Luiza's POV
I came to the conclusion that I have some kind of colossal attraction to problems. Nothing can explain the fact that I'm always involved in one. When everything seems well, life takes care of throwing a pinch of emotion, or rather, confusion to give a bustling in the calm tide. I was late, the time set for the rehearsal had already ended and I wasn't even inside a taxi going towards Valentina's apartment, since hours ago I had scheduled with her that we would sleep together. God, all that I needed in this moment was to be in the arms of my woman.
- What do you think you're doing? - Keana asked quickly, holding my arm preventing me to follow my way.
- Let me go. - I snapped.
- Jesus, Luiza! Don't be stupid.
I frowned in her direction, the boldness of that woman. She rolled her eyes in a tedious way and pulled me again to a more remote and dark corner.
- Can you stop and think?
- I'm thinking very clearly! - I exclaimed angrily.
- No, you are not! Do you think I'll harm you?
I stopped for a few instants looking into her eyes, and despite her evident mischievousness and her different way, Keana wasn't a bad person. I knew her very well, I knew of all her quirks and her ways. I sighed heavily, letting my shoulders fall.
- Can't you understand that I don't want problems?
- You won't have problems if you do what I need. No one will know absolutely anything.
- I've already lied too much, Keana. How will I know that you are telling the truth?
- And? One more lie or one less lie doesn't make a difference. Shit! Why the hell would I lie? - She exclaimed backing away as she raised her hands up high.
I rolled my eyes and huffed.
- Of course it does, I'll not dance for you. I'll not lie to Valentina anymore.
- Valentina, Valentina, Valentina. - She said annoyed - Why does it seem that the world revolves around that woman?
- You know what? I know a way to solve this.
She turned towards me, with a confused look.
- What are you going to do?
I shrugged and turned towards the main hall, heading to Candece's office. I heard the woman call me in the background, but I didn't even give importance. I needed to put an end to that.
I knocked several times on Candece's door, feeling my heart race. I was decided in what I was going to do, however I was nervous enough to faint at any moment.
- What happened? What desperation is this?
Candece asked staring at me with widened and surprised eyes. I walked into her office hurriedly, standing with my back turned to the woman.
- Karla? - She called.
I took a deep breath, feeling the air enter with difficulty into my lungs. Making the decision I made and tell her wasn't an easy task. I was going against everything that happened over the years. But there wasn't any other way, the situation couldn't keep going like this.
- I need to tell you something very important.
Candece stayed in silence for a few seconds, giving me the chance to hear her breathing deeply. The woman slowly approached, in visibly calculated steps.
- First calm down, Karla, you seem nervous.
She said with all the calm, but I simply backed away. I didn't want to be calm, I didn't want to give up.
- I don't want to calm down, I'm fine! I just need to talk.
- You can talk, sweetie, you know that you can tell me anything. - She spoke in a caring and worried way.
I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened them I came across a worried Candece, fearful of what was to come. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and the cold in my stomach. It was time, Karla. It was your time.
- I want to leave "Imperium", Candece. I don't want to be a stripper anymore.
And it was as if the world had stopped. The blonde stood static for seconds, staring at me as if she hadn't understood absolutely anything. Her eyes conveyed confusion and a lost aura. She blinked a few times to then speak:
- What did you say? - She asked waking up from her thoughts.
I kept my head up and continued:
- I said that I don't want to be a stripper anymore, I don't want to dance in "Imperium" anymore.
Candece let out a loud laugh, without the slightest hint of humor.
- You are kidding, right? Karla, don't play with me like this. - She spoke still in a humorless laugh.
- I'm not kidding.
I remained serious, so that she understood that my decision wasn't some kind of unfounded joke. Candece frowned confused and shook her head more times than normal.
- You are going crazy, there's no other explanation.
- I'm not crazy, I just don't want to do it anymore. - I spoke calmly.
- What do you mean "you don't want to do it anymore"?
- I don't want to continue, it's simple.
- You don't want anymore for yourself? Or was it that woman that put this in your head? - Her voice tone now was high and ironic.
- Valentina has nothing to do with this! I just want to leave.
- Leave out of nowhere?! God, Karla!
- Yes!
If she knew everything that was going on in my mind, she would understand the reason for my exit. But it wasn't the right time for that.
- You will not leave. You are making a stupid mistake, and I won't allow it. - Candece spoke calmly, walking towards her big armchair.
- The choice is not yours, Candece. I'm not going to stay in this place anymore.
The woman stared at me intensely, and I could see her inhale heavily before speaking.
- Karla, darling, you are ending with the best chance you have. Are you sure that you want this? You are the best dancer of this place, no one else wins as many perks as you.
- I'm sure, I think that I've already done everything that I could for this place.
A laugh laden with grudge filled the entire environment.
- No, you haven't! What the fuck do you think you're doing? I choose who enters and who leaves here! - She shouted angrily, leaving me in an alert state.
- You will force me to stay?
- If necessary, yes I will! - She spoke decided.
I laughed ironically.
- Don't you think you've already earned too much profit at my expense?! - I let out in the same tone as hers, and for an instant she stopped and stared at me scared.
In all these years my relationship with Candece was practically perfect. We were the infallible duo of that place. The woman was always there to help me when I needed, and I? I gave the best of me during all my years as a stripper in her club. We always knew everything that happened there, it wasn't for nothing that I earned the nickname of "favorite" regarding the other women. It was like a kind of mutual help, as if one hand washed the other. She helped me, and I lifted her club up to a level that no other in all Miami had reached.
She took a deep breath with her eyes closed, and then spoke:
- Listen here, girl, I will not allow you to be insolent like this! What happened to you? You were never like this, Karla!
Oh God, I looked into her eyes and a spark inside me lit at every instant. But it wasn't the right time to explode, not with Candece.
- Nothing happened, I was already thinking about it and made this decision.
- Don't lie to me. Is Valentina forcing you to leave?
I rolled my eyes and huffed.
- Forget Valentina! I think that I can make my own decisions.
- You are turning against me! Precisely against me!
- God! Stop, can you accept my decision?!
- No! - She shouted.
We stood staring at each other for a few minutes when we heard a loud noise coming from the bathroom. I squinted my eyes confused, and Candece stood still staring at me. She seemed nervous, somewhat agonized. I looked around her office, focusing on one particular object that was placed on top of the counter of her personal bar.
- Can we talk another time? You made me very angry. - She spoke quickly approaching me.
I frowned and shook my head, making Candece huff.
- Karla, open your eyes. You know that I want to help you. - Her voice tone now was serene.
First the anger, now the requests. Typical.
- I don't doubt that, Candece. - I spoke entering the game.
Candece took a deep breath and walked towards the leather couch, patting the padded three times so that I'd sit down beside her.
- Tell me, my angel, why do you want to leave so much? Do you need money? I can give you, how much do you need?
I walked to the large glass window of her office, looking at the other girls rehearsing in the main hall.
- I can't continue here, I'm trying to have a serious relationship with Valentina. And continuing being a stripper won't help.
- So, it's for Valentina?
- It's for me. - I said turning to face her.
- That woman changed your head, I knew that it wouldn't work out. She's not your best option, Luiza. - The woman stood up.
- That woman is the woman I love!
Candece laughed as she poured in a small glass a good amount of Whiskey.
- Love comes and goes, Karla. You are throwing your best chance in the trash for a little crush.
- Whatever, I'm leaving "Imperium".
- Is that really what you want?
I nodded, seeing the woman stare at me. Despite her apparent calmness, I knew Candece enough to know that she was taken by anger. My decision would never be accepted by her with good eyes. That went against our partnership.
- Alright, honey. If you are not feeling comfortable in my club anymore, I can't force you to stay.
Her serene and garbled voice tone caused me a certain chill. She had accepted too quickly.
- But I think that for us to part ways with a good relationship, without any marks of resentment, I need you to do just one last thing for me.
My hands were sweating and that cold in my stomach was consuming me again.
- What do you want?
- I imagine that you want to leave here in a good relationship with me, right?
- Of course, Candece. You know that you'll always be able to count on me.
Candece smiled and sat on her chair, spinning it until it stopped again facing my direction.
- I have many plans for this place, my little angel. I'm sorry, but you won't enjoy the good things that are to come. By your choice of course, for me you stayed.
I shifted in an impatient way, wanting to know once and for all what she wanted from me.
- But to reach that place, I need good investors. You know that very well.
I stood in silence, just waiting for her to continue.
- And Miss Issartel is a great option.
- And what do I have to do with that? - I asked swallowing hard.
Candece smiled sarcastically.
- I want to make a last request.
- Go ahead.
- My last request is that you do one last dance. The best of all. - She exclaimed hopefully.
- Of course, I'll do it without any problem. A farewell, right?
She nodded.
- Exactly, but this dance will be exclusive for someone.
- Who?
- Who do you think? Miss Issartel. The future of "Imperium".
Candece fit the last piece of the puzzle.
- What? Are you crazy? No. - I spoke quickly.
- What's the problem?
- I don't do private dances for anyone, and you know that.
The woman stood up and drank up to the last drop of the alcoholic beverage in her glass.
- I think that for one last time, you can make an exception, right?
A kind of explosion of flashes in my head arose in that instant, my heart raced, that was it.
- I can't, I won't do that. I already told you.
- Karla, don't be silly. You do it for a lot of people, what's the problem of doing it for only one?!
- Candece, I don't want any trouble for me. I won't do anything for that woman!
- You can't deny me that! After everything that I did for you! You will deny me this last request? No one will be here, just you and her.
I looked into her eyes, and despite everything Candece was the woman that extended me her hand when I needed the most.
- Candece, please.
- Listen, you don't need to answer me now. Go home and think about it. - She spoke as she walked towards the door, which she opened.
I stood still, staring at her. And then I walked to the exit.
- Think carefully in your answer, Karla. Have a good night.
Candece's POV
I closed the door delicately, seeing through the glass window Karla descending the staircase. Damn stripper. If she at least knew the hatred that I was feeling now she would think a thousand times before having entered my office to speak such nonsense. How could she betray me like this? Choosing to leave "Imperium" to simply please that damn arrogant from hell.
I threw the glass that was on my desk on the floor, seeing it shatter in the velvety floor.
I felt my body hot, my blood was boiling in anger of both women. If they think they'll sink my club they are very much mistaken, I'm always one step ahead. Valentina won't be able to take Karla from me, no she won't.
- Candece? - I heard Alexa's voice coming from the bathroom.
I ran to it unlocking the door so that the woman could come out.
- Finally! I thought that you had forgotten me in there! - She grumbled.
- I'm so sorry, Karla just left.
- It's okay, I heard your conversation.
- She is crazy.
- It only proves what I always told you.
I rolled my eyes and walked to the couch. Alexa had always been right, the fact that Valentina walked into "Imperium" would ruin my plans. Her power over people was simply magnificent, since Karla has never been an easy woman to convince, but Valentina had managed it.
- It doesn't matter now. Your wife won't come out wining from this.
- Do you really think so? Valentina is very lucky.
- I'm sure, Alexa. This is not a game of luck.
- And it's a game of what then?
- Of skills.
- What do you mean by that?
- I made a good proposal to Karla, and I know that she will not refuse. Despite being with her head turned by that damn woman, she has a very strong feeling of gratitude towards me.
- The only question is whether that feeling of gratitude will speak louder.
- I know it will. I know my dancer.
- What are you thinking of doing?
Alexa asked as she approached me, sitting next to me on the couch.
- We will accelerate our plans, Alexa. We have to act fast, before Karla leaves "Imperium" for good.
- I don't know... Maybe we should wait.
- No! Be properly ready, as soon as I get Keana's "ok" you'll act towards Albuquerque.
Alexa stared at me and nodded.
- But it's somewhat complicated, Valentina already made very clear to the building's security staff that she does not allow my entry.
- Fix it, I know that you are very smart and you'll find a way.
- I'm glad that you know, I want my place back on the Albuquerque's throne, and I'll do absolutely everything for that.
- And I want my dancer here, by my side. Always.
- Only her? - She asked in a provocative way.
- No, of course not. Even with us getting everything, we will not stop seeing each other. Right?
- Of course not, do you really think that I'll lose my nights with you for Valentina? I'll be her wife, but nothing will prevent me.
- Great. But first, let's focus on Karla and Keana.
- Of course.
- How sad it would be for the poor businesswoman to see how her girlfriend is unfaithful. - I spoke savoring every little word in my mouth.
The woman next to me smiled devilishly.
- Valentina would never accept to be cheated. Much less with Issartel.
- But it will be with her, I'm going to teach Albuquerque how to play.
- Very determined, Candece. I like it. - Those were her last words before sealing her lips on mine.
Normani's POV
I entered the main dressing room seeing Luiza pack her bag quickly. She seemed somewhat agonized and angry. I approached slowly, and yet the woman didn't notice my presence. Just confirming how much she was lost in her thoughts.
- Lulu? Is everything alright?
The brunette jumped with her hand on her chest, in a sign of fright.
- Jesus, Mani. You scared me.
- I'm so sorry, I've been here for a long time.
- No need to apologize, I'm just distracted. - She said turning her attention back to her things.
- Did something happen? - I asked worried, sitting on a chair beside her.
- It's happening everything that you can imagine.
- Do you want to tell me?
Luiza took a deep breath and leaned against the counter behind her, staring at me with a thoughtful expression.
- I'm leaving "Imperium", Mani.
I widened my eyes in surprise. What do you mean leave? Karla was the precious gem of that place.
- Are you crazy, Lulu?
- No, I can't stay here anymore. Things with Valentina are taking other paths and being here will mess up everything. Besides, there are a lot of things happening here.
- But didn't she already accept you here?
- Yes, she did. But that doesn't mean that she likes it. - Luiza sighed - And it's not only for that, I don't want problems with her.
- This is all very strange.
- You have no idea. - She spoke closing the zipper of her bag - I'm going home now, sleep with us there tomorrow. I'll tell you everything.
I nodded slowly and stood up.
- Are you going already?
- Yes, I still have to postpone a commitment.
- Alright, I'll walk you to the door, Lulu.
The brunette nodded with a shy smile, and then we walked to the back door. I saw Luiza following her way down the corridor until she was stopped by someone at the entrance. She tried to back away but the person held her arm. By the size and features I would judge to be a woman. I descended the small staircase and approached. It was the same businesswoman that was on the inside a few minutes ago, Keana Marie Issartel.
The conversation seemed intense, because Luiza was somewhat exalted. I thought about approaching and see what was happening. But the two seemed to start getting along. Even with the evident discomfort in that situation, everything was calm. I stepped back inside the club and continued to watch that situation. When at last Luiza left beside the woman towards the parking lot.
Valentina's POV
I sat down again on the soft couch of the living room as I sipped the rest of the hot tea in my cup. It was already pretty late and not even a sign of Luiza. I was already getting really worried. I unlocked my phone's screen, but there were no notifications. I dialed her number for the fifth time that night, and the irritating voice of the woman operator informed that the phone was turned off.
- How wonderful! - I huffed throwing the device aside.
Luiza would have to give me a good explanation for this. If there was one thing that made me really angry, it was to wait. I put on the soft slippers and walked towards the kitchen, replacing the damn tea for a glass of Whiskey.
Did something happen to her? Perhaps I should call Dinah and find out. But what if she thought that I was being too invasive? I shook my head to then wet my lips in the liquid of my glass. Feeling the strong taste of alcohol in the tip of my tongue. I stayed a few minutes in the balcony near the living room, feeling the cold shiver my spine. That night was completely closed, a storm would fall soon, very soon. I took another sip of Whiskey, which warmed up my whole interior. Until I finally heard the shrill ring of my phone.
I ran to the living room picking up the small device, seeing the screen flash with her name.
If someone in our company saw how we treated each other they would find out about our involvement. Which to be honest wasn't even a secret anymore.
- Hello? - I heard her low voice from the other side
- Finally, Lu! Where are you?
She sighed.
- I'm home, baby.
- Do you want me to send someone to pick you up or are you coming by car? - I asked lying on the couch.
- Baby...
- Yes, Lu.
- I called to say that I'm not going.
I frowned and sat on the couch.
- You're not coming? Why? Did something happen? - I let out the questions in a thoughtless way.
- No, I'm just really tired today. - She whispered weakly.
- Baby, you can rest here with me. I'll take care of you.
She stayed silent for a few seconds. Luiza seemed distant and totally lost in our conversation.
- Don't be upset, okay? I'll see you tomorrow.
- Luiza, is everything okay with you?
- Yes, I'm tired and with cramps.
I sighed annoyed. All that seemed a lame excuse to not meet with me. I just didn't understand the reason for that. Even she being totally tired or with pain, Luiza wouldn't deny to come. Not for trivial things.
- Ok. - That was all I said.
- Valen...
- Hm?
- I know that you are angry, but, please. Understand me.
- Understand that you simply disappear and when you show up you say that you are tired and with cramps and that you can't meet me?
I let out the words in a rude way, making her stay quiet. Luiza knew exactly how upset I was, but not only for her bailing out on me. And yes for being evident the terrible excuse that she had given me.
- I'm sorry.
- Good Night, Campos. - I hung up, throwing the device aside
Luiza's POV
I threw my phone on my bed, facing Dinah who stared at me afraid. I sat next to her and sighed tiredly. Leaning my head on her shoulder. To worsen my day that had to happen, Valentina getting extremely mad at me. Could things get any worse? Oh God, they really could. I preferred to shut up and leave everything as it is. Only hoping for everything to get well in the end.
- She got mad?
- You can already imagine, right? She got very upset. And rightly so. - I spoke sadly.
- You should have gone there to meet her, cool off your head from all these problems. Valentina would make you relax.
- I can't, Dinah, I hate to have to be lying to Valentina.
- I think that you should tell the truth.
I stared at Dinah who stared at me serenely. She always knew what was the right thing to do and always indicated me the way. But I on the other hand was stubborn enough to not obey. My head was in a colossal confusion, it seems that everything turned upside down again. And I simply couldn't do anything to change it, or I could.
- Do you have any idea of the damage that would be? Valentina is totally impulsive.
- Whatever, the missy there is deserving some slaps from Valentina for doing these things.
- I don't want trouble.
- You have to stop worrying so much, Luiza. Let all the shit happen. No use in avoiding, sooner or later it will blow up.
I shook my head and stood up.
- You are not understanding. All this is too big, and who'll get screwed is me.
- If you don't do the right thing, you'll really going to get screwed.
- You are not helping! - I exclaimed angrily.
- You are the one who's not helping yourself, Lulu, we know exactly what you have to do. But tell me, Candece must have been pretty angry.
- She was, very. With all certainty she is hating Valentina with all her strength.
- Of course, it's for her that you are leaving.
- Not only for her, Dinah, but for me. I like what I do, but there comes a time that it just doesn't work anymore.
- I know, Lulu. Everything will work out, I'm here to help you, ok? - She spoke calmly approaching me, giving me a comforting hug. Until we heard the intercom sound shrilly.
- Are you expecting someone? - I whispered to Dinah who shook her head.
I shrugged and walked towards the front door, which I opened and came across her.
- What are you doing here?
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