Chap 31 - Confrontation

NOTE: GUYS!! THIS IS THE CHAPTER!! Please, for a better reading, when I indicate on the chapter listen to the song "Crazy In Love by Beyonce (Fifty Shades Of Grey version)", and put it on repeat bc the part is long :) 


Valentina's POV

"Karla Luiza" 


It's not possible. 

I stood there paralyzed, staring at the woman walk in until she was out of sight. I closed my eyes, squeezing my hands tightly on the steering wheel. A sudden rage took over my body, a sort of frenzy of hatred heated up every cell there. God, this could only be effect of the alcohol, there was no other explanation. I looked at both sides, the road was dark and empty, I got out of the car. Luiza would give me a good explanation for this.

I walked towards the gate, walking from one side to the other trying to convince myself of the stupid idea of going up and end this entire charade. I looked between the bars of the gate, not seeing any sign of Karla. I couldn't do this, I wasn't impulsive or emotional. But in that instant my body screamed for immediate answers, but I couldn't, that wasn't me. On the contrary, I was cold and extremely crafty. I walked hurriedly to the vehicle that was on the other side of the street with the door wide open, entering it and closing the door harshly.

- Idiot! Stupid! - I shouted punching the steering wheel several times.

I could kill someone in that instant with the rage that consumed me. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, letting the oxygen get to my brain or I'd at any moment die right there. I looked one more time at the building where Luiza lived, leaving the idea of unmasking her for later.

I turned on the ignition, starting the car and getting out of there towards my apartment. 

The sky was still clouded and loaded with rain being cut time or another with lightning rays. That night couldn't get any worse. I got out of the car slamming the door shut and following towards the elevator of the huge building. 

Fucking stripper.

The first thing I did when I entered my apartment was pour myself a glass of Whiskey, I drank the liquid at once, closing my eyes and feeling it tearing everything as it went down, leaving behind only the burning inside me.

- How can you be so stupid, Valentina?! The son of a bitch fooled you all this time! And still acted the role of good girl! Bitch. 

I walked towards the deck of my apartment, lying down on one of the loungers under the awning . Everything was starting to make sense now. That's why Karla never took off her mask for me, the eyes so familiar, the so fucking perfect bodies, the siLulur reactions, God, what spell had that woman cast on me? Precisely on me. 


Luiza lied to me all this time. She shouldn't have, she shouldn't.

She didn't know with whom she had messed with, if there was something that I hated was to be deceived. Karla Luiza played with me during all this time, manipulating me like a puppet of her little theater play.

I shook my head, still processing the world of information that started to connect in me. All the moments, the kisses, the gazes. Everything was coming together in a replete lie: 

- What? I'm not doing anything, Valentina! 

- You control me, with your actions. But don't get too excited, I'm the owner of my wills. 

- Prove it, do something you want. 

I longed to kiss that mouth but the small mask she was wearing hinder my chance, I wanted to see her before. I brought my hand to her face, to take off her mask, so I could finally see her face, but quickly her small hands landed on top of mine, preventing my action. 

- Don't even think about it... - She whispered looking into my eyes. 

And in all this time she made me believe her story, how many had already fallen in her net? 


I could only have drunk too much. 

I rubbed my eyes to see better but the young lady with wavy brown hair that danced in such a sensual way, she had her back to me, but still, I could swear that I knew her. 

Valentina you are going crazy. 

She wasn't unknown to me, I knew that body, that way of wiggling. I couldn't be dreaming, or hallucinating like that, it was her, it was Karla. 

I stood up from the couch where I was, walking closer to the brunette. Passing between the people that danced frantically to the sound of the beat that filled the club, the lights flashing made everything more difficult. 

My nervous system worked faster, my hands were sweating, my vision and my hearing were sharper. It must have been the effect of the drink running through my body. 

I stopped practically a meter away from the brunette, who wiggled in such a sensual way, there was no mistake, it was her. Karla lowered herself to the ground, gripping her hair, making me lose all my senses. I got closer to her and held her waist, making her turn to me. 

- What are you... - She started speaking but stopped when she saw it was me. 

I closed my eyes, blinking several times, there was something wrong. It wasn't her. 

- Miss Campos? - I asked confused. 

She was immobile, just staring at me, scared. What the hell was happening? A few minutes ago I could swear that it was Karla, and it was Luiza? Surely I had drunk too much. We held our gaze long enough for me to notice how beautiful she was tonight, her white dress, tight, outlining the curves of her body. Her brown eyes now uncovered of their usual glasses, staring at me, indecipherable. Her mouth half-open, letting out a nervous breath.

The truth was all along in front of my face and I just let it go by unnoticed. The desire for Karla and the love for Luiza blinded me in an inconsequent and colossal way. The two women were one. Only one: 

Luiza got up and went to the middle of the dance floor next to my mother and Taylor. Could they get along any better? I stayed in the same place, sitting on the soft armchair that gave me full view of where they were. A music of strong and totally Latin beat started playing, making the Brazilian brunette start dancing.

 Luiza started moving her body in a perfect sync with the music, leaving me surprised at the beautiful way in which she danced. I stared at the body of the woman who wiggled divinely well to the rhythm of the music. She combed her fingers through her dark locks in such a familiar and sensual way. Maybe I had too much to drink already, because seeing her like that reminded me of none other than my stripper, Karla. 

I opened my eyes pushing away those memories, feeling the anger take over my entire body. I threw the glass of Whiskey against the wall, seeing it shatter into pieces. The urge I had was to go to that apartment and get the truth out of that woman, hear from her damn mouth how she had deceived me. But I wouldn't do it like that, I would do it way better. If Karla Luiza thought she knew how to play it's because she hadn't yet met me. 



Waking wouldn't be the right word to use for someone who spent the whole night awake, right? The world of ideas and memories around that woman had taken completely my sleep. The images of Karla Luiza bombarded my thoughts like in a war in which only I would come out injured.

Today would be a beautiful day to disassemble the perfect theatre, I thought getting up from bed.

The drive to the company was calm, giving me time and psychological preparation for that day. I would look into Luiza's eyes after everything and she would still lie. Yes, as always. 

- Ma'am, is everything alright? - Alfred asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror. 

- What would you do if someone very important lied to you, Alfred? 

The man looked at me curious, and then spoke calmly: 

- I would try to know the person's real reason for having lied, ma'am. 

- And what if the reason isn't good? And what if you don't want to know? 

- I believe that the reason hasn't been bad, sometimes we simply don't have a choice. 

The man said seeming to understand everything. 

- We always have a choice! - I snapped.

- If that choice makes us lose someone special, we don't. The heart leaves our head surrendered to its wills.

I looked at Alfred through the rearview mirror, understanding what the man meant. Did he always know? Or was he mature enough to know that I was talking about Luiza? God. Everything was falling apart in my head. The man quickly entered the Albuquerque's Industry vicinity, stopping the car at the main entrance. The security quickly ran to the vehicle opening the car door for me. 

- Good Morning, ma'am.

I just nodded in a serious way and walked towards the main elevator, some employees ran to their places, probably not expecting to see me there that morning. Each floor that the elevator rose certain nervousness took over my body, looking into Luiza's eyes and see Karla wouldn't be easy, but I was strong enough for this. 

One small beep and the doors opened

From a distance I could see Luiza sitting at her desk while typing something on her computer. Her hair was straight and loose, she wore a very sophisticated red blouse with a formal black skirt. On her feet black high heels, leaving her totally sexy.

Damn her.

I walked slowly and approached the brunette without letting her notice. If she knew how to perform, I would also show her my skills.

- Did you miss me? - I whispered in her ear

The woman in fright turned in my direction and stared at me wide-eyed.

- God! You almost kill me! - She said with her hand on her chest.

Luiza was incredibly sexy that morning. The red blouse was partially unbuttoned, giving me full view of her breasts covered by a black bra. Angles always in my favor. On her face the small reading glasses that left her even more beautiful and mysterious, typical of Luiza. 

- I'm sorry, Miss Campos. - I spoke calmly with a wide and fake smile.

- What are you doing here? Where is Vero?

- Good Morning to you too. 

I smiled and walked towards my office, being followed by Luiza in hurried steps.

- I'm sorry, good morning, ma'am.

- Veronica stayed, I preferred to come back. - I said calmly. 

- Why?

- Because I missed you, Lu. - I spoke dropping my bag on my desk. 

The woman's gaze was suspicious and confused. Probably couldn't understand.

- Are you okay?

- I'm great, I had a lot of fun with Vero yesterday and I think that I already recharged the energies to make certain decisions.

- I imagine so, you were pretty fast. 

- Why waste time, right?

Luiza nodded and walked towards the large window. The woman was tense, as if sensing something in the air. The brunette stared at all the movement down there, people's rush and the cars in constant euphoria. 

- Is everything alright, Lu? - I asked approaching her.

Karla Luiza turned in my direction, staring at me with those mystery eyes that had already been discovered.

- Yes, I'm just surprised that you are back. - She whispered timidly. 

- It seems that you didn't like to see me here. 

- It's not that, Valentina, I love having you here.

I smiled and pulled the woman slowly by the waist. 

- Then take off that little face, it looks like I'm going to kill you at any instant. 

Luiza smiled humorlessly. And I quickly kissed her lips. 

- You are being weird, Valentina. 

I let go of the woman's waist and backed away, sitting on my presidential chair. 

- Me? Of course not, Miss Campos. I have never been better. 

- Are you sure? 

- Absolutely.

Luiza's POV

I left Valentina's office leaving the woman alone. For some reason my sixth sense indicated danger, like an uncontrolled alarm calling for help. Valentina returned out of nowhere, and Veronica didn't give any sign. That was beginning to scare me.

I sat at my desk dialing Vero's number for the ninth time since they left. After three calls, she finally answered:

- Hello? - Vero spoke with a choked and lazy voice.

- Don't tell me that you just woke up...

- Right on, Luizinha.  

I rolled my eyes huffing, imagining the woman thrown on her couch waking up with a nice hangover. 

- Vero, Valentina is here. What happened?

- God, that bitch ran away. She kept talking about you and Karla, that she was confused and she simply decided to go.

- And why didn't you stop her? 

- I'm sorry, Lulu, but I was way drunker than her. 

- That's what I thought... 

- Did you see her in "Imperium" yesterday? 

- No, she didn't even showed up there. 

- Then relax, she must have gone home. 

- I don't know, Valentina doesn't seem normal this morning. 

- That's nerves, calm down. Is she in a bad mood? 

- No, she's in a great mood.

- Then better yet, take advantage and give somethin' somethin' to my friend, Miss Campos, if you know what I mean... - The woman spoke, laughing on the other side of the line. 

- Vero... Don't be inconvenient. 

- I'm being realistic. Sex solves everything. 

- Go back to sleep, the drink is still circulating in your bloodstream. 

Vero was silent for a few seconds and then spoke:

- You're right, I will. And Lulu, I'm sorry. 

- It's okay, Iglesias. Sleep tight.

I ended the call and took a deep breath, Vero wasn't to blame. She had helped me since the beginning when I told her everything, which surprised me a lot of course, after all Veronica Iglesias was none other than Valentina's best friend and she wouldn't win anything in return except the hatred of whom she loved so much: 

- Why don't you just open up to me, Luiza? What do you hide so much? - Vero asked staring at me. 

As much as I was afraid, Veronica Iglesias transmitted me trust. 

- It's nothing, Vero. 

- Luiza, I'm a lawyer, I know very well when someone is lying to me. 

I stared at the brown eyes of the woman in front of me, feeling a huge urge to unburden. The way Valentina had treated me that morning had hurt me in a way that I couldn't expect. 

- I love your stupid friend. - I whispered defeated. 

The brunette smiled widely. 

- That all of us already know, I just don't understand why you two aren't together. If Valentina takes too much time, I'll conquer you. 

- You know very well why, Vero. Liking you surely would be a lot easier. 

- I do? - She asked confused. 

- Yes, I'm just her secretary. And besides, I know very well how Valentina is confused. 

- Valentina is not the type of person who cares about that, Luiza. And what do you mean about Valentina's confused mind? 

I took a sip of the wine that was in my glass, staring at the woman who still looked at me in a curious way. I was afraid. 

- I know that Valentina dies of love for another woman. 

- Another woman?  

Yes, Karla. The stripper. 

Vero who drank her wine, choked on it in the exact moment she heard me. Her eyes were wide while she coughed uncontrollably. 

- God... 

- Calm down! - I whispered to the woman who attracted gazes from the customers around. 

- How do you know that? 

I smiled sarcastically. 

- I know everything that happens between them, Iglesias. 

- Valentina will want to die. - She spoke agonized. 

- I imagine so, and I don't really blame her. 

- But tell me, how do you know so much? That really was a secret until now. 

- You can't hide the secret of those who live it. 

- What do you mean by that? 

I smiled. 

-No, no... Wait a minute. You saw them?! 

- No! 


- I'm Karla Estrabao. 

For a split second Vero analyzed me, perhaps trying to process the information that I had just given her. And suddenly the woman let out a fun laugh. 

- Holy shit, Valentina was born facing the moon. What a lucky bitch! 

I laughed at her unexpected reaction. 

- Is that what you have to say to me after I just told you that I have a double life? 

- Luiza, it's not me that has to judge that but Valentina. I confess that for me it would be fucking luck, wow! Two hotties in one, could it be better? 

- I know, I'm afraid that she finds out. Vero, please, don't tell her.

 -Hey hey hey. - The woman interrupted me - I won't tell her anything, I promise. I know that Valentina is confused between the two, and wow, now that is kind of comical. What a dumb woman! - Vero said laughing. 

- Iglesias! - I said giving a small slap on her arm. 

- It's true, but whatever. I'll help you with all of that, ok? Let's make Valentina realize that you truly like her. 

I smiled at the brunette who stared at me relaxed. 

- Thank you, honestly. 

I opened my eyes noticing Valentina's gaze on me through the huge glass. When she noticed, she opened a loving smile and winked. Maybe everything was really good, the days just weren't being easy for me. I smiled back at the woman who then focused on her computer. The problem with Alexa hadn't yet been solved, Valentina had returned much earlier than I expected. I was still in constant danger of being discovered. But for how long would I be able to handle it all? Living in a minefield wasn't for everyone. Having two lives wasn't being hard until Valentina showed up in my life, of course.

And what if I told her? What if I simply unburdened with the woman who claimed to love me. Would she forgive me? 

I let out a puff of air, trying to make my body calm down. Lately the pressure of being Karla Luiza was driving me crazy. Maybe I was starting to need psychoanalysis to keep me sane.


The day was practically dragging on, Valentina hadn't left her office in any moment. She spent the entire morning locked there doing only God knows what. She remained serious at every instant, in the few words we exchanged her voice was cold and sharp. I wanted to understand her sudden change of mood, but it would be in vain. In that instant I got out of the elevator carrying a bunch of papers that I had gotten from Dinah for the balance of that month, when I saw Alexa walking towards Valentina's office. I ran in hope of reaching her, but it was in vain, Valentina's office door was opened by the viper. 

No, no, no.

I was lost. 

I walked from one side to the other, feeling my heart want to leave through my mouth. Can you understand? The feeling of being discovered for something serious? Something that you fought with every strength to hide. And it was that that was happening in this exact moment. My hands were sweating, my body was trembling, maybe I would get sick and die right there with such nervousness that consumed me. I closed my eyes, asking God that all of this was just a nightmare, when my phone rang stridently . 

I grabbed the small device, hearing the voice from the other side of the line.

- Miss Campos, come to my office now. 

Valentina's POV

It didn't take long for Luiza to enter my office slowly, she had a lost gaze, nervous and laden with fear. What really bothered me, despite everything that was happening, is that I loved that woman like I had never loved another before. The brunette approached in a timid way, staring at us waiting for an answer or an order. 

- Yes, ma'am? - She asked walking to my side. 

- First I need you to remember to fire everyone, absolutely all the doormen of this building. They are a bunch of useless! I already ordered that I didn't want to see this woman inside here, and look at this! She is here! - I exclaimed pointing to Alexa who was staring at me with a tedious gaze.

- Yes, ma'am, I'll do that.

- Second, come here. Alexa is telling me that she needs to tell me something important and that she really needs your presence for that.

Luiza blinked several times, she was getting pale. But she just nodded and got closer. Alexa on the other hand walked graciously up to my desk, sitting right in front of me and staring at me with a disgusting and victorious gaze. I looked at Luiza that was by my side, her countenance was worried and tense. Her brown eyes were empty, causing certain discomfort in me. But that wasn't the right time to think about it. 

- So, Miss Campos is here. What do you have to tell me? - I asked Alexa. 

- You know what, I think I changed my mind, it's a private matter, Valentina, so ask your little secretary to leave. - She spoke arrogantly. 

- Are you kidding me, Ferrer? - I asked, staring at her serious.

- No, my love, of course not. But I think it's better to be just you and I. 

- Miss Campos is of pure trust, whatever it is you can say in front of her.

- If I were you I wouldn't trust her so much.

Her malicious and perverse tone disgusted me. Alexa knew everything, and that was clear, it was plastered on her countenance how much she was feeling victorious in wanting to expose Luiza in front of me, and destroy everything she and I had.

- But I do. Completely. - I cut in quickly.

- Fine, Albuquerque. What I have to tell you won't please you very much, I hope you are really ready.

- Just go straight to the point, Alexa, tell me. 

Alexa smiled sarcastically and stared me in the eyes, to then cast an arrogant gaze at Luiza.

- I know you two are having an affair. Typical, isn't it? Boss and secretary? - She started. 

- I don't see where you fit in if I am having or not an affair with Luiza. 

- You shouldn't have an affair with your employee, Valentina. 

- Alexa, you shouldn't come here and opinionate on my life as if you had the right for it. I do whatever the hell I want.

- Don't be silly, love, if I'm saying this is because I always wanted the best for you. And literally, that one there, is not the best.

- You are very much mistaken. Luiza is the best of women.

- That's nothing more than a stupid little crush. You need to see who truly cares, which in this case, it's me. I never wanted anything in return. 

- Only money, of course. - I cut her cheap bullshit. 

- You'll change your mind when you realize that I do everything for your well-being, even saving you from certain traps. 

- Save me? You are the first to screw me. - I let out with a cynical laugh.

- Me? No, you must be confusing me with that one. I'm here to open your eyes. 

- Valentina, I don't want to stay listening to what this snake has to say. - Luiza spoke. 

Alexa laughed and stood up. Walking closer to where Luiza was. 

- Are you afraid, Luiza? Afraid that she'll know everything? - The woman asked in front of me.

- Shut up! - Luiza practically growled. 

- You are nervous, right? You'll stay without winning your little money at night. - Alexa said unleashing her poison. 

To my surprise Luiza didn't shy away. She dropped her hand in a strong and sharp slap on Alexa's face, who stared at her with fury. 

- What do you think you are doing you little slut? - The woman spoke angrily, preparing to attack Luiza.

- Giving you what you deserve, you son of a bitch! - Seethed the angry woman. 

- Hey! You two, shut up! - I ordered.

They both stared at me with fulminating gazes.

- I won't shut up, you need to know the truth about this gold digger! - Shouted the woman with her hand on her face that was marked by the slap. 

Luiza narrowed her eyes, closing her hands in fists, preparing to fly at any moment in Alexa's neck.

- I won't allow you to speak like this about my woman. - I seethed loudly.

Alexa stared at me, letting out a booming laugh.

- Your woman? You won't want her to be your woman when you know what she does outside of here! 

- Valentina... - Luiza whispered getting closer. 

- Stay quiet, Miss Campos. 

- What do you mean by that? 

- Oh God, Albuquerque. She's been deceiving you all this time. 

Alexa's words in that instant could turn me against Luiza in the way that I really already was. Being fooled by the woman had hurt my ego in a deep and strong way. But I wouldn't do that to her, I wouldn't hurt her like that.

- Are you referring to the fact of her being a stripper? - I asked arrogantly, holding Luiza's small hand and bringing it to my lips, kissing it in an affectionate way.

I didn't need to look at Luiza to know that her expression was of complete surprise. Alexa narrowed her eyes staring at me without understanding absolutely anything. 

- Wait, you already...

I let out a loud laugh loaded with sarcasm, standing up from my desk slowly. 

- What did you think, Alexa? That you would come here and speak whatever you wanted about my woman and at the same time throw me against her?

- You can only be kidding me... - She smiled humorlessly.

Luiza didn't even utter a word, her gaze still was empty, confused. 

- I think you doubt my capability, Ferrer. 

- You are bluffing me! You didn't know anything! 

- I know everything, Alexa. I control absolutely everything around me, or have you forgotten? 

- I don't believe that you prefer to get involved with a whore! 

- Wash your mouth to speak about Luiza, unless you want her to leave the other side of your face marked. Right, baby? - I asked looking at Luiza.

Luiza smiled, she knew what I was doing.

- What did this woman do to you, Valentina?

- I did things that you never did. And that you never thought of doing. - Luiza spoke, assuming the power of her strongest personality, there was Karla. 

- You must be very happy, right? - Alexa asked angrily. 

- In seeing your face on the floor? Yes. Your little game didn't work, right? I'm sorry, but you have to accept that snakes like you don't have other choice but to crawl on the floor where I step.

Karla was good in that game, the damn woman knew exactly what to say. Her prepotent and arrogant air drove me crazy, and seeing those acts in Luiza was even better. 

- This won't stay like this, if you two think this is over, you are very much mistaken. - Alexa growled angrily to then leave.

Karla Luiza's POV

*(Play song)*

Alexa stormed out, slamming the door shut, making all the glasses in the office tremble. Now we were completely alone in that place, in an awkward silence. Valentina stood up from her chair and walked slowly to the beverage counter that was in her office. She looked divine that morning, she was wearing a black suit marked by chalk lines, her hair was tied in a very well made bun, leaving her face drawn by the Gods very tempting. On her feet black high heels with red soles. Two words described her: fucking sexy. 

- Until when did you thought that you would fool me, Luiza? Or should I call you Karla? - She asked turning in my direction. 

Her gaze was furious and perverse. Valentina savored her drink slowly, waiting for an answer.

- I never wanted to fool you. 

The woman curled her lips into a devilish smile, and walked towards the large window of her office. Her eyes locked in the rain and in the rays of lightning that were present on the outside. From there we could see a good part of Miami's gigantic buildings.

- No? So you are saying that all this theatre just happened? 

Her voice was soft and refined with a touch of raspiness that made my stomach freeze.

- I know that it's hard to believe now. - I spoke approaching her - But yes, it just happened. 

She turned towards me, arching an eyebrow. In that instant there wasn't a single drop of mercy in that woman, her eyes conveyed anger and arrogance. I was sweating cold, my heart was beating uncontrollably in my chest. 

- It happened... - She said walking around me. 

- I know that you are hating me now, but Valentina, I never wanted to deceive you. - I whispered to the woman in hopes that she believed.

She shook her head in disapproval. 

- You didn't plan to deceive me? Make me an idiot? - She growled angrily in my direction.

- No, I swear. Valentina... 

- Until when would you take this lie? Until when would you manipulate me by being two people? - Her voice tone was furious. 

- I was going to tell you! - God, I felt like crying, but I couldn't.

- When? When everyone knew?

- No, please, understand me. - I let out almost desperately. 

- Understand you? - She asked with a sarcastic laugh - You want me to understand that you pretend to be two people?

- I don't pretend. I am. I am both of them!

She rolled her eyes. 

- Oh God, you are sick! Have you sought for a psychoanalyst? You must have some multiple personality disorder.

- You are offending me! - I snapped at the woman.

- I am being realistic with you, Luiza!

I could see the veins in her neck pop out, her pallidness being pushed away by the redness of anger in her face.

- You don't understand. I couldn't tell you! What did you want me to do? You met Karla first, and then Luiza.

- Oh my God, how can you speak in such a calm way? 

- There's no other way to speak. I am being honest now!

 Valentina glared at her eyes and approached me abruptly. 

- Honest is the last thing that you can be. You are nothing but a fake, liar and dissimulated woman!

Valentina spat every word at me with hatred. 

- And you an arrogant, prepotent and naughty!

The woman narrowed her eyes not believing in what I had said. 

-Excuse me?

It was time, I couldn't let her speak to me like that. If Valentina Albuquerque thought that she would leave me on the floor, she was very much mistaken. She couldn't forget that inside me Karla still reigned.

- Exactly what you heard. I'm not the only one who wronged here. - I walked away from her - Don't play the saint or the victim. After all, until very recently you were involved with two women. And you still wanted to play the faithful.

Valentina seemed to not believe in my arrogant pose. 

- Don't try to turn the tables, Karla! Or do you prefer me to call you Luiza? I honestly don't know. - She let out in a cynical way. 

I smiled at the woman who stared at me furiously, and I approached her. 

- You can call me Karla Luiza.

I spoke with a wide smile, letting out a little wink at Valentina who stared at me incredulous.

- I should end your life. - She said angrily. 

- Then end it, end it now. 

Our gazes remained fixed for long seconds, in a furious battle of wounded egos. It could be madness, but I crazily desired that woman now, I wanted her. I wanted her body possessing mine in every possible way, with anger and arousal. Her green irises were dark and devilish, her lips parted in a slight mismatch breath. Valentina backed away, drinking at once the liquid in her glass.

- And get my hands dirty with you? Never. 

She was losing control. Bingo.

I smiled boldly, and walked slowly around her desk, sliding two of my fingers on the thin wood that it was made of. 

- I understand that your ego is hurt, that for a woman like you this must be a difficult situation.

- A woman like me? - She asked staring at me confused. 

- Yes, arrogant, prepotent and self-centered. - I said in a cynical way, walking again in her direction. 

Valentina exuded power and anger. And I confess that that was starting to drive me crazy. I kept my self-control, but I didn't guarantee its persistence till the end of that dangerous game.

- You don't know with whom you are messing with, Campos. - She spoke darkly. 

I smiled cynically. 

- Valentina... Admit to yourself that this made your life easier. I am the two sides of the coin that you always wanted to possess. - I practically whispered those words when I circled her body.

I could see Valentina's jaw clench in fury. If there was one thing that that woman hated, it was to be wrong. 

- From where did you get that, Miss Campos? - She asked sarcastically.

I walked slowly to her front, staying a few centimeters away from that fucking amazing body.

- From the way that you possessed me, from the way that you look at me. And from the crazy way you desire me. 

A kind of heavy and hot aura spread in that office. A purely sexual vibe in our gazes. Valentina who was staring into my eyes, lowered her eyes to my mouth and then to the valley of my breasts. Making me smile victorious. 

- See? I am always right.

Valentina breathed deeply several times, I knew that she was in an internal fight in that moment. 

- You are a... - She began to speak, letting the sentence die in her delicious lips before finishing.  

I smiled and walked in the opposite direction from where she was. 

- A what, Valentina? - I teased.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard.

- I am indeed a stripper. I am Karla Luiza Campos Estrabao.

And as if that was the last drop of water for Valentina to overflow, the woman walked towards me quickly grabbing my body harshly against hers. I took a few clumsy steps back until I felt the woman collide my body against the concrete wall. 

- I'm going to teach you to not play with me, Karla Luiza! - She growled angrily in front of my face. 

Valentina took my mouth in a kiss that made the lips hurt. Her hands grabbed my hair preventing me to stop her rough act. I bit her tongue that aggressively entered my mouth, and then her lower lip. I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth, but she didn't stop. Our kiss was desperate and angry.

I found myself being pinned hard against the wall by Valentina's body that roared in hate. The woman's hands started to trail down my waist, snaking inside my skirt until finding the part of my ass that was exposed by the black lace panties. Valentina's aggressive kisses went down to my neck where she licked, sucked and bit down hard.

- Son of a bitch! That hurts! - I growled at her, grabbing her hair roughly, taking it out of the bun, and it fell like a beautiful waterfall on her back. She looked way more sexy in that way. 

- Shut your damn mouth, Luiza! - She whispered.

I closed my eyes, sliding my hands down Valentina's body, bringing it closer to mine. Her hands were bold and skillful, touching on every little detail of my body. 

Valentina lifted my skirt up to my waist quickly, grabbing my thighs with strength to raise me from the ground. I wrapped her waist with my legs, making the woman guide me to her desk in the center of the huge office. Our tongues moved in a rough and delicious sync. I felt my body hot, on fire. 

- I'm going to fuck you so hard, Karla, until you can't take it anymore. - Valentina spoke panting.

Her hands went towards my thin silk blouse, pulling it open in such an aggressive way that the buttons ripped out. Valentina was lost in a colossal desire. With speed the woman kissed my neck, sucking its pulsating veins, sending an intense pressure to my womb, while her hands snaked back inside my skirt. 

- I doubt it! I doubt you can! - I teased her, taking the formal blouse off her body. 

Valentina stared at me panting, with her perverse emeralds.

- You shouldn't have said that. - She whispered hoarsely.

Her authoritarian voice tone left me so aroused that my eyes closed. God, her scent was amazing. Her body radiated desire and heat, increasing even more the desire that I had for that woman. With one of her hands Valentina pulled me by the neck and took my mouth in a rough and obscene kiss. The woman then pulled me making me come down from the desk, turning me on my back.

Valentina grabbed me from behind, distributing bites on my neck, bringing that so familiar dampness in my center. Her hands tore my bra harshly, to then massage my breasts in a rough way. 

- You shouldn't doubt me. I'm not those imbeciles that drool over you on that stage.

She whispered in my ear as she slid her tongue on my earlobe in a provocative and bold way, ending with a light bite. 

- You also watched me there, Albuquerque. - I teased.

Valentina squeezed both my breasts tightly, making me bite my lip as to withhold the moan that wanted to escape.

- Yes, I watched you and I got what I wanted. I know that I was the only one to get your body, Karla. 

I closed my eyes when I felt her fingers tugging hard on my nipples, causing a pleasurable little pain.

- Oh, God. - I moaned weakly.

- Am I lying? Huh?

She asked as she started to trail down kisses on my back, sliding her tongue down the line of my spine slowly, until reaching the hem of my skirt in which she quickly and roughly pulled down, letting the expensive fabric fall to the floor.

- Tell me, am I lying?! - She growled, giving a strong spank on my ass.

- Oh fuck! No! 

I moaned in surprise, palming my hands on the desk in front of me. 

- You have a fucking ass that's so voluptuous, how could I not notice such resemblance?

I closed my eyes expecting another spank, but I felt her wet lips sliding over the same spot where she had spanked, while her skillful fingers slid through the thin fabric of my panties, rubbing slowly but with a delicious pressure. Valentina stood up and leaned my body forward, sliding the palm of her hand up my back. I was practically bent over the huge desk, fully surrendered to the woman behind me. Wearing only the small panties and the high heels on my feet.

- Stay quiet if you don't want to be spanked again.

Valentina started kissing my neck again, going down my shoulders and back, while her hands made a light caress on my completely soaked wet center. 

- I hate you! - I whispered angrily.

- I told you to stay quiet, Karla! - She ordered spanking my ass again. 

I closed my eyes, squeezing my fingers on the edge of the desk, making the knuckles become pale. Valentina kneeled behind me and slowly brought her fingers to the string of my panties, lowering it to my feet. I could feel her warm breath in contact with my center. I just closed my eyes when I felt her tongue touching the wet flesh of my sex.

- Oh fuck! - I moaned loudly. 

Valentina sucked me angrily, her tongue moved frantically and intensely on my bundle of nerves. Her hands went up and down my thighs, scratching her nails on them while her tongue moved on me, maddening me. Slightly panting, I passed my tongue over my dry lips. I moaned with her actions, an indescribable pleasure took over my body, making me rock against the lively tongue of the woman that sucked me. 

- Suck! That... Oh suck harder! Valentina! - I moaned hearing the noise of the sucking in my ears.

I slid my hands on the desk, knocking over some objects that fell to the floor. And the woman continued, the orgasm was building in my womb and she knew it. My whole body started to tremble when she gave me one single violent suck, throwing me off a cliff called climax. I moaned wildly, rocking my body hard against Valentina's hungry lips that didn't stop. I was cuming so hard that I could feel my body weaken. 

Valentina quickly stood up, sliding her hands again down my naked back, giving me one, two, three spanks on my ass. To then right away plunge at once two fingers inside me.

- This is for you to learn that with me you don't play! - Her raspy voice filled my ears.

- Holy shit! Hmmm... - I let out too loud. 

Valentina's fingers pumped hard in and out of my body in strong and violent thrusts. She knew exactly how to make me go crazy, and as if she thought it was not enough, the woman plunged one more finger.

- Tell me! Has anyone ever fucked you like this, Campos? Tell me!

I closed my eyes opening my mouth in a perfect "O" as her fingers moved fast and rough inside me.

- No! No, Valentina... Oh God! Fuck me!

I felt the beads of sweat running down my body while Valentina fucked me hard. I could no longer think about anything except the intense pleasure that that damn woman was providing me with. Valentina invaded me without pity or mercy. Taking out all of her anger on me for having deceived her.

- I'm go...gonna cum. Fuck, I won't stand it any longer. 

I felt my whole body tremble, sending intense vibrations to my core that exploded in a violent cum. I rocked my body against Valentina's thrusts until I couldn't take it anymore. The woman slowly pulled her fingers out of me, turning my body to face hers.

- Suck them. - She ordered, showing me her fingers to suck on. And so I did in the most bold way I could.

The expression of pleasure that Valentina made as she watched me suck her fingers in a bold way was simply priceless. The woman bit her lip slowly when I slid my tongue between the two fingers that were in my mouth in a constant and provocative movement. 

- You are my ruin.

Valentina grabbed my waist, forcing me to sit on the desk again. I quickly pulled her face close to mine, sucking her tongue in a bold way while her hands squeezed my waist tightly. 

- I want more... I want more, Valentina, but now of your body. - I begged in a whisper, removing every piece of clothing that still remained in her body. 

Her almost black gaze stared at me with so much desire that I could cum again at any moment. The woman's hands in a rough action pulled me closer to her, opening my legs against her body. It could be shameful how I was fully showing to that woman, but I wouldn't allow myself to feel shame with Valentina. She simply dragged her hands across her desk, throwing everything to the ground. To then fully lay down my body there. 

For a split second I noticed her glare on me. Then I saw her crawl over my body on top of her huge desk. Valentina took my lips in an intense kiss and laden with arousal. I could feel her sweaty body and her heavily mismatch breath against my lips. 

- Let me suck you. Let me make you cum in my mouth, Albuquerque. 

- I hate you, Karla Luiza.

I smiled, switching our positions on the table, now she was fully lying down on the wooden desk. I stared at her body for a few seconds when slowly I started to distribute kisses all over it. And like her, I wouldn't go easy, I would give a beautiful and pleasurable payback. 

Valentina moaned angrily when she felt a strong bite on her right nipple. 

- Fuck, Luiza!

- Shush. My turn. - I whispered sensually.

I slid my tongue slowly over the pinky areola around her nipple, sucking it sometimes slowly sometimes fast. Valentina sat up on her elbows, staring at me in agony. I stared at her eyes that would choke me if it were possible, and I just smiled with one of her breasts between my lips while my fingers masturbated her skillfully. 

- Suck on it hard! - She growled holding on my hair. 

And I simply obeyed her. I sucked, licked and bit hard on Valentina's breasts that got extremely sensitive when I finished. I wanted to leave her completely marked like she had done with me. And in a swift move I sat on Valentina's lap, grabbing both of her breasts with my hands and started to grind on her, causing a delicious friction of our centers. 

Valentina closed her eyes tightly, I could see the beads of sweat running down her neck that was drawn with the veins that pulsated at every instant. I moved my hair to only one side, preventing it from falling on her perfectly drawn face, and then I started grinding harder on Valentina's wet center

- God! Go faster. - She ordered almost in desperation, bringing her hands to my waist, impulsing my body back and forth nonstop. 

The objects that were still on Valentina's desk began to fall to the ground with the strong movements on top of the desk. In the background the lightnings made the flash illuminate the office. I squeezed Valentina's breasts tightly, pinching her hard and sensitive nipples.

My center rubbed on hers so hard that I wouldn't last for much longer. But I wouldn't give up until I make her cum on that desk. I supported myself on the desk, placing my hands in each side of her head to go faster.

- That! Fuck me, Karla, hard!

Her breathing was heavy, and it mingled with her sometimes sharp moans and sometimes raspy moans. 

- God, I'm gonna cum, don't stop!

I didn't stop, I rubbed myself on Valentina's sweaty and thirsty body until I felt the woman writhe under me. She bucked her hips up in search of a stronger contact, her whole body trembled in a mind-blowing orgasm. When I quickly got down from the top of the desk, standing up to suck the warm liquid that her sex emanated.

- You want to kill me! - She shouted.

When I slid my tongue on her clit slowly, I felt her it throb against my tongue, and I loved the feeling. Valentina sat up fully open to me, holding on my hair with want, forcing my head against her soaked wet center.

- Suck it, fuck, Luiza, like that! - Shouted the woman, rubbing her center against my lips relentlessly.

And so I did, I licked her wet center like a feline, sliding slowly two fingers to her completely inviting entrance. Valentina arched her body, moaning with such desire, almost making me cum only by seeing her with such pleasure. Now I fucked that woman in two ways.

Her breathing was hard and heavy. I could hear the dirty words coming out of her mouth, further increasing the arousal of fucking her until tiredness. If she thought that only she could command, Valentina was very much mistaken.

I had Karla inside of me, and with her things weren't that easy.


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