. I didn't understand the motive of all that provocation, but she would have to explain me, oh she would have.
I got up from the table, seething fire through my eyes when I saw the same boy who went on stage walk towards the dressing rooms. With what right did she do such a thing?! I walked in the direction of the dressing rooms where all the dancers were, including Karla.
- Excuse me, I would like to speak with Karla.
I told the brunette with a sculptural body that was on the stairs.
- I'm sorry, but she gave the order that she doesn't want to see no one today.
- No one?
- Absolutely no one, those were her words.
- I just saw a guy go in there, and I guarantee that he isn't "no one". - I said angrily.
- Miss, I can't do anything, that was her order.
- How much do you want to let me in? - I asked exaltedly.
- What is going on here? - I heard Karla's voice in the top of the stairs.
- I want to talk to you now!
Karla stared at me carefree, descending the stairs slowly.
- Thank you, Marina, you can leave.
The young woman smiled and left quickly.
- What was that?
- What was what? - She asked pretending not to understand.
- That damn performance, that guy! And you are prohibiting me to see you.
Karla smiled sarcastically.
- I don't see a reason for you to get exalted. I'm just doing what I always do.
- Karla, what's the problem? You can't do this to me.
I spoke approaching her, holding her arm with certain strength.
- Don't think that something has changed after what happened. If you want to see me, get in line, everyone here wants the same but no one can get it.
- You have got to be kidding me.
- You have to understand that I am NOT yours. Don't expect to get here and have me every night, Albuquerque, because you are very much mistaken. Now get out, I'm not seeing anyone.
She spoke arrogantly and left, leaving me completely speechless.
- Karla? - I shouted but she didn't even bother to look at me.
" You mistreat one and get punished by another" - That was what I thought when I got out of that place.
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