Chap 41 - To lie, yes or no?

Luiza's POV

I closed my eyes feeling Valentina's daring lips slid on my neck, to then feel her teeth dig slowly on my skin. I let out a deep breath of air, squeezing my legs to not worsen our situation. But she was at a thousand, Valentina was now on top of me, kissing my mouth as if the world was going to end, her right hand went down to my thigh, flexing it so that the woman could fit between my legs. It was too early, about 6:33AM to be more exact. We had just woken up and decided to say goodbye to go to work. 

Last night, after the picnic Valentina decided to take us bowling. She was destined to make Sofi's day wonderful. And it really was, we had a lot of fun while bowling, and I of course was the champion among them. Sofi stayed somewhat angry, and Valentina just gave the idea for us to go eat a good sandwich which made Sofi instantly happy again. We talked and joked for a few more hours until we returned to my apartment. With my sweet ways I was able to convince Valentina to stay and sleep with me, Sofi was in Dinah's bedroom, according to her Dinah's bed was more comfortable. Valentina obviously slept with me, and behaved well after I threatened her three times. The sex strike was making my girlfriend completely crazy, and me too. 

- Valentina...

She didn't even listen to me, she sucked my earlobe which made me gasp. Damn her. Her hands roamed up and down my body, scratching lightly, causing a very delicious arousal. I brought my hands to her hair, pulling her face towards mine. Valentina captured my lips in a few seconds, sucking them hard. We were groping each other madly on the couch of my apartment. That was not the initial plan, the woman said that she just wanted some caresses and now look at us. 

- Someone might see us, Sofi is sleeping and she could wake up. - I whispered when she descended with the kisses to my chest.

- You just got to be quiet, baby. - Valentina whispered sliding her tongue on my skin. 

Dammit, she was maddening me. Her heavy and warm breathing against my skin made me want to give up on the damn strike that I imposed.

- The s... strike! 

- Forget about the strike, okay? 

Valentina sat on the couch, pulling my body with certain force towards hers. Making me straddle her lap. Her hands rested on my thighs where she squeezed tightly. I sighed and brought my hands to her neck, lacing my fingers between the strands of her hair. She stared at me and smirked. I shook my head and kissed her.

In the beginning the kiss was just a lip contact, Valentina slid the tip of her tongue over my lower lip real slow, indicating what she wanted and I allowed it. Feeling her tongue snaking over mine devilishly. I sighed with the contact, and sucked with want. I felt her skillful hands snaking inside my blouse, sliding her slender fingers up my back. I closed my eyes when she disconnected our mouths and trailed with the kisses down to my neck stopping on my pulse point where she sucked, fuck. That would leave a mark. I dug my nails on her shoulder, and that only impulsed her to continue.

With speed Valentina brought her hands to the button of the shorts I was wearing, unbuttoning it so fast that I didn't even notice until she started to pull it down. Our breaths were heavy and mismatch, I leaned back, receiving desperate kisses on my breasts, even above the thin blouse that was turning me on. Valentina slid her tongue right on top of my nipple, while her hands rubbed my center hard over the thick fabric of my denim shorts. 

"God, I need more!" - I exclaimed in thought. 

I squeezed my fingers on her hair, and that clearly showed her that I was surrendering myself, because the damn woman let out a cynical laugh accompanied by a mischievous gaze.

- If you knew how freakin' hot you are, Miss Campos...

I bit my lip hard, I almost didn't hear much, the rubbing of her hand over my shorts was maddening me, and leaving me visibly altered. The lack of a stronger contact left me irritated.

- Take this fucking shorts off my body! - I ordered.

And when Valentina started to pull them down hard, the door of the living room opened quickly, startling us to the point of me practically jump out of her lap, and falling on the floor.

- Lu! - Valentina looked at me scared

And I thrown on the floor stared at her. Valentina stood up and extended her hand to me, helping me get up. I stood up quickly, and faced Ally and Dinah that stared at us mischievously. I straightened my clothes quickly and so did Valentina. 

- We didn't see anything, girls, relax! - Ally said walking with her hand covering her eyes.

- Oh yes we saw, oh we did! - Dinah spoke mischievously. 

Valentina cleared her throat and I stared at Dinah with wide eyes.

- Dinah! - Ally nudged her. 

- What? Ally, they were almost eating each other on our couch.

Dinah tried to whisper, louder than she should. I stared at Valentina that was somewhat reddish, I just didn't know if it was of embarrassment or arousal.

- Shut up, Dinah! - Ally nudged Dinah who grumbled.

We stayed in silence for a few awkward seconds.

- Well, Lu, I'm going now. I need... - Valentina put her hand on her left temple confused - To go home.

I bit my lip and smiled awkwardly.

- Okay, baby, I'll see you later at the company.

Valentina nodded and approached me stealing a quick kiss. To then let me go and stare at the girls standing near the door. The two smiled and Valentina opened a shy smile to then walk to the exit.

- Good Morning, ladies. 

- Good Morning, Miss Albuquerque. - Ally said. 

- Good Morning, Valentina! - Dinah said waving at Valentina that left the apartment. 

As soon as the door closed Ally stared at Dinah. 

- Valentina? Are you that intimate with her?

- What? Obvious! Honey, she was almost having sex with Lulu on my couch, if I can't call her by her first name, I won't allow these naughty things here. 

Ally let out an amused laugh and walked to the kitchen.

- And you, young lady?! Don't you have a bedroom, huh? - Dinah approached me with a mischievous look.

I sighed and shrugged. 

- Sofi is sleeping in my bed. 

- And that's why you were having sex on the couch? 

- We weren't having sex! Valentina is still grounded. - I spoke buttoning my shorts. 

- It looked like you were! - Ally spoke before drinking water. 

- You were about to, right? All up on each other, my dear. You were straddling her! You weren't going to last long. 

- I'm strong, Dinah, Valentina needs this punishment. 

- Until when? Aren't you afraid that she'll go after someone else?

- Valentina loves Lulu, Dinah! - Ally said calmly. 

- That's right, she loves me! 

- She really seems to love, seeing the boss so loose like this is even weird, she was so serious. 

- To me she still is. - The smaller one shrugged. 

- Valentina is very affectionate. 

I sat next to Ally who smiled at me.

- Really? She seems to be one of those cold and rude women who love sadomasochism. Like a more badass and feminine version of Christian Grey.

- Jesus, Dinah's right. 

- But she's not! Not always, she's affectionate and bold. She knows how to use both sides at the right time.

- Lulu gets all silly talking about Valentina! - Ally said hugging me.

- Love, my dears, invading this house. 

- Maybe. - I said smiling - But tell me, where were you two that only arrived now? Sit here, Dinah! - I spoke patting the padded of the couch. 

- We were at Ally's grandmother's house, it was her birthday yesterday. And I'm not sitting there, it's probably wet with you know what... 

- Mercy, it's wet? - Ally jumped off the couch, making me laugh. 

- Yes! It's wet with their cum. 

- Of course not! Dinah, shut up! - I threw a pillow at her. 

- Shocked in Christ! Lulu, take care of cleaning this couch now! - The smaller one said walking towards her bedroom. 

Dinah let out a loud laugh and threw herself on the couch next to me. 

- Don't you get tired of annoying her like this?! - I spoke making a light caress on Dinah'shair, she was with her head on my lap.

- I love this holy way of Ally, Lulu. We are the perfect trio.

- Quartet! Normani said that she'll leave her apartment to come live with us.

- Really? It will be good to have her here. 

- You two could also have fun on this couch, don't you think? - I spoke suggestively.

- What? When you fell from Valentina's lap did you hit your head on the floor? I'm straight, my love.

I let out a laugh.

- Until you try the other side, honey, trust me. Normani is beautiful and you could very well try the colorful side of life. 

I got up from the couch leaving Dinah thrown there.

- Lulu, that's lack of sex, you know? Go have sex, it's affecting your head.

I heard her shout from the living room, and I just laughed. I walked towards my bedroom seeing Sofi asleep in bed. God, I still had to take her home before Sinu returns.


- I don't want to go home, Kaki! 

That sentence was repeated dozens of times since we left my apartment. Sofi was practically trying to jump out of the car and go back to my apartment. 

- Sofi, that was the deal remember? 

- But I don't want to! It's boring to stay there. 

I sighed seeing the girl with her arms crossed on the passenger seat. 

- I'll visit you more often, ok? I promise. 

The little one looked at me sad and sighed. 

- Don't make that face, you know that I don't have a choice. If it were up to me you would be living with me.

- And why can't I live with you and Valentina?

- You want to live with us?

- Of course! It would be so much fun! - She spoke excitedly.

- Don't think that it would always be this party, young lady. Both Valentina and I work a lot! 

- I know, Kaki. But I feel very happy when I'm with you two.

I was with all my attention on the road, but in this instant I gave a quick look at Sofi who looked thoughtful. 

- Aren't you happy with your parents? 

- Our parents. - She corrected in a quick and intelligent way for a child - Sometimes, they fight a lot. And mom has been acting weird lately.

- Weird how?

- I don't know how to explain, Kaki, sometimes she looks weak, the other day she fell in the kitchen out of nowhere. 

- Do you know if she's sick?

- I asked dad, but he said she was fine. That she just hasn't been eating well.

I sighed thoughtfully, despite everything I felt a little weird to think that she wasn't well. Sinu was always a loving mother, until Alejandro entered a lost world. Perhaps he's to blame for everything having gone wrong for us.

- Hmm, he's been staying there?

- Yes, sometimes he stays away for about three days, but then he comes back home. Lastweek he returned pretty hurt, he said that he was assaulted by burglars.

"Lie." - I thought quickly.

- Other than that, there's nothing else weird there? No one different? 

Sofi thought for a few instants and then said: 

- Just a man that has been visiting us. He seems pretty angry when he goes there, he always asks for dad. But dad never talks to him, he always tells us to say that he's not home. 

- I don't want you near that man, ok? Open your eyes and be careful, and anything call me, Sofi.

- Okay, Kaki, relax.

I opened a weak smile, stopping the car in front of Madalena's house. 

- We arrived.

Sofi looked out the window at the house and then looked at me.

- Don't worry, I'll visit you more often. And I guarantee you that I'm working on something very cool for you.

- What? - She asked curiously. 

- It's a secret, but you'll love it

- Give me at least one clue, Kaki! - She jumped in the car seat, making me laugh. 

- It has to do with you, Valentina and me. 

- Oh my God! If it's what I'm thinking!-In what are you thinking, shorty? 

- Are you gonna take me to live with you two? 

- Who knows... - I shrugged and she looked at me even more excited than normal - But that's a secret, ok? You can't tell anyone, or everything can go wrong. 

- I won't tell, Kaki! I promise.

Sofi spoke with one of her hands raised as if it was an oath.

- Perfect, now go. And remember, call me anytime you need something. I'll miss you, Sofi. 

- I'll miss you too, Kaki, send a kiss to Valen, and tell her that we'll buy our puppy next time! 

I smiled and deposited a kiss on Sofi's cheek, and then she hugged me tight. It was always hard saying goodbye, I wanted to be able to live with my sister every day, but I still didn't have a choice. The little one let go of me and smiled, to then open the car door and leave towards Madalena's house. I stayed waiting until I saw her entering the house. And only then I left.


- I'll wait for you there.

- And what if I don't go? - Valentina asked irritated.

- I'll be very upset with you, and the strike will last longer. 

The woman huffed, and crossed her arms. And I slowly approached. She was leaning against her desk, staring at me with that pair of intense green eyes. I slowly ran my fingers over the collar of her formal and perfectly feminine blouse, I loved Valentina with them. They made her sexy and serious.

- Don't make that face, baby

Valentina sighed, and wrapped my waist with her arms. The office door was locked, and the shutters prevented any person on the other side to see what we were doing. Lately, the office was always like this. 

- I'm jealous, Lu, you stay half naked for those people.

- You liked it. - I said smiling, touching Valentina's nose with the tip of my index finger.

- I liked it when I was trying to conquer you, now I have Karla Luiza for myself, I don't want to share with anyone.

- And you don't share, I'm yours. 

- Mine. 

I smiled and sealed my lips on hers, feeling her mouth move slowly over mine. 

- I'll dance and you'll watch me. And then we'll leave, deal? 

- Do I have a choice? - She asked. 

I shook my head and smiled. 

- Be nice, Valentina, tomorrow you'll stay away from me. 

- I will? 

She frowned confused. 

- Of course, or have you already forgotten that tomorrow is the award show? Business Award USA? 

Valentina arched her eyebrows as if she had just remembered. 

- Are you sure that you don't want to go with me? 

- I don't think it's appropriate for me to go with you. 

- I am entitled to take whoever I want. 

- Valentina...

- You are coming with me, or I'm not going to "Imperium" today.

- Blackmailer!

- No, clever, baby!

- I don't have clothes for that type of event. - I said getting out of her arms, giving any excuse to not go. 

I stared at Valentina who smiled. 

- Valentina, I can't go with you, it's still not the time for everyone to know. You are a public figure, everyone wants to know about your life.

- I don't want to hide forever what we have, Luiza. 

- Me neither, but wait a little, ok? 

She sighed defeated and nodded.


After some more time insisting, Valentina accepted to see me in "Imperium". According to her, it was better to be close seeing everything than being away imagining. I laughed at the time because of her jealous mind, Valentina could be somewhat possessive. Ok, somewhat is modesty, very would be the most appropriate word. But I liked her like this, the mix of personalities she carried was the perfect set of a woman. At least in my opinion.

- Your admirer doesn't leave you alone even after starting dating you, huh? - Normani asked smiling as she entered my dressing room.

I let out a soft laugh, but continued putting on makeup.

- She came almost forced today, Mani. 

- Really?

The brunette asked sitting next to me, Normani looked wonderful as always. Dressed as a sexy cop, with a super short uniform and everything. 

- Yes, Valentina is very jealous. She doesn't like to share me.

- And she's right, Lulu, no one would. 

- I know, sometimes I think that imposing this on her is wrong, you know? - I sighed putting the eyeliner on the counter - But leaving Candece doesn't feel right, she was always so good to me.

- Yes, we know. But I think that you gave great profits to the club. You already paid that debt you think you have. 

- You think?

- Of course, Luiza! You can't work for the rest of your life for her, Candece is not your owner. That would be exploration, she's not a saint either. She's been acting very weird these days.

I squinted my eyes, and Normani shrugged. 

- What happened?

- I think that she's getting involved with a woman, who has a bitch face.

I widened my eyes shocked, I didn't know that Candece got involved with women, until this very moment I believed in her heterosexuality.

- Are you for real?

Normani let out a laugh. 

- It's not just you that walks through this colorful world, Lulu! 

- I'm really surprised, do you know her name? 

Normani shook her head as she fixed her black hair that now was short. The woman always had a great easiness to change hairstyle, and she always looked beautiful with all.

- I don't know, it's an endless mystery. They meet, talk and do only God knows what. But she never says anything, I didn't like the woman, you know? She has a mean face.

- You can't talk like that about your future employer, Mani. 

- Oh no, God forbid. Don't even say that.

I let out a laugh at her who stood up.

- Who knows if my future employer won't be you one day, huh?

- Mani, you drank too much. Valentina doesn't want me inside here, did you forget? Aside from that I'd never be able to be the owner of this place. 

- We can't underestimate the future that awaits us, Karla! Now get up, put on your mask because it's show time.

In a jolt I stood up from the armchair and turned to face the mirror, that night my outfit was pure leather, a sort of corset that modeled itself perfectly well on my curves. My legs were covered with a garter belt, and on my feet high heels. My hair was tied in a well made bun, and there was only one thing missing to complete everything. My mask.

I walked out of the dressing room to the back of the stage, behind the huge red curtain. I took a deep breath already hearing the loud noise of the people on the other side. I was already more than used to perform, and yet I still felt certain fear in this moment. But knowing that Valentina would be there made me calmer. I danced a lot better when I focused solely on her. Her reactions incited me to tease, and transpire sensuality from every pore of my body. She was the source that induced me to be Karla like I had never been before.

I flexed my legs and arms warming up before I started. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to only listen to everyone out there. The sound of loud laughter, conversations and music took me out of Luiza's world. I took a deep breath for the last time before the curtains opened and my music started playing, I opened my eyes and through the black mask I faced the bustling crowd and just smiled, smiled mischievously. 

In slow and perfectly calculated steps I walked to the center of the stage, stopping a little ahead of the pole. Being aware of the looks lost in lust on me. I smirked, and walked around the pole, while unbuttoning the black coat I was wearing. I let my eyes wander through the crowd in search of her. I circled the pole one last time and stopped in front of everyone, when automatically my eyes landed on her. Valentina was there, sitting right in the middle with a smirk on her lips, as soon as she noticed that I was staring at her, she raised her glass of Whiskey and winked.

I bit my lip and smiled, slowly taking off the coat so that everyone, or rather, she could enjoy every bit of what she would see. I moved my body slowly from one side to the other according to the rhythm that the music dictated. And when the coat fell completely to the ground, the euphoria began. The men in the front row let out words of lust and desire. But I didn't even listen, I was too focused on Valentina, who was watching me like the first time.

I turned my back to her, bringing my hand to the small object that tied my hair and pulled it out, releasing the wavy locks on my back. I knew how much she loved my hair that way, disheveled and wild. I turned my face to the side to have a partial view of Valentina that had her eyes focused on me as she took another sip of her drink. I smiled and started to move in a purely sensual way, swaying my hips slowly as my body lowered to the ground. 

- Oh my God, you can't be from this world.

A young man spoke, he looked to be about eighteen years old. His eyes were glazed on me and his expression was static. I swear that I felt like laughing, but this wasn't the time for that. I just continued, I stood up with my body that rubbed on the pole in which I was holding. In that instant I began the part of my choreography that involved the pole, and I confess that I loved this part. My body had a great easiness to move there, with both my hands I held the stainless bar and suspended my body from the ground, intertwining my legs to let my upper half loose. I stretched one arm slowly, and arched my head back, receiving stacks and more stacks of money. That was literally a rain of power. I moved my body, throwing my legs to the top of the pole, letting my body stay upside down. Slowly I lowered to the ground, walking around the stage with my eyes on her.

The bright emeralds remained connected on me, her expression of desire impulsed me to instigate more. I held on the pole and wiggled, but wiggled in the most provocative way I could, making me hear the screams of the people in the audience. 

- I'll marry you, sweetheart, sleep with me. 

- How much do you need? 

- Fucking hell, you are so hot! 

- You must be a beast in bed. 

An older man, with an exquisite appearance spoke after taking a long drag on his cigar, letting the smoke spread in the air. He stood up and approached me putting a stack of dollars in my garter belt letting out a quick wink. I, that was on the floor, stood up and smiled at him. And then I walked to the center of the stage, grabbing the stack of dollars and throwing it to the air. Seeing the bills spread in the air and fall slowly over me. I laid eyes on the man who was stunned and then on Valentina who let out an attractive laugh, I winked at her and threw a kiss. The music was already almost in the end, I continued the choreography accompanying the last beats, swaying towards my woman that was visibly loving all that, when in the last seconds I stood up and stared at everyone present there and behind Valentina, a little further back, I saw her.

Keana Marie stared at me with the lust that her eyes had for money and power.

And in that split second I could only think about one thing: 

"I'm fucked."

If Valentina noticed her presence there things would not be good at all. The stage light turned off and I walked quickly to the back, praying for Valentina to come after me.

- Dammit, dammit! - I exclaimed nervously. 

- What happened, Lulu? 

- I need Valentina to come see me, Mani, make her come here fast, please. 

Normani stared at me scared, but quickly nodded and left to go look for my woman. 

Since when Keana frequented "Imperium"? During all this time I never saw her here. I was always afraid of course, even though years ago I told her about my other life, but she never saw me as Karla Estrabao and she didn't even know that I worked here. I closed my eyes tightly, cussing heaven and earth for that. She stared at me with desire, and Candece was by her side smiling triumphantly.

"What the fuck was happening?" 

I walked towards my dressing room, putting on my coat quickly. I walked from one side to the other in nervousness. If for Valentina it was already hard to accept that I continued in the club, imagine if she saw Keana there... It would be the end. I took a deep breath until I saw the door open.

- Special visit to the dressing room? - Valentina asked smiling.

I sighed in relief, she was still the same. Which means that she didn't see anything.

- Of course, you are the only one that has this right.

Valentina smiled again and approached, pulling me slowly by the waist. Her eyes stared at me intensely, and I tried the best I could to remain calm. Having Keana inside "Imperium" was a danger that I wasn't willing to go through. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt the delicate lips of my woman on my neck, sliding in a provocative kiss. I stepped back three steps, until feeling the dresser behind me. Valentina snaked with her hands inside the coat that covered me, and I sighed.

- Is everything alright, Lu?

Her worried eyes stared at me closely. I blinked a few times trying to push away the more than evident nervousness. 

- Yes, I just want to leave. 

- Are you feeling ill? 

- A little, I don't know... 

- Then let's go, I'll take you with me. - She said worried. 

I nodded quickly, and Valentina backed away. She stayed walking through the dressing room while I packed my bag. 

- Have you already used all this? - She asked pointing to the rack of clothes. 

- Yes, all of them. 

She arched an eyebrow analyzing the tiny pieces, until someone walked in. 

- Oh, I'm sorry, Karla. - Normani said when she saw Valentina inside.

- It's okay, did something happen?

Normani stared at Valentina who smiled, and then looked at me as if she wanted to tell me something. 

- I think it's best if I wait for you in the car. Don't take too long. - Valentina spoke to then leave. 

- What happened?

- Candece is coming here with a woman to meet you.

- Tell her that I already left and that I can't...

I couldn't even finish the sentence because Candece walked into my dressing room next to Miss Issartel. I sighed fearfully and stared at Normani.

- Tell Valentina to wait for me in the car, I'll speak with Candece quickly.

Normani nodded and left the room.

- Here she is, Keana, my best dancer. - The blonde spoke as if she exhibited a trophy.

- Honestly, you are the best of all. It's a pleasure to meet you. - Issartel extended her hand to me in a polite greeting, but her gaze was of pure mischievousness.

- I do my best, that's all I can say. - I let out with a more husky tone so that she wouldn't recognize my voice

- Keana insisted in meeting you up close, Karla, I spoke wonders about you to her.

- I imagine. - I opened a cynical smile.

I was visibly bothered with all that, and even more nervous than before. If Valentina decided to come back and saw me here with both of them, I guarantee that the roof of this club would come crashing down.

- And she didn't exaggerate in anything, Karla. You are magnificent.

- I appreciate your visit, Miss Keana, but I really have to go now.

- Commitment with someone? You seem a bit rushed. - Candece asked - But I guarantee you that this someone won't mind waiting for you to talk a bit with our friend here.

- I have nothing to talk about. I'm sorry. - I spoke towards Keana - But I don't have contact with the club's customers, now excuse me. 

- I'll come to visit you more often, Karla.

I heard Keana say before I left my dressing room. I walked through the corridors until I left through the back door. It was cold outside, I rubbed my hands on my arms for warmth. The sound of my heels echoed between the buildings, until I heard the low music coming from Valentina's car. She was leaning against it with her arms crossed and staring at me with a beautiful and wide smile. Thank God and thanks to Normani the worst had been avoided, things with Valentina were getting back on track gradually and a new problem wouldn't help in anything. 

- Finally, Lu. - She said hugging me - Get in the car.

I obeyed in the same instant, and Valentina then ran to her side.

- Now you can reveal your secret identity. - She whispered to me pretending to be a secret. 

I smiled at her and kissed her. To then remove my mask.

- Oh God, I've seen you before!

- Stop! Don't be silly, Albuquerque, let's go. You still have a flight to catch tonight, remember?

Valentina sighed defeated and nodded. 

The drive to my house was made in full silence, my head teemed with the idea of Keana in the club. What if she had recognized me? No, no. Keana never even saw me like that, and since our time together I had changed a lot, my body now didn't even compare to the one I had before. Her observer and thorough gaze had left me intrigued, but what really worried me was her promise to return.

- Did something happen? - Valentina asked stopping the car in front of my building.

- Why?

- What do you mean "why"? You've been quiet the whole way, baby, and you've been acting weird since you finished dancing.

I didn't want to lie to Valentina, I really didn't want. But in that instant I had no choice. Between her knowing of her worst enemy's presence or not inside "Imperium", I would choose the second option. 

- I'm normal, Valentina. 

Her gaze on me was one of who didn't believe in absolutely anything. 

- I know you, what's worrying you? 

I shook my head and turned to her. 

- It's just some problems with Sofi, don't worry about it. 

She stared at me for a few seconds, searching the truth in my eyes that I took care of diverting from hers quickly. 

- I'll believe you, Luiza. 

I smiled weakly and approached her, and she enveloped me with her arms. It was at least comforting to be there in her arms. I didn't know what was to come for us, but I didn't have a good feeling. I loved Valentina, and the fear of losing her had grown stronger, I knew that she hated lies, and I had promised not to lie. But would it be worth it if it was for us? 

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