Chap 28 - A Different Day

Valentina's POV

I stretched myself slowly feeling my whole body relax. I rubbed my eyes avoiding opening them due to the clarity that entered the room. I sat on the bed, and between the soft sheets, I saw Luiza sleeping in a serene and deep way.

"She was tired." - I thought smiling when I imagined why.

I ran my hand across her naked back. The brunette was covered only by the gray silk sheet that covered us. I placed a little kiss on her soft skin, and stood up. I went towards the bathroom to carry out my morning hygiene. 

Soon after I let her sleep some more. It was her day off, nothing fairer than that. I left the bedroom walking towards the room next door. Sofi slept in the same way. Was the deep sleep a family thing? I walked closer to the little girl who was sleeping, combing my hand through her dark hair that was so alike with Luiza's. There was no doubt that they were both sisters, Sofi was the identical copy of my Lu. I placed a kiss in a tenderly way on the top of the girl's head. And I left the bedroom.

That morning I felt different, I didn't use to get involved so intensely with someone in a short period of time. But things with Luiza seemed to fly. When I least expected, she was already in my thoughts, taking over everything within me. Her sweet and attractive way left me with no choice, without action. I could love her and hate her at the same time. I wanted her in every way. 

I knew what I felt, but it wasn't time to admit it. I would save it for the right moment to tell her that I simply didn't know how to be without her anymore. Today would be the perfect day for it, but I knew that there was still someone between us. Someone who also possessed such power over me just like Luiza, and that someone was none other than Karla.

Perhaps no one could understand how I felt. No one would ever understand how I was torn between the two women. Karla and Luiza had turned my world upside down. They both made me experience different sensations that fascinated me. I could feel in heaven with Luiza, and in pleasurable hell of lust with Karla. They were like two sides of the same coin. I loved them, I loved the both. If that was possible? I didn't know, but I felt it, I wanted them. 

"God, you could have been good and make them only one..."  

I shook my head at that thought as I picked up the ingredients to prepare a good breakfast. The two sisters deserved to be spoiled for the wonderful moments that they were making me live.

Could I have this with Karla?


It was in that that she lost. Luiza was for many the perfect woman. Sweet, attractive and beautiful. A complete woman. 

I smiled as I finished making the pancakes, and prepared everything. I, modesty aside, was great in the kitchen. I poured chocolate as a coating, betting that Sofi would love it. Luiza's little sister was an intelligent and polite girl. To my surprise we had gotten along extremely well. Sofia Campos was a sweetheart.

I put everything on the tray. In there there was a bit of everything, fruit, juice, coffee, pancakes and scrambled eggs.

"Yeah, I think they will like it." - I thought, putting a small flower on the tray as well. 

I walked slowly to Sofi's room, leaving her breakfast on the nightstand beside the bed, and then I walked to my room where Luiza was sleeping. I opened the door slowly as to not make any noise, but I came across a beautiful view in front of me. 

Luiza was waking up. The brunette sat on the bed, stretching her arms up, stretching herself, and moving her neck from one side to the other. She was completely naked, still covered by the sheet that covered her legs. The sun was shining against her body, her long and slightly disheveled hair fell on her back just like a beautiful waterfall. She had her back to me, so she hadn't noticed my presence. I could take a picture of that moment, she was divine. How could a woman wake up so beautiful? 

- You finally woke up. - I said smiling.

Luiza turned her face to the side with a broad smile. Dammit, she was my end. 

- What time is it? The sun is wonderful outside. - The woman spoke in front of the large glass window.

- I don't know, but it's probably not that early. - I said walking towards her, putting the tray down on the bed.

Luiza turned, pulling the sheet to cover her breasts. 

- Wow, that's an amazing breakfast! - She said staring at the full tray.

- I said that I had great culinary skills, Miss Campos. - I spoke to then steal her a little kiss. 

- Well, it looks good, now the only question is whether the taste is good.

I squinted my eyes at the woman who smiled. Luiza grabbed the small flower, putting it behind her ear, near her brown hair. I stared at her every move, in an admired way. That moment could be the most cliché, but it was good. Soon after fixing the flower behind her ear, that left her even more beautiful that morning, the brunette casted me a smile, that typical smile with the tongue between the teeth, making her nose wrinkle slightly. 

- You leave my weak for being so beautiful. God. 

- I do? - She arched an eyebrow. 

- Very.

Luiza smiled mischievously. Moving carefully to sit on my lap. God, she was completely naked.

- If you stay like this for long, it's not the breakfast that I'll eat. 

Luiza slid her tongue over her lips and smiled.

- Morning sex is good for the health, you know? - She asked feigning innocence. 

I slid my hands to her waist, where I held tightly.

- So they say out there, Miss Campos. We can test it. - I spoke putting a small strand of her hair behind her ear. 

Luiza had a mysterious and intense gaze. Her brown eyes so hot and familiar hid secrets that one day I would unravel. She, teasingly, bit her bottom lip, and I analyzed her every move. I inched my face closer to hers, holding our gaze for a few seconds while one of my hands put some strands of her hair, that insisted on falling near her face, behind her ear. 

- You are so beautiful, Campos.

I stared straight into her eyes, which stared back at me in the same way. I felt happy, I felt my heart beating frantically, I felt my breathing change slowly. A mixture of unknown feelings took over me. Can you understand? I saw in that woman my future by her side, through her brown iris I saw her at my side. Fuck, I was lost. I loved her.

- Luiza...

- Yes? - The woman asked hopefully, as if she knew what I wanted to say. 

I took a deep breath, feeling my heart skip a beat. Was now the right time? I closed my eyes, and opened them again in front of hers. 

- I love you.

Her expression was of surprise when she heard those words. Luiza stared at me static. I didn't know if it was too soon, I just knew that I felt it. And that, for some reason, I needed to say it. The woman took a deep breath, and took impulse to speak.

- Don't say anything. - I said serious.

I brought one of my hands to her neck and pulled her face to a calm kiss. The brunette's soft and perfectly drawn lips crashed against mine in a delicate way, moving slowly, giving me total freedom. I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her hot body closer to mine. I felt her deep breath during the kiss, and continued. From our calmness, things evolved to intensity. Things with Luiza always progressed fast. 

The brunette brought her hands up to my face, prolonging the kiss that I asked God to have no end. I slid my hands up and down her naked back, uniting more her body on mine. Luizadisconnected her lips from mine and went down to my neck, where she kissed intensely, earning a moan from me. 

I closed my eyes and just felt. Luiza's hands went to my blouse, taking it off my body, staring into my eyes without stopping.

Before the body, we loved with our eyes. The woman stared at me as if it was the first time. And it really was, in that moment I wasn't Valentina Albuquerque, I was just Valentina. And she my Lu.

Luiza went back to kissing my lips, tasting from my mouth the maximum she could. God, I felt my body hot, I needed her. When I held her waist and laid her down in bed, we heard light knocks on the door

- No... - Luiza said closing her eyes. 

- Kaki! - The little one called from the other side of the door. 

I smiled defeated, and laid my body over Luiza's. 

- Precisely now? 

Luiza bit her lip, and kissed my lips. 

- I'm sorry. 

- It's okay, Lu, go and open the door.

Luiza nodded, getting up from the bed still naked, picking up my sweatshirt from the floor and putting it on, along with her panties. Fuck, she was so fucking sexy. 

- Dammit, Campos. 

- What? - She asked walking towards the door. 

I made an "Ok" sign to the way she was dressed, making her smile in a shy way. Luizaopened the door coming to face with Sofi that had the breakfast tray in hand. The girl smiled broadly, her mouth was completely dirty with the chocolate from the pancakes.

- I brought a little for you! - The girl spoke extending her tray.

Luiza laughed and let the little one enter. 

- Valentina made for me too, Sofi! 

- Hmm! Valen! You are great in the kitchen! 

- See? I said that to your sister but she doesn't believe it. 

- You need to try the pancakes, Kaki! - The girl said animatedly.

 Luiza stared at me with a smile, like who loved seeing us. We all sat in bed to eat breakfast amid laughter.

Luiza's POV

I just heard the loud laughter coming from the kitchen. Valentina and Sofi had decided to put into action their plan of making a pizza. I really was surprised in how the two had gotten along so well. Valentina wasn't the type of woman who seemed to like children, but she had loved Sofi, and nothing could be better than that. I watched the two that were making the dough. At this point Sofi was more dirty in flour than clean.

- Jesus, you are making a mess! - I spoke walking into the kitchen. 

Sofi and Valentina looked at me all smiley. 

- You could very well help us, Lu. - Valentina spoke while kneading the dough in her hands. 

Sofi stared at me with her little face full of flour. 

- Sofi, the flour is for the pizza, and not to be all over you.

 Valentina laughed. 

- Leave me alone! - The girl grumbled, throwing a bit of flour at me. 

- Now it's someone else that is covered in flour! - Valentina said laughing. 

- Yes, it's you! 

Valentina's eyes narrowed, and I threw flour at her. She opened her mouth in astonishment.

- You shouldn't have done that, Miss Campos.

I laughed out loud for seeing her all dirty, when a puff of air loaded with flour came towards me.

- This was for dirtying Valentina! - Sofi said laughing. 

- Whose side are you on? - I asked the girl who laughed. 

- On mine, of course! - Valentina said throwing a little more flour at me. 

- Is this a plot?

Valentina and Sofi looked at each other, and that's when the war began. The white powder spread everywhere, we spent practically all the flour by throwing it at each other. I could only hear our loud laughter while we fought like three silly kids in that kitchen.

- Stop! Stop! It got into my eye! - I shouted. 

And Valentina looked at me scared, coming towards me. 

- Let's wash it off! - The woman spoke worried. 

I let out a fun laugh. 

- You idiot! - The woman said smiling. 

- Fooled you. - I said biting my lip.

Valentina shook her head, looking around us. The employees surely would have a lot of work to clean all of that.

- Sofia Campos, look at your state! - I snapped staring at my sister that was covered in flour from head to toe - Go to the bathroom and take a nice bath!

- Kaki... - The girl grumbled

- Go now, I want you down here clean and sweet-smelling.

The little one made a small pout and got down from the counter where she was sitting. Valentina smiled, running her hand on Sofi's hair, who smiled, and left the kitchen.

- Look at this, we made a big mess! 

- My employees will resign . - Valentina said laughing.

- I bet they will! But what about the pizza? 

- I put two in the oven, in a few minutes they'll be ready. 

- It needs to, at the very least, be very delicious, Albuquerque. - I spoke arrogantly. 

Valentina smiled mischievously, and approached me, slowly backing me against the kitchen counter, pinning her body on mine. 

- Everything I do is delicious, Miss Campos. 

Damn tease. 

- Always so humble, right? 

- Am I speaking the true or am I lying? - Valentina asked staring fixedly at my mouth. 

- I don't know, Valentina... 

- Of course you do. I can remind you if you want.

You can see your level of dependence of that woman when even all dirty in flour, she still looked attractive. What kind of spell did she have? I looked into her bright and mischievous eyes. Valentina bit her lip to then slide her tongue slowly over it.

- I have a huge urge to fuck you right on top of this counter. - She spoke directly. 

I felt my body die a thousand times in that instant. 

  -Don't talk like that, Valentina... Jesus... 

- Why? - Valentina asked, kissing slowly the crook of my neck. 

I closed my eyes and gasped when I felt her tongue on my skin. 

- You don't like when I talk like that? When I say that I want to fuck you until you can't take it anymore. 

I bit my lip, feeling my whole body heat up with her dirty and bold words. 

- I hate you, Albuquerque.

She smiled, and slowly traveled her hands down to my butt, squeezing it with intensity. And without taking her eyes off mine, she moved her hands underneath my loose dress.

- Stay quiet, ok?

I just nodded eagerly. Valentina approached my lips, kissing them with want, sucking on my tongue in a bold and pleasurable way, while her hands went up towards my breasts in which she squeezed with both hands. She had such a fucking good way of touching me, her hands were delicate but had rough and delicious touches. Fuck, I felt hot and wet with that situation.

- Sofi can see us, Valentina... 

  -Shhh, she won't see anything. - She whispered teasingly.

Valentina lowered herself at the height of my breasts in which she slowly kissed over the thin fabric of the dress. The fact that I was not wearing a bra made me feel her tongue, even indirectly, on my skin.

- God, Valentina...

Valentina smiled devilishly, and with one of her hands lowered one of the straps of my dress, leaving my breast fully showing. 

- I like them so much, you know? They have the perfect size and they are so kissable. God. - She spoke while staring at every detail of my naked breast.

- You love to torture me, right? 

- I love giving you pleasure, Miss Campos.

The woman spoke before wrapping my nipple with her hot and bold tongue. I bit my lip as to not moan and get Sofi's attention, who was in the bath. A very difficult task I admit. Valentina sucked me with want, moving her tongue from one side to the other with so much speed that I wished the same between my legs. I brought one of my hands to her wavy hair, forcing her to stay there, sucking more of me. And she didn't stop, she bit and sucked until leaving it completely sensitive. I could cum with only that, but I wanted more. 

Valentina kneeled in front of me and smirked. God, I loved that smirk on her lips. She leaned forward lifting the hem of my dress, staying face to face with the tiny lingerie I was wearing.

- You could avoid using them. They will always be taken off by me at the first opportunity, Luiza. Even though they are very well chosen, I admit.

Valentina inched closer and inhaled my skin, touching with the tip of her fingers where Imost craved.

- I love how you get wet for me like this. 

The woman spoke bringing one hand to the thin fabric, yanking it off my body. And when I was already ready to start receiving her touches, we heard a loud scream from Sofi. 

- Oh my God! Sofi!

I quickly pulled up the strap of my dress and looked at Valentina who got up scared. We ran towards the bathroom, noticing that the hallway was flooded with water.

- Sofia! - I shouted. 

- Kaki, help me! - The girl shouted from the other side of the door.

Valentina rushed and quickly opened the door, leaving us with open-mouthed. The huge bathroom was completely filled with foam. 

- Oh my God, Sofi, where are you? - I asked entering in the middle of the foam. 

- I'm here, Kaki! - The girl answered raising her arm. 

Her presence was hardly noticeable in there, the foam level was high, taking over almost the entire bathroom. Valentina entered the bathroom and ran towards the bathtub where Sofi was, turning off all the buttons that were there. The water stopped pouring, and the foam stopped forming. 

The little one stood up with a weak smile, staring at Valene and me.

- Sofia Campos, you are in so much trouble. Look at this! - I exclaimed looking around. 

The bathroom was a complete mess. 

- Kaki, I'm sorry! I pressed the buttons and it started all of this. When I saw it, it was like this!

Valentina let out a loud laugh, making me stare at her confused.

- I confess that I always wanted to do this! - The woman said smiling, entering the bathtub and sitting beside Sofi.

- No, no! This is not the time, get out of there now!

- Lu, enjoy! - Valentina splashed her hands on the water, making it splash on me.

I couldn't believe it. How old was that woman? Valentina splashed a bit of water at Sofi who reciprocated, initiating a new war. God, I was screwed.

- Stop, both of you, now! 

Valentina and Sofi looked at each other, to then stare at me. And when I least expected a strong jet of water came towards me, making the two laugh like two idiots. 

- Valentina Albuquerque, you'll pay me for this. - I spoke staring at the woman who looked at me with a naughty face.

I walked towards the woman who strongly pulled me inside the bathtub, next to her and Sofi.

- Hush! Quiet, Campos! 

- Let go of me!

Sofia laughed and jumped in front of us, until I calmed down and sat between Valentina's legs, and she instantly enveloped me from behind with her arms.

- Was that so hard, Miss Piggy? - Valentina spoke staring at me with a broad smile.

- What? I love to bathe, ok? I just don't agree with the mess that you two are making in the whole house.

- Lie, Kaki didn't like to bathe! 

Valentina laughed out loud. 

- That's a lie, Sofi! 

- That's what mom said. 

- Your mother doesn't know anything about my life. 

- Okay, girls, don't fight. - Valentina spoke. 

Sofi sat in front of us, staring at us with a curious smile. 

- Are you girlfriends? 

I widened my eyes at that so indiscreet question. 

- Is that what you think we are? - Valentina asked calmly. 

- Well, you seem to be. 

- Why? 

- I saw you kissing on the mouth yesterday in the park. And you look at each other differently. 

Valentina squinted her eyes. And I just smiled. 

- Explain to me better.

- Kaki looks at you with a fool in love face.

- God, you are the worst sister in the world. Whose side are you on? - I asked splashing some water at her.

Valentina smiled and kissed my shoulder in affection. 

- Let her speak, Lu!

- You say that because it's not your sister! 

Valentina smiled and then I stood up. 

- Come on, everyone out of there now! And you, Sofi, go to the bathroom of the room I'm in, and please, don't flood it.

The girl covered with foam left running out of the bathroom laughing. I shook my head, until I felt Valentina's hands pulling me to her.

- Do you want to shower with me, Campos?

I smiled cynically.

- It wouldn't be a bad idea, right? - She asked. 

I saw the woman teasingly bite her lip.-Stop teasing me, Valentina, leave it for later, ok? I promise that I will reward you rather well. 

- I'll wait for it. 


After the animated dinner we had, Sofi feel asleep right away. The girl was tired due to the full day that we spent among jokes and laughter. I covered her with the thick duvet of her bed, depositing a loving kiss on her forehead. Valentina in this instant was in her private office, she said she needed to check some important e-mails, and I just nodded.

Candece's POV

- What made you change your mind, Candece? - Alexa asked while taking a sip from her drink.

- The facts. You are absolutely right, Valentina wouldn't let Karla stay here. 

- I told you. I know that woman like the back of my hand. 

The deal with Alexa had been closed. Against facts there are no arguments. Valentina was turning Karla's head and I would lose her, but I wasn't the type of woman who accepted losing. Karla Estrabao was "Imperium"'s gem and without her presence my business would go down the drain. The most powerful customers were always looking for her, I couldn't simply let her go.

- What would your plan be?

- Well, like I told you the other day, I want the little secretary to find out that Valentina is having an affair with a stripper. 

- And how we are going to do that? 

- We will bring her here and she will catch Valentina in the act. 

- Who ensures that Valentina will come? 

- Karla. If she is really all that that people say around, then there is no Luiza that will keep her from coming.

- Who is the poor girl? - I asked laughing. 

- A famished. She doesn't have a pot to piss in. 

- Well, beside Valentina she most surely will, right? 

Alexa rolled her eyes, taking a small paper from inside her bag. 

- This is Luiza Campos, the woman with whom Valentina is having an affair.

I started at the badly taken picture, analyzing the woman that was on it. I didn't know if it was in an optical illusion, but I knew that woman.

I couldn't believe that situation. Luiza was too clever. She had captured Valentina from every possible side, pity would be if she found out, right? The stripper's little game would come to an end. And who would gain from all of this?

- I think there's something in this story that you don't know, Alexa. 

Luiza's POV

I descended the stairs hearing a background music coming from the living room. I walked over to Valentina who stared at the strong storm outside. The weather was pleasantly warm thanks to the huge and luxurious fireplace that was there. I approached the woman who hadn't yet noticed my presence there, she looked so beautiful that night. Valentina was wearing a pair of jeans and a sophisticated sweatshirt. 

- The sky is falling outside. 

She turned to me and smiled. 

- As long as everything is fine inside here, I don't care. - She smiled, handing me a glass of wine - I know you like this one. 

- Thank you. 

- Sofi took long to sleep?

- I had to make her brush her teeth and change clothes. 

- I think it's very beautiful how you take care of your sister, Lu. 

- I try to do my best, you know? Sofi is the only good thing in my life. 

- The only? - Valentina asked with an eyebrow arched. 

I blushed, smiling. 

- Actually, she's one of the good things in my life. 

- Much better that way, I feel excluded otherwise. 

- Is that important for you? 

- What, Lu? 

- Being something good in my life. 

Valentina inched closer, putting one of her hands on my waist. 

- Of course, I want to be the best for you.

I bit my lip, feeling my heart falter with such words. Valentina was so attentive and loving when she wanted.

- You are, Valentina. 

Her eyes met mine in an intense way. 

- I will be much more, Miss Campos. Do you accept to dance with me? 

I smiled at the woman. 

- Is this serious? Now it's you who asks me to dance? 

- Yes, and you better enjoy it. I don't do this very often.

I shook my head smiling, and inched closer to her. Valentina left our glasses on the center table, pulling my body closer to hers. I held in one of her hands, and approached her, beginning a slow dance to the sound of the background music that was playing. I rested my head on the shoulder of the woman who guided me perfectly well to the sound of slow music.

- Valentina? - I whispered to the woman. 

- Yes, Lu? 

- I wanted to ask you something. 

- Ask whatever you want. - Valentina said twirling my body, and pulling me back to her again. 

- About earlier today... You said that... well..

- I said what? - She cut me off quickly. 

I removed my head from her shoulder, and stared at her.

- You know... 

Valentina smiled, making a caress on my face.

- I said that I love you, Luiza. 

- How can you be sure of that?

Valentina stared at me, her iris was of a light and totally loving green. The woman slowly held my hand, placing it against her chest.

- Because of this. Can you feel it? It only stays like this when I'm with you.

Her heartbeat was rushed and frantic before my hand that touched her. 

- If that's not enough for you, I can say that you are the only woman who is able to get into my world without the least effort. The only one who breaks down my walls. The only one who sees me as I really am. I don't know when it started, I just know that I feel it now, and that if you want to be mine, I'll make you the happiest woman of all, Luiza Campos. 

I didn't know what to say, and let alone what to think. I wanted that, but I was scared. Scared of the future that from there I would have. I loved that woman without a shadow of a doubt.

- I love you, Valentina. 

I saw a smile open up on her face, and then the woman pulled me to her, taking my lips in a calm kiss. Our tongues initiated a perfect and synchronized contact. Valentina slowly guided me to the nearest wall.

- This time it'll be different, I promise.

I closed my eyes feeling the soft lips of that woman crash against mine, while her handswent up and down my legs in a hot caress. Valentina backed away for a few seconds and took off the sweatshirt she was wearing, giving me full view of her perky breasts that were tightened by the black lace bra. Her hands went quickly towards my blouse, taking it off my body, and then lowering the zipper of my skirt. Looking carefully at every piece of my naked body, the woman who was kneeled at my feet, deposited wet kisses on my thighs, going up my stomach until arriving again on my lips.

I felt her lips on the skin of my neck, her tongue moved fast and intensely, earning from me weak and involuntary moans, while her hands took care of removing her tight jeans. 

- Sofi can wake up. - I whispered with the shred of sanity that I had still in me. 

- She won't wake up, don't worry. - The woman said between my lips, guiding me to where were the huge blankets on the floor beside the fireplace - Do you want to go to the bedroom? - Valentina asked with a heavy breathing.

I just shook my head, I wanted her there. On the floor of that living room, beside the fireplace that burned nonstop. Valentina laid me down delicately and started to stare at me for brief seconds.

- Let me save this image on my mind. - The spoke with a lovely smile.

I pulled her by the neck and she kissed my lips with love to then release them and move towards my neck in which she sucked, bit and licked in an arousing and intense way, making me gasp.

- I hope that you forgive me, but it will be the first time that I make love to someone. 

No one could understand what it was like to hear those words coming out of the mouth of the woman that I loved the most. I would give myself to Valentina that night, completely. 

Her eager lips sucked on my earlobe in a hot and bold way, making my center twitch in arousal. I slid my hands on her back, taking off her bra in a fast and skillful way. Valentinahadn't stayed behind, she sat on my knees, giving me a view of her fully naked breasts, to then start trailing my body with wet and hot kisses.

I moaned when I felt her tongue touching my skin that yearned for that. 

Valentina slowly lowered the straps of my bra, leaving my breasts fully exposed to her hungry eyes. I closed my eyes, and felt her mouth surround one of my breasts graciously, in slow and teasing licks, while one of her hands massaged the other one.

- Oh God, Albuquerque... - I moaned holding on the strands of her long hair.

Valentina sucked them with want, circling the hard nipple with her tongue without stopping for an instant, leaving them sore and sensitive, while her hand went down towards my clit, massaging it nonstop. I bit my lip to avoid the moan that insisted on coming out.

- More, please.

She leaned back going down my breasts, passing by my stomach where she slowly bit, descending more to where I was burning of pleasure, and with two fingers the woman pushed aside my lingerie, tasting the warm liquid that emanated from there. 

- Oh! Mmmm... - I moaned digging my nails into the blankets that were on the floor. 

- You have a wonderful taste, Luiza. I will never get tired of it.

I sat up on my elbows to watch her, Valentina was like a sly feline, licking slowly up and down my slick folds. I could see her gaze laden with desire and lust. I felt her tongue move frantically on my bundle of nerves, pressing on it in the way that I most wanted. 

- Right there, Valentina...

My body moved without me even wanting, as if the control that was left in me had gone to space. I tried to close my legs and soften how big was what I was feeling, but the woman took care of holding them open, and continued the pleasurable ministrations that she was doing. 

- Ah! Hmmm! More, please! - I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut that wept. 

I could hear the sucking of her hungry mouth on my center. It was maddening. With the tip of her tongue, Valentina circled my swollen clit without stopping, and to increase even more the intensity, I felt two of fingers enter me at once. 

- Oh, oh, oh! - I moaned with every thrust.

I brought my hands straight to her hair, squeezing tightly, making the woman continue. I felt my legs shake with that bold touch of her tongue and fingers. I wouldn't hold on for much longer. 

Valentina was tireless, she pumped her fingers in and out incessantly, and the movement of her tongue, I simply couldn't stand it. My whole body trembled in a pleasurable convulsion, from my head to the tip of my toes.

- Fuck! Valen...en! 

- Cum for me, Lu! Cum.

And she didn't stop, I already had no more strength. The orgasm that took over me was stronger than I could imagine. Valentina sucked me clean until there was nothing left. I shifted my body slowly, feeling her fingers coming out of me. 

I protested already missing the feeling of her fingers inside me, despite the tiredness I wanted her.

- You were wonderful. - She said smiling, kissing my lips in a loving way. 

- I love you, Valentina.

I said staring at her partially illuminated face by the fire coming from the fireplace beside us, her sweaty face and her satisfied eyes would stay in my mind as a proof of the night in which I was hers as I had never been anyone else's. 

- I love you, Lu. 


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