Candece's POV
Do you know the feeling of being totally accomplished? Happy? It was exactly that way that I was feeling that afternoon. Despite the exhaustion, I found myself in a radiant state of pure achievement. The plans of the previous day couldn't have gone more right. Valentina and Luiza had ended what they called relationship. And I? Well, I would continue with Karla, my money making machine inside "Imperium". I confess that at first, I had felt bad for deceiving her, after all the girl was with me for years helping me boost my business. But that wasn't the right moment for feelings nor compassion, and yes for strategies in a game that I could easily lose if I wasn't so astute.
After what happened last night I thought that I should celebrate, for my unhappiness Alexa couldn't accompany me, after all she would have to play the good girl for Albuquerque. God, that woman gave me nausea. Her prepotent and purely arrogant air made me have disgust just by remembering her existence. So, I decided to meet an old friend that gave me a wonderful night of pleasure, making me relax and savor the taste of victory.
It was already late and I was on my way to the club to review the balance sheet of that month, Alexa would probably show up there to celebrate together the day before. I hadn't spoken to her since the moment that she left with Valentina. With so much turbulence I ended up leaving my phone behind, staying totally incommunicable. What I didn't find totally bad, I needed a time for me.
I turned off the car stereo that played a lively song as soon as I drove into the parking lot of "Imperium". At that time there were only a few dancers rehearsing and some cleaning staff. I got out of the vehicle, pressing the small alarm button of my car key to lock it to then walk towards the entrance of my club. I waved at the security guard that smiled in a friendly way and walked into the establishment. Right at the entrance I noticed a stronger movement, but nothing too big. I walked in slow steps up the staircase towards my office.
- Candece? - I heard Kellen shout in the background.
I didn't even pay attention, I wasn't with the slightest patience to talk to the girl.
- Wait! I need to talk to you! - She shouted in a disastrous way from where she was - Don't go in there!
I sped up my steps and opened the door of my office quickly, closing in the same instant that I entered to avoid the unnecessary conversation with the dancer.
- Annoying girl! - I huffed irritated against the door.
- You shouldn't treat your ally like that, Candece. - I heard Karla's voice fill the environment.
I turned around quickly with the fright of having the woman there, when I saw her sitting on my chair with a cynical smile and a purely arrogant air.
- What are you doing here?
She frowned and stared at me with an expression that said "Isn't it obvious?".
- What do you mean what am I doing here? "Imperium" is my second home, right?
Karla asked getting up from the chair slowly, taking small steps to the beverage counter in my office. I didn't know what was happening, the woman had a mysterious aura, almost undefined. She didn't say anything, just poured a small amount of Whiskey into one of the glasses, adding three ice cubes. She shook the liquid in a counter clockwise, to then wet her lips.
- Of course it's your home, I'm just surprised to see you here.
The brunette smirked, shaking her head. She started walking back to the desk where she leaned against.
- Surprised? Great. I love to make surprises. - She said winking at me.
- You seem...
- Well? Happy? - She said smiling.
I shrugged as I put my bag on the desk.
- Yes, after yesterday I thought that you wouldn't come here any time soon.
Karla smiled and with those almost blazing brown eyes stared at me.
- Ah! Yesterday, it really was a restless night. - She started speaking patiently - But very good. Did you like it?
- Good? Of course not, Karla. I was worried about you.
She arched an eyebrow and nodded.
- I imagine how worried you must have been with me, you are always so benevolent.
What the hell was going on there? I wasn't with a good feeling. Karla was different, arrogant and firm. We heard some knocks on the door, until it opened and a boy walked in.
- Miss Estrabao?
- Yes, what can I help you with? - She asked.
- I'm from the renovation team. Where do you want me to start?
I frowned without understanding. Karla stood up with a smile and walked to the small commode that was there in the corner, sliding two fingers across the wood.
- Hmmm, you can start... - She continued calmly, until in a sudden act she threw all my things that were on the commode to the floor - Right here.
I widened my eyes at the sight of my expensive vases and objects shattering on the floor.
- Are you crazy?! - I shouted.
She turned to face me, with a devilish smile.
- Leave us alone, please, I'll call you soon. - Karla said to the boy with her eyes on me.
The young man scared, just nodded as he left.
- What the hell do you think you're doing?
- Isn't it obvious? - She asked walking to the desk again - I'm renovating everything. - She sat down.
Karla was pure cynicism, which made me even more angry.
- With what right do you think you can do that? - I spoke palming both my hands on the desk, staring at the woman who stared at me with her head held up high.
Karla rested her arms on the desk with her elbows, joining her hands in the center to support her chin and stare at me. She curled her lips into a smirk.
- With the right of owner, boss, majority partner. As you prefer to call me, Candece.
Luiza's POV
Candece frowned staring at me, with an almost lost look. She seemed to be in another dimension with my words. The blonde shook her head and laughed without any hint of humor.
- You are crazy, you can only be! Did you drink tonight?
I didn't say anything, just stared at her.
- You don't have a pot to piss in, Luiza, how do you think you own this place?! - She exclaimed angrily.
- You underestimate me too much, Candece. I feel sorry for your naivety.
She was visibly nervous.
- What are you talking about? - She asked angrily.
- I'm talking about that you messed with the wrong person, we could have prevented this. But you wanted to take the hardest way. - I spoke in a patient and cynical way - Did you really think that it would work out?
She stepped back one step, with her eyes squinted in my direction.
- You are crazy! - She exclaimed loudly - Get out of my office, get out of my club now!
I let out a loud laugh, which made her stop in the same instant and stare at me again.
- Your club? There's nothing yours here anymore. I'm the new owner of "Imperium", Candece.
- What?
- Exactly what you just heard. From dancer to owner, a big step, right? - I asked smiling.
- No, you are not! - She let out exasperated
- I am, according to this document here. - I said sliding the document on the desk to the blonde that picked it up - I own seventy percent of the shares of this place, and soon will own the rest. After all, you still haven't paid for them, isn't that right? You'll lose them soon.
- No, no... you... how did you do it? You son of a bitch! You can't!
I could see in her eyes the fear and desperation for losing everything. For a split second I really had pity, but in that instant I was taken by a strong resentment that wouldn't pass now nor anytime soon.
- You just got to be kidding, you don't have the means to do this! - She shouted.
- Actually, I didn't. But we are in different times, Candece. Now not only can I, as I did.
- How? - She asked crumpling the document in her hands.
We heard some light knocks on the door, which a moment later opened. Valentina entered with a victorious smile, which took my breath away.
- Is there a problem, baby? - She asked in a worried tone.
Valentina approached slowly and with delicateness wrapped her arms around my waist, depositing a kiss on my lips. To then stare at Candece that was staring at us open-mouthed.
- No, baby. I was just telling the news to Candece.
Valentina smiled in a triumphant way and shrugged.
- It was you, right? You bought all this! - The blonde exclaimed upset.
- You should be raising your hands and thanking God for Luiza still feeling a fondness for you, otherwise instead of buying "Imperium", I would end your life.
- How can you do this to me, Karla?!
- You were the first to betray me, Candece! How can you be so low?
Despite the anger that consumed me I felt bad for doing that. For having taken from her the only thing that she had.
- I was doing the best for you, until when do you think that this romance will last? She will drop you at any time.
- The best for me? You only thought about you and the money that I give you! - I shouted.
- It's only for that that you are worth.
I felt Valentina's hands squeeze a little my waist, showing that she was there to support me. We exchanged a knowing look in a few seconds, and I went back to staring at Candece. I took a deep breath, feeling my lungs inflate.
- Do you really think so? After losing everything? You keep thinking that? - I got out of Valentina's arms and walked to Candece.
I stopped in front of her and stared at her eyes with the anger that screamed inside me.
- Look at you and look at me. I think the tables turned, don't you think?
- How did you do this? How did you find out?!
Her exalted tone revealed how shaken the woman was with that situation. It wasn't for less of course, for whom celebrated the triumphant victory, to find out that she had been tricked wasn't easy.
- I have many people on my...
I didn't even finish the sentence when the door opened.
- Hello, girls! - Keana said smiling, bringing with her Alexa that was pulled by the arm with a not so good expression - Look who I found here at the entrance.
I turned to face the two, and smiled triumphantly.
- Now we are all together. - I spoke in a sarcastic way going back to Valentina's side who smiled.
Alexa pulled her arm harshly to release herself from Keana.
- What the fuck is this?! - Candece shouted, exchanging a confused look with Alexa.
- I tried to talk to you... - Alexa whispered.
Keana smiled and approached, staying on my other side. Now I was between Valentina and Keana before the two snakes that stared at us open-mouthed.
- You lost! Checkmate. - I winked at both of them.
- You told everything! You lying bitch! - Candece shouted at Keana.
- You asked for help to the wrong person, honey. I will not participate in this rabble in which you found yourselves in. - Keana spoke.
- You prefer to stay below Valentina, right? As always. - Alexa spoke this time.
- I'm not below anyone, Alexa. Look at me, do you really think that I need anything? - Her snob tone left her with an imposing air.
- You are a bitch! Valentina, don't believe them, they are all false! - Alexa approached making me roll my eyes.
- Jesus, you're still going to insist? I know everything! Alexa, I'm not even surprised, I always expected something like this from you. - Valentina said shrugging.
- You are blind! I always wanted to help you! - Alexa exclaimed desperately.
- How can you be so cynical? - I stepped in front of Valentina - Don't you get tired of losing? Give up, Alexa.
- You are very much mistaken if you think you won. What are you? You're a worthless stripper. - She spat her words.
I smirked.
- I am everything that you want to be. I am the owner of "Imperium", Valentina's woman.
Valentina approached me touching my waist lightly, transmitting me confidence. Alexa frowned and stared at Candece.
- Owner? How? - Her confused tone was comical.
Candece lowered her head and shook her head.
- Owner, duh! When we buy a place we become owners.
Alexa widened her eyes and took a step back.
- You are not the owner of this place? - She shouted at Candece.
The blonde took a deep breath and stared at Alexa.
- I own only thirty percent.
- That soon will lose to me. - Valentina said.
- You bought this place for her, Valentina... I can't believe it. - She tried to get closer to Valentina who stared at her serious - All of this for sex, right? I saw you two yesterday, and I can't believe that you are with her only for that.
So Alexa was the person that was in Valentina's office in the early hours of today? This couldn't get any better, just another step to knock her down. God, that was better than expected. I had the command of the game now.
I walked up to them and stepped in front of Valentina who stared at me and smiled.
- So it was you? Wow, I'm even more relaxed now. - I said cynically - Tell me, did you like the show? I don't know at what point you started watching, but I believe that you got hit by a twinge of envy, right?
Alexa clenched her jaw and inflated her nostrils, showing that she was trying to control herself. Her eyes burned in a colossal hatred, I'm sure that if the woman could kill me there, she quickly would.
- Oh my God, what did you do with these women? - Keana asked Valentina who just smiled.
I threw a look at both of them.
- Come, Albuquerque, drink a Whiskey with me. They have a lot of business to take care of. - Keana said serving two glasses.
Valentina shrugged and approached, grabbing a glass from Keana's hand. Both women raised their glasses with a triumphant smile on their lips and toasted in our victory. And I in the same instant went back to staring at Alexa.
- You are a bitch! - Alexa shouted.
- Alexa... - Candece whispered - There's no use.
- Me? You are the one after Valentina for money, and I'm the bitch? Please. - I spoke ironically.
- She's with you for sex! - She tried to snub.
Valentina approached quickly.
- Listen here you... - She spoke furiously, but I quickly interrupted her.
I touched her shoulders calmly and smiled, depositing a kiss on my woman's lips. Alexa who was a few centimeters away could see the scene up close. I let go of Valentina and turned my attention back to the cobra that stared at me furiously. Then my woman approached Keana again.
- I guarantee that it's not only for sex, but our sex is too hot. I think you must have noticed, right? You watched everything from front row.
My words came out laden in a strong irony.
- I'm absolutely certain that she never even thought about touching you in the way that she touches me. - I approached - With so much desire.
- You don't know anything!
I smiled at her hatred.
- I know, I know that no woman and much less you will have Valentina as I have her. You know that, Alexa.
- You are filthy!
I let out a laugh.
- And you envious. - I said.
- Me? Envy of you? Make me laugh, Karla. - She let out a humorless laugh.
- Yes, I have Valentina, something that you'll never have! - I shrugged ironically.
- I already had her for me.
I opened a broad smile and stared at her. Circling the woman slowly.
- No, not as I have her. - I spoke approaching Alexa from behind, to the point of whispering in her hear - You never had her in the so delicious way as I have her every night. Alexa, I came so hard and deliciously last night. I was all that she wanted that night. You calling me a bitch will not offend me, because yes, I was the best of bitches for her.
She huffed and turned to face me.
- You only serve for that!
- You are wrong. Luiza will still be my wife, the mother of my children, because I love her. And it's with her that I want to live the rest of my life. - Valentina spoke joining me again - Right, baby? Soon you'll be a Albuquerque.
I opened a smile, receiving a quick kiss from Valentina.
- Let's go, Alexa! - Candece said.
- No!
- Why are you in a hurry, Candece? You aren't enjoying the chat? - Valentina asked.
- Don't provoke me, you don't know with who you're messing! - The blonde shouted.
Valentina took over a serious pose.
- You are the one who doesn't know, you don't have the slightest idea of what I'm capable of doing to whom gets in my way.
- Are you threatening me? - Candece approached Valentina.
- I am, do you want me to draw it for you? I can be more clear. - Valentina took a step forward.
- Let's cool down the tempers here. - Keana approached, getting between the two women.
- Stay out of this, traitor. - Candece shouted.
- You don't want to pick a fight with me as well, Candece. Having Valentina and I as enemies isn't something healthy. - Keana spoke in a patient kind of way.
- Not really, especially now that we are on the same side. - Valentina continued
- This will not stay like this. - Candece shouted furiously.
- You two better not pull anymore shit, I won't make it easy on anyone just because of the pity that Luiza still feels for people like you. I can be very cruel when I want to.
The two didn't say anything.
- I will make your lives a living hell, Albuquerque. - Candece spoke challengingly.
- Try, and I will kill you, Campbell.
Valentina spoke in such a rude way that I could feel a chill go up my spine, I didn't doubt what Valentina would be capable of doing to defend what we had.
- Get out of here now, both of you!
My woman shouted, pulling Candece and Alexa by the arm. Both of them were practically being dragged out the door.
- Leave! I don't want to see the disgusting face of you two ever again!
Valentina shouted furiously, closing the door roughly. Causing a tremor in the glass window of the office. I quickly approached her and touched her face calmly. Trying to show that everything had worked out.
- Valentina...
The woman opened her eyes and stared at me. They were with a darker shade, and in them I could see the glow of the anger that soon faded away when she focused on me.
- Everything worked out. - I said smiling.
Valentina closed her eyes quickly and smiled.
- Yes! I'm very happy, Lu.
Her sweet and loving voice made itself present, and I sighed in relief as soon as her hands pulled me into a comforting embrace. We stayed about a few minutes like that, without saying absolutely anything. I could only feel the serene breathing of the woman against me. Until Valentina backed away a little bit to deposit a kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt the softness of her mouth go against mine, in the beginning was just a brush of our lips until Valentina gently asked for a space to slide her tongue over mine. We kissed with affection, until we heard Keana clearing her throat.
- Honestly, this wasn't in our deal. Me having to stay watching the clinginess of you two.
I let out a laugh and oddly enough Valentina too, we let go of each other slowly to face the woman that had an expression of boredom.
- Really, I don't have to put up with this.
- If you want to leave I will hold the door open for you. - Valentina said.
- You always so kind, Albuquerque. - Keana spoke getting up from where she was - I don't know how you stand her, Luizinha. I was your best girlfriend without a doubt.
Valentina frowned and huffed.
- Keana... - I scolded her.
- What? Am I lying? Come on, look at me. I'm very hot. - She said in a cocky way just to tease Valentina.
- My woman is too, and very. And she possesses these beautiful eyes. - I said playing along.
Valentina smiled widely, to then raise her eyebrows and shrug in a cocky way.
- See? I won again. - The woman spoke hugging me from behind.
Keana rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
- You two are the end.
Valentina and I let out an amused laugh. Until the door opened, making room for Vero and Lucy to enter amid an argument.
- I'm very upset with you, Albuquerque. - Vero spoke throwing her bag on the leather couch.
- What did I do? - She asked confused.
- You left me out of the party, why? Did you replace me with this woman now? - She said pointing to Keana.
I made a face at Valentina as if I was saying "you are screwed".
- God forbid. - Keana said.
- Of course not, Vero. The problem is that Issartel was part of the plan.
- I was the great player, of course. - Keana shrugged, and Valentina stared at her shaking her head.
- You always so full of yourself. - Vero said.
- What's your problem with me, Veronica? Is it because I live glued to your love? - Keana was straightforward.
Making Vero and Lucy blush in the same instant, that was too comical. Nothing better after a tense situation.
- Oh my God, don't talk nonsense, Marie. - Lucy grumbled.
- What? I'm being honest. She's jealous.
- You be quiet. - Valentina meddled in.
- Jesus! Stop! - I shouted making all of them stare at me - I don't want all this argument in my club, please! - I said pretending to be serious.
Valentina smiled and approached me.
- You heard my woman, quiet down.
- Just because she's the almighty now. - Vero said laughing.
- It's only for those who can, Iglesias. - I shrugged and laughed.
- I saw the face of those two leaving here, and it wasn't good at all. - It was Lucy's turn to speak.
- They just got what they deserved, Lucy. I would do much worse, but Luiza is too nice. - Valentina spoke leaning against the shelf behind her.
- She has a heart, unlike you three. - Lucy said.
- See? I like you, Lucy! - I said smiling.
- I have the feeling that we'll be very good friends, Luiza.
- We are screwed. - Veronica said making us laugh.
- Be quiet, Iglesias. - Lucy scolded her.
- We are back to the old days. - Valentina spoke laughing, leaving me confused.
- Why, baby?
- In high school, Lucy and Vero had this exact love-hate relationship, between slaps and kisses.
- The difference is that now there are no kisses. - Lucy cut and I smiled.
- Because you don't want. - It was Veronica's turn to speak.
- Ok, ok, girls. I'm feeling isolated in this couples' conversation.
- There's no other couple beside Valentina and Luiza here, Marie. - Lucy quickly said.
- I was here thinking about all of us going out to celebrate the fact that everything worked out. What do you think? - Keana asked excitedly.
- Finally a good idea. - Valentina joked.
- I always have great ideas.
- No fights. - I said cutting - Yes, let's go, I need to relax a little.
- Perfect. In "Cosmopolitan" today there's Latin night, it will be amazing.
- I love Latinas. - Valentina whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
I smirked and bit my lip.
- Let's go then!
Veronica's POV
We were now all gathered in an animated conversation in one of the tables of "Cosmopolitan". The club was simply crowded that night, the Latin music involved the people in a mind-blowing way. We had already danced, joked, but now we were just discussing who would leave there drunker, after all we were already in the fourth round of tequila. And I was still going firm and strong.
Even amid the good humor and the alcohol Keana and Valentina didn't stop exchanging barbs, as usual. That could even be comical for those who were outsiders. Luiza had called Dinah and Ally to join us and celebrate her great victory over Alexa and Candece. Everything was going perfectly well, except for the part of Lucy ignoring me completely.
I was here praying for the tequila to make some effect and for her to loosen up just so that I could get close without receiving a kick. And it seemed that it was working. The brunette now even smiles casted at me.
- You shouldn't abuse the tequila so much, Miss Campos. - Valentina said without losing the damn habit of calling the woman by her surname.
- I'm perfectly well, Albuquerque. - Luiza spoke winking at Valentina, and then turned her attention back to the conversation with the girls.
- She must know what she's saying. - I whispered to Valentina who laughed.
- I doubt it! Luiza doesn't drink much.
- Let her have fun, Valen. You can get lucky in the end of the night.
I spoke suggestively, making Valentina arch an eyebrow and nod with a naughty smile.
- You are absolutely right! But tell me, aren't you going to try? - She whispered to me, while the others laughed at something that Dinah had said.
- I don't know, Valen. I don't want to mess up. - I let out thoughtfully.
I really didn't want to. I had already messed up with Lucy once, and now I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to show that I never stopped loving her, despite the crazy desire to be with her, I wanted her to approach me willingly.
- Get close to her, Vero, I know that Lucy will want that.
- And what if she snubs me?
Valentina laughed softly and inched closer.
- She always did that, Veronica. And you loved it.
- You're right, at least one kiss tonight I need to have.
Valentina laughed.
- What you two whisper so much? - Luiza joined us, putting one arm around Valentina' s shoulders who looked at her smiling.
- The way for Vero to win Lucy back.
- Valentina! - I scolded her.
Luiza smiled, she looked at Lucy surreptitiously and then looked back at me.
- She's going pretty well with the tequilas. Two more rounds and she stops giving you the cold shoulder, Iglesias. Enjoy.
Valentina and I looked at Luiza who shrugged.
- You clearly chose the right woman. - I spoke to Valentina who pulled Luiza closer to her.
- Yes, I have no doubts left.
- What are you two talking about? - Lucy asked, attracting the attention of everyone to our conversation, and consequently making me nervous.
- That Valentina chose the right woman. - I said.
- I have no doubts of that. - Dinah completed.
- Awww! Cheechee, I love you. - Luiza patted her best friend.
- You look beautiful together. - It was Ally's turn to speak.
Valentina smiled and hugged Luiza, who deposited a kiss on my friend.
- We can ship you. - I said laughing.
- Of course! Let's think about a name, Iglesias. - Lucy said smiling entering the game.
- Valen... ValenLulu? - She started giving ideas.
We all made a face shaking our heads.
- We can name it... Va... Valu! That, Valu is good! - I said.
- I like it! - Dinah spoke excitedly.
Valentina and Luiza let out a laugh.
- Is this serious? - Valentina asked confused.
- Obvious! Valu is real.
- Let's make a toast to Valu! - Dinah almost shouted, extending the small glass of tequila.
- YAASSS! - Lucy shouted.
We all extended the tequila shots up high toasting to the couple.
- We can toast to Vercy, what do you think, Valen? - Luiza asked mischievously.
- Vercy? - Dinah asked.
- Yes, Vero and Lucy!
All, including Lucy to my surprise laughed. Indeed, the tequila was making effect.
- We can toast to KeLulu. - It was Keana's turn to speak.
- What? - Valentina stared at her serious.
- Keana and Luiza. - She spoke as if it were obvious.
Dinah, Ally, Lucy and I looked at each other waiting for the right moment to separate a future fight.
- Your time has passed, Issartel. Luiza is my woman now, and I don't intend to change that.
- Uhh! - Dinah said.
- It's not my fault that Luizinha makes poor choices. - Keana provoked.
- In the name of Jesus, let's all remain calm. - Ally always religious.
- Exactly, girls! - Lucy stood up - Let's all dance!
- Great idea, Lucy! - Dinah followed her. Making Keana and Ally go along.
Lucy danced excitedly to the sound of an engaging rhythm alongside Keana, Ally and Dinah. I was sitting next to Valu talking about random things while we drank. The two were always exchanging caresses and kisses making me have envy of doing the same with the brunette that danced in the dance floor. I took another sip of my drink that should be some mix of citrus fruits and vodka, as I watched her have fun.
- You should hurry up, you don't want to lose her to some woman in here, right? - Luiza asked while she was sitting on Valentina's lap.
I stared at her for a few seconds, and then turned my gaze back to Lucy. Luiza was absolutely right. I couldn't leave things like that. I nodded at the brunette who smiled, and then stood up going towards Vives that danced next to a woman that I hadn't even seen before.
Without thinking twice I pulled the woman by the waist, making her move away from the blonde that surrounded her.
- What do you think you're doing, Iglesias?
- Getting you away from what sucks.
The blonde didn't make a very good face, but just walked away without saying anything. Lucy stood for a few seconds staring at me, and God. She looked beautiful, her hair was loose, slightly disheveled, nothing out of the ordinary. Her makeup was light, highlighting her lips that I so wanted to kiss. You know when for a few seconds you go out of orbit and you can't see anything around you except the person that's in front of you? It was exactly like that that I felt. Not even the strong beat of the music, the several people around, the frenetic game of lights of the club made me take my eyes off the woman in front of me.
Lucy alternated her gaze from my mouth to my eyes, and sighed. I tried to get closer, touching her waist again. But the woman shook her head and walked away. And on an impulse I held her.
- No, please. I promise to not do anything. - She turned towards me - Just dance with me.
Lucy seemed to think about my proposal.
- Promise?
I smiled.
- I promise. - I spoke firmly, without letting her notice my fingers crossing, breaking my promise.
That night I would begin to win back Lucy Vives.
Valentina's POV
- Where are you going? - I asked as soon as Luiza got up from my lap.
- Let's dance?
She asked with a cheerful smile. She was already "high" due to the high alcohol content in her body. But that didn't matter that night, Luiza was happy and that was what mattered to me.
I smiled at her who stood still in front of me waiting for an answer. God, she looked beautiful as always. Tonight she was wearing a black blouse that left her back totally bare, leaving also a bit of her smooth stomach showing. In the bottom half she was wearing a skirt that reached her knees, contrary to what one imagines the fabric molded itself perfectly well on her curves, leaving her totally sexy. And to help, it still possessed a slit on her left thigh. Her hair was loose and wavy, molding her face that possessed a light and delicate makeup.
- I'm tired, Lu. - I grumbled.
- Come on, Valen. I want to dance with you! Come, I love this song.
She said starting to pull me. I stood up reluctantly and followed her. Luiza walked in front of me, giving me the opportunity to appreciate very well her body as I followed her. The Latina walked to the middle of the dance floor where everyone seemed focused solely on dancing, without even noticing anyone around. And now I understood perfectly well.
Luiza stopped and turned to face me, with a naughty expression. To the point of biting her lip and starting to move her body in a perfect sync with the Latin music that was playing. The beat was purely sensual, which fit well with the woman in front of me. She smiled sarcastically and continued to dance. Swaying slowly from one side to side with the pure intention to tease me. And she was succeeding.
She brought her hands up to her hair, closing her eyes to sway her hips more. Karla Luiza had an immeasurable power of seduction, you could simply get lost in the midst her gazes and the way her body moved. It was like a kind of hypnosis. You had no choice, you were just taken to a dimension where desire and lust prevailed.
I took a deep breath and approached, grabbing her waist with my hands in a possessive way. My eyes connected with hers so intensely that I could have sworn that the temperature of that place was higher than normal. Karla bit her lip and smiled, as if she knew exactly the dirty thoughts that were crossing my mind. She turned her back to me, gluing her body to mine to continue swaying. I felt her rub on me in the tune that the music was dictating in the moment. I slid my hands on her waist and hips that swayed at every instant. Instigating me more and more.
- You don't get tired of teasing me? - I whispered in her ear, making her arch her head back, opening a cynical smile.
- Me? I'm not teasing, Albuquerque. - She said placing her hands over mine to press her body more against mine - I'm just dancing with you.
- If you knew what you cause in me dancing this way, you'd think before asking me to join you. - I spoke in her ear, taking the opportunity to bite her earlobe slowly.
She was loving that little game, Karla had as fun leaving me fucking horny for her. And she was able to do it too easily.
- And what if I know? And what if I like leaving you like this, Valentina? - Her voice tone came out hoarse, sexy. I slid my lips on her neck, kissing that area with slowness. Sliding my tongue real slow.
- Damn you. - I whispered against her skin.
She bit her lip and smiled, turning to face me. Putting her arms around my neck to stand only a few centimeters from me, my hands quickly landed on her waist. Pulling the Latina's body to join mine. She connected her gaze on mine and sensually sang an excerpt of the song for me, while her hips moved in the perfect rhythm of the music:
* Trata de no seducirme en esta noche
es increíble
vayamos despacio
Déjame besar tus labios, sentirme en tus brazos
No digas nada
Quiero sentir el calor que hay entre tú y yo
Pero esta noche no, pero esta noche no
Por favor *
The last sentence she almost moaned in my lips, and fuck. I couldn't handle it, I held her waist tightly without the slightest intention. The desire to possess that woman right here was indescribable. Luiza inched her lips closer to mine and kissed them in teasing. To then get out of my arms and infiltrate in the middle of the crowd that danced.
The brunette without letting my eyes lose her from sight, made me follow her among the people, like a kind of game where I sought what I most wanted. I could see her wavy hair, highlighting on her smooth back in the middle of the crowd. She hid the maximum she could in one of the darkest places from there. The game of lights, the loud music, the several people. All helped in her game.
Karla turned her face to the side and smiled, giving me the boost to continue the pursuit. Until she went to a dark and lonely corner, she leaned against the wall facing me. And swayed to the sound of the music, letting her body rub on the wall real slow, up and down with her eyes blazing on me.
I smiled, and she smiled too. The Latina bit her lip and with her index finger beckoned me to get close. I shook my head, and she lifted her leg resting it on the wall behind her, letting her thigh almost completely showing due to the huge slit of her skirt. I could read on her lips she pronouncing a simple "come", which left me completely lost. Karla lifted her skirt a bit, and I quickly got closer. Making her body collide against the wall again.
- You are crazy! - I whispered against her lips.
She opened a naughty smile.
- Crazy in desire for you. - She said biting my lower lip.
- We can't, not here, Luiza
Her naughty hands slid up my stomach slowly, until reaching the buttons of my ivory silk blouse that I was wearing, unbuttoning one, two, three buttons. Leaving the upper part of my breasts showing.
- We can... - She spoke leaning her head forward, depositing a long kiss on the top of my left breast - We must... - Another kiss, but now on my right breast - And we will. - This time she licked between them - Now, Albuquerque.
I that already was with my eyes closed, sighed. Trying to hold onto the last thread of sanity that I still had left.
- Miss Campos, please. - I almost begged.
- Shhh! I need you, Valentina. - She said with the index finger on my lips - I need to cum for you.
She whispered in my ear with the most sensual voice she could use.
- Someone can catch us, let's go to the bathroom. - I tried to pull her, but Luiza was firm.
- I want here! I'm so aroused, Valentina. Feel.
Karla grabbed one of my hands and brought it to her pussy covered by the thin fabric of her panties. Making me feel how wet she was.
- Fuck me, fuck me good.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted, and I would do it. I would fuck Luiza anywhere she asked. I kissed her lips intensely, enjoying her mouth the maximum I could. I wanted to feel, and give that woman what she wanted so badly. An orgasm.
With one of my hands I lifted her thigh, for my body to fit perfectly with hers. I brought my other hand between the dark locks of her hair, tugging on it which made her gasp. Forcing the woman to arch her head back, leaving her neck at the mercy of my mouth. I inhaled deeply the scent of her skin and licked the area of her neck with want, making her press my body against hers out of sheer impulse.
Luiza bit her lip hard and stared at me. I could have sworn that we were there alone, without anyone else. Just me and her. My hand that rested on her thigh went up to her buttocks, squeezing tightly. The brunette leaned her head forward, sliding her lips on my jaw in pure teasing. My fingers moved to her panties, pushing the thin fabric of her panties aside and touching her hot and wet pussy.
- Oh, yeah. Touch me... - She whispered with her head arched back, leaning against the wall.
I didn't dare to disobey, I leaned my head forward depositing kisses, sucks and light bites on her neck. While my hand slid between the slick folds of her center.
- Valentina... - She moaned, squeezing my hair tightly.
Just giving me impulse to move more the index and middle finger on her clit. She was fucking aroused, her wet pussy would easily give me the opportunity to fuck her there.
- Faster... Do it faster, Valentina!
She moaned, God! I was going mad. The drink, the place, her moans, the way how she was aroused and the fear of being caught. All contributed for a mind-blowing situation. My fingers moved fast, making a delicious pressure in Luiza's pussy, who moaned louder at every instant.
-Moan softly, moan just for me, Karla.
She bit her lip in such a sexy way to contain the moans that I could feel my center contract.
- Yeah, moan softly. Moan in my ear, I'll fuck you until you cum.
- Hmmm, Valentina... Oh... - She began moaning loudly again, God.
The adrenaline that took over my body mixed with the alcohol made everything ten times more intense. I slid faster and faster my fingers on the Latina's clit, who moaned wildly. Her breath was panting only contributing to my doom. Luiza leaned her head forward and took my mouth in a desperate kiss. Letting her tongue invade my mouth with want, sucking in such a delicious way.
- Oh, I need you to fuck me. - She cried out agonized - Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Oh!
We were sweating, the place felt like a sauna. Karla dug her nails in my ass in the exact moment that I threatened to penetrate her. God, I wanted, I needed to feel her cuming. As I slid my fingers to fuck the Latina a couple approached making me retreat. She opened her eyes that until a few minutes ago were closed and stared at me furiously.
- Finish this now! - She said holding me to her.
- Come with me. - I spoke pulling the brunette with me.
We passed by some people who clung to each other in the corridor, until entering one of the bathrooms that apparently was in maintenance. I didn't even give time for Luiza to say anything, just pulled the brunette closer to me taking her mouth in a desperate kiss. The woman quickly opened the rest of the buttons of my blouse, digging her nails in my waist. Without disconnecting our lips, I guided the woman's body to the huge sink of that bathroom, where quickly I forced her to sit.
Luiza spread her legs for me to fit in the middle of them, to then close them around my waist, holding my body to hers. I kissed the woman as if my life depended on it.
- Suck me, please... Valentina. - She asked breathlessly.
My hands that now squeezed her thighs tightly went up to her panties to lower them. I pulled Luiza's hips a bit forward, seeing her rosy and wet pussy. God, I could feel my body tremble with such want.
She leaned her back against the mirror behind her and let out a loud moan in the exact moment that my tongue slid lightly on her center. She had a wonderful taste.
- Oh, God! Valentina!
I stared at the brunette that had her head arched back, seeing her skin slightly glowing due to the sweat. She was now fully open to me, making a fucking pleasure expression. Her hands were resting on the marble sink. Fuck, I could cum just by seeing her so aroused.
- Suck, come on.
I closed my eyes and slid my tongue between her slick folds, letting just the tip of my tongue touch her swollen clit. The brunette that was thirsty for more spread her legs more for me and pushed her hips forward. But I just kept teasing her.
- Don't tease me, Albuquerque!
- You are so delicious, Campos. - I said, to then slide my tongue on the brunette's swollen clit with certain pressure, I could hear her loud and choked moans.
She was so sensitive that I could just continue there. I sucked in the way that she ordered, sucking everything that she offered me. One of her hands landed on my hair, squeezing tightly. Forcing me to continue. Her hips at every instant moved, impulsing forward so that my tongue would make a stronger pressure. She was about to cum, she moaned and moved fast.
- Oh fuck! Valentina! - She was so out of breath, her chest rose and fell quickly. The beads of sweat ran down her neck, where I could easily see the vein pop out - You suck me so good, fucking hell!
Should I even say that I loved when she cussed? I felt fucking aroused with her dirty vocabulary. I stopped for a few instants and licked my lips, receiving a blazing gaze from her.
- I love sucking you, Luiza. - I whispered, lowering myself again. Now with two fingers I spread the slick folds of her so wet pussy, I could feel it throb. And slowly began to circle her clit.
She again arched her head back and moaned my name in a dragged way.
- Hmmm, yes, more. Suck! - She cried out.
And I did, I sucked with want. Feeling the brunette's body shaking entirely, she was moving fast involuntarily, while her hand held my head firmly. I didn't stop until feeling the last drop of her cum on my tongue.
- You are so delicious!
Luiza smiled naughtily and breathlessly. She leaned forward, to then pull me by the hair, forcing me to get face to face with her. She bit her lip and pulled my hair again, but now it was the Latina who inched closer and licked like a feline all the remnants of her own cum from my mouth.
- I want to fuck you. - She said maliciously.
- You do?
- I do, and I want to fuck you now.
God, this woman is too perfect! I smirked and when I was about to pull her from the top of the counter the bathroom door opened. Making room for Lucy and Vero that kissed each other passionately, but stopped in the exact moment they saw us in there.
The four of us looked at each other as if we just committed a crime.
- Ehrm... we... well... - Lucy started speaking.
- We know. - Valentina said laughing.
- This will be a secret. - Lucy spoke pretending to be serious.
- We have to swear. - Luiza commented.
- I don't know why, I'm loving this. We can do it all together. You two already started some time ago, right?
- Iglesias. - I said laughing.
- What? Luiza's state is deplorable. And Valentina! You look too hot, hot damn.
- Veronica! - Lucy pushed her.
- I only have eyes for you, Vives. - She said seriously, looking at the woman beside her.
All of us were already altered because of the alcohol, that was a fact. And Lucy seemed to be even more. So much that she didn't even care, just pulled Iglesias into one of the stalls of the bathroom. I laughed seeing both of them desperate practically eating each other in front of us, until the door closed letting us only hear a few laughs and well-known noises.
- Do you want to continue? - I heard Luiza whisper.
I stared at the woman in disbelief. Even with the couple near us she wanted to continue? God!
- Are you serious?
Luiza smirked and pulled me by the collar of the blouse into a stall, that night would be long.
Oh it definitely would be.
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