Chapter 42 - Expedition Under the Keep

The Great Keep

Claire signed the bottom of her letter with a calligraphic flourish, pleased with the improvement in her handwriting. She blotted the ink and replaced her writing things back into the desk. Talon's crown, left behind after the ball, glittered up at her beside the sheet of parchment. She picked it up, running her fingers over the stones, weighing it in her hands.

Her heart thumped against her chest. The thrill of holding a king's crown in her fingers. She recalled their time together after the ball. The feel of his lips against hers. The warmth of his arms. But most obviously, her desire. And his. The frenzy in his eyes.

The memory brought heat to her skin, even now. A smile curved her lips. Talon had left the crown here on purpose. As a game, perhaps, one she was all too eager to play.

But then he had gone away.

The morning after the ball, he received word of a pirate raid. A costal town on the northern tip of Galadhal's peninsula. The entire castle slept late following the ball, late enough for him to slip out unnoticed. His note—simply a few lines of text—had been pushed under her door. She found it when she woke from the sofa, still dressed in her ballgown. By the time she'd read it, he was already long gone, and Verath with him.

His promised absence, no longer than three days, was just long enough for him to fly to Fairfay, see to the people's needs, and fly home. Still, it bothered her that he hadn't sent someone else for the job. Why a king, when a Shield would do?

Why leave the crown behind if he simply planned to avoid her? Why jump at the first excuse to disappear? Was he looking for space? Was he running from what happened between them? Giving her time alone to consider their discussion?

Each day of his absence had needled these questions deeper beneath her skin. She thought of them even now, as her fingers slid over the onyx jewels. More than once, she'd scolded herself for it. She was not his keeper. He was Dragonwall's king. His duties were his own. It was selfish of her. Greedy. Childish.

But she missed him. The threads of their unsealed mate bond pulled tightly against her chest cavity with the separation. Almost painfully. Plaguing her every moment of each passing day. And then he had returned in secret, and the taught strings eased up. But that hurt even more. Because she thought he would seek her out upon his arrival. Happy to reunite.

It was Desaree who brought the news. Talon's servants had been spotted rushing to and from his tower, delivering messages and food. The master of the castle had returned. Returned and said nothing. Hours had passed without a word. She shouldn't have been upset, yet, emotion rolled beneath the surface. And a need to see him, which was the strongest of all she felt.

So she had done the only thing she could think of without appearing too silly. Written him a letter. She glanced over the contents, giving it a final read.

Dear Talon,

I hope your journey to Fairfay was productive? I have missed our walks together. You will be pleased to know that in lieu of your absence, I have returned to my lessons. It seemed prudent.

If you are not too busy tonight, I plan to visit the cave under the keep. Desaree, Jocelyn, Saffra, and I will be taking an excursion after the evening meal. Perhaps you might count it as our walk tonight? I would recommend bringing your Shields. They would appreciate seeing the passages too.

Oh, and I have a lovely new crown to decorate my quarters. A trophy, of sorts. Would you like it back? On second thought, I think I shall I keep it. I hear the metalsmith in the city does wonderful work. I might have him melt it into a matching bracelet for my necklace, or even a pair of earrings?



p.s. You owe me a kiss for every day you've been gone.

She smiled, hoping he would see her teasing for what it was. The crown was too splendid to destroy. Besides, she was rather fond of the memories it held.

She folded the note and sealed it. Desaree sat embroidering near the fire. "All done?" She set her things aside and stood. "I'll have it delivered straight away. Do you think he will come?"

Claire shrugged. "I hope so. He was eager to see our secret when I told him."

Desaree took the note and disappeared out into the hall. She returned a few minutes later to prepare Claire for the evening meal. "We ought to put you in something...bold. Something that will catch King Talon's attention after his absence." As she spoke, she browsed through Claire's wardrobe.

"You are the authority on all matters of fashion, Des. I submit myself to your expertise."

Desaree smiled, emerging. "How about this?" A fiery red gown with gold beads. One she hadn't yet worn because it drew too much attention. "It will go well with your hair and eyes."

"Fine, but only because it would be a shame leave it in there."

Desaree laid out the dress and then attended to her with care, twisting and coiling her hair into an elegant chignon. As Des worked, her eyes darted between her hands and the mirror like a nervous bird.

"What is it?" Claire asked at last.

"Nothing. I mean, there's something I wanted to speak with you about."

" everything okay? You..."

"It's fine. It's about...Verath."

"Oh." Claire's stomach dropped.

"We had a talk after the ball. I wanted to tell you sooner, but you were distracted with King Talon's absence."

"That's not a reason, Des."

"Okay,'re right. I haven't had the heart to speak of it. Not yet." Desaree fell quiet.

"Well? What did you and Verath talk about?"

"He...we...I decided to take some space apart from him."

"What?!" Claire all but jumped from her seat. Desaree had to push her back into it. "And you're only just now telling me this? Explain. Now."

"I..." Desaree sighed but as soon as she started talking, a dam erupted. Words flowed freely as she told Claire everything. After a glorious night of dancing, she and Verath had returned to his chambers together. She had been more than ready to take their intimacy to the next level. Eager, even. "I made up my mind days beforehand. I wanted it to be a special night for both of us." Her throat bobbed. "I was afraid that if I did not act, if I did not make the first move, he might never..." She fell silent.

"What happened?" Claire asked, already sensing where this was going.

"I...I asked him to make love to me."

Claire choked. Desaree had to pat her back. It was rather unlike her handmaiden to be so forward.

Desaree's voice was high pitched as she said, "I expected him to be thrilled. But he wasn't. He...he turned all moody and morose. I had to pry it from him but he...he finally explained why. Oh Gods, Claire. I..." Desaree stiffled a sob. "He had a mate, Claire! Verath...there was a woman. Kendra. They..."

"Oh, Des..."

Desaree kept talking, filling in more and more, detail by detail, of how Verath had found Kendra but never spoken to her, how he'd abandoned their mate bond, how he felt guilty because Desaree looked so much like her, but wasn't her. Desaree spoke until tears streamed down her cheeks and turned into sobs.

"What...what did you tell him?" Claire asked.

"That it was a lot to take in. That I needed a few days to think about it. So, we...we're taking a break."

"Gods, Des. I'm so sorry." She rose from her vanity and pulled Desaree into her arms. "I'm so, so sorry." She stroked Desaree's hair, trying to calm her.

Pieces were falling into place. Verath had gone with Talon. The king could have taken any Shield, but he'd taken Verath. To give Desaree space. This had nothing to do with her and Talon, and everything to do with Talon wanting to be there to support his Shield, his brother.

"I don't know what hurts me more," Desaree was saying between sobs. "Knowing that I'm not his mate or knowing that we can't be together even if I was. He's a Shield. What was I thinking, Claire? What was I thinking?!"

"I know...shhh," she cooed, continuing to stroke Desaree's hair.

"But I love him, Claire. I love him. How could I possibly be with anyone else?" Desaree's voice came out as a strangled laugh. "And here I once scolded you for caring about King Talon. You were right to turn it around on me when I did. I guess...I guess..." Desaree started to hiccup.

"You hoped you were mates," Claire finished for her. "Even if you knew you couldn't be together."

"Yes." It came out as a gasp. "Was I stupid? Stupid to want that?"

"Gods, no, Des. Not at all. Don't hold yourself at fault." She tightened her arms around Desaree's shoulders. "We love who we love. It cannot be helped."

Desaree nodded, then gently pushed out of Claire's arms, wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve. She spoke through another bout of hiccups. "Kind of you and King Talon. I...I see the way you are...together."

"Right. Like me and Talon." Claire's throat bobbed.

Except it wasn't like her and Talon—not at all. Because she and Talon were mates. She wanted so badly to say it. To reveal their secret.

Desaree continued speaking, oblivious of Claire's indecision. "You...there's something between you and King Talon that's stronger than what Verath and I have. Verath loves me. I know it. But King Talon..." Desaree shook her head. "King Talon looks at you he's found something he's searched for his entire life. Like—" Desaree's hands flew to her mouth and her eyes widened.

The room fell silent as Desaree's hiccups stopped momentarily.

Claire's mouth went dry.

"Oh, gods, Claire! Why didn't I see it sooner?!"

"Wh—what? See what?" She stood frozen.

"You are mates—you and King Talon! Oh, gods! Gods! Gods!" Desaree slapped her palm to her forehead, forgetting about her vexation with Verath. Forgetting about her hiccups.

Claire's palms turned sweaty. She tried to speak. Opened her mouth. Only a squeak came out. Was it that obvious?

"I should have seen it before," Desaree continued. "I spend more time with you than anyone. How did I miss it? But it makes so much sense. King Talon swore off women when he got his scars. He never found his mate. He has been alone for so long. It would take more than a pretty face to tempt him—no offense. Do you not see it, Claire? You are his mate. That is why you've been feeling this way about him. That is why you were infatuated with him after the kidnapping incident. It's so obvious now."

"I..." Claire's shoulders fell. She couldn't lie. Not now. "I wanted to tell you," she whispered.

"Wait." Desaree's eyes darted over her face. " knew?!"

"Yes," she squeaked, barely able to get the word out. "I'm sorry, Des. I'm so sorry. He made me swear to keep it a secret. He made me promise not to say a word. I told him how unfair it was. I did. I told him that I wanted to tell you—and Saffra. And...and Jocelyn." She felt awful. Desaree would probably never forgive her. Yet, even as she spoke, a smile broke out on Desaree's face. It was opposite to what she expected. "'re not mad?"

Desaree threw her arms around her. "Mad? No! I mean, I would have liked to know, Gods above!"

Desaree's outburst made Claire laugh too. They leaned against each other for support. She swallowed and said, "You know? I think you've said gods so many times in the last few minutes it's enough to set a world record."

"I'm just happy for you, is all." Desaree took hold of her shoulders and moved her to arm's length, studying her. "Do you know what this means?"

"Uhm...that Talon and I will probably be mated sometime in the near future?"

"Well, yes, that too. But no." Desaree's face turned radiant. "Claire, I'm going to be handmaiden to the queen. Dragonwall's queen!"

Claire opened and closed her mouth like a fish. She didn't have the heart to tell Desaree that she hadn't accepted the offer yet.

"Gods above!" Desaree gasped, continuing. "Handmaiden to the queen! Which automatically makes me a lady in waiting even without my title. I..." She dropped her arms to her sides. "I think I need to sit down. And I need a drink too, if you wouldn't mind? Red wine, please."

Claire burst into another fit of laughter. "Right away, Lady Desaree!" she said, sketching a bow.

"You're not queen yet," Desaree teased, flopping onto the sofa, still struggling to contain fits of happy laughter. "This unexpected. Does anyone else know?"

"Nope. You're the first. Not even Talon's Shields." Claire poured Desaree a goblet of red wine.

"I'll guard the secret with my life," Des said. "But now that I know, I want the full story."

"I figured." Claire handed her the goblet and sat down beside her. They hadn't much time before the evening meal, so she rushed through the abridged version, telling Desaree about her time with Talon in Brezen, filling in bits and pieces she'd been forced to leave out before. She described in great detail her experience when she entered Talon's mind, the lava field, and the fact that Talon had known and not told her.

"Gods! I knew there was something going on between you," Desaree said when she finished, smug at having seen it before anyone else. "I could tell by the looks you shared. Smoldering looks. Like you both might set something on fire. I just thought...well, I thought perhaps it was just infatuation at first. Now it makes sense."

"Yes, I suppose so." Claire fell quiet for a few moments, then frowned. "But, Des? We got sidetracked from Verath. Have you decided what you're going to do about him? Mate or not, you have a decision to make. He cares about you."

"Oh..." Desaree's face fell. "I've spent some time thinking. But now that you're going to be queen, this changes everything. I've got a plan, I think—" A knock sounded, bringing their discussion to a halt. "I bet that's King Talon's reply—about tonight." Desaree jumped from the sofa. "We can discuss Verath later." She fetched the note and brought it over.

Claire read it aloud for both of them:

Dear Claire,

You've discovered my return, I see. All went well. But I have missed our walks, too. Glad you are back at your lessons. And I would be delighted to join you tonight. I'll bring my Shields. They wouldn't forgive me for missing it.

As for the crown, since you have grown so fond of it, it is yours. A token of my affection. Unless you decide to melt it down, in which case, I would be quite cross, and most certainly reclaim it.

See you soon.

Yours forever,


p.s. I would be happy to repay the aforementioned kisses, with substantial accrued interest, and will make good on my promise to do so when next we are alone.

Desaree squealed, fanning her face. "Another kiss?!" They shared a grin. "In that case, we'd best finish you up and get you dressed!" They rushed through the remainder of her preparations and went down to the dining hall together.

Saffra and Jocelyn joined them at their favorite table beside the fireplace along the wall. They discussed their upcoming venture with hushed whispers so the others at the table wouldn't hear them. Claire found it exceedingly difficult to keep her eyes from the head table.

Each time she glanced up, she found Talon's gaze wandering to hers. He looked pleased to see her, yet troubled, as if the weight of his duties were catching up with him. His brow was furrowed, accentuating the scars there. She was left counting down the moments until they were together. The urge to smooth his scowl and make him happier was overpowering, almost annoyingly so.

After dinner, the four of them returned to her quarters. They hadn't long to wait before there was a loud pounding on the door. "Open up in the name of the king."

Claire recognized Koldis's booming voice from beyond. "Or what?!" she shouted, throwing it open.

"Or we'll muscle our way past the guards and break it down."

"Right!" She rolled her eyes, holding back a snicker. "You'd love that, I'm sure."

"I'll have you know, Lady Claire, I'm quite skilled at breaking down doors." Koldis lifted his chin a measure.

Talon and the others stood behind him, holding back grins. She gazed at them, momentarily taken aback. The sight of them—together. It stirred an emotion she hadn't expected. Family. If only Cyrus and Reyr were here to see it.

I'm here...came the gentle reply.

She stepped aside, holding the door open. They filed into her living area, greeting Desaree, Jocelyn, and Saffra. The space seemed to shrink in the presence of five hulking forms. She was careful to notice the way Verath's eyes followed Desaree, never quite leaving her figure.

Talon crept up beside her, brushing his hand down her back while the others talked and joked. "I apologize for my rapid departure the other day." He kept his voice low. "I hope you will forgive my absence—Ahh. I see my crown has already found a new home." He threw her a sidelong smirk.

She'd placed it on the mantle, framed in the center.

"Oh yes. My new trophy. And, you're forgiven, by the way. But only once you make good on your delivery." She began ticking off the days of his absence on her fingers. "By my calculations, that's three kisses, multiplied by one hundred percent interest. So, a total of six." She arched an eyebrow in challenge.

A dark laugh rumbled in his chest. "Done. When we are next alone, I vow to make good on my end of the bargain."

"I look forward to it."

"And for the record," he added, "If you would open your mind, I might have told you about my departure without the need for a note."

She opened and closed her mouth. "I like your little notes. Besides, you left while I was sleeping. I probably wouldn't have heard you anyway."

"Point taken. Perhaps I was using that as an excuse. I simply wish you'd open your mind to me." He hesitated before adding, "So that I can reach you easier."

"So that you can pester me when you're stuck in council meetings, you mean?"

"Can you fault me?" There was a wicked gleam in his sliver eyes.


She considered his words. With the Drengr safely tucked away at Fort Kastsali, there was distance between them, and their voices were less of a concern. She could open her mind and go largely unplagued. Admittedly, the idea of sending thoughts back and forth with Talon was appealing.

"I'll think about it," she decided.

"Good. Now, what's this I hear about secret passages and a cave beneath my castle?" He rumbled, lifting his voice for everyone to hear.

"Yeah." Koldis crossed his arms. "Why didn't you tell us you've been sneaking around the keep right under our noses?"

Verath shot a glance at Desaree. He didn't know either, clearly. Probably surprised she'd kept something like this from him.

"Maybe we wanted a little fun of our own first, before sharing it with you lot." Claire smiled back at them. "But now that it's out, I certainly hope you're all up for an adventure?"

"Ready when you are," Talon said, holding out his arm.

She walked past him to the wall covering by the fire. "I found it during a storm," she explained, revealing the secret door as she told them about the way the fabric had moved, and the endless exploration it had prompted.

"I can't say I'm surprised," Jovari said, stepping up beside her to study the seam in the wall. "All great castles and keeps have secret passages. I'm just surprised we didn't know more about them."

"Well, there was that one you found in the north wing a while back," said Verath. "The one that leads from the courtyard with the stooped hag fountain, and then there's the corridor behind the guest suites."

"Ah, yes. I suppose that counts." Jovari nodded and stepped aside. "But it doesn't sound anything like what our lovely ladies here have found."

With the wall hanging pulled back, Claire held her hand over the door and commanded it to open. Talon stepped up beside her. He grunted when the stone moved. "I'm not sure I would have spotted it. And there are more? Like this? All around the castle?"

"Many more," she confirmed.

"Interesting." He glanced at the others before turning back to her. "Ladies first."

After creating enough light to see by, they proceeded into the narrow passage and down the stairs, assembling on the landing below. They were presented with the three doorways that had once held so much mystery. Claire explained where each one went. Behind her, she could hear Jovari and Koldis whispering to each other, caught up in a fierce debate. No doubt plotting how they would use this to their advantage in the future.

"And which one leads to the cave?" Talon asked, forcing everyone to hush.

"The middle one." Saffra said, stepping forward.

"Then by all means, Lady Saffra, please lead the way." He stepped aside. She accepted his invitation, grabbing Jocelyn's arm as she went. Desaree followed, and Verath fell in step behind her, no doubt hoping to get in a few hushed words.

Claire decided to wait for Bedelth, Koldis, and Jovari to pass through so that she and Talon might bring up the rear. He appeared to have the same idea in mind. They stood motionless for several long breaths, watching the orbs of light shrink down the cramped hall.

And then they were alone in the dark.

Talon's movements were blurred. He pulled her to him, claiming her mouth in his. His lips moved with fiery, forbidden passion. She exhaled against him, sighing, as his tongue brushed against hers. The knot in her chest loosened.

He pulled away briefly. "That's one," he said before kissing her again, longer this time. His arm wrapped around her back, the other around her neck, pressing her against him. She twisted her fingers into his hair and tugged. Hard. If only to show him how much his absence had frustrated her. A low groan left his throat. When he pulled away, they were breathless, lips swollen. "And two."

"Hmm..." was all she could manage.

"We might get lost down here," he whispered. His voice carried a low rumble. "Is it bad if I don't care that we do?"


He kissed her again then, this time softly. She fell into him, welcoming the sensations of his body against hers, the heat that scorched all places where their curves met. "Three," she whispered this time, pulling away at last. "And I won't complain if we get lost." Her mind had grown foggy. She'd never be able to find her way in such a state. Already, the light down the tunnel passage had all but disappeared.

Talon's laugh was low. "I'm tempted to do it. Disappear forever with you down here in the darkness." He pressed his lips to her forehead. The warmth gave her chills. "But I also want to see this cave. Hurry now, or we'll lose them." Taking her hand, he tugged her down the middle passage to where the light had moved away, far ahead. She twined her fingers through his and followed.

They caught up shortly thereafter, no one the wiser to what had passed between them in the darkness.

Minutes sailed by as they traveled lower and lower beneath the keep, following Saffra's lead. Talon's Shields were full of questions, which they posed to Desaree, Jocelyn, and Saffra, keeping their voices lowered. Every so often, Talon posed one of his own. Which rooms led to each of the passages? Had they spied on anyone? Had they explored all of them yet?

It wasn't until the air turned damper, colder, that they fell quiet. For a long time, no one spoke. It was Talon who finally broke the silence. "I'm almost nervous about what we might find." He whispered this for her ears alone. The light from Saffra's orbs danced across his scars, making him look more beastly than ever. But that only made her want to kiss him again. He must have seen the look on her face because he said, "You may collect the fourth later," and gave her hand a tight squeeze. It left her grinning.

"Just up ahead," Saffra called.

"Gods, I should hope so," Koldis grumbled. "I feel like we're traveling into the bowels of the earth."

Jocelyn's laughing voice echoed from ahead as she said, "Not quite that far, Lord Koldis. But close."

Claire stole another glance at Talon. His gaze was focused, intent on his surroundings. This was an adventure indeed.

A few minutes later, they stopped and gathered at the mouth of a rocky opening in the passage. "We're here," Saffra said.

Claire closed her eyes and listened. She could hear the faint trickle of water and smell the dampness of salty air. When she next opened her eyes, it was to see Saffra's orbs flying out into an open expanse. There came a collective gasp. She was in the back and could see nothing over the massive Drengr figures blocking her view, so she waited.

"Would you like to go first?" Talon asked, whispering in her ear. They could have easily insisted he lead the party into the cave.

She shook her head. "The others can go." She wanted to hang back and witness it in her own time, with him. So this time she gave his hand a squeeze.

"Is it...Can we go forward?" Bedelth asked, hesitant.

"To be sure," said Saffra. "It is safe. We have already explored much of it. Follow me." She led them out of the passage.

Claire waited for them to clear the opening before she took in what lay before her. A gasp escaped her lips. Even Talon grunted. A vast open space swallowed up the light of Saffra's orbs.

"It's incredible!" she whispered, glancing at Talon before turning back to the cave.

There were formations everywhere, jutting from the ground, the ceiling, from one another, layer upon layer, some monstrous, some sharp, some like works of art. Pools of water were scattered throughout, catching the silver of Saffra's light to reflect it, glittering in the darkness. In the center she spotted the rocky outcropping with the broken Gate. And a short distance beside it was the small building carved out of stone.

"It's all rather...magical, isn't it?"

"Hmm..." Talon was oddly quiet. When she turned to him, it was to find a look of awe on his face.

"All this time," she said, "and you really never knew this was here?"

"And here I call myself a king."

She poked him in the side. "No one is perfect, Your Majesty. Good thing you have us."

He glanced down at her, eyes dancing. "Good thing I have you." That look left her stomach fluttering. "Shall we, my lady?" He lifted his arm as if preparing to parade her through a crowd of people.

"Why, I thought you'd never ask. Lead the way, my king." She grinned and slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. A king and queen of the underworld.

They moved out into the cave. She leaned against him as he guided her past formation after formation. They examined anything and everything that caught their attention. The pools, various stalactites and stalagmites. "Careful, there's a crack here. Watch your step." He was deliberate in his efforts to navigate them towards the rocky outcropping at the cave's center.

She considered all that had led up to this moment—about who she was. About Saffra's visions. About Cyrus's intuition. Cyrus had fallen into her cornfield, when it could have been anyone's.

" that you've seen this, do you still doubt my theory about Princess Irelia?"

"That remains to be seen." His words were quiet.

They climbed to the top of the outcropping, Talon careful to watch her steps beside him. Only then did she drop his arm to examine the pieces scattered about. She went to what remained of the onyx pillars, now little more than nubs jutting from the rock. They had symbols etched into the features similar to what she'd seen on the Kengr Gate.

She stood, examining the stone. An idea came to her. "Saffra? Can you come here for a moment?"

Saffra was beside her in an instant. She kept her voice low, sharing her thoughts with the king's seer. Saffra's eyes went wide. "You think it will work?"

"I don't know. The other Gate wasn't broken. And I had only set foot in Dragonwall minutes beforehand."

"What's this about?" Talon stepped up beside them.

"Claire is going to touch the Gate."

Talon frowned. He glanced at Claire's outstretched hand. A brief nod was the only encouragement she received. Crouching down, she reached for what was left of the pillar and laid her hand upon it.

"Well?" Talon's voice came too quickly. "Is it working? Do you..."

She didn't hear the rest of what he said. He disappeared. They all did, as the light surrounding her vanished. She was plunged into profound darkness, into the cave as it usually sat, untouched.

After several breaths, a new light appeared, the yellow-orange light of a torch. It approached from the mouth of the cave where she'd come in. She blinked, trying to discern what was before her. A girl came into view, young, not even fifteen.

"Princess Irelia," she whispered, remembering Irelia's face from the painting in the keep.

The girl moved cautiously, glancing over her shoulder, looking about. She climbed to the top of the outcropping and stood, eyeing the Gate. When Claire turned to the pillars, it was to find them fully erect and unharmed. She gasped, her eyes growing wide. "Can you...can you see me?" she asked the girl, waving her free hand before her.

The girl said nothing. She didn't so much as look in Claire's direction.

Claire fell silent, still crouching, frozen in place as the girl stepped forward. "She's going through the Gate," she whispered. "Just as I suspected." The discovery hit hard. Part of her wanted to reach out and stop Irelia, to warn her that the world on the other side was very, very different from her own. But a deeper realization was solidified in the next moment. If Irelia did not go through, Claire might never exist. The weight of Princess Irelia's actions struck her square in the chest. It was the only explanation for why Claire had Sprite blood. For why she was so connected to this world when she shouldn't be.

She watched as the girl took a deep breath and stepped forward, walking straight through the gate. As soon as she passed through the pillars, she disappeared with her torch. The world fell into darkness, swallowing everything up. The darkness remained for some time, as if days, perhaps even weeks passed. Then a new light appeared, coming from the same place. This one was tinged with green, similar to the magic orbs Saffra had made. The light spread further than Princess Irelia's torch had, so Claire knew immediately when Queen Isabella came into view.

"Oh my god," she gasped, seeing the great Sprite Queen in person for the second time in her life. She had once seen her through another mind, a skewed perspective from the eyes of the Marble Dragon. Now she saw the queen from her own perspective, with her own eyes, well aware that connections existed between them. But she wasn't prepared for how deep those connections ran. The similarities knocked the breath from her chest. Isabella was her same height. They had the same build, same facial features. They might have even been doppelgängers. It was like looking at herself in the mirror. Their eyes were different, though. She had remembered that much from the dragon's mind.

The grief etched into the queen's features was immediately obvious. She did not look like the powerful woman who had turned a great dragon into stone. Not anymore. She moved about the gate, inspecting it, muttering to herself. How long had it been since Princess Irelia had disappeared? Did Queen Isabella know her only daughter had traveled through the Gate?

A frown materialized on the queen's features. She stepped forward and put her hand upon the Gate. Her eyes took on a faraway look before her face moved through a range of emotions. "No!" Isabella reached out, speaking to someone unseen. Claire's eyes widened. The queen could see the Gate's history as easily as she could. The similarity in their abilities was unnerving.

When the queen pulled her hand away, it wasn't sadness or fear upon her features, it was anger. Rage. Her fists clenched at her sides and she shook her head. "So be it," she whispered.

Claire expected Queen Isabella to go through the Gate, to follow after her daughter. She did no such thing. Instead, she threw her head back and screamed, echoing a deep helplessness. And disappointment. Her voice ripped through the cave, sending a shock wave of emotion with it, until Claire's ears felt as if they might burst. The air around her exploded. The Gate burst apart, sending fragments shooting out in all directions. When she next looked down, all that remained were nubs. She glanced up at Queen Isabella, whose face had become a mask. "So be it," the queen repeated again, then turned and departed.

The green light faded and then disappeared altogether. Claire gasped, pulling her hand away.

"Gods above! I think she's back. She's back." Claire found herself blinking into Talon's face. He had pulled her to her feet, supporting her weight in his arms. "What did you do? What happened? Where did you go? You were here, but not here."

"I..." She gripped her forehead with her hands. Her mind was spinning. "I saw them," she said, trying to make sense of it. "I saw her. Irelia, I mean. And the queen, too." She glanced around. Everyone had assembled on the rocky outcropping with confused expressions.

"What happened?" Talon repeated his question.

"She saw the past." Saffra said for her. "That is what happened, is it not?" Saffra's gaze was hungry, eager.

Claire nodded. "It's as I suspected. Isabella destroyed the Gate. But I don't..." Her eyebrows pulled together.

"Why would she do that?" several voices asked in unison.

"I don't...I don't know. She loved Irelia. I don't understand why she wouldn't go after her. Why she didn't follow. Isabella...she did what I did. She put her hand on the Gate and saw Irelia go through it. I thought she would go after her. But no. She got angry. She said, 'So be it,' and screamed. She was angry—really angry. The Gate shattered. But I don't understand it. Why didn't she go after her?" Her mouth opened and closed, trying to work out the solution. "Irelia was her daughter, her only daughter. The grief killed her, didn't it? Why didn't she...?" Tears began pouring down her face. She only realized her cheeks were wet when Talon pulled her against him, burying her in his chest.

"Shhh...slow down." He stroked her hair, comforting her.

"Maybe she knew," Saffra said, her voice far away. "Isabella was a Sprite Queen, after all. Sprite Queens are gifted with foresight. Maybe she saw how important Irelia would become. That sending her through the Gate meant her blood would one day return when it was needed the most. Or maybe it was a price—a price to be paid for her deeds. For the Drengr. For the balance of the world. Surely there was a reason."

"That is a wise theory, Saffra," said Talon. "And I'm inclined to believe it, after all of this. It's insane. But I believe it." He kept Claire's head tucked beneath his chin. She was certain Talon wouldn't have believed Saffra's theory with such ease, had they not also been mates. But they were. The likelihood of it was just as unbelievable as her being related to Irelia.

Pieces, building blocks, were fitting into place. It was like fate was constructing a bridge between the past and the present. But why?

"I need to go train with the Sprites," she whispered, only loud enough for Talon to hear. His body tensed against her, but he said nothing.

"Claire...?" Desaree's call brought her from Talon's chest. "I think you should see the this, too."

She nodded, wiping her eyes on her sleeves. Talon gave her a look. She shook her head. She could manage on her own, for now, and retain what little dignity she still had after breaking down so pathetically in front of everyone. The others followed as she and Desaree made their way from the outcropping to the small building beside it.

"We've done some research," said Desaree, lifting her voice for everyone to hear, "and we believe that this was built by the Asarlaí, probably around the same time as the Gate. We don't have proof, but it almost seems like this might have been the first Gate, and the temple building was perhaps a place of great meaning. Though, we don't know what we will find inside."

"And you haven't been able to open it?" Talon asked.

"I used as much magic as I could," Saffra answered. "No success."

"But look, there are words." Desaree reached the door and laid her palm across it. A scratching sound brought their eyes upward as letters, glyphs, appeared in the rock. "It's whatever language the Asarlaí use, but we don't have any translations of theirs. Not even Marcel could help us."

"Hmm...curious." Talon's voice was low.

Claire's brow furrowed. She stepped forward and said, "What do you think it means?"

"Perhaps instructions on how to open the door," Talon mused. "Anyone here speak the Asarlaí language?"

"Shall I go ask Kane?" said Koldis.

Talon chuckled. "Let me know how that goes."

"It looks familiar, though, doesn't it?" Claire asked. "Maybe I've seen the writing in a book. Marcel gave me one, you know, on the Asarlaí."

"I looked through it already," said Saffra. "There was no way to decipher the glyphs."

"Oh..." Claire's shoulders fell. She continued to look at the glyphs. The longer she looked, the more familiar they looked, and the more her head hurt. She was still reeling from all she'd seen at the Gate.

"It's okay." Talon reached over and stroked her back, then took her hand. "You don't have to figure it out right now. Or by yourself. We can work on it. I'm certain we can track down some old texts on the Asarlaí language and get it translated." She swallowed and nodded. "As it stands, I think we've had enough excitement for one night?" He held her gaze. He was right. She was drained. The Gate had taken a lot out of her. Nearly everything. "Shall we return and tackle this another time?"

"Yes." Her voice was barely a whisper. He nodded, understanding.

They made their way back, with Saffra guiding them. Once more, she and Talon took up the rear of the group. He encouraged her to lean on his arm as he led her along. Keeping some distance between the others ahead of them, Talon spoke. "I know this isn't the best time to tell you, but I heard from Reyr while I was in Fairfay."

She faltered, coming to a stop. A number of emotions flashed through her mind. " waited until now to tell me? You know I care about him. What...what did he say? Is he all right? When is he coming home?"

Talon sighed. "I should not have waited, no. Much has happened. I tell you now because when we return to your quarters, I want you to rest. It was now or tomorrow. And yes, he' Distraught, broken, a mess, frankly. But safe."

"He lost his twin brother, Talon. Of course he's messed up...but..." She struggled to form words. What she wanted to say felt selfish. "Wouldn't Reyr do better around those who love him? Why does he avoid us?" They had reached the landing that led to her quarters. The others were already ascending the stairs and disappearing through the door.

Talon stopped, letting them go ahead as he pulled her into his arms. "Claire, Reyr does things in his own time. He might be mine to command, but he is more than that. He is more than my friend or my brother. I love him, but even that does little justice to describe what we share. He has been beside me for hundreds of years, as have all my Shields. I trust him to do what is best. He will come back to his own time. When he is ready" He sighed. "Let's talk about this tomorrow?"

She nodded. What she didn't say was how she still carried guilt about what had happened between them. She'd been so angered by his abandonment the first time. Now she only hoped he would return to her in one piece so that she might tell him how sorry she was. Perhaps she didn't need to say it aloud. Talon was well suited to read her. He squeezed her and kissed her forehead before releasing her, seeing the question in her eyes. "I still owe you three. I haven't forgotten. Let's save them for tomorrow." He led her up the stairs and into her quarters where he sent everyone away and bid her goodnight. 


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