Chapter 32 - Returning Home

Kastali Dun

Claire placed her ungloved hand against Talon's scales as Kastali Dun materialized on the horizon. It was early morning still. The sun was just falling over the land, bathing the still distant city in gold. Waves of relief and recognition seeped through her. Talon's love of his city overwhelmed her senses. A smile stretched across her face—his relief was her relief.

"Welcome home," she whispered. It was the only home he'd ever known, filled with hundreds of years of memories. This city was his lifeblood.

"My coronation tied me to this city, making it a part of me," he said by way of explanation.

Something told her he would love it regardless. She could see plainly enough into his mind to know that.

"Yes, perhaps you are right."

She leaned forward, placing her forehead against his scales, grinning against him, grinning at the connection they shared. When their minds merged, most explanations didn't require an answer. Thoughts were simply unspoken but understood.

The ocean glittered at the horizon's edge, wrapping around the peninsula from the Bay of Bandu to the Dragonfire Sea. Beyond, she could squint and make out Irelia Island. "I'll take you there sometime," Talon said, sensing her longing. She would like that very much.

She briefly removed her hand from his scales as she looked ahead. Kastali Dun. It felt like home for her, too. As much as home could feel like in a foreign world. The tall spires of the Great Keep rose above it like pinpricks against the landscape. The city was still a hazy smudge, but it would grow quickly as they approached. All too soon they would be landing and their journey would be at an end.

The past few days had flown by in a blur, quite literally. Very little time was spent on the ground. Scattered walks here and there. Brief spells of sleeping cuddled against Talon's body. Always away from camp, where others would not see them. Those affectionate moments meant everything to her. Even though they hadn't done more than cuddle, she felt fluttery every time she thought back on it.

Talon had a soft side to him, hidden beneath the chiseled stony face he showed to the world. Affectionate, even. Which was surprising, given that he had sworn off women for so long. Perhaps the mate bond made things natural for him.

She had been careful to keep her mind separated from his. The thought of telling him about her Promise weighed heavily on her conscience. She didn't like withholding information, especially now. She needed to tell him. But when? And how? And how would he react?

Now was not the time. She pushed the thought away. Buried it deep.

"I'm happy to be home," she admitted, replacing her hand against his scales. "Very happy." Her heart soared at the thought. Or was it his? "I'll be happy to have my bed back, and a proper bath. And sleep! Gods, I'll probably sleep for days and days." At this, a guttural chuckle rumbled beneath her. "I will miss this, though," she added. "Us...flying together in the sky."

"I'll miss it too. But..." There was hesitance. He wanted them to continue flying together. He wanted to show her what flying could truly be. He'd done nothing exciting—no swoops, dives, or rolls. Only tame formation flying. He would take her out when they could afford it, and show her why he loved his wings.

"Yes, I would like that. Very much." A thrill settled in the pit of her stomach.

At last, she removed her hand, mostly to think uninterrupted. Their return to Kastali Dun was going to change things. She liked the comfort of his company, flying with him, being around him. But he would go back to his kingly duties, and she would go back to her training.

Her insides squirmed. She frowned. Would returning to Kastali Dun build a wedge between them? No. She would keep that from happening. Whatever was necessary. Besides, they still had their walks together.

She snorted at the thought. What a strategic move on his part. She saw it then for what it was. Talon's way of fighting for them. He'd done it even before the confirmation that they were mates. Because he had cared for her regardless. That left her feeling warm.

She thought back over their time together. Her memories stretched beyond the mate bond discovery. Talon wasn't the only blind one. There were signs—obvious signs. She'd missed them too. Their harmless little letters, the way they made her giddy. His heroic rescue when she was kidnapped. His defense of her honor in that cellar. Her bath afterward and how gentle he'd been.

Her mind flashed back to those moments in particular when Talon knelt before her, washing her feet...her legs...her thighs...Heat erupted beneath her skin. Yes, in hindsight, his behavior towards her was obvious, even if he didn't realize what he was doing. It merely came naturally.

And what of her own behavior towards him? Mates were supposed to love fiercely, more fiercely than any other pairing. Did she love him more fiercely than anyone else in her life? More than her first and only steady boyfriend? Sure, Jake turned out to be a ballbag, but what about before he broke her heart? She had loved him, yes. But it wasn't the same as what she felt towards Talon. Whatever she felt for Dragonwall's king—perhaps not quite love, yet—was but a shadow of what it could become in time. If they were to grow closer.

But that wasn't all.

What would their love become if they accepted the bond. If they mated? Her body shuddered. Warmth spread and pooled in her abdomen. Would they? Would it come to that? Would he want her in that way?

She wanted him, she realized. She wanted him entirely and completely. But did she have the courage to claim him if he shied away?

A bitter thought filled her mind and left her scowling. Their secrecy. It irked her. Surely they were stronger together than apart? Didn't she have enough secrets to keep? How long did he expect her to hide the truth? And why, if the truth was inevitable? The world would find out eventually.

Unless...unless he never planned to solidify their bond. Her chest tightened painfully. Surely that was not his intention.

Or...maybe it was.

Once they went back to their busy lives, Talon would be too busy to acknowledge the deep bond between them. His desire to keep it secret, while understandable, felt like a way for him to ignore what was between them.

She pursed her lips. Maybe she was being silly. He cared for her deeply, perhaps more deeply than she cared for him. Hadn't he already admitted what she was to him? He would want to spend time with her as much as possible.

She sighed, louder than intended. This rumination would be the death of her! Yet, it kept her occupied until they began their descent towards Kastali Dun. They were not yet over the city when the bells began to ring, announcing their arrival.

Her mind flashed back to the first time she had arrived in Kastali Dun on the back of a dragon. Reyr. Gods! She missed him so much. If only he could have stuck around a little longer before retreating to seclusion. She might have seen him just once, to apologize. Now he was lost to her. And for how long?

She looked over the city. So much had changed for her since he'd brought her here. And now he was gone.

A sight caught her eye, just outside the walls. Tents, an encampment of sorts, crawling with people. The faint sound of music drifted to her ears, laughter, merrymaking. Like nothing in the world was wrong.

She squinted, trying to get a better look at it just as it winked out of sight, blocked by the city wall. Whatever it was had not been there when she left. A new sight captured her attention. The Great Keep. Emotion struck at her chest. Feelings she didn't believe possible. Home. A place to belong.

Buildings slid by beneath her, places she recognized. A smile pulled at her lips. The market near the docks, bustling as always. Ant-sized people making their way up and down the winding streets. Many stopped and pointed up at them.

The fort's Drengr split away just before they reached the castle, Bedelth with them, leaving her alone with Talon. Talon did not circle around to the courtyard where people would see them. Instead, he took her to the highest tower of the keep. His own. It was flat on top, home to a private garden.

He landed, careful to avoid trampling the nearby flowerbeds. She placed her hand against his scales in question. "The queen's garden," he answered. "No one will see you here. Best we avoid rumors."

"Right," she muttered aloud, removing her hand, remembering the need for propriety. She undid the straps of her harness and slid down from his back, grabbing her pack as she went.

Home. They'd made it. She couldn't help the sigh of relief that slipped from her lips.

Moments later, Talon was beside her in human form, leading her to a trap door. She glanced around, curious, mesmerized by the private oasis towering over the city. "When you say queen's garden..."

"It was built by Queen Isabella when she founded Kastali Dun. I'll show you around some other time. Come, we have others waiting for us below." He threw open the trap door. "Here, let me take your pack." He was all business. Unsurprising when other things occupied his mind.

She handed it over and followed. They descended the ladder and emerged in a small attic. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. The room was empty, save the spears of light that fell across the floor from two windows. Talon led her down a wraparound staircase that took them directly into the main chamber of his tower.

"There they are!" Koldis said, striding over. He wasn't alone. Jovari and Verath also closed the distance between them. She grinned, happy to see their familiar faces.

"Good to see you, Claire! Even if it has only been less than a week." He picked her up in a bear hug and twirled her around, making her laugh. When he set her down, she gave Jovari a big hug too.

Verath's greeting was more formal. No hugging. But he did offer a small, polite bow. "Good to see you safely home, Lady Claire. I heard you were remarkable with the Vodar." He winked before his eyes flicked toward the sitting area. She followed his gaze and squealed, sprinting forward.

Desaree and Saffra stood, grinning. She threw her arms around each of them in turn. "I'm so happy to see you! You won't believe everything that happened. have things been here?"

Desaree was about to answer when she froze, a deep blush tinging her cheeks. Talon had come up beside them. He held Claire's pack. "I suppose you're eager for that bath, hmm? And sleep? For days and days, if I recall?"


"No no, take your leave. I have business with my Shields." He glanced at Desaree and Saffra. "Good to see you, ladies. You'll take proper care of her, I hope?"

"Of course, King Talon," Saffra answered. " is good to have you back."

"Aye. No alarming visions in my absence, I trust?"

"Oh. Well, yes. Of the attack on Fort Squall."

"Oh?" He tilted his head.

"It was too vague to do much...until it was too late."

"Yes, understandable. Fortunately we have Claire here, who was able to warn Reyr and the others."

"You did?" Saffra's eyes widened. "That sounds like a story worth telling."

"Oh, it is," Talon answered. "I'll leave her in your expert care then." He caught Claire's eye and nodded.

"I...thank you, Talon." She shouldered her pack, glancing over at Koldis and Jovari.

Koldis lifted an eyebrow. "We'll catch up with you later?" he called. She knew exactly what he meant by 'catch up.'

"Absolutely," she said, grinning back.

Talon cleared his throat, eyes intent on hers. "Right. I'll see you later."

"Yep. Thanks." She turned to Desaree and Saffra, wishing more than anything she and Talon could give each other a proper goodbye, whatever that entailed. A hug perhaps, at the least, instead of whatever awkwardness was going on now.

As she left his tower, she glanced over her shoulder. He was already deep in discussion with the others. And so the wedge was already forming. Or her fear of it.

"Tell us everything," Saffra demanded. They walked down the corridor to her chambers. "We heard about the attack on the fort. But what happened with the Vodar? And...what's going on between you and King Talon? The way he looked at you..."

She snorted. "I think we're going to need all day for this."

The guards opened her apartment door for them, greeting her, glad to have her back. As she passed through, she set her stuff on the floor and paused in the entryway, deeply inhaling. "Gods I've missed this." She glanced at Saffra and Desaree. "You don't mind if I take a bath first, before we jump into everything, do you? My own stench is making my eyes water. I'll be quick, I promise."

"Of course." Desaree smiled. "I'll put your things away and we'll get you out of those clothes and into something more...appropriate. Take all the time you need."

"We can wait," Saffra agreed, heading over to the bookshelf to grab a book and get comfortable.

Claire smiled, gazing at them. "I really missed you guys. Like...a lot." Her chest constricted at the familiar sight of them. It was almost hard to look away, like she'd been deprived of their appearance for long enough that she needed to keep staring to make sure they were really there. "Okay, I'll be quick." She strode through her apartment, appreciating it more than ever before. And then she froze.

"Desaree?!" she screeched.

"What is it?" Desaree rushed over, eyes wide, as if there were sudden danger. "Oh. That. Gods! Don't frighten me like that."

"Is this my ball gown? I...I totally forgot about it. The ball, I mean."

Discovering her mate bond had chased all sense of anything practical from her mind. She didn't know what day it was. Hardly knew how much time had passed in her absence. It could have been a few days, a week, perhaps even a month for all she realized.

"We didn't miss it," she realized, immediately recalling the encampment of tents outside the city. The music, laughter, and people strolling about. Of course!

Desaree laughed. "Firstly, yes. This is your gown. Rather spectacular, isn't it? Madame Rosanne delivered it a few days ago. One final fitting and it will be complete."

The gown in question hung on a mannequin beside her wardrobe, a pool of black shimmering fabric. The skirt had layers upon layers of tulle trimmed with iridescent beads along the edges. The bodice was strapless, resplendent silk fabric with a sweetheart neckline. Less remarkable, too, so as not to take away from the grandeur of the waterfall of skirts. And draped over the shoulder was matching elbow-length gloves, iridescent beads sewn along the hemline.

"And secondly," Desaree was saying, "no, you didn't miss it. The tournament started four days ago. We've still got three days of events. The ball occurs on the final night, remember?"

"I..." A million emotions fluttered through her chest, but mostly, immense relief.

Talon was her escort. She had feared the wedge, but perhaps there was nothing to fear at all. The thought of spending an evening dancing in his arms....

"Des...I need you to teach me how to dance. Like, proper dance. Dragonwall's formal dances."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. Saffra and I will make sure you're ready. Everything will be perfect."

"And you?" She turned her full attention to Desaree. "You and Saffra? You have escorts and gowns lined up?"

Desaree's face flushed. "Verath wishes to escort me. I had my gown finished last week. Saffra...I don't think she's going."

"I'm not," Saffra called from the sofa in an off-handed way, glancing up from her book. "If I can't go with Dax, what's the point?"

A chill settled in the air. Of course. Without Dax, Saffra wouldn't want to go. But that was no excuse to hide away in her room. This ball only happened once every five years.

She was about to protest when a look from Desaree silenced her. "Off to the bath. Hurry up."

She scurried to the bathing chamber, washing away all the stink of travel. Desaree dressed her in a simple cream brocade, pausing to admire both the new Sprite Mark on her skin, and how much the old one had grown.

Saffra popped over then, eying her with satisfaction. "Your Sprite magic is growing."

A mark earned for performing healing magic she hardly understood. She could finally see it with the proper use of a mirror. More swirls, though these were slightly different than the others.

Silky fabric settled over her skin. She sighed. It was a nice alternative to the scratchy travel clothes. She wouldn't dare admit that to Desaree, though. So what if female attire was growing on her? She could like both, couldn't she?

A platter of fruit and cheese arrived from the cookery (Tess even wrote a little note of hello) after which they sat down with wine in hand for an afternoon of storytelling and snacking. No detail was left out, except for the truth about Claire's newly discovered mate bond. She told them exactly what had happened with the Vodar attack, and how she had used her Sprite magic. The hardest part was talking about Hiondel and Lilly.

"You cannot blame yourself, Claire," said Saffra, unsurprisingly. Desaree nodded in agreement.

It was pointless to argue, so she continued as if they hadn't spoken. She explained how they had come to be in Brezen, and the outcome of the battle at Fort Squall. She even relayed in great detail Talon's appearance at camp. How he had struck a bargain with her. "One walk, every night, for one hundred nights. To make up for breaking my promise to him. Punishment apparently," she finished.

"Punishment?" Desaree teased. "Sounds quite punishing." Des and Saffra exchanged knowing looks. Like they saw right through whatever was between Claire and Talon.

She desperately wanted to tell them about the mate bond. Withholding the truth felt wrong. They were her best friends. They knew everything about her—more than Talon. The truth was dying to leap from the confines of her mind. Like refraining from a desperate itch that required scratching. Several times she opened her mouth and nearly spilled the secret, only to frown. She couldn't betray Talon's trust...again. She just couldn't.

At last, she settled on a simpler truth. "We appear to have developed feelings for each other."

Saffra snorted. "You don't say!" There was a wicked gleam in her eyes. "After so many walks together, flying together, and the way he's been looking at you for months. I don't find myself surprised in the slightest."

Desaree also appeared smug. "I told Claire that she needed to open her heart to him. You remember that, don't you, Claire? When he invited you to a midday meal after your kidnapping? Gods, it feels like ages ago."

"I remember." It really did feel like a long time ago.

When she finished telling everything there was to tell, she demanded a detailed summary of all she had missed, which wasn't much, since they still hadn't found a way into the mysterious building in the cave. The biggest news was the capture of Collier. "The evidence Verath collected is concrete and absolute," Desaree explained. "We have enough to lock Caterina in the dungeons for life, unless King Talon chooses death." Here, she paused. "I'm not sure how I feel about that—death, I mean."

"It doesn't sit well with me either," Claire agreed.

"While I want her to pay for what she did, I just don't think I would feel comfortable with killing her." Desaree was clearly conflicted. "I suppose life in the dungeons might be a less favorable alternative, though. I want her to suffer, you know? But how much suffering is enough?"

Claire frowned. "What about banishment? Would that be a viable option? Send her away from Dragonwall forever. They do things like that here, right?"

"They do," Saffra said. "And frankly, that might be the best alternative. Though, Caterina is resourceful. She might see it as a way to sneak around and get revenge. We have no way to keep an eye on her once she leaves, unless King Talon assigns some poor soul to track her every movement henceforth."

"True..." Claire frowned.

In the end, none of them could decide on what was best. While Talon would be the ultimate decision maker, Claire knew that she held his ear. She could persuade him, if needs must.

The afternoon flew by in a heartbeat. All too soon dusk was setting in and the evening meal fast approaching. With it came a flutter of Claire's nerves. She would get to see Talon again. Part of her hated the eagerness. She was acting like a school girl with a crush. The other part of her didn't care any more. It was easiest to blame these new feelings on the bond. This way she didn't feel guilty. Especially after hating him so much before.

"Shall we walk to the dining hall together?" Saffra asked, looking at Claire. "I assume you will take dinner in public tonight?"

"I...yes. Absolutely. Talon will expect it of me. Though I'm sure my reappearance will spark rumors."

"Nobles love to gossip."

"Not as much as the servants do," Desaree added. At this, they all laughed.

They meandered through the keep, making their way to the dining hall. Patrons were already filing in. As soon as they entered, Claire's gaze darted to the head table. Had Talon really become such a magnet to her? She caught him watching her, his face set. The tiny twitch at the corner of his lips was enough. She afforded him a small smile in return, before turning her attention back to Desaree and Saffra. They found a seat together in their usual spot near the hall's edge, beside one of the large fireplaces. Its warmth chased away the castle's drafts.

All too soon dinner was served. Everyone began loading their plates. Talk was animated. Their table-mates discussed what they had done that day, the tournament stalls they had visited, gossip, and the like. Sir Codswald and his lady got her attention by asking her how her journey to Graymont had gone. A rumor Verath had recently spread once her prolonged absence was noted.

She played along after Desaree elbowed her, giving Sir and Lady Codswald vague answers. Graymont was absolutely lovely! Especially during this time of the year. Its markets captured much of her time while she was there. She had even acquired a new gown. And the weather! It was truly fine. Desaree had to elbow her again when it was obvious she was overdoing it. Fortunately, no one else questioned her after that.

"Will King Talon come by later to collect you?" Desaree whispered as plates were scraped clean.

"I'm...not sure." She wanted to pretend she hadn't considered it, but the truth was, she hadn't stopped thinking about what Talon might do. She glanced up at the head table and her cheeks flushed. He sat watching her—openly.

"Gods, could he be any more obvious?" she muttered, quickly averting her eyes. Desaree and Saffra both looked up and glanced away. She glared down at her plate. There were a few bites left. The rich food had been a bit much after days of bland travel food, so she had taken small portions and eaten slowly. Very slowly. Which was probably what he was waiting for.

She finished the last two bites on her plate at a snails pace, if only to draw out the suspense. No sooner had she swallowed her food did King Talon come to his feet. She knew because it created a ripple as everyone in the hall was forced to stand. She was tempted to remain sitting, if only out of rebellion, but Desaree hissed and nudged her.

"Fine, fine!" She came to her feet.

Talon walked down the aisle and came to a stop before their table. The hall was absolutely silent. "Lady Claire. Our walk?"

She swallowed. So much for avoiding rumors. For someone intent on keeping their mate bond a secret, this kind of behavior was sure to ruin that. Which meant his desire to make her uncomfortable outweighed all else.

She glanced at Desaree and Saffra. "See you back at my chambers later?" They nodded.

She stepped around the table and took up Talon's arm. He escorted her from the hall. A myriad of whispers followed in their wake.

"You did that on purpose." she said, once free of their onlookers. They strolled through the corridors. She was sure he was leading her to the gardens.

His lips twitched. "I did. Does the attention make you uncomfortable?"

"Umm, well, yes, as a matter of fact it does."

"I see." He fell quiet. They entered the garden. He dropped her arm and took her hand instead, this time holding it without lacing their fingers together. Her heart still spiked out of excitement. It was dark, after all. Most patrons were still in the dining hall. No one would see them.

"Have you gotten settled in? Baths, sleeping, all that?"

"Oh. Yes, I suppose I have. Getting a bath was the highlight of my afternoon. That and catching up with Desaree and Saffra."

He faltered. "You did not...?"

"No, no. I didn't say anything about our bond. But I struggled. I'm not sure how long I can keep this secret. I don't like hiding the truth. Surely you feel the same way with your Shields? Don't you want to tell them?"

"I do. But this is for the best. Ruling a kingdom isn't easy. You know that. Sacrifices must be made."

She swallowed, zipping the pendent of her Forest Tear along its chain. "I...I know. Sometimes I wish things were simpler. That you were just...well...just Talon. And that we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted."

He huffed. "Welcome to my world. That very thought is one I spent years pining over when I was younger. When you become the ruler of a kingdom, you give your life over to something greater. Your life is no longer yours. You understand this, yes?"

"I..." She hesitated. "Yes. I suppose I do. That doesn't mean I have to like the rules."

He chuckled. "Always the rebel."

"Yep. That's me." She shrugged, offering him a knowing smile. "Rules are meant to be broken, isn't that the saying?" And then, to prove her point, she changed they way they held hands, lacing her fingers though his. He squeezed her palm in response.

"So...I saw my ballgown today. I'd forgotten all about it...with everything else, I mean."

"Oh?" He hesitated. "I usually dread the Fall Tourney Ball. Every five years it comes, and every five years I'm reminded of being alone."

"I thought you had accepted your fate?" She arched an eyebrow, recalling his previous words.

"Despite having accepted it, it is still a reminder."

Her tone softened. "Well, you need not dread it any longer. You have me now. Besides, it will be a good distraction. feels weird, you know, having fun like this after what happened to Fort Squall."

"Indeed. But diversions are necessary. Keeping thousands of people happy isn't easy."

"Right. What about the tournament? I've never been to a tournament—not like this. I get the feeling it will be nothing like the Ren Faire. Probably a thousand times better." She recalled the sea of tents and stalls, longing to see everything from the ground.


"Yeah, you know, the Renaissance Faire? It's where people in my world get together and dress up like people in your world." She struggled to keep the laughter from her voice. "They do jousting, and play fighting, and walk around with tankards of ale in one hand and turkey legs in the other." She snorted.

"People in your world dress up people in mine?" His eyebrows drew together." are being serious with me? Or are you making a joke? I cannot tell." His frown made that clear.

"I'm being serious!" She jabbed his arm.

"Ahh." He fake-flinched, swatting her hand away.

"I used to go to the Renaissance Faire in college. I lived in New England for a while. Anyway, every October there was a local Ren Faire. My friends and I would get dressed up. Nothing as extravagant as this though." She looked down at her gown. "Gods, I would have been a sight to behold dressed like this!"

"And people do what at this fair-thing?"

"Oh, you know, all the pretend stuff that you guys actually do for real. Pretend fighting, pretend jousting. Things like that."

"Pretend?" He snorted. "What is the point in that?"

"Oh, never mind." She grinned, glancing up at him. He still wore an expression of confusion. "Speaking of which, will we get to go? I would really like to see it. I guess I can go with Desaree and Saffra tomorrow—"

"No! I mean. Yes, they can join us. But I will escort you. I had planned to tend to other matters, but...I cannot let you see your first tournament without me."

"Certainly not! You'd miss all my surprise. Can't have that, can we?"

"No, we cannot." A smile broke free of his lips. The first real one that evening. Dimples and all. Rewarding her stomach with a flutter. "Morning court is canceled during the week of the tournament anyway, but I do have to meet with my Lower Council. Just a few hours. After that I can collect you and we can walk the booths before heading over to the arena."

"You're not going to compete?"

"Me?" He barked a laugh. "I stopped competing long, long ago. That is for the younger Drengr and soldiers. Those with something to prove." He paused. "I do not remember the last tournament I attended. But with you here, it will be enjoyable. I am eager to show you a part of my world you have not yet seen."

She was, perhaps, more eager than he.

They talked of small matters after that, small but pleasant. As was usual, she asked him if he had thought any further about her training with the Sprites. And yet again, he requested that she ask the following night. She promised she would.

When he returned her to her apartments, she found Desaree and Saffra waiting, eager to hear everything. They made plans to accompany her and Talon to the festival, then bid her goodnight. She went to bed imagining all the fun to come, strolling through booths, eating tourney food, and watching real fighting instead of stuff put on for show. It was almost too difficult to sleep, but at last, she drifted off into another dreamless night induced by Cyrus, finally glad for what was to come.


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