Chap 46 - Decision

Luiza's POV 

I went through all the reports that morning. And not even a sign of Valentina. That was already really bothering me. I saw how upset she was with me last night, but I simply couldn't do it differently. Being in a fight with her equaled my day as being fucking shitty. The atmosphere was heavy, the time passed by slowly. And nothing seemed to be funny. What bothered me the most was the fact that she hadn't shown up yet, because seeing her walking from one side to the other even with her evident bad mood, it comforted me because I knew that she was there, even if angry. 

- God, you look terrible. - Normani said making a caress on my arm. 

I sighed heavily and stared at the gorgeous dark-skinned woman that was sitting next to me.

- That's because Valentina didn't show up today. - Dinah spoke as she cut her steak in the small plate.

It was lunch time already, we were gathered in the bistro where we always ate lunch. From there we could see the huge building of Albuquerque's Industry in front of us.

- She really is pretty mad, huh? 

- She probably doesn't even want to look at my face, only that explains why she hasn't shown up till now. - I spoke sadly. 

- Don't stay like this, Lulu. Soon you two will be fine. - Ally spoke in a serene way, and I just lowered my head on the table. 

- I don't know, you should have heard her voice, Ally, pure anger. 

- Nothing that you can't solve with some fondling. - The smaller one said with a smile.

- Or a good night of wild sex! - Dinah exclaimed.

- Dear God, I'll send someone to bless you, Jane, and push away the sexual spirit that surrounds you.

Allyson spoke extremely serious which made me laugh. Those two were always in this clash of the divine and the carnal. They would make a good comedy.

- Girls! We are in public. 

- It's not me, Lulu. It's Dinah who doesn't quiet down. 

- Alfredo can handle all of this? - Normani asked laughing. 

- Yes he can. I think I found the right guy. - The taller one spoke calmly with a broad smile. 

We practically did a chorus with an extensive "Awww". 

- You make a lovely couple! - Ally said. 

- I totally agree.

- Ahh girls, I need a boyfriend. I can't be the only single of the group. - Normani said as she shook her head in a tedious way. 

- Soon Lulu will keep you company in that department.

- Dinah! - Ally exclaimed.

- What? If she doesn't open her eyes she will lose the almighty. 

I huffed angrily, but not because Dinah said that and yes because I knew that she was right. I stayed quiet and just drank the rest of the orange juice in my glass. The movement in the avenue was weak, I lost myself watching two girls holding hands with wide smiles. I stopped to think about how it would be if I had known Valentina in my teenage years. From what I knew she loved to party and I? I was always too quiet. Typical, right? Our portraits didn't do justice to who we were nowadays.

- Look who arrived, Lulu! - Normani whispered to me.

I narrowed my eyes seeing Valentina's car pass by the gate of the huge building. 

A "Finally" came out of my mouth without me even noticing. I stood up quickly, taking out of my wallet a few dollars to pay my part of the bill.

- Jesus, calm down. She won't run away! - Normani said laughing. 

- I don't know about that. - Dinah entered the joke. 

I shrugged and huffed. 

- Leave me, ok? I'm going to talk to Valentina. See you later, girls.

- Good luck, Lulu. - Ally then said. 

I quickly left the bistro seeing my best friends stay behind in an entertaining conversation. At the moment I wasn't very excited, after all being in a fight with Valentina was never good. I sighed heavily and frowned with the strong sun that was present that morning. The avenue was now more busy, I stopped on the sidewalk looking for a gap to cross towards Albuquerque's Industry. And soon had, I ran to the other side and passed by the gate giving just a wave to the security guard at the entrance. 

- Good Morning, Miss Campos. - Alfred said with a smile.

I smiled weakly and approached the man who cleaned Valentina's car. 

- She's upstairs?

- Yes, ma'am, she just went up a few minutes ago. I must recommend that you be patient. She doesn't seem to be in a good day. 

"That's what I thought" - I thought and shrugged, and thanked the man who just smiled. I walked in large steps to the elevator that would take me to the great beast called Valentina Albuquerque. I confess that I was somewhat fearful. My head was so full with problems that I was starting to have some sort of anxiety attack. An uneasiness followed by thoughts in excess wasn't a good thing, at all. I moved my head from one side to the other trying to relax, when the beep of the elevator sounded. 

The sound of my heels on the floor echoed in that place. After all, everyone was still in their lunch break. And Valentina had her own floor in the building. I took a deep breath before knocking on the big wooden door when it opened.

- Wow! Lulu! - Vero said smiling. 

I smiled weakly and stepped back. 

- Come in! - She stepped to the side and I entered the office. 

My eyes quickly searched for Valentina, and found her. She was sitting on her presidential chair with a very serious expression. We were all in silence when Vero spoke: 

- I'll leave you two alone. 

Valentina just nodded. Vero walked to the exit. 

- I thought that you weren't coming today. - I whispered. 

- I was just solving some problems with Vero earlier today, I'm sorry for not having warned.

- No, it's okay. - I shrugged and approached - Do you need something? 

Valentina was silent for a few seconds and then stared at me.

- Yes! Schedule a meeting with Miss Issartel. 

I widened my eyes feeling my heart race. 

- Wh... What? - I blinked more times than necessary.

- Exactly what you heard. I want to close a deal with Issartel, and I need her to come here. Is there a problem?

- Valentina, you hate her. How do you want to close a deal with her?

Valentina stood up from her chair with an ironic smile, almost mocking. She walked in slow steps to the large glass window of her office, her eyes remained attentive to the movement of the cars down there. She seemed too calm, while I was about to explode in nervousness. 

- Business, Miss Campos. We don't have a choice, or do we?

- You always have a choice.

- Yes, I always have. But I want to do it this way. So take care of that for me please. I don't want to have to wait for the good will of that woman.

I stood still, static staring at Valentina who was still distracted by the city. My breathing was changing gradually, I felt a damn cold in my stomach and my hands began to sweat. The idea of having Keana and Valentina in the same place was catastrophic. Nothing good could come out of such meeting. 

- Luiza? - Valentina called. 

- Yes? - I spoke somewhat lost. 

- What are you waiting for? 

- I... I'm already on it.

Valentina took a deep breath and approached me. Stopping a few centimeters from my body. I didn't say anything, just stood still looking into her so mysterious eyes. They had a darker coloration, and still they were beautiful. She switched her focus from my eyes down to my mouth, while one of her hands made a light caress on my face, I almost thanked for that. 

- I'm still upset with you, for yesterday. - Valentina whispered. 

I sighed heavily, shrugging. 

- I know, and I'm so sorry, Valen. - My voice came out low. 

I could feel her analyzing me slowly. 

- We'll talk about that later. 

I nodded. 

- Now come here, give me a kiss.

She said opening a small smile as both her hands pulled me by the waist slowly, forcing my body to collide against hers slowly. I smiled, until I felt her seal her lips on mine. They were so soft and delicate that my only desire was to never stop. In the beginning was just that contact, our lips tasting each other without hurry. But as always, everything in the end always got intense. Valentina moved one of her hands that were on my waist up to my neck, letting the tip of her fingers make a light caress in that area. Her tongue in a skillful way contoured my lower lip, asking passage to enter, and in the same instant I granted it. Valentina gasped as soon as I sucked her tongue slowly, while the hand that was rested on my waist closed in a delicious grip.

- I'd better go schedule the meeting. - I said smiling, as soon as we disconnected our lips. 

Valentina bit her lip and smiled, her breath somewhat mismatch.

- Okay, Lu.

I made a move to leave, but the woman again pulled me sealing our lips. This time it was quicker, we let go of each other quickly when Vero walked into the office. 

- You are already snuggling again. Thank God. - She grumbled as she sat on the couch in the back of the office. 

Valentina and I let out a laugh. 

- I'm serious, this woman when she's fighting with you is unbearable. Moodiness level master. 

- You are a terrible friend, have I ever told you that? 

- Oh I know that, Vero. Now girls, if you'll excuse me. - I spoke leaving the office. 

Despite the atmosphere with Valentina having softened a little, not enough because she made very clear that she wanted to talk more in another time, I remained nervous. That damn meeting couldn't be happening in a more unpleasant time. 


I walked from one side to the other inside that building. Perhaps I had already looked at the gate about fifteen times and not even a sign of Keana. Valentina was in her office in an entertaining conversation with Vero, subject that was totally unknown to me. The problems in my head prevented me to sharpen even my curiosity.

- You'll make a hole on the floor. - I heard Dinah say with a laugh.

I looked at her in an agonized way, and she then approached.

- What's going on? 

- Valentina simply scheduled a meeting with Keana. 

- You are so fucked. - Dinah spoke every word slowly only to intensify how screwed I was with that situation. 

- Geez, thank you very much. I didn't even know that. - I mocked in a bad mood. 

- God, don't be rude to me. 

I huffed and walked from one side to the other. 

- I'm sorry, Cheechee, I'm just nervous. 

- I know, but calm down. 

- That's impossible, I can't calm down. Those two together, it's a catastrophe. 

- Then you better be prepared. Issartel just arrived. 

I turned towards the gate when a white imported car entered and stopped at the entrance. One of our security guards quickly walked to the vehicle opening the car door and Keana got out, beside her there was a very elegant woman of youthful and beautiful appearance. As soon as the woman saw me she opened a broad smile, which made me even more nervous

- I confess that I'm very surprised with this invitation. - Keana said with a triumphant smile - Luiza, this is Lucy. - The woman spoke presenting the woman at her side. 

- So you are the so famous Luiza. - She said sympathetically.

- Famous? I wish I wasn't. Trust me. But pleasure to meet you, Lucy. This here is my best friend Dinah Jane.

- Nice to meet you. - Lucy greeted Dinah.

The three of them talked quickly, until we walked towards the elevator that would take us to the top floor. 

- Keana... - I whispered.

- Yes? 

- Please, don't do anything that will ruin everything. That's all I'm asking.

Her eyes stared at me attentive, probably analyzing my almost desperate expression.

- I'm here for business, Luizinha.

Those were her words when the beep of the elevator frightened me. The metal doors opened quickly. Keana didn't take long to walk to the conference room, where Valentina was already waiting. I could hear everything around me, the pressure that took over my body was simply overwhelming. The nervousness made my mouth dry and my hands sweat. I took the front and walked, stopping in front of the conference room door. I took a deep breath, letting out a breath of air when I felt Keana's hand on my waist.

- Ready?

I didn't say anything, just opened the door and walked in. 

- Finally, I thought that you were going to make me wait all afternoon. - Valentina spoke turning on her chair, located at the head of the large desk. 

- I made a tiny effort to hurry up. You know that I have many commitments, right Albuquerque?

Valentina smiled mockingly and then stood up. Walking graciously towards us. I could've sworn that her eyes were black, they were so dark. Her jaw was clenched, highlighting firmly her expression lines.

-I know well what they are. 

- Good Afternoon to you too. - Keana extended her hand to her. 

Valentina frowned and took a deep breath. I was practically in the middle of both women that stared at each other. Keana remained with her hand extended when Valentina shook it firmly. 

- Good Afternoon, Miss Issartel. 

- Jesus Christ, this tension in here is making me want to drink. - Veronica spoke calmly walking towards the small beverage counter. 

- Veronica? - Keana's companion spoke. 

Making Veronica turn in her direction with an astonished face. 

- Oh my God, Lucy? 

Veronica's POV 

I huffed angrily for the tenth time in less than ten minutes as I walked from one side to the other nonstop.

- Jesus, can you stop talking for a minute, woman? 

I exclaimed to Lucy that didn't stay quiet for a second. 

- No, because of you we were kicked out of the meeting. 

- Because of me? Only me? Are you sure? 

- Obvious! 

- You be trippin' too much. - I said turning my back to her. 

- What do you mean by that? 

- I mean that it's your fault as well. We should be in there. Are you aware of the chaos that can happen in there? 

- I'm only aware of the chaos that this here is.

The brunette said angrily, sitting on the couch of Valentina's office. Lucy and I started a brief welcome argument inside the conference room, which yielded us some reproachful looks from Keana and Valentina. The two of them decided that it would be best for us to talk or argue elsewhere. And now I was here inside Valentina's office, looking at the woman whom I hadn't seen for years. I confess that meeting her like this was a big surprise. Lucy was pretty different now. Her posture of decided and powerful woman made her even more beautiful. The years also gave her what she didn't need. Beauty. Since very young the brunette was the owner of an incredible beauty, which surely was one of the most important aspects for me to fall in love. 

You must be thinking that it would be very unlikely for Veronica Iglesias to fall in love, am I right? I don't disagree with that, but just like Valentina, I also had my weakness, and her name is Lucia Vives.

Since high school, she was the only girl who turned my world upside down. I've always been too fiery, always running after the first girl that showed up. Until I kissed Lucy: 

- You live to run after those girls! - Lucy said while walking down the sandy road. 

- That's not true, only the prettiest. 

I said walking behind her. We were on our way to Valentina's house, where was happening the biggest party of that semester. In the beginning the idea was to go by car, but for our misfortune it had broken down on the way. What yielded the irritation of the brunette who was walking ahead of me. For some unknown reason she was already in a dark mood that morning, which I considered normal, Lucy always had these outbursts. 

- Do you find all the girls of our class pretty, Vero? 

- Ouch, that hurt. I didn't hook up with all, half maybe. 

Lucy stared at me with a serious expression. 

- Ok! I hooked up with 99%. 

- 99%? You hooked up with even Valentina, so let's say 100%. 

- Valentina doesn't count, we exchanged a kiss and we saw that that wasn't for us. That bitch is my sister at heart. - I said kicking a pebble with the tip of my all star. 

- Then why 99%? - She asked confused. 

I took some hurried steps and stopped in front of her, preventing her to continue her way. Lucy stopped abruptly and stared at me confused, bringing one of her hands to remove the locks of her hair that the wind took care of messing up. She looked beautiful that day, the sun shone down on her face leaving her brown eyes light. And her expression a little closed. 

- Because I still haven't hooked up with you. 

We stood in silence for a few seconds, just staring at each other. And for the first time I could notice how beautiful Lucy was. Actually, I had already noticed that she had a fucking amazing body, but now I was paying attention to her real beauty. 

- And you won't. - She spoke moving past me to continue her way. 

I smiled, and again ran to her front. Making her huff. 

- What? 

- Why do you run from me? 

- I'm not running. I just want to get to Valentina's house already. - She tried to move past me again. 

- I still think you're running. 

- I have no reason to run! - She spoke in an altered way. 

- Whenever I talk about us hooking up you get like this. What? Are you afraid of falling in love? 

Lucy stared at me for a few seconds and let out a loud laugh. Leaving me confused and kind of annoyed. 

- Did you drink? I would never fall in love with you. 

- And why not? 

- Because you are not my type of girl. You are too boor . - Lucy spoke getting out of my way to continue her way. 

I took a deep breath. That really had bothered me. How come I wasn't her type of girl? Everyone wanted to hook up with me. 

- I still think that you're afraid to fall in love with me. 

- I'm not. 

- Sure... 

- I'm not! - She spoke angrily, stopping in front of me. 

Her brown eyes glared at me. 

- Then prove it. 

Lucy narrowed her eyes and to my surprise grabbed my neck, pulling my face against hers. I just closed my eyes when I felt her lips collide against mine. In the beginning I was unresponsive, I wasn't believing in that. 

God, she was... 

Kissing me. 

I woke up to life and grabbed the brunette's waist. Kissing her in the most intense way I could. Lucy sighed heavily, making room for my tongue to invade her mouth quickly. God, she had the best kiss of this world. 

- Oh my God! Did you hear that? - Lucy asked scared.

- What? Where? - I asked almost lost.

- That, Vero! Valentina raging in there. Are they fighting? 

I widened my eyes and walked towards the door, it seems that the altered voice tone calmed down.

- I think they calmed down.

- That business meeting is a very bad idea.

- Don't even try do meddle, Keana's and Valentina's fight is something too big. - I spoke sitting beside her.

- And you think I don't know that? Those two get on my nerves.

I stayed a few seconds just looking at Lucy.

- Why are you looking at me like that? 

- I'm not looking. - I said getting up - You just look different. 

- Different how? Is that good or bad? 

- You look beautiful, Lucy, more than before. 

I think we stayed staring at each other for long minutes until Valentina walked furiously into her office. 

- I try to be patient, but that woman doesn't cooperate! - She seethed furiously. 

- Valentina! Calm down. - Luiza walked in right after, and then Keana. 

- I am very calm, Campos. 

- You just get angry too easily! - Keana said rolling her eyes. 

- Listen here, do you want or not to close the deal with me? 

God, if Valentina could she would surely be jumping on the neck of the woman in front of her. But I was sure that my best friend was controlling herself to not do it. Keana smiled and approached, staying less than half a meter from Valentina. That was giving me a certain fear, Valentina seemed too furious. Keana knew exactly how to provoke the woman, and the easiest way to do that was in front of her: Luiza. 

- Alright, Albuquerque, let's close the deal.

I could see Luiza sigh relieved when Valentina backed away. 

- Girls, calm down. - Lucy said serenely. 

- I am super calm. You have to grab a passion fruit juice for the human volcano over there. 

Valentina rolled her eyes as soon as Keana finished speaking.

- Since we already closed our deal, we can end this meeting. I don't want to keep looking at your face for a long time. 

- You are always so gentle, Valentina. 

- It's part of my charisma. 

- Careful so that in the end you don't get hurt. 

- Keana! - Luiza scolded. 

I casted a look at Lucy who quickly understood. Taking her best friend far away from mine. 

Luiza's POV 

Thank God the meeting came to an end, and we were all alive. I never thought that a simple deal was so hard to be closed. Valentina and Keana were like two radioactive energies that together caused havoc. I was walking on a wire and I would have to be very careful not to fall.

- I can't stand that woman, I want distance from her. - Valentina spoke angrily as she filled her glass with Whiskey. 

- Okay, now calm down. She already left the building. And took Lucy along. 

- Even so! I'm still stuck with everything she says, the mocking air. God. 

I stood in silence, just staring at that situation. 

- Forget her, Valen! 

- Hard, she's a rock on my shoe. - Valentina spoke angrily and then stared at me - Vero, do you mind leaving me alone for a little bit with Luiza?

- No, of course not. I really need some air. Lucy's return messed with me.

- I imagine, we'll talk a lot about that later.

- We really will. See you later, girls. - Vero said leaving the office. 

I was near the glass window, looking at the movement of people down there. Something that would take me from the mess that my head found itself in. Until I felt Valentina's hands on my waist, squeezing slowly. I sighed heavily, feeling my body tense. 

- Is everything alright, baby? - Valentina whispered in my ear.

I lowered my head, letting out a deep breath of air.

- Yes, I just get a little fearful with these things.

- What things? - Valentina asked calmly, depositing a kiss on my shoulder.

- With these reactions of yours. You get too altered, Valentina.

- Are you afraid? - She asked backing away. 

I turned towards her, seeing her walk to her desk, where she leaned. 

- It's not fear, it's just apprehension.

- You don't have why to be apprehensive, baby. We are fine, aren't we? 

I nodded.

- Come here. - She asked with a weak smile.

I slowly approached her, feeling her arms wrap around me. 

- The deal with Issartel is closed, I won't be dealing directly with her. Relax, it won't be today that I'll kill her. - Valentina said laughing. 

- It's not funny. 

She pursed her lips, forcing to control her laughter. 

- Do you think that I'm some psychopath, Lu? 

- God, Valentina! Of course not. - I said trying to pull away, but the woman pulled me tight, making my back collide against her body. I closed my eyes when I felt Valentina's hot and soft lips on my neck. 

- Then relax. I know that I'm impulsive, but I'm not crazy. 

- I never thought that. 

- Still, I love you too much to do something bad, Lu. I just hate Keana. 

I swallowed hard and sighed. Everything inside me was turned inside out. I felt fear, nervousness and arousal. Everything blowing up inside me like fireworks that burned in my interior. 

- I know, but ignore her. 

- I will, Lu. - Valentina said, turning my body to face her. 

She looked deep into my eyes in such an intense way that I could feel weak. 

- I just want you to stay away from her, you know that I'm jealous. And we both know the reputation she has. 

- Su... Sure, okay, Valentina. 

Valentina opened a smile and kissed my lips calmly. 

- You are the only thing that calms me down. - She said with her lips close to mine. 

- I love you, Valentina. Never forget that. 

She stared at me and then smiled. 

- I love you too, Luiza. 


I walked in slow steps across the Albuquerque's Industry parking lot to my car. "My car", Valentina had really won the battle and I had accepted the blessed car. I shook my head at the memory and entered the vehicle. This night Vero asked Valentina to go out with her, in the beginning I felt somewhat bothered, I wanted to have her with me that night. But I knew that Iglesias needed a friend to vent, after all the mess Valentina told me that Lucy Vives was Veronica's only love and that her return had really messed with her. It was funny to think about Vero in love, something somewhat beyond belief. 

But she had great motives of course, Lucy was a beautiful and nice woman, she seemed to be very smart and with a good influence. Apparently the conversation tonight would be long, and I just wanted to put my head on my pillow and sleep. Calm down the hurricane of thoughts in which I found myself in. I drove slowly through the streets of Miami, trying to relax before getting home. I would be alone since Ally and Dinah decided to go on a double date. I could be a normal person and go out like that with Valentina, right? But I think that God didn't want it that way.

- Thank you a lot, God. - I grumbled.

I drove into the parking lot of my building, and soon walked into my apartment. A hot shower was all that I needed that night. I took the keys from my bag and unlocked the door. Soon took off my shoes stepping on the cold floor. Jesus, there wasn't a better feeling than this one, or better, there was. 

I threw my bag on the couch and walked towards my bedroom when the intercom buzzed.

- God, I just arrived and there are visits already. - I exclaimed annoyed, going back to the living room.

I opened the door in a jolt coming across Candece.

- Hey, Lulu! - She said smiling. 

I stared at the blonde without saying anything. 

- Aren't you going to invite me in? 

- Oh! Yes, of course. Come in. - I said a little confused, making room for the woman to come into my apartment.

Candece entered the room calmly, analyzing everything inside it in a thorough way.

- It's a beautiful apartment. But I believe that when you go live with Valentina it'll be much bigger. 

- I don't have plans to move in with Valentina yet, we are just dating. Do you want to drink something?

- Water, please. - She said sitting on the living room's couch - I'm sorry to show up unannounced, Luiza.

The woman spoke louder, since I was in the kitchen grabbing her glass of water. I took a deep breath and went back to the same room as her. 

- You don't have to apologize, Candece. You can come over whenever you want.

The woman smiled grabbing the glass from my hand. And I slowly sat beside her. 

- So, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?

She raised her eyebrows and smiled as she placed the small glass of water on the living room's center table.

- I think you must imagine, right? I'm here after my precious answer, dear.

- Already? You hardly gave me time to think, Candece. - I said getting up. 

- Luiza, my little angel. You don't need to think that much, it's something so simple. One last help to your friend here.

I smiled at her. 

- It's not that simple, I already told you that I don't want problems.

- And you won't have any. It will only be a private for Keana, we'll maintain confidentiality. All very professional. I would never want to mess up your romance with Valentina. - She spoke with a calm and comforting tone.

I turned my back to her and shook my head as if I wanted to keep firm. 

- I know you don't, you are a great person to me, Candece.

- Good thing that you know, I'll always want the best for you.

The blonde approached slowly and pulled me into a calm embrace. We stayed like that for a few minutes, I felt an anguish inside me, something that bothered me profoundly. But I knew that that was the best thing to do.

- So, my dear, what do you say? Do you accept? 

I opened my eyes and stared at the woman in front of me. Thinking about how big it was the step that I was taking on the small wire that was holding me. 

- Yes, I accept. I'll dance for Issartel.

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