Chap 26 - Fights and Reconciliation
Valentina's POV
I couldn't believe what I had just done. I had rejected a good and pleasurable night of pure sex with Karla Estrabao. God, I walked from one side to the other in that corridor, thinking about the idea of going back and take that woman in my arms. But what about Luiza? As much anger as I was feeling that night, I wouldn't do such betrayal.
And would it be betrayal? I didn't have anything with Luiza. Or I did, I don't know.
I shook my head walking out of "Imperium". The maddening noise of the sensual music stayed behind, leaving only the silence of that night. I needed to put my thoughts in order, I needed to understand what was going on inside me.
I shook my head walking out of "Imperium". The maddening noise of the sensual music stayed behind, leaving only the silence of that night. I needed to put my thoughts in order, I needed to understand what was going on inside me.
I started the ignition, bringing the car to life, and leaving that place to perhaps never come back. I drove a few times around downtown Miami, thinking about the idea of picking up Luiza. Surely the problem with Dinah had already been resolved. It took me about half an hour until passing in front of her building.
With the car moving slowly I could see two women that were more than familiar. One of them I knew, it was Luiza. The brunette was with the same dress she was wearing at dinner a couple of hours ago. And beside her?
I approached more, with the windows closed. And it wasn't possible. I didn't want to believe it.
Veronica hugged Luiza for a long time and she reciprocated in the same way. So that was the problem with Dinah?
A sudden urge to get out of the car and go face both of them took over me, but I wouldn't do such thing. I was superior to all of that. As much anger as I had, I wouldn't say anything now. I stayed a few more minutes watching the scene, until Luiza let go of Vero and looked towards my car. Fuck. She knew.
I sped the vehicle getting out of that place without looking back. I was angry, feeling like a fool. It was because of this type of things that I hated to fall in love.
Was I in love?
I felt anger, of me, for being stupid enough to refuse a night with Karla. My will was to return to that club and fuck her until I couldn't anymore. But I wouldn't do it. I would just treat Luiza in a cold way just like she deserved.
Bad mood, anger and impatience.
Those three words defined that day. I took a sip of the strongest Whiskey as breakfast, and then I left for Albuquerque's Industry. The traffic was hellish, just like my state of mind. I closed my eyes and the images of Vero and Luiza made itself present, just like during all the hours that I hadn't been able to sleep that night.
I remembered the wasted moment with Karla.
I honked one, two, three times to the rusty car ahead. If he didn't have money to buy a better car it was better to stay off the streets.
Minutes later I parked in my presidential spot, and went towards the elevators. The employees rushed to their proper places as usual. I walked among them with a deadly gaze. I entered the elevator and on the tenth floor I saw Dinah enter in it as well.
- Good Morning, ma'am. - The woman greeted me, but I didn't even answer.
And after a few floors, the beep of the elevator signaled that I had arrived where I wanted.
I got out of the elevator, and stared at the brunette sitting at her desk. I passed by her without even saying a word.
I entered my office slamming the door shut. Within minutes Luiza walked in, staring at me curiously and fearful.
- Good Morning... ma'am.
I turned to the woman, staring at her with fury.
- Good Morning, Miss Campos. - I spoke in a sarcastic way.
Luiza looked at the floor and then stared at me.
- I wanted to talk to you.
- About what? - I asked straightening some papers on my desk.
- About yesterday, I'm sorry.
- Dinah improved, right? I saw her a few minutes ago, she seemed to be perfectly fine.
- Yes, she got better after.
- I imagine. - I spoke dryly.
How could she keep lying? God.
- Are you going to stay mad at me?
My will was to tell her everything, tell her that I saw her in Veronica's arms. But I couldn't, I wouldn't expose myself to ridicule that way.
- Hello Bitch!
Veronica walked in with a plastered smile, further increasing my fury that morning.
- Good Morning, Luizinha.
- Good Morning, Vero.
I stared at the two of them, shaking with anger that only I could feel. I loved Vero, but I couldn't bear the idea of her having Luiza. No, not Luiza.
- Do you need anything, ma'am?
- I want to be alone.
Vero and Luiza stared at me without understanding.
- I came to talk to you, Albuquerque. - Veronica spoke sitting down - And I'm not leaving here until I do it.
Luiza swallowed hard and left.
- What do you want? - I asked coldly, taking a sip of Whiskey.
- First I want to know the reason why you are in a very bad mood.
I stared at Veronica, and for brief seconds I had the urge to kill her.
- It's none of your business.
- God, the rudeness struck and stayed.
- I'm glad you know. What are you doing here, Iglesias? I am a very busy person.
- What's your problem, woman? - Vero asked raising her voice tone.
- At the moment? YOU! - I almost shouted, palming my hands on my desk, staring at the woman with anger.
- What did I do to you?
- Don't play the saint, Veronica, because of that you have nothing.
- And you have? - She spoke sharply.
- At least I don't stay hitting on what's yours.
- What? What are you talking about? - The woman asked confused.
I shook my head and started walking from one side to the other. Veronica left her place and came towards me.
- Speak now!
- What do you want?
- I want you to speak, how can I be hitting on what's yours?
- Luiza. Or you think I didn't saw you two?
- God, what did you see? - She snapped.
- It doesn't matter. Shut your mouth and get out!
- I'm not leaving until you explain me this, Valentina Albuquerque!
- I don't have to explain anything. Get out!
I said walking towards the door.
- Now! - I shouted to her who walked towards me, without taking her eyes off mine.
- You will regret treating me like this. - Those were her last words before she left.
I saw the look of fear that Luiza had from the other side of the door. And then I closed it.
In a few minutes the door opened, giving room for Alexa to get in. God could only be punishing me that day, there was no other possibility.
- Hi, baby. - Alexa said sitting in front of me.
- Alexa, I'm not on a good day, please.
- What's happening, Valen? I heard your fight with Vero, and it was too ugly.
- Don't you know that listening to other people's conversations is impolite?
- Honey, with how much you shouted, it was hard not to hear. - She spoke in an ironic way.
I had to have a lot of patience to endure so much disturbance in my life.
- Whatever.
- You need to calm down, baby. - Alexa said walking towards me.
Her hands went towards my shoulders, massaging them in a delicate and relaxing way. I closed my eyes just enjoying the minimum that that woman could offer me.
- I told you that this type of woman is not of good character. They just want to climb in life at other people's expenses. It admires me that Veronica is doing you so wrong like that. - Alexa said while still massaging my shoulders.
I didn't want to think about that. I wanted to believe that they had nothing, Veronica seemed to not understand the reason for my anger.
- You should trust only in who you already know, and not in those women that you just met.
What was Alexa talking about? And why was she speaking in plural? For a split second I felt that Alexa knew more than she should. Of silly that one didn't have absolutely anything. I opened my eyes as soon as Luiza entered my office, the woman stared at me with a face of few friends when she saw Alexa glued on me. Shit.
- I need to speak with you, ma'am. - Luiza said angrily, staring at me.
I looked at Alexa who backed away.
- Well I'm already going, see you later, baby. And remember, trust me. - The woman spoke getting out of the office, leaving me alone with Luiza.
- What's going on, Valentina? What was that with Vero?
- Do you feel sorry for her? Well go after her. - I spoke angrily.
- I just don't see a reason for it.
- You don't? Luiza do you think I'm an asshole?
Luiza squinted her eyes without understanding.
- Why?
- I know that Dinah didn't have any shit! I saw you...
Luiza stood paralyzed, without the slightest reaction.
- With Vero, in front of your building.
The woman let out her breath.
- Valentina... - She approached.
- Don't come near me.
- I met Vero by chance.
- Of course, I believe that. Receiving so many phone calls. Right?
- I swear to you. How can you think that I would leave you there to go out with another? You really don't know me.
For a split second I faltered. My thoughts took care of thinking that Luiza wasn't that type of woman, she wouldn't do such a shitty thing to me. But she was there with Vero, and I saw her with my own eyes.
- I don't want to know, ok? I saw you two!
- And what did you see? A hug?
I shook my head, walking away from her.
- It doesn't matter, you lied!
- I didn't lie, Valentina! Stop being childish.
I huffed.
- Leave me alone if you don't want things to get worse.
- Valentina!
- Leave, Luiza.
Luiza stared at me angry, it was clear in her eyes. The woman walked out of my office letting out fire through her nostrils.
Shit! Women are only good to give you headaches.
- Hey hey, what bad mood is this? - I heard Alfredo speak as he entered my office.
Today my office would be busy.
- What happened, Alfredo?
- I came to ask you what's going on. I encountered Vero in the elevator and she seemed to be bad.
I rolled my eyes.
- She should've thought about it first.
- What are you talking about?
- Did you go out with Dinah yesterday? - I asked as who didn't want anything.
- No, she canceled. She was feeling very bad, those female problems, you know?
- Are you sure?
- Jesus, of course I'm sure, Valentina! Dinah even asked for medicine. She seemed to be having a baby when I called her.
I let out a laugh without meaning to.
- You wouldn't understand.
- And I don't even want to. God forbid.
For a moment my anger lessened. But not entirely, Luiza and Vero still had met. Even Dinah's situation being real, I was too proud to go after Luiza and apologize, and I wouldn't even think about Vero right now.
The day dragged on, Luiza and I didn't exchange one single word. The woman really seemed to have been upset with the situation, and her mood got worse when she saw me with Alexa. Would that be jealousy?
I smiled even without wanting, it was at least comical. Luiza and I didn't have a concrete relationship, but the feeling of possession over the other already made itself evident. Her scowling face during the entire day made me laugh. I could only be going crazy, first an outbreak of anger, and now laughter? God.
At the end of the working hours the employees started to leave. Luiza was one of the last to leave. I stayed in my office, until the brunette walked in. Her countenance was still serious.
- Do you need anything else, ma'am?
I stared at Luiza's body in the most blatant way I could, making the woman swallow hard.
- No, not at the moment.
- Well then, I'm leaving, excuse me. - Luiza didn't even wait for my answer and left.
Luiza's POV
Damn time that Valentina had seen me. I knew it, in the moment I saw the black Mercedes across the street I could be sure that it was her. Now everything fitted, her bad mood and her attitudes. Valentina was jealous.
For some reason that pleased me, but her lack of trust in me was hurtful. I knew that I wasn't totally honest with Valentina due to a thousand reasons that she couldn't even dream of. But cheat on her? Never. My relationship with Vero was of pure affection, she would never betray her friend for any woman in this world. And I didn't think that the rude way in which she had been treated was fair.
That morning we didn't exchange a word after what happened. And to worsen the situation, I saw her ex-fiancé glued on her back like a venomous snake. Bitch. Probably filling the idiot's head against me. I swear that all the anger that I hadn't felt for the situation with Vero, came flooding when I saw them together. Alexa massaged Valentina's shoulders as if they were still close.
I just felt... Disgust.
It was incredible that when everything seemed to be good, destiny took care of ruining everything. But even more incredible was the bad luck that I carried on my back.
I left Valentina's office without even waiting for her answer. She still had the audacity to swallow me with her eyes. Son of a bitch.
I went down in the elevator to the parking lot through where I would leave. Dinah and Ally left earlier, and as always, I was one of the last to leave. I crossed the huge extension that was that parking lot, feeling the cold breeze raise all the hairs of my body, when I felt someone pull me by the arm.
- Jesus! - I spoke in fright.
- Be quiet and come with me. - Valentina spoke rudely, holding my arm tightly.
- I'm not going anywhere with you, let me go! - I tried to get away.
- Yes you are, Miss Campos!
Valentina spoke not letting me go.
- Who do you think you are to do this to me? - I grumbled while she practically dragged me towards her car.
- I should sue you, you know?
Valentina didn't say absolutely anything, only led me to her car.
- Let go of me, you are hurting me! - I said trying to get her hand off my arm.
Failed attempt.
- Get in the car! - Valentina ordered opening the door.
- I don't want to. - I stomp my foot.
- You don't have to want anything, I'm giving you an order. Get in now, Campos. - Her eyes were ferocious.
I huffed getting in the black Mercedes. The woman closed the door quickly and walked to her side of the car getting in it.
- What do you want with me? - I asked dryly.
Valentina stared at me, and then turned her attention to the car. We left the parking lot off to somewhere that I had no idea. The streets in Miami seemed deserted and dark. God, what was happening?
- Stop this car right now and let me out!
She remained in silence. Not even paying attention to me.
- Dammit, aren't you listening? - I practically shouted.
Valentina then braked the car abruptly, propelling us forward. Staring at me furiously.
- I'm taking you home, can you stop complaining? The streets are deserted!
- I didn't ask for this, I don't want your company. - I crossed my arms - Unlock the car and let me out.
- And whose company do you want, Luiza? Veronica's? - She asked angrily.
- Don't start, I already told you that I have nothing with her!
- Well it wasn't what it looked like when you were hugged yesterday!
- Not everything is what it seems, Valentina, you are an arrogant ass who doesn't wait to know what really happened before starting to accuse me.
We fought a battle of fulminating gazes. If we had the power to destroy ourselves with our gaze, surely we would both be dead. Valentina squinted her eyes, and turned her attention back to the car. Starting the ignition to park it on the roadside.
- What are you doing? I already said that I want to leave!
- Shut your mouth, Luiza! - Those were her words as she took off her seatbelt, and leaned in towards me to kiss me.
- Don't even think about it! - I said angrily.
- Why?
- Because I don't want to kiss you!
Valentina smiled sarcastically.
- You do, you always do, Luiza. - Her voice tone was authoritarian and cocky.
- Prepotent! - I grumbled.
- Grumpy.
- Arrogant!
- Cynic!
- Bitch!
Valentina smiled and with agility pressed the button unlocking my seatbelt, pulling me to her. And in that moment I didn't think about anything else, I just felt Valentina's lips crashing against mine. At the beginning I didn't correspond, I pushed the woman who held my body tightly, preventing me to back away. It was a fight without victory for me. Valentina looked for the smallest space to slide her tongue aggressively along mine. I gasped in denial, but I had already lost.
- Let me go, n...ow... - I spoke between her lips.
The woman seemed to have fun with my agony. Valentina didn't stop for anything, she descended with the kisses from my lips to my neck, causing me familiar sensations.
- God! - I spoke almost in a moan that I took care of suppressing - You don't have such right...
- Yes I do, from the moment that you are mine. - Valentina whispered in my ear.
Her body was practically leaned over mine. I felt my body heat up with all that situation. Valentina moved her tongue with the right pressure over my pulse point. Bitch.
- I'm n...not yours! Go after your ex, wasn't her that was glued to you today? - I spoke pushing the woman.
Valentina backed away with a smirk. Despite the darkness I could see her eyes burning in desire.
- Are you jealous, Miss Campos? - The woman asked as if she was challenging me.
- What? No, of course not!
- Well it seems to me that you are, I saw the fury in your face when you saw her with me. - Valentina got closer - Do you know that even your jealousy is a turn on?
I looked at her with so much anger and arousal that God.... Ugh...
- Shut your mouth, who is dying of jealousy is you. Don't you trust your power, Albuquerque? You think you are going to lose to your best friend?
I spoke mercilessly, if she teased I would tease too. I would show Valentina that it wasn't only Karla that had power here. Valentina stared at me, and for an instant I felt fear.
- I don't lose to anyone, Miss Campos. - Her voice tone was arrogant.
- If I were you I wouldn't be so sure.
- I am absolutely sure, and I know what you like.
The woman strongly pulled me to her, making me sit on her lap. Fuck.
- And I know how to do it well. - Those were her words before kissing me.
Valentina was aggressive and ruthless. Her hands trailed up under my dress, dragging her nails up my thighs, stopping on my ass in which she squeezed hard. I gasped between her lips, letting out an almost moan.
- You need to understand that you are mine, and no one else's, Campos.
You can't understand what it's like to be straddling this woman who stared at you with so much desire. Her iris was in a dark green, her mouth half open in a mismatch breath. The little light coming from the streetlight left her mysterious and totally sexy.
- Who guarantees you that?
- Valentina smiled, slowly sliding her tongue over my lips.
- Your body. - The woman said locking her eyes in the direction of my breasts - And your reactions. Are you gonna tell me that you don't like when I grab you like this?
She asked squeezing my ass hard.
- When I kiss your body like this. - She whispered as she kissed my neck, and going down between the valley of my breasts.
I arched my body, completely forgetting what was left of my sanity. I felt Valentina's tongue sliding quickly on my skin. I just closed my eyes and let myself go. Her hands traveled up my back, slowly lowering the zipper of my dress. Valentina took care of quickly take the fabric off my body, leaving me only in lingerie. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes.
- See? You love this, I bet you are all wet. - She whispered in a naughty way.
Her hands were fast to undo the clasp of my bra. I moaned when I felt Valentina's mouth suck my breast with so much want.
- shut up, and fuck me now. - I moaned bringing my hands to her hair.
And as if an adrenaline current had passed in our bodies, Valentina was quick to act, and with a bit of difficulty we moved to the backseats of the car, where we would have more space. I didn't want anymore teasing, if it was to end our fight with a good fuck, so we would.
I straddled her lap again, opening her dark blouse roughly, probably busting a few buttons. Her mouth moved along with mine in a fierce and breathtaking way, while her hands massaged my breasts with the same intensity.
- Oh that, squeeze more! - I moaned.
With a bit of effort I had taken off all of Valentina's clothes, and she the last that remained on me. We were completely naked on the backseat of that car. I felt inert, everything was too fast and too intense. My body seemed to have a life of its own. I rubbed my center hard on Valentina's thigh, and she propelled my body back and forth incessantly. With such effort and heat our bodies sweated. Valentina held me by the waist, lying down completely on the seat of her car. We accommodated ourselves in the best way due to the place being small.
Her eyes scanned me with so much desire and arousal. She looked so good, her hair was disheveled and loose, with small strands of hair wet due to sweat. Valentina fit perfectly well with my body, letting our centers stay in an intense friction.
- Oh God. - I moaned digging my nails into the padded of the car.
Valentina moved with want, her body rubbed against mine with such intensity that I felt on fire, that pressure on my center was strong. I wanted more of her, more of her body.
- You are so sexy, God! - Valentina moaned grinding under me with speed - That!
My hands supported on the fogged window of the car, making me rub on her with faster. We moaned incessantly, Valentina had a heavy and totally wild breathing.
- Fas...ter. - I whispered without strength, I wanted to be able to scream with the sensation I was feeling.
I dug my nails on Valentina's waist, pushing the woman to continue. I would enter in an overwhelming orgasm.
- Oh Luiza, I'm gonna cum at any instant.
- Cum, cum for me... - I had no more shame or modesty of what I spoke.
The friction of our centers was mind-blowing. She moved fast and intensely under me. I could hear her gibberish words, her heavy breathing. I couldn't stand it, as soon as I felt Valentina cum, my body went into a delicious convulsion, as if the pressure spread all over my body up to the toes of my feet. I leaned in to her in search of contact until I couldn't take it anymore.
Her breathing was heavy, Valentina sat up on her elbows again and stared at me with a smirk. I could see the beads of sweat running down her fucking amazing body. Valentina moved, pulling me to her, kissing me with want.
- Let me taste you, Campos. - She whispered between my lips.
- Do whatever you want, Valentina.
We stared at each other for brief seconds, locking our gazes. I saw Valentina's mouth curve in a daring smile. The woman quickly lay down again on the seat.
- Come here, Miss Campos.
I looked at the woman's body lying on the seat, realizing the luck I had of having her. I slowly crawled over her, staying with one leg on each side of her neck. God, I would learn a lot of things with that woman. Valentina stared at me with a wicked and tempting smile.
I closed my eyes and threw my head back when I felt her tongue touch my bundle of nerves.
- Oh God, Valentina!
I opened my mouth in a perfect "O" when she started to suck. The woman seemed to be hungry, her tongue massaged my clit with such skill that I could see stars.
- You have a delicious taste, Miss Campos.
I slowly rocked on her as to not hurt her, but I needed more. Valentina licked slowly as if she was teasing me.
- More, Albuquerque, faster. - I spoke in a whisper.
I didn't need to see to know that she was smiling. She was torturing me slowly. Her tongue circled in a perfect way over my swollen clit, which craved for pressure. The noise of the suction maddened me, I could only moan. Actually I wanted to scream, and ask her to just do it once and for all. God. That pressure in my core was enormous, her hands went up from my thighs to my stomach to then stop on my ass in which she squeezed.
- Oh fuck, I'm gonna kill you. - I spoke rocking on her face - Let me cum already.
I was sweaty, my hair was loose and a total mess. I should look awful, but she looked at me with so much desire and pleasure. I wasn't touching Valentina, but the expression of satisfaction she had as she sucked me was priceless.
- As you wish, Miss Campos. - I heard her hoarse voice - I just want to hear you beg.
- Bitch, just do it, suck me, fuck me, do whatever you want. But let me cum now!
Valentina held my thighs tightly, and sucked me hard. I felt my whole body trembling, her tongue pressed violently on me just like I wanted. I grabbed onto the padded of the car and rocked against her tongue. God, I was no longer myself, my entire body started to convulse. I just wanted more and more, and so she gave me. I cussed her with every name by pure arousal, I spent up to the last energies of my body in that devastating orgasm that consumed me.
Valentina sucked up to the last drop that came out of my body. She had cum in the same way, and I didn't even touch her. I held onto the seat as to not fall, Valentina got out from under me and sat up, staying in the same direction as me. Her eyes were happy and satisfied. The woman then leaned in, taking my lips in a slow kiss, letting me feel my own taste.
- Am I forgiven? - Valentina asked, leaving me confused.
- What do you mean?
Valentina smiled.
- This was my apology to you for my behavior, I acted badly and I recognize it.
- You acted very badly, I think you should talk to Vero.
- Later I'll do that, ok? I just want to know if I'm forgiven.
I smiled at her and pulled her face for a quick kiss.
- I'll think about it, Albuquerque. - I spoke winking at her, and started to pick up my clothes.
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