Chapter 44 - Confessions at Irelia Island

Kastali Dun

Claire walked through the streets of Kastali Dun, arm in arm with Dallin. The young Drengr that Verath had asked that she speak with. Her entourage trailed far enough behind to give them privacy. Verath was there too, leading Desaree, while Bedelth led Jocelyn and Saffra, one on each arm. Lucky him! The king had also sent six of his castle guards. They made quite the party—quite the sight.

Dallin was close to her age. His kind called him young. And by their standards, he was. She almost snorted. What did that make her? A child? Talon had never treated her as such.

She glanced up at Dallin, taking him in. He was tall, but he lacked the layers of muscle seen in a fully mature Drengr. His cheekbones were strong, his chin pointed. His pale northerner skin was a direct opposite to those from Austar, like Bedelth. She liked his clear blue eyes most. They were nervous but determined, darting about, taking in the city with flecks of gold that glittered, noticing everything. He kept his auburn hair at medium length, swept to the side and cropped cleanly to his neck.

They made their way to the city's docks where they would tour the market. Everyone who passed stopped to bow or curtsy. Dallin glanced down at her frequently when this happened. When she caught his gaze, his cheeks colored and he looked away. "Forgive me, my lady, I'm not used to escorting important."

"You flatter me, Dallin. Important indeed! If it helps, I'm still not used to this attention either. And please, Claire, or Lady Claire if you must. My lady sounds too stiff coming from your lips."

He nodded. "Where I come from, no one ever offers me a second glance. I've yet to make a name for myself."

"Is that why you're eager to become a Shield?"

"The title holds allure, yes. That cannot be denied." He faltered, looking at her again, realization dawning in his eyes. "That's why we're out here, isn't it? To discuss my desires. I was surprised by your invitation. But now I understand."

She grinned up at him, caught in the act, and attempted a casual voice. "Oh, you know, I wanted to see who was trying to replace Lord Cyrus."

Dallin's throat bobbed. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I...I wish it wasn't necessary, Lady Claire—replacing him. But there was an opening."

"The king should always have six," she agreed. "You should know, Dallin, that Lord Cyrus is not really dead."

Dallin skipped a step and recovered. "But his body was—"

"Killed by poison and burned. Yes. I know. But his soul? His soul lives me. They call it a Gift. And in some ways, it is. This isn't common knowledge." She pinned him with her gaze, challenging him. "I trust you won't repeat it?"

"I won't say a word. I don't understand."

"The how is unimportant. What's important is that Cyrus is still alive in spirit. In here." She tapped her temple. "He sees what I see. Knows what I know. And more. He will know if you are worthy to take his place."

Dallin gazed straight ahead, jaw clenched. "That...that makes sense. It's only fair. I do not wish to fill a position I am unworthy of."

Go easy on the lad, Cyrus said, right on cue. I was like him once. Eager to prove myself. His heart is pure and true....

Pure and true heart or not, she said, Talon's safety is important. Besides, you had a mate. He's giving that up.

They had reached the market and the noise around them tripled. The crowds parted when they spotted her. She didn't look over her shoulder to see if the others had kept pace. She knew by the gawking that they were still there, creating quite the stir.

She turned back to Dallin. "I saw you on the practice grounds this morning, sparring with Lord Verath. You did well." Her words brought a blush to his freckled cheeks. "As a Shield, there may come a day when you are all that stands between King Talon and his death."

"I train for hours a day—"

"Yes, but, it takes more than a good sword arm to fill the king's ranks." She thought of Talon's Shields, especially Cyrus. There wasn't a Drengr alive who could match him or replace him. Yet, it was unfair to expect it. "That being said, Cyrus believes you have a good heart."

"He...he said that? Right now?"

She patted his arm. "He did. But don't let it go to your head." Dallin let out a nervous laugh. "Now, how about a snack?" She led him to a booth selling skewers of shrimp and scallops. The others kept their distance, happy to browse the market from afar.

After she and Dallin had their fill of tasty morsels, she dragged him to various tents, chatting with him about Fort Edge. Dallin was a walking encyclopedia of information. She kept him talking while they browsed.

The sun was warm and soothing. It cut through the chilly sea breeze, making for a fine afternoon. Winter would arrive in a few weeks. Though it didn't snow in Kastali Dun—thank the gods—it would get quite cold. Roaring fires and heavy cloaks would be the norm.

When they'd had their fill of the market, they turned back to the keep, making their way up through the city. The streets were quieter here, more ideal for hushed conversations. Like the one she needed to have. Verath wouldn't be happy if she failed to address what he had requested of her. So she broached the subject at last.

"You know, Dallin, I feel obligated to point something out. Something that bothers me about your eagerness to be a Shield." She waited to ensure his full attention. "A Drengr Fairtheoir takes no mate. You understand this, I hope? Most people search a lifetime for their happily-ever-after." Her mind went to Talon, to their discovery of the bond, to the joy of knowing there was someone out there the fates had intended for her.

Dallin's jaw flexed. "I understand the...sacrifice. I'll take my chances." He spoke as if finding a mate meant little to him. At her searching gaze, he added, "I'm used to that look."

"What look?" She schooled her features.

"The one you just gave me." A strangled laugh escaped his chest. "It's the same look everyone gives me. Like I'm senseless for not wanting a mate."

She sighed. "You know, I didn't fully understand the mate thing when I first learned about it from Cyrus. It all seemed like a big fuss. My world doesn't have anything like it. We love who we love, regardless of the consequences. Some people get married and divorced because it isn't a good match. Others find someone to spend an entire life with. Some don't even bother with a marriage, considering it an outdated ritual. But here there are mates. And everyone takes it very seriously."

He grunted. "You could say that again."

She glanced over her shoulder. "When Lord Verath was young, he joined King Tallek's ranks. Did you know?"

"I do. He served with Lord Averaen. Mates!" He barked a laugh. "Even Averaen, my father, somehow found a mate after retiring from King Tallek's ranks. They said it was impossible. More impossible than someone like King Talon, given his age. He was already old. But perhaps fate still had plans for him—for me. I wouldn't be here otherwise, walking this earth. They said my birth was a miracle because of it, because of my mother, Evelyn."

"Miracle indeed! But let's not stray from Verath. Did you also know that after his oath, after he swore it a second time for King Talon, he also discovered his mate? But he wasn't as fortunate as your father. He was still a Shield." Dallin stopped in the middle of the street. She gave him a moment to process the information before tugging on his arm, spurring him forward. "Lord Verath felt her, and one day, he decided to find her."

Dallin opened and closed his mouth several times. It was the effect she'd hoped for. She went on, explaining what had happened. She told him of Kendra. How Verath had watched her with the village children. How he had loved her at first sight, simply because of the mate bond. And she told him of the heart-wrenching decision Verath made to leave her. A decision he was forced to live with for the rest of his life.

Dallin listened with a frown. "Why are you telling me this?" he said at last.

"Isn't it obvious? Dallin, if you are eager to abandon the mate bond, you need to understand the cost."

"You're right. But I do understand, perhaps better than others." His face turned a dark shade of red. "The mate bond isn't something I want."

A couple of gentlemen passed on horseback and Dallin's eyes darted to them before flicking away. They'd reached the Merchant District. The roads were laid with sets instead of mud.

She waited for the clop of hooves to die. "You say it's not something you want. Sounds like your youth talking. How can you be certain?"

He was quiet for a long time. When he did speak, his voice was low and timid. "There is no evidence that a mate bond could possibly exist between two males."

It took a moment. Then his words hit her square in the chest. She blinked, recovering. "Dallin—"

"Wait, please!" He held up a hand, silencing her. "Before you pass judgement, Lady Claire, know this isn't something I would share with just anyone. I tell you because I hope you of all people might understand. You come from a different society than mine."

She exhaled, finally understanding. "It's true. My society is more accepting than Dragonwall's, but it's still imperfect. Dallin...I, I'm sorry. I didn't realize." Everything clicked into place. "Thank you for sharing this with me. I think I understand now."

He blinked. " do?"

They had stopped walking and stood, gazing at each other. "I do. I get it." She reached up and cupped his cheek, offering him a warm smile. "You aren't interested in women. Becoming a Shield is a way to protect yourself from the judgement of others." He sighed and his shoulders relaxed. She lowered her hand. "Can there really be no bonds between males?"

He shrugged. "None that I know of. I'm not exactly going to ask around about it." She nodded, pulling on his arm to continue their walk.

Verath had been so concerned that Dallin was making a rash decision, when in fact, he had given this a lot of thought. A knot loosened, one she hadn't realized was there. "You've made me realize something."

"What's that?" His gaze was hungry.

"When I first came here, I struggled with Dragonwall's belief system. The people here have a different way of thinking. Old fashioned. It's a society deeply flawed. My world was like that once, and in many ways it still is. Although, we don't have dragons and Gobelins and Sprites." She chewed on the inside of her cheek. "I've been so busy worrying about Kane that I've overlooked so many other issues." She fell quiet a moment, then patted Dallin's arm. "I will speak to the king on your behalf. And I can keep your secret, if you wish, but I believe King Talon will be understanding and accepting, as will his Shields." Her lips spread into a slow grin. "If they aren't, you can bet that I'll have something to say about it."

" would do that for me?" He looked at her in wonder as his entire demeanor transformed.

"Yes, Dallin. I would. Assuming you're okay with King Talon knowing?"

He hesitated before nodding. "If I am to serve him, he should know me. All of me."

"Wise. Very wise. But also, true."

I approve of him.

She faltered at Cyrus's words. do? Without really knowing him? What makes you so certain?

Cyrus was quiet for a time. Dallin has revealed his greatest secret. It takes courage to be different, and bravery to face uncertainty. In telling you, he displays trust, a quality that will serve him well. Talon's Shields are your protectors too now. In this, I believe you have earned Dallin's loyalty.

Warmth blossomed in her chest. Cyrus was right.

They reached the keep's portcullis. She bid Dallin farewell and returned to her chambers, deep in thought. Perhaps when she was done defeating Kane, it was time to face other problems within Dragonwall's society, both human and political. While the Sprites thrived on a matriarchal system, Dragonwall was forced to work opposite of that. Was it a surprise? Queen Isabella had made it impossible for females to fledge into Drengr. It was almost a curse. Whether intentional or not, this flaw in the species had set a dangerous precedent. As Dragonwall's queen, how much might she accomplish? As Queen Isabella's descendent, was there something deeper she might address?

"Shall we prepare for the evening meal?" Desaree pulled her from her thoughts.

"Oh, yes, let's."

Claire found herself in another beautiful gown, a creation Desaree surprised her with, as they made their way to the dining hall. Desaree had not yet made up with Verath, even though they'd spent the afternoon together, and when pressed for information, evaded questions.

Saffra and Jocelyn joined them at their table, as did Dallin, when Claire spotted him across the hall. "You're sure it's okay?" he asked after she patted the bench beside her.

"Absolutely okay!" Saffra answered, graciously making room to allow him in.

Dallin gave them a grin before tucking into his food. When she caught sight of Talon, he arched a curious eyebrow in her direction. She shrugged, offering him a small smile in return. He sat nursing a goblet of wine, leisurely studying the hall, studying his patrons. His face was impassive, which meant something was probably on his mind. She dropped her gaze and returned to her food.

Jocelyn was eager for stories from the North. Dallin was all too happy to grant her wishes. The others at the table, minor keep patrons, listened in with interest. Claire was glad he captured everyone's attention. It allowed her more freedom to steal glances at Talon, who was intent on doing the same. Their eyes met more than once. Each time it stoked a fire in her chest. She thought of their kisses in the dark under the keep. He owed her three more, and she would most certainly expect them.

Talon collected her after the meal, surprising her with the offer to go flying. Her heart raced as soon as he mentioned it. "I thought perhaps you'd forgotten about your promise."

"Forgotten?" He clicked his tongue. "I haven't been able to keep it from my mind. Come." He took her hand and they raced to his tower, to the queen's garden, where he had the most space to transform.

Night unfolded around her, mixed with the salty sea breeze, flooding her senses as she climbed up to his back. The moment her hands made contact with his scales, her mind swelled, melding with his. His excitement engulfed her. A laugh tumbled from her lips.

It was glorious!

He crouched low and vaulted into the air, making her squeal. The castle below quickly shrank away, a series of glittering lights far below. The stars greeted them like old friends, nestled in the sky, sharing the heavens with the full moon. The glow lit up the sea below, bathing the world in soft brilliance.

A grin fixed permanently to her face.

"Perfect night for an adventure, don't you think?" There was something in his tone. Mischievous, daring even.

For so long, Talon seemed nothing more than a brooding, moody king. But every passing day revealed more of him. Deepened her understanding of him.

"We've plenty of light to see by. What do you say? Care to join me for a few hours?"

"Take me anywhere!" she begged, her heart overflowing.

"How would you like to see Irelia Island? It's best under a full moon." Her breath caught. "I'll take that as a yes."

It was absolutely a yes.

The wind was with them, taking little more than an hour by flight to reach the island's closest shore. As they flew, she told him about her afternoon with Dallin. He wasn't surprised that Verath had enlisted her help.

"Now I know why you were so friendly at dinner."

"Yes." She smiled at the sky. "His honesty impressed me, Talon. And Cyrus approves, too. You'll consider him, won't you?"

"Cyrus approves?" Talon let his surprise be known. She could sense his thoughts turning over, like bubbles of lava oozing up from the lava pools within his mind. Formations writhed and shifted, rearranging. The inside of his head was a moving landscape. She observed the inner workings of his reasoning. And waited.

"Dallin's preferences will not affect my decision," he said at last. "Not in any way. I would not dream of it. But admitting him into my ranks must be based on his merit and potential. I admire his truthfulness. Verath says he's a good fighter. I will take some time to get to know him. Give him a few challenges. Tests, if you will. Then we will decide."

"Is that how you usually decide?"

Talon's laugh was a draconic rumble, vibrating up through her thighs. "Hardly. I've never had someone so young. Jovari, Koldis, Bedelth. They were all over a hundred when they joined me. Reyr and Cyrus were easy. They had already had and lost mates. Proven themselves in battle." Talon paused, hesitating. "Dallin's age concerns me. He's not fully mature. But that also means he's a moldable lump of clay. We can shape him as needed."

She smiled. "That sounds fair to me."

The sea breeze was cold against her cheeks. Beneath them, the mouth of the bay slid by. A dark, rolling seascape. Soon a shadow loomed up before them. Irelia Island. The rays of the moon lit its beaches, making the water lapping at its shores glow.

"The island is uninhabited," Talon explained. "Settling anywhere here was ruled forbidden by Queen Isabella. The law remains. You'll soon understand why."

"It' a painting," she said, drinking it in.

Talon sailed over the beach and toward the lush rainforest beyond.

"I often come here when I need time to think." He brought them down into a clearing not far from the sand. "I came here not long after you appeared in my city, when I hardly knew what to do with you."

"I see..." She climbed from his back

He transformed, offering her a crooked grin. "Welcome to Irelia Island."

She turned from him and her eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Gods above!" The whisper slipped from her mouth.

They stood in the ruins of what must have been an ancient civilization. Large pillars, chunks of stone, lay broken and scattered about. Some were the size of Talon in his dragon form.

She stepped forward, getting a better look. The ground beneath her feet crunched. She flinched and looked down. Thousands upon thousands of glittering fragments in every color spread out beneath her. In the light of the full moon, the fragments sparkled like pixy dust. Some of it as fine as sand.

She plucked up a fragment the color of topaz and stared at it, confused. "Egg shells?" She glanced over at Talon.

He stood motionless, watching her, and nodded. "Dragon eggs."

"Oh my god!" Her eyes roved over the clearing. "'re serious?"

He picked up a fragment too, and walked over to present it. A red shell the color of blood, like Verath's scales. She studied both pieces in her hand.

"This was once a hatching ground occupied by the Sea Clan. Queen Isabella knew that if she allowed people to live here, all of this would be destroyed. It's the only lasting dragon ruins that I know of."

"Wow." She took another step and her feet crunched. She flinched.

Talon laughed. "It's fine. It stretches on and on, well into the trees. Don't worry about the shells. They will endure." He hesitated. "Notice the heat?"

She took a moment. "You're right! It's warm under my feet. Unusually warm."

"The island's natural ability to keep the eggs warm made it ideal. Shall we have a look around?"

"Yes, I'd love that!" Her words were breathless. Talon held out his hand and she took it, but not before trading the two fragments for a slightly larger one of a purple shell. Her favorite color. "Can I keep it?"

"Of course. Take it with you. People come here plenty. Most are respectful. They believe stealing outright will bring the wrath of the dragon spirits upon them. Or something like that..."

The hatching ground continued well into the cover of the trees as Talon had said. He showed her all the places where the dragons had made their nests. These were areas that had once been large craters, now taken over by the jungle. "It was a perfect location for them," he explained. "A few hours to reach the heart of the mainland for good hunting, or they could catch fish and other sea creatures. We dragons are good swimmers, you know. In fact..." He squeezed her hand. She glanced at him, taking in the wicked gleam in his eyes. He led her through the trees. They found themselves on the sandy beach, as fine as sugar. "I think I fancy a swim."

"But...but it's cold out!" She glanced between him and the waves lapping at the shore.

"Yes, but the water around the island isn't." Before she could stop him, he jumped from the ground and transformed, bringing his wings down to carry him out over the water.

She screeched, shielding her face with her hands as sand blew up around her, coating her skin and hair, finding its way into her eyes and mouth. "You did that on purpose!" she shouted with her mind, before realizing she'd opened it and removed the barrier Cyrus had put in place.

"Who knew all it'd take is a bit of sand," he teased, smug. She was covered in it, her beautiful gown now gritty. Desaree would have an absolute fit. "Guess I'm not the only one who needs a bath. Come. Join me." He hovered above the water then dove nose-first into the waves and disappeared beneath the surface. She watched, waiting, before his large body popped back up. "Mmm...good eating. Lovely fish." He tossed one in the air and opened his gullet, swallowing it whole.

"You're barbaric, you know that you big lizard? Absolutely barbaric."

His deep grumble reached the shore.

It wasn't easy getting out of her gown. She watched Talon while she worked, his manner carefree. He spit up fountains of water and dove beneath the waves to pop up in different places. It was impossible not to grin.

She shivered as she raced to the water, sighing the moment her feet were beneath the surf, and plunged into the warm waves. Her hair broke free of its chignon and soon fanned out about her. It was marvelous. Giggling, she half waded half swam out to Talon's dragon form until her feet no longer touched the sandy bottom. He lifted his wings and engulfed her with a torrent of seawater.

"What was that for?!" she screeched, sputtering, splashing him back, a pathetic attempt he hardly noticed.

"For the lizard remark. Lizards don't have wings."

She snorted, dunking beneath the water to come up beside him. Her hands latched onto a neck spike, holding her in place.

The moon offered plenty of soft light as they swam about each other, splashing and diving. Talon could see perfectly beneath the surface as he snatched up fish after fish. When he wasn't frolicking, he floated like a buoy. She took the opportunity to climb atop his back and dive in, shrieking and laughing as he bounced upward to give her a higher jump. The saltwater was balm to her skin, leaving her more rejuvenated than any bath could have.

Exhausted, gasping for air, she made her way back to the shallows where she touched the sandy floor. Moments later, Talon's arms surprised her, wrapping around her from behind, pulling her flush against him. His large hands splayed across her bare stomach, covering her, making her toes curl into the sand.

She felt every bit of bare skin between them, heated by contact. Her chest fluttered. A girlish giggle escaped her lips.

"Hello," he whispered against the shell of her ear, sending delighted chills down her spine.

"No more dragon?" A playful grin pulled at the corners of her mouth. She turned to face him.

"Not when I can do this." He brought his lips to hers, softly at first, before caressing her with his tongue. She explored his mouth in turn, eliciting a groan. He went hard against her, sending a rush of heat straight to her core. She sighed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to stay afloat.

"That's four," he murmured, abandoning her mouth, moving to her neck, his lips feather light against her skin. She took a handful of his wet hair, squeezing enough to hurt, enough to emphasize what she truly wanted.

He gasped. "It's not easy for me either." His voice was a low growl against her throat. His hands raced down her back, latching onto her waist, squeezing her back. He placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

Easy might have won understatement-of-the-year. And it wasn't going to get any easier, either. Fate would see them separated before putting them back together again. She didn't want to leave him, but the call of the forest, her Promise to Cyrus, was growing stronger with each passing day. She couldn't fight it. Not anymore.

The current pushed them closer to shore as waves gently rolled past them. Talon's shoulders and chest were soon exposed. She noticed the scars on his skin, her eyes trapped by the sight of them. Her breathing stopped momentarily. She trailed her fingers across one, feeling the puckered texture of it.

He froze beneath her touch, wide silver eyes trained on her hand.

They looked like burns, horrific, painful burns. "Why are these different from the ones on your face?" The question was out before she could stop it. Before she could take it back. His expression shut down. "I...I'm sorry, Talon. It's not something you have to talk about. I shouldn't have asked."

He placed his hand over hers, pressing it firmly against his chest. She felt the rapid beat of his heart beneath her skin. His throat bobbed. "This was where it grabbed me," he whispered. He took her fingers and trailed them across sections of his skin. She delighted in his touch, in his guidance. "I fought it for hours. I was so angry, so...wrecked. The leader killed my parents and I went into a rage. I saw red and something inside of me broke. When I laid claim to my kill, I didn't let anyone help." He shook his head. "But no one can fight forever. I got sloppy and it caught me off guard, snatching me from the sky. See here?" He trailed her fingers lower and her breath hitched. "This is where it wrapped its hand around me. It's why my scales looked chipped and melted around my chest and stomach. beautiful scales. Destroyed." His voice came out choked.

Anger sent blood pounding past her ears. She wanted to destroy the thing that had hurt him, even hundreds of years after he'd already done exactly that. She wanted to protect him.

A picture invaded in her mind, sending fear straight to her heart. She was trapped by a giant made of ice. A Kald. She felt it squeeze her, crush her. Felt the agony as her scales melted. She almost screamed from the pain. Instead, a gasp fell from her lips. She struggled to breathe. An instant later, it was gone.

She sucked in a deep, desperate breath and blinked. Around her, the world was back. The gentle shore and warm water. She sighed, all but clinging to him. It was a projection. Only a projection. A memory from his mind to hers. But the terror was still there—fresh as if it were yesterday.

"And...the scars on your face?" She reached up and cupped his cheek. He leaned into her touch.

"They're different because it scratched me rather than held me. It swatted at me like I was no more than a pesky fly." He shuddered against her. "It was agony. My face exploded when it happened. Each scratch ripped me open all at once."

He moved her hand back to his chest, using it to caress each scar across his shoulders and then his pecs. The gesture curled something deep inside her. She wanted to kiss each scar, run her lips across his chest. Taste the salt on his skin. Lick each droplet of water away.


"These are by far the worst though," he added. "When it held me in its grip, with its hand wrapped around my body, melting and burning my scales. To it, I was a mere plaything. I...I blacked out before it even dropped me. That...that is why I am like this. Why I am ugly."

Her chest deflated. "That's...enough, Talon. No more. Please." She used her free hand to pull his face to hers. Kissed him to quiet him, hoping her lips might brush away the memory.

"And for the record, I don't think you're ugly," she whispered against his lips, looking him in the eyes. "You're the most beautiful thing in the world. And when you're in your dragon form, you steal my breath away."

A little huff escaped his lips, but he said nothing as he lifted her at the waist, holding her flush against him, claiming her mouth with his. This time his kiss was painfully desperate.

She responded in kind. She couldn't help it. Her legs wrapped around his hips, anchoring him to her. She gasped when she felt the length of him against her. It was torture. To have him and not have him.

Ignoring her body's desperation, she pulled her mouth away and kissed him on the forehead. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, pinning him against her chest. She laid her cheek against his nose and sighed, well aware she was traversing very dangerous territory. Thank the gods he had better self control than she did. If she didn't detangle herself soon, the agony of not having him would rip her apart.

At last, they made their way back to the shore. A comfortable silence fell between them. He helped her to dress, first in her chemise and then her gown. She didn't miss his hungry gaze as it devoured every bit of her nudity beforehand. So different from the last time he'd seen her naked. His fingers even brushed her marks, sending shivers over her skin, before her gown found its place upon her body.

He didn't bother with clothes since he would be transforming to take them home.

While it was impossible to rid herself of all the sand, she tried. Talon helped with the ties of her bodice. Her heart thumped with each of his deliberate movements. Temptation drove her to glance over her shoulder. His face was set, lips forming a tight line as he focused on the task.

Seeing him like this did something to her heart. Something painful and desperate. Perhaps she loved him, after all.

"Talon..." Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

"Hmm?" His reply was lazy.

"There's something...something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you weeks ago."

She frowned. How had it come to this? Why did she wait so long?

"I didn't tell you when it happened because we were...we weren't close. Everything was different."

"Another secret? Do they ever end?" He finished with the last of the ties and took her waist, turning her in his hands to face him.

"This...this is the last one, I think." Her mouth was dry. Unusually dry. Like sandpaper. She swallowed, trying to find her voice. "There's a reason I'm so determined to train with the Sprites."

"Because you are of their blood?" He lifted an eyebrow.

She shook her head. "It's more than that. I...I made a promise. An Unbreakable Promise."

The moonlight glowed on his scarred skin, accentuating his brows as they pulled together. "I don't understand. Like the one you made to Cyrus when he was dying?"

"Yes...Exactly. It was careless; I know that now. Cyrus and I were talking—the day of the execution. He said these things and I got caught up in the heat of the moment. I know I shouldn't have been so rash, but..."

"Tell me. Tell me exactly."

"Okay,'re not going to like it." She explained exactly what she'd done. Words tumbled from her mouth, desperate to break free, to get this moment over with. This time, she left absolutely nothing out. She wasn't simply playing an important role in the war, she was the one who had to defeat Kane. Otherwise the Promise would go unfulfilled.

His eyes darted over her face, searching. Perhaps he hoped she'd gotten this all wrong. That what she said wasn't true.

"Say something," she urged. "Please."

" kept this from me? This secret? Something this dangerous?" His chest heaved. He glanced about the beach and ran a hand through his hair. "Why would you do this?! It's Kane we're talking about, Claire. Kane!"

" was an accident," she cried.

His expression crumbled. Emotions passed over his features. Hurt. Disbelief. Confusion. "Maybe it's a fluke. Maybe the magic didn't actually activate. Maybe..."

" worked, Talon. I felt it. There's...there's no getting out of it. The Promise is real." She waited, watching him, holding her breath, expecting his beast of a dragon to break free in anger. But it didn't.

He sank to his knees in the sand, still naked, hunched over, and put his head in his hands. "Gods, Claire! How could you do this?"

"I..." Emotion squeezed her insides, making it hard to breathe. Shame. That's what she felt as she watched Talon grapple with his disbelief.

But in the back of her mind, a candle ignited. Its flame sprang into life. A new emotion blossomed. Defensiveness. It came from Cyrus.

She steadied her breathing. "I am the best hope Dragonwall has, Talon. Cyrus made that clear. That is why he gifted me his soul. With my blood, with his soul, we can defeat Kane." She scrubbed her hands over her face, over her neck and shoulders. "Talon, I..."

He didn't even look up.

This was bad. Really bad. She would have much preferred his anger to this shut-down version of him. To his open display of vulnerability and hurt.

"There are things about me that I need to figure out. And I think Cyrus knows what they are. He knows something about me that even we don't know. Maybe he knew about my ties to Queen Isabella." She got down on her knees beside him and ran her fingers through his wet hair, trying to get him to look at her. He snatched her hand in his, holding it captive, and lifted his eyes. His face was unreadable again. "Say something, Talon, please."

"I'm not happy about this."

A crazed laugh escaped her chest. "Yeah. That's obvious."

"You are my mate and kept this from me."

She opened and closed her mouth, unable to speak, to move, hand still snared within his.

"I do all I can to protect you, Claire, to keep you safe. This need is engrained within me. It goes beyond what is natural in humans. It runs deep. It is unforgiving. You remember what happened to your kidnappers?" She nodded, eyes wide. "But this? I don't know if I can protect you from this. Not if you have made a Promise. And that scares the hell out of me. It terrifies me, Claire. Terrifies me." His expression crumbled. "Gods!" He squeezed her hand so hard it almost hurt. "Didn't you realize you had already done enough for this kingdom? I'm Dragonwall's king! It should be me. I am supposed to be the one—"

"But Cyrus said—"

"Gods! I know what Cyrus said. You've made that very clear. I have always trusted his judgement. But in this..." He shook his head, calming down again. "I am struggling here." He released her hand and ran both of his through his hair, then folded in on himself. His form was still a hulking mass, dwarfing hers as she crouched beside him. She was desperate for some form of reprieve. Some form of approval to her justifications. "There's a good reason why Queen Isabella's descendant has returned to Dragonwall—a good reason why I am here. Cyrus fell into my cornfield. I understand that now. What Saffra said last night—"

"Yes, I caught what she said. Believe me." His words came out muffled.

"Then why are you still mad at me?" She hated this. Months ago, she wouldn't have cared if he hated her. She would have welcomed his anger, his scorn, his judgement. "Are you mad because I didn't tell you?"

"Is that what you think?" His glittering eyes met hers. "Really? No. I'm angry because my mate must bear the largest burden of anyone in my kingdom. I'm angry because you're not prepared to do this. I'm angry because I might lose you after—" He let out a strangled laugh. "After having just found you. What am I supposed to do? Rejoice?"

It was like a punch to the gut. She blinked, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.

"I'm sorry." She put her hand on his bicep, barely covering half. His corded muscle tensed at her touch. He glanced down at the contact and then their eyes met. "Talon, I might not be ready yet. But you can help me. You can prepare me. Support me. Get me ready. I can't do this alone. Not without you. I need you. Please...I need you by my side." Tears of frustration blurred her vision. Cyrus knew what he was doing when she made this Promise, didn't he?

I did. I do. You must trust me, Claire. Tell Talon that.

A gurgle that was meant to be a laugh sounded in her chest. "Cyrus says that we have to trust him."

"Humph. Of course he does..." Without warning, Talon pulled her into his lap, wrapping his body around her in a safe cocoon. "I don't want to lose you. Not when I've only just found you."

Hot tears broke free, a mixture of guilt and exhaustion and fear. "You don't think I can do this? That it will kill me?"

If that was the case, she couldn't blame him for his doubt. Hell! She doubted herself too. She could barely manage mage magic, and even that was exhausting. Just because she could sing a song and conjure green Sprite Fire, or work a bit of healing magic, didn't mean she was ready for any of this.

"Claire..." His voice was calmer than she expected. Surer. "Your capabilities have always impressed me. I know you can do this. I'll make sure that you do. I refuse to allow this Promise—careless as it was—to claim you. Especially after everything. It's just..." A growl came from deep in his chest. "I hate that you have no choice. That you must do this. That I cannot do it for you. I...I don't want this for you. I never wanted anything like this for you." He cradled her against him, pinning her head under his chin. His bare skin was warm and soothing.

They sat like that for what felt like ages, until he said, "Tell me what you need."

"I must train with the Sprites."


That single word untangled something in her chest, a knot so tight and smothering she sagged with relief.


"But what?" She choked on the word.

"Promise that you will come back to me? That I won't lose you to them. To the forest."

"You will never lose me, Talon. I will come back. I will always come back." Even though he might not have known her answer, she had already chosen him.

A silence stretched out between them before she spoke again. "You wanted me to think about becoming your mate, your queen. To think about what it meant. My time away in the forest will allow for that. When I return, it will be to give you my answer."

She felt him nod against her. "That's...fair." He tilted her chin up to meet her lips. She felt his fear in the way he kissed her. His lips were tentative at first, but their kiss soon transformed into something that held promise, until she was clawing at his hair, trying to climb deeper into his arms.

"That's...five? Six? I've lost count," he said, when he finally pulled away.

She smiled, brushing her nose against his. A relieved laugh escaped her chest.

Their flight back to the keep was quiet. With their minds entwined, they didn't speak for a long while. Instead, she let him brood, watching the formations of his mental landscape move and transform. She too, brooded, trying to think of a way to fix things between them. With the secret of her Promise revealed, there was only one thing left she could give him. She had held back from him for weeks, for fear of revealing this obligation. But it was done.

Relaxing, she pulled down the barriers she'd kept up to keep him out. She let him inside. The gesture surprised him at first. The steps he took were tentative, exploratory. He moved with caution into the confines of her thoughts. She picked out some of her favorite memories, scenes from her childhood growing up on the farm, and shared them. She took him through some of her scariest moments too. There were tears flowing down her cheeks when she shared the memories of Cyrus with him. Of how she found him, saved him, and lost him, all in the span of a week.

She wasn't sure if dragons could cry, but his chest heaved at seeing his brother in her arms. It broke something in him all over again. "Thank you for sharing that," he said at last, his voice a weak mental whisper. "I needed to see it, to see the relationship you built. I wish...It kills me that I wasn't there with him. I wish I could have been with him. But you were. You were there. You gave him what he needed, and for that I...I..." He didn't need to finish. She knew exactly what his gratitude felt like without words. Everything between them was twined now.

There would be no more secrets. No more hiding. Enemy, king, rescuer, friend. He had been many things to her. Now he was the other half of her beating heart, the other half of her mind, of her soul. He was her mate. And one day, he would be her lover. From this point forward, they were in this together. He would never be alone again.


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