Chap 7 - The Dance
Luiza's POV
After that lunch, we returned to the office and spent the entire afternoon around innumerous papers and spreadsheets. The closeness with her made me think of things that I shouldn't be thinking of. It could be delusional on my part, but sometimes I felt her eyes on me, in an intense way, like Valentina looked at Karla. Or maybe it was just my subconscious that wanted her to look at me like that too.
"We could give them last year's plans too." I said, putting some papers on her desk. It was already past 8PM.
"That would be a great idea. Are they all here?" She asked, grabbing the papers.
I heard a few weak knocks on the door, and then saw Austin. I widened my eyes at him, who didn't look very pleased.
"Luiza, can I talk to you?"
Valentina stared at him for a few seconds, and then at me.
"Go talk to him, Ms. Campos." She said coldly.
I closed my eyes and walked out of her office.
"What happened to our dinner?" He asked somewhat angrily.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can go."
He shook his head, putting his hands on his waist in an angry expression. "You're making me look like an idiot, you bailed on me for the second time in the same day!"
"What do you want me to do? I don't have a choice! Do you think I like working late?"
"You know you have the choice to leave, right? That woman barely started working here and she's already exploiting you?!"
"Sshhh! Lower your voice! Do you want her to hear us? I need my job!" I said angrily.
"Is there a problem?" I heard Valentina's voice behind me.
"No, ma'am..."
"Ms. Albuquerque, don't you find these work hours inopportune?" Austin asked, challenging her.
I could see Valentina's veins pop out and her jaw harden. She took a deep breath and then spoke.
"Mr. Mahone, I must inform you that I'm the president of this company and because of that I don't have to explain myself to you about my employees' work hours. If you think it's so late, why are you still here?"
She completely slayed him. I didn't doubt that if Austin could kill her with his gaze, he surely would've done it. Valentina's words were precise and arrogant.
"You're absolutely right, ma'am. I'm sorry for asking."
"No problem. Ms. Campos, as soon as you finish your conversation, I need to show you some documents."
I just nodded at the woman who returned to her office, leaving me in silence beside the boy.
"These next few days are going to be impossible, I have to finish the general balance sheet with her until Monday, Austin. I'm sorry."
The boy stared at me for a few seconds, and then said:
"Right, stay with your work then, good night."
And then he left.
If his intention was to make me feel bad, congrats, he did it. His disappointed face due to my answer was very noticeable. I took a deep breath and returned to her office, seeing the most attractive woman I had ever seen. I completely forgot all about Austin when I saw her. She was sitting down, with her white blouse partially unbuttoned on her breasts. She had reading glasses on her face, her hair was tied up in a bun atop of her head, and she had a serious and attentive expression as she stared at the stack of papers on her desk. I allowed myself to think that spending so many hours alone with her was an attack on my sanity.
"Somewhat insubordinate your friend..." Her voice sounded cold.
"I'm sorry, I swear I didn't want this."
Valentina stared at me. "I know you didn't, Campos, relax. Now come here."
Closeness with her, it was what I least wanted.
"Richard sucked at making reports, but I found these here, do you know who made them? They are great!" She asked, handing me the folder.
"These are mine, ma'am." I said smiling shyly.
Valentina looked at me with those emeralds eyes through her delicate glasses, putting the tip of the pencil between her lips. Fuck! She looked so sexy like that.
"You're really good at what you do, Ms. Campos. I don't understand why you didn't seek something more."
"Let's just say that I didn't have many opportunities. And I like my work."
"I also like your work, I thought it would be hard to find a good secretary, I never had much luck with that." She said smiling.
"Why?" I asked curiously.
"You don't want to know." She said laughing.
"Now I'm curious."
Valentina smiled. "I think you've realized that I'm not the loving type of person, and my secretaries couldn't stand my strong-willed persona."
"I'll be different, ma'am."
"If you can be, I'll give you a prize."
"I'll hold you to that." I smiled shyly.
We worked for a few more hours. I was already too tired, and Valentina seemed to be too. As soon as we finished, she asked Alfred to take me home, and so he did.
When I got home, I received an evaluative stare from Dinah and Ally, who relaxed when I told them that nothing had happened. On the next day it was the same thing, we spent the whole day stuck in that office, only leaving to eat. Austin didn't even talk to me when we passed by each other in the corridors, probably still upset due to me bailing on him on the day before. Ally ended up spending a few hours with me and Valentina, to help us with the financial report. And just like that, the hours passed by.
"I can ask Dinah to bring the customers' balance sheets if you want, ma'am." Ally said in front of her.
"That would be great, Ms. Hernandez, I really need them." Valentina said, getting up from her chair. "Actually, I need all the necessary material here. You won't be here on the weekends, so it's better to leave everything ready."
"We won't?" I asked, looking at her.
"Only you, Ms. Campos." She said, staring right at me. "You're the only one I need."
Ally gave me a discreet, mischievous look, making me shake my head. She would for sure tell Dinah, and they would both annoy me all night. We worked for a few more hours. It was night already, and I was sure that in that building, besides the security guards and the cleaning team, there was only me and Valentina. The woman was leaning over her computer, searching for all the necessary files, and I was feeling exhausted. But I still had to find strength for today, Karla would be dancing, and today Valentina would watch. I wondered if she even remembered it, poor thing, with so much work she must've forgotten about it, I thought. I wanted to remind her somehow. I needed to get out of there, I couldn't fail Candece.
But as if God had heard my prayers, someone knocked on the door. Valentina looked away from her computer to look at the person who entered her office.
"Let's go party, Albuquerque!" The woman who walked into her office shouted excitedly.
Valentina looked at me, and I quickly tried to look busy.
"Iglesias, I'm working."
"Jesus, you will turn into a machine!" Veronica said, dropping her purse on one of the chairs, and then she noticed my presence. "Oh! Hi, Luiza."
"Hello, Ms. Iglesias." I said smiling.
"Valentina, are you enslaving her here?" Vero asked jokingly.
"Veronica, don't exaggerate." Valentina said, staring at her. "From the way you're talking, one of these days I'll be charged with slavery..."
"But it's true, leaving the poor girl working until 10:30PM is slavery to me."
"What? 10:30PM?" Her green eyes widened.
Bingo. She remembered.
"God! I wasn't even aware of the time, we have to go!"
"Why the rush? Now that I'm here, I want to talk to Luiza." She said, approaching me, leaving me somewhat red.
I closed my eyes and smiled surreptitiously, Valentina's desperation over missing Karla's performance was wonderful. Little did she know that the dancer was right in front of her eyes.
"Ms. Campos, we'll finish this tomorrow, I have a very important commitment now." She said, grabbing her purse.
"Of course, Ms. Albuquerque, but aren't we going to review this before leaving?"
"Dammit! Dammit! She must've danced already!" I could hear her murmur in agony. "No, no review. Vero, come on! Let's go!" She grabbed Iglesias' arm, pulling her.
"You're always so bossy. Do you want to come with us, Luiza?" Vero asked.
Valentina stopped, and stared at us. Can you imagine? Valentina, Veronica, me and Karla in the same place? I know, crazy, and impossible.
"No, thank you, I'd rather go home." I lied.
"Are you sure? I'm a great company." Vero flirted with me.
"I don't doubt it, but I really am very tired."
"Okay then, it was nice to see you, Luiza. I hope to see you again more times."
Was she really hitting on me? Valentina watched us, surreptitiously, but I knew that she was paying attention to every detail of the conversation.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Valentina said, and then she left.
I ran to my desk, packing my things, I had exactly half an hour to get to 'Imperium', and I really hoped to not find Valentina in that place as Luiza. The traffic was tranquil, and it didn't take too long for me to arrive at the club. God! It was crowded! I walked behind the building, entering through the back door, to then head to my dressing room.
"Where were you?!" I heard Dinah's voice.
"I was at the office, luckily I was able to leave." I said, leaving my things on the small dresser.
"The boss doesn't want to let you go, huh? You're leaving late every day." Her voice tone was mischievous.
"It's just during this week, that report is consuming us. Poor thing, even Ally is helping." I said as I took off my clothes.
"I know, she told me. And she also told me that you're going to spend the weekend with Valentina."
"You speak as if I'm going to a cottage with her! We're going to be stuck inside the office."
"Whatever! You're spending too much time together, it's dangerous. But if that's what you want, I can only wish you good luck, because she's outside, first row."
I smiled at Dinah, not being able to contain my happiness at the knowledge. Valentina was really delighted with me, or rather, with Karla.
"You better open your eyes if you don't want to lose the boss. Kellen is after her."
I looked at Dinah with a serious expression. "Why do you say that?"
"Go out there and see for yourself, you'll know what I mean."
I opened the door of my dressing room and headed to the back of the stage. Through the thick curtain slits, I searched for Valentina's table. There she was, watching a private show that Kellen was doing. Bitch! I took a deep breath, watching them. I felt a sudden hatred for that girl. Kellen was one of the oldest dancers in the club, I remember that as soon as I started working there, she looked at me with the utmost disapproval. She had never accepted the fact that I was able to accomplish more things than her in less time. Kellen always wanted a solo performance, but Candece honored me with that task, which only worsened her 'war' with me. For her, and for some others, I was the 'favorite', but I really didn't care about that. Luiza could be sweet and sensitive, but Karla wasn't. That bitch wouldn't take Valentina from me.
"That girl is a bitch!" I said as soon as I returned to my dressing room.
"That's nothing new, Lulu, but we both know that she's only trying to get Valentina because of the rumors that were going around this week."
"What rumors, Dinah?"
"That the powerful businesswoman Valentina Albuquerque comes here only to see you."
"Everyone's talking about it?" I asked as I applied makeup.
"Yes, that you're the all mighty of 'Imperium'." Dinah said laughing, to then approach me to fix my hair.
I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, it was almost time. Soon any trace of the sweet Luizawould disappear, to give way to the imposing Karla Estrabao. A few minutes after Dinah helped me, everything was ready. I put on the last detail, my black mask.
"How do I look?" I asked Dinah, who smiled at me.
"Sexy! Now go out there and take that bitch Kellen off your future wife."
"Dinah!" I said laughing.
"I'm just speaking the truth, Karla. Albuquerque's at your feet, but we both know that this is a dangerous game."
"I like this danger, Dinah." I said, to then walk towards the stage.
I was a little nervous that night, I would dance especially for Valentina. Never in all the years dancing in 'Imperium', did someone catch my attention so much. To have that woman was a desire that burned inside me more and more, but like Dinah had said, it was a dangerous game, but one that I longed to play. She was there, in the first row, with attentive eyes on the stage. At her side was Veronica Iglesias, who I once thought to be her girlfriend. How completely wrong I was. At her other side Kellen laughed and served her some alcoholic beverage. Today I would have to take a step forward, with someone hitting on Valentina, I could lose her. What if she got tired of the games? What if she chose Kellen? I shook my head, removing that thought that left me uneasy. I walked to the center of the dark stage, positioning myself to start my show. Today I was wearing a kind of white suit that reached just below my butt, inside of it was a black corset that molded my body in a sexy way. On my legs I had stockings that went above my knees and that were attached to a garter belt. And on my feet I had really high black high heels. My hair was tied up in a very well made bun. Today's music would be slow and accompanied by a sensual voice. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"It's your turn, Karla." I whispered to myself.
Valentina's POV
Suddenly everything went silent, the lights lowered, leaving everything in just a penumbra. It was going to start, she was going to dance. I didn't take my eyes off the main stage where at any instant I would see my dancer start her performance.
A woman with a young appearance had been dancing for me since the time I arrived, she seemed to be interested, but no one in there mattered unless it was Karla. I heard the beat of the music begin, and at the same instant the spotlight lit on the center of the stage, where she was. In that moment I felt my heart beat slowly, while my eyes took in every little detail of her body. She looked beautiful, as always. She was wearing a modern suit that reached just below the beautiful volume of her butt, and on her legs she had black stockings attached to garter belt. On her feet she had very high high heels. She was breathtaking, her hair was tied up in a perfectly made bun, and an elegant hat. I felt my whole body on fire just by thinking about what she could be wearing underneath.
Karla swayed her hips, still with her back to the spectators, and then turned around, facing us, to then graciously walk to the front of the stage, where she stopped with her hands on her waist and with her imposing air. Fuck! She looked so fucking sexy. I felt my body burn when her gaze met mine, and I saw a devilish smile appear on her mouth. Today she wasgoing to dance for me. The brunette started dancing in tune with the beat that spread across the environment. It was mind-blowing watching that woman dance. Karla transported us to paradise, where pleasure and lust were the only sensations. How did she do that? I was hypnotized by her body, and by the way it moved. She walked to the other side of the stage, swaying in such a sensual way for a man who was swallowing her hungrily with his eyes, and then she went back to the center of the stage where she took off the hat and threw it to the audience who wanted her like I did. I wanted to see her closer, I wanted her to only dance for me. Between her sensual dance moves, she moved closer to where I was, and she stared at me as if we were the only people in that place. The mask that covered her face made her look so sexy, but the desire to see her face free of the mask was enormous. She slid her hands over every inch of her body, moving in a purely sexual way. The frantic beat was driving me crazy, I wanted that woman for myself, I needed her.
Karla bit her lower lip and winked at me. When she started unbuttoning her suit, she slowly opened it, letting it fall on the floor, displaying her black corset with lace details that exalted her breasts, and showed her tiny panties. God! That was the end of me. Imagining that woman on my bed, wearing those costumes, was so very tempting. She brought one of her hands to her hair, taking off the small tie to finally free her long, wavy hair that fell like a waterfall down her back. In that moment people went crazy.
"You're so hot, I want you for a whole night!" A man with grey hair shouted, throwing dollars on the stage.
She didn't even look at him, her eyes were on me, she was dancing for me. And I couldn't contain the excitement at that. She moved in such a delicious way that I could feel my sex throbbing.
She kneeled in front of me, sliding her hands over her body until reaching her dark hair. She was driving me crazy. How could she do that to me? But she seemed to be having fun with that, because she smiled in the best and most provocative way. The dancer bit her lower lip, and then winked at me, making me flash a smile full of irony. I approached her to put some dollars in the thin string on the side of her panties. Karla smiled and got up.
The brunette walked to the center of the stage and started dancing on the pole that was in the middle. With her back to us, she slowly went down to the ground, rubbing her body against the pole, and then she turned around, holding the pole with both hands to suspend her body from the ground. She was experienced in that type of dance because every move was incredibly sexy.
As if in a parallel world, I was so fucking lost in her, she could seduce me so easily. Everything about her was attractive, her skin, her eyes, her body and the way it moved. I was sure I wasn't the only one she made feel that way. Everyone in there was at her feet.
Damn stripper.
Karla finished her performance with a triumphant smile, and with her eyes on me, as if she wanted to tell me something. I saw the woman quickly exit through the back of the stage, until I lost sight of her.
"I'm impressed with this woman!" I heard Vero's voice.
I looked at her smiling. "She's amazing, isn't she?" I asked.
"I can be way better." The girl that was still beside me said.
"I'm sorry, but I don't want anything." I said to the woman calmly.
Her face instantly turned unpleasant, and she got up and left. I looked at Iglesias who had her hand covering her mouth, suppressing a laugh.
"You're crazy! The poor girl, dude." She said, amused.
"What?! I don't want anything with her, I need to talk to that dancer, Vero." I said, looking around the environment in search of the brunette.
"Jesus! You're obsessed with her! Did you know that she's called the 'untouchable'? No one ever was able to get that woman, Albuquerque! That's why I prefer to focus on the hottie from your office."
"Have you tried? Who?"
"I've never tried." She said. "And I was referring to the hottie that is Luiza Campos. What an amazing woman! Jesus! And that ass!"
"For God's sake, leave her alone. You'll mess up the girl's life."
"I guarantee you that she'll love the nights spent with me, I'm good at what I do, Albuquerque."
"If you say so, go ahead then, she's all yours."
Veronica shook her head, taking a sip of her reddish drink. I quickly got up, looking around the room, looking for that woman.
"Where are you going?" Vero asked smiling.
"I'm going to show you that I can get her."
Vero laughed, amused. "That's what I'm talking about! It's good to have you back, bitch!" She said, hugging me.
She was already more altered than normal. I knew Iglesias like the back of my hand, the years passed but she hadn't changed at all. In our teenage years nothing was impossible, we always got what we wanted. And that was my goal now, I would get what I wanted. I straightened up my coat and walked to the bar where I saw the woman who had given me the information the other day. When I approached her, I ordered one of the drinks she was preparing.
"First row?" Normani asked, serving me the drink.
"First row." I answered as I took a sip of the drink. "Do you know if she's coming down here today?"
"She usually leaves after her performance. But I believe that today she'll come down here."
I couldn't help the smile that showed up on my face after hearing that.
"Found you." I heard a feminine voice beside me, and I smiled on the inside, hoping to see her face, but when I looked to the side I came across the dancer from a few minutes ago.
"Oh! It's you..." I said, a little disappointed.
The girl was very pretty, but too sassy. If it was any other time, I would sleep with her for one night and period. But now I had only one focus, and in this exact moment that focus was descending the stairs, smiling beside Candece. The blonde guided Karla to a tall and well-dressed boy, probably the son of some businessman. The boy with a plastered smile on his face kissed the dancer's hand in a greeting that angered me. I closed my eyes and drank at once the alcoholic liquid that was in the glass on top of the counter. I felt my throat burn all over. Kellen put her hand on my shoulder, caressing it. I didn't have a reason to feel like that, Karla was only a dancer who I barely knew, but I couldn't explain the reason for all that. I felt a certain dominion over her, even when nothing had happened yet.
The boy inched closer to her and kissed her on the cheek, and she backed away immediately. Karla looked everywhere until she laid eyes on me, and then she approached me.
"Did you like the show?"
Was it possible to say that even her voice was sensual?
I looked at the brunette who was now standing in front of me with the same clothes she had on while dancing, and with her inseparable mask.
"It was perfect." I said, looking into her brown eyes.
I was sure that we stayed like that for a long while, just staring into each other's eyes, until I felt the hand of the other dancer on my waist. I looked at the woman, remembering her presence there. Karla looked straight at the girl's hand on me, and then she looked at me.
"Leave us alone, Kellen. Albuquerque wants to talk to me." She said in an imposing way.
"How can you be sure of that, Karla?" The girl asked, standing right in front of her.
"Because it was me she came here to see, now leave."
I didn't want to look at the other woman again, but I could feel the deadly look she was casting on Karla and me. She left without saying a word.
"If you want you can go after her."
"My only interest here is you."
Karla smiled and sat down on one of the stools. I approached her, sitting beside her.
"Do you want something to drink?" I asked her.
"Let's go straight to business, Valentina." She said, grabbing the glass from my hand and taking a sip of the drink, to then run her tongue over her lip wet with alcohol. "What do you want from me?"
I closed my eyes, and smiled at the images of her that flashed through my head.
"I want you, Karla." I said, placing both hands around her on the counter.
We were too close, I could feel her hot body a few centimeters away from mine. Our eyes stared right into each other intensely. And in that brown gaze, I could see how much she wanted me, and how much she would still tease me.
"We can't always have everything we want, you know?"
"I always have everything I want, and that ain't going to change now." I said firmly.
I saw that she stared at my lips, and then at my eyes. She wanted all that just as much as I did. I inched even closer to her, when her hands touched my shoulders, preventing me from getting closer.
"Shall we dance?" She asked, escaping from my arms.
I smiled and followed her. She walked in front of me, giving me a full view of her hips swaying. Jesus! She had an ass that longed for my hands.
"Wait..." I said, pulling her arm, making her stop and bump against my body. "I don't dance... But we can do something much better." I said, pulling her into a darker and empty corner.
I pushed her against the wall, pinning her body with my own. The light there was dim, but I could see her eyes, and in them I saw lust and desire. Karla moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, and smiled mischievously. That woman was my ruin.
"Why do you do this?" I whispered to her.
"What? I'm not doing anything, Valentina."
"You control me, with your actions. But don't get too excited, I'm the owner of my wills."
"Prove it, do something you want."
I longed to kiss that mouth, but the small mask she was wearing hindered my chance. I wanted to see her before. I brought my hand to her face, to take off her mask so I could finally see her face, but her small hands quickly landed on top of mine, preventing my action.
"Don't even think about it..." She whispered, looking into my eyes.
I don't want anything getting in my way now."
"No?" Her gaze was so intense, we were so close.
I didn't say anything, just shook my head, and Karla slowly brought her hands up to the scarf I was wearing, taking it off my neck, without taking her eyes off mine. I've never been so close to her before, the adrenaline that I felt was crazy, I felt my body on fire for having her like this. Everything I wanted was to possess her body in every way, but I knew that that wouldn't happen. Karla brought the scarf to my face, blindfolding my eyes carefully.
"What..." I tried to speak, but she interrupted me.
"Shush! Shut up, Albuquerque." Her voice tone sounded determined, which made my desire to have her increase.
"No buts! Just kiss me."
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